Ingles Global Citizant

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zé: Welcome to our program! Today we're here to talk

about a fascinating topic: global citizenship. And to help
us better understand this concept, we have with us Lara
Peixoto. Welcome!
peixe: Thank you for having me, I'm glad to be here.

[Start of Interview]
ze: So, let's start with a basic question: what does global
citizenship mean to you?
peixe: To me, global citizenship is the awareness and
responsibility we have as individuals towards the world as
a whole. It's recognizing that our actions have an impact
beyond the borders of our own country.
ze: That's a very interesting definition. And you mentioned responsibility;
how do you think we can practice global citizenship in our daily lives?
Peixe : An important way is through education and exposure to different
cultures and perspectives. Traveling is a great way to broaden our horizons
and better understand the world around us.
Ze: That leads us to your recent trip to London. Can you tell us a bit about
that experience and how it contributed to your understanding of global
peixe:: Certainly! My trip to London was amazing. I met people from
different backgrounds and cultures, which made me appreciate the diversity
of the world even more. I also visited historical places that made me reflect
on how a country's history can impact its global identity.
Ze: It sounds like an enriching experience. How do you relate that specific experience
to the concept of global citizenship?
peixe: Well, during my stay in London, I realized that despite cultural differences, we
all share similar challenges and concerns, such as climate change and inequality. This
made me realize that as citizens of the world, we have a responsibility to come together
and work towards global solutions to these issues.

Ze:: Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights with us today. It was a very
inspiring conversation about global citizenship and how our travels can help promote it.
peixe: The pleasure was mine. I hope our conversation has inspired others to explore
the world and become more conscientious global citizens.
Ze: And with that, we conclude our program for today. Thank you to everyone for
tuning in. Until next time!

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