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Construcción de un glosario técnico en ingles

Juan Jose Garcia Rengifo

Instructor: Luis Enrique Vuelvas

Servicio Nacional de aprendizaje (SENA)

Dependencia de comercio y servicio regional Bolívar
Análisis y desarrollo de sistemas (ADSI)
Modalidad virtual

Is defined as a set of steps, organized logically and secuential that lead to solving problem
and can be implemened by a programming languaje.
The algorithms are formed three main element:

 Input data
 Data processing
 Output data


Is an element of object oriented programming, which can be defined as a template or plan

on which it is built the objects of a certain program.
The class can be has attributes and funtionalities.


Is the use of a network of remotes servers conected to internet for store, manage and
data proccesing, servers, data bases, networks and softwares.
Instead of depending of physical service installed, can be have acces from any device
conected to internet.
This tecnology allows to many companies offer diferente services of store, servers, data base,
software for a low cost. Since this sevices are more expensive in a own computer.


Is a set of information stored, that can be consulted of systematic way, it means with a
defined structure.
At the moment the data bases are one of the most thing important any company, allowing
the management of any type of information.
for the management of data bases there are specialized programs.

Set of devices connected to each other to Exchange information and shares resources
Basically, communication within a computer network is a process in wich there are two
well defined roles for the connected devices, transmitter and receiver, which are assumed
and alternated at different moment of time.


It is an attribute that identify one element of only way in a data base, it is an element very
important in the called relational data base.
The relational data bases are formed for a set a table related to each other


Is a formal lenguaje that provide a person ability to write a series of instrtions or orders, in the
forms of algorithms in oder to control the behavior of a computer system.

In such a way can be manipulated data, and run programs for resolve some problems


It is a computer, generally with a Good computing power that store, distribute and
supplies information. The servers work based in the client server-model.
The client can be as a computer as an app that requiere information of the server for to
work. Therefore server offer the information to the client as long as have permission.

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