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Business Plan Implementation 2

Dr. Norayda M. Dimaculangan


Module 5. Preparing the Business Implementation Report
Introduction 28
Learning Outcomes 28
Lesson 1. What is Documentation 28
Lesson 2. How to Properly Maintain Documentation 30
Assessment Task 30
Summary 30
References 30

Module 6. The Format of the Final Business

Implementation Documentation
Introduction 32
Learning Outcomes 32
Lesson 1. Advantages of a Standard Format of Report 33
Lesson 2. Summary of Business Implementation Report 33
Assessment Task 35
Summary 35
References 36
Module 7. Business Continuation or Cessation
Introduction 38
Learning Outcomes 38
Lesson 1. Reasons to Continue or Close the Business after 39
Assessment task 40
Summary 41
References 42



The learning modules for preliminary and midterm period focus on the
actual implementation of the business plan they prepared, evaluation and
monitoring processes that focus on the development and enhancement of the
entrepreneurial skills and competencies a graduate of B.S. Entrepreneurship
should possess. The focus of this module is the writing of the final course

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

1. determine the importance of final documentation.

2. explain the processes in making the documentation
3. familiarize oneself with the components of the documentation
4. draft the first part of the Business Implementation Narrative report.

Lesson 1. What is Documentation? (Indeed editorial team, 2021)

Documentation refers to a set of records that exist online, on paper or hard drives. It is material
that provides evidence or information to serve as a record. In the workplace, documentation is
retained records of employment and company actions and events as required by legal mandates
and company policy.

Maintaining extensive records preserves a written history of events. Documentation can guide
managerial staff on employee promotions, disciplinary actions, pay raises and terminations.
Documentation should always be factual, supporting insights without relying on the opinions of
others. In this case, it allows the OJT coordinator to evaluate your performance.

1.1. Reasons why documentation is important

1.1.1. It demonstrates professionalism

Documentation shows that student-trainees are committed to safeguarding critical

information and are dedicated to providing stakeholders with factual information as
needed. The practice of maintaining accurate documentation alone provides an
accessible, manageable framework for addressing issues that benefits everyone.

1.1.2. It provides helpful guidance for performance

Documenting your processes ensures consistency, efficiency and standardization for

everyone following them to perform at their best and be clear on your expectations.
Taking the time to document each of your procedures in a step-by-step format will
save time and money in the long run. This should also include the company’s mission
and vision, roles and responsibilities for every position, and any other expectations of
people who join your company.

Once you outline what's important for the business and how to achieve goals, your
overall group effort will be more direct and focused. As a result, your employees can
reach goals sooner and with more ease.

1.1.3. It saves time in evaluating the performance of the trainees/ employees

Documenting information and processes saves important and costly employee time by
offering answers to questions in an accessible way. When businesses document
procedures, they will run more efficiently.


2.1. The student-entrepreneur should see to it that all files needed to prepare
the final documentation, are at hand. These are as follows:
 Accomplished Evaluation Form
 Photos of actual implementation
 Financial Statements
 Business Permits (if there any)
 Parents’ waiver
 Photocopy of the insurance policy
 Medical certificate
 Curriculum Vitae
2.2. She should have kept a journal of her daily tasks and income, so that she
can easily summarize what transpired during the entire training.
2.3. She must also be aware of the proper format in preparing the final

Assessment task

 Accomplish the first part of the report.


 Documentation refers to a set of records that exist online, on paper or hard drives.
It is material that provides evidence or information to serve as a record. In the
workplace, documentation is retained records of employment and company actions
and events as required by legal mandates and company policy
 The importance of documentation are as follows: a. It demonstrates
professionalism; b. It provides helpful guidance for performance; c. It saves
time in evaluating the performance of the trainees/ employees
 It is very crucial to keep all the needed files before preparing the final business
implementation report


Dimaculangan, N. (2019). CEMA On-The-Job Training Manual. Laguna University

Laguna Sports Complex, Barangay Bubukal, Sta, Cruz, Laguna .

Indeed editorial team. (2021).



It is very crucial that the student-entrepreneur observes official / prescribed format in

preparing the final business implementation documentation for a smooth flow of the

performance evaluation process.

This module presents the standard format adopted by the College of Business,
Administration and Accountancy, regardless of the academic program.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

1. gain familiarization of the prescribed format of the Final Business

Implementation Documentation.
2. ensure that they observe the correct mechanics in encoding the report.
3. submit thru the edmodo classroom a soft copy in pdf form, of the Final
Business Implementation Documentation.

Lesson 1. Advantages of a Standard Format Of Report

Written documentation of the Business Implementation may consist of a variety of

documents, such as daily income and the insights learned, performance rating, and others.
Written documentations in any form may be filed away for future reference. These also
impact the image of the business project. Standardized format of documentations may also
contribute to, or detract from an organization’s brand and identity..

1.1. Advantages are as follows:

1.1.1. They are easily identifiable. The evaluator or teacher in-charge easily verifies
if the content of the report is truthful.

1.1.2. It may improve accuracy and save time. The report is accurate because the
student—trainee is guided of the scope and sequence of the report.

1.1.3. Standardized documents are easily categorized and cataloged by computer

systems, making them easily accessible to the users

Lesson 2. Summary of Business Implementation Report

(Diaz, Fajardo & Gachalian, 2013)

A. Title page

 Title of the Report

 Subtitle
 Student-entreprenuer’s Name / Team (with Photo in school Uniform
or Business Attire)
 Business Name with the Logo / Location
 Date of Completion/Submission

B. Business Model

This is part where the student will describe how the business operated and
what were the means used in selling the products to earn. Examples of
business models are manufacturing, production, selling through sub-
contracting arrangements; wholesale and retail sales; direct selling, online
selling, etc.

C. Team Members (if any)

Briefly describe the management set-up, business team and position; specific
expertise and contribution; total team investment; source of funds; and
description of the effective and best practice in this area

D. Product Identification Processs

 Explain how your product answers the needs of the locality.
 Product Range or Variants - name all your products
 Sustainability - describe how were you able to sustain the product sales
amidst pandemic

E. Marketing, Sales, Merchandising and Promotions

This is an overview of sales and marketing performance, strategies

implemented that made an impact in the overall operations.

 Selling and merchandising strategies

 Sales inventories
 Customer service promotions (brochures, flyers, socmed,etc.)

F. Financial Performance

This is a snapshot or overview of revenue, costs, expenses, profit oor loss

or the promise of gains within a time span of the business implementation

 Income Statement
 Balance Sheet
 Statement of Cash Flows

Assessment task

 Write a comprehensive Business Implementation Report

using the prescribed format.
 Submit a soft pdf copy thru the edmodo platform.
 Be sure to follow the format
a. font type – bookman old style
b. font size - 12”
c. spacing – 1.5”
d. margin – one inch (1”) on all sides
e. paper – short bond paper (8.5” x 11”)


 Written documentation of the Business Implementation may

consist of a variety of documents, such as daily income and the
insights learned, performance rating, and others.

 Business Model is the part where the student will describe how
the business operated and what were the means used in selling
the products to earn. Examples of business models are
manufacturing, production, selling through sub-contracting
arrangements; wholesale and retail sales; direct selling, online
selling, etc.

 There are 6 major sections in the final business implementation
report, namely; 1. title page; 2. Business Model; 3. Management;
4. Product Identification Process; 5. Marketing aspect; and
Financial Performance.


Diaz, P., Villoria, P.,Fajardo, H., & Gatchalian, L. (2013). Windows to

Entrepreneurship. 1st Ed. SERDEF



The final moment of the business venture comes about when the students are about to
graduate and part ways. They now decide to either continue or close the business for a
number of reasons. preparing an action plan to continue the business after graduation will
guide the students as to what level they shall bring their entrepreneurial path. Business
cessation on the other hand, in the context of student ventures is the process where they
have to legally close and comply with a number of steps to apply for cancellations of permits
and licenses.

Closing the business is officially dissolving the entity that students have registered as a
legal requirement. It means that they are no longer liable for business taxes or filings in the
city or municipality. This is about the protection of each one for numerous reasons as
problems may arise perhaps later on as well as keep the good reputation of the business.

This module provides a guide for self-assessment as part of the student’s preparation on
what to do after graduation. Likewise, a checklist of requirements is provided so the students
can legally comply with rules and regulations on closing down their registered business.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

1. decide the entrepreneurial path to take, whether to continue or close the business
2. prepare a plan of action for the continuation of business for a minimum of period
of six (6) months or up to one (1) year.

3. apply and file the necessary documents and requirements to close the business
4. identify the reasons to continue or not to continue the business after graduation.

Lesson 1. Reasons to Continue or Close the Business

(Diaz, Fajardo, & Gatchalian, 2013)

The business implementation sessions in college can teach the students many life and
business lessons. Some students will find out that their business plan or their business is not
really feasible or profitable in real life. Others realize that they lack the needed experience or
the technical know-how to pursue the business. Readiness to start the business in real life
requires many things that the student may not be prepared to do. Among these, are financial
resources, raw materials, and human resources. These factors may some students realize
that it would be wiser to discontinue the business that they have started.

Self-realization at this point is very important. Some students also realize that they have
other personal, professional and career interests besides their desire to enter another
business and do so by going solo, or with their own families, or with another team. Others
could opt for employment, gain some experience in their career, wait for a few years, save
some money, and then later start a business on their own. The most important thing, though,
is that graduates of entrepreneurship courses have gained lifelong values, attributes, personal
competencies, and skills that would make each one better equipped to face life either as
intrapreneurs or as entrepreneurs.

Some of the most successful and happy people are entrepreneurs who created a business
that is in perfect synchronicity with what they want out of life. If someone does what she loves,
the kind of things that fit with her life plan, she will be happier and will work harder and better.
A personal commitment to entrepreneurship is a good start for those in
the class who wish to pursue the business they have established while in

Assessment Task

 Fill out the following forms:
A. If you will continue the business

Business Name : _______________________________________________________

Reasons: _____________________________________________________________________
Action Plan: (6 monnths)

1. Business Name:
2. Capitalization
3. Organizational Set-up
4. Strategies: Short-term
a. Goals and General Objectives/Vision/ Mission
b. Specific Objectives
c. Plan of Action
d. Budget
5. Marketing Strategies
a. Objectives
b. Plan of Action
c. Budget

6. Production and Operations

a. Objectives
b. Plan of Action
c. Budget
7. Finance and Administration
a. Objectives
b. Plan of Action
8. Resources and Total Budget Needed


 Readiness to start the business in real life requires many things that
the student may not be prepared to do
 The final moment of the business venture comes about when the
students are about to graduate and part ways
 . Some students also realize that they have other personal,
professional and career interests besides their desire to enter
another business and do so by going solo, or with their own families,
or with another team
 If someone does what she loves, the kind of things that fit with her life
plan, she will be happier and will work harder and better. A personal
commitment to entrepreneurship is a good start for those in the class
who wish to pursue the business they have established while in


Dimaculangan, N. (2019). CEMA On-The-Job Training Manual. Laguna

University Laguna Sports Complex, Barangay Bubukal, Sta, Cruz, Laguna

Diaz, P., Villoria, P.,Fajardo, H., & Gatchalian, L. (2013). Windows to

Entrepreneurship. 1st Ed. SERDEF


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