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MAR 1 9 2004

NO 4n~
Series of 200.f· - 0
J-Jq- Dt~

In line with the Department's objective to reduce the number of traffic accidents in
the country and to improve the traffic accident prevention program for National
Highways in the Philippines, a Traffic Accident Recording Analysis System
(TARAS) has been developed and is to be adopted as the official source of Traffic
Accident Information. TARAS shall replace other systems that are currently being
used to report on Traffic Accideh1tInformation.
The policies to be adopted in relation to the implementation of the TARAS include,
but are not limited to:

1. The TARAS is to be the official source of Traffic Accident Information.

2. It will continue to be the responsibility of the Philippine National Police (PNP)

to collect Traffic Accident Data and record this information using a Traffic
Accident Report (TAR) Form.

3. Traffic Accident Information derived from TARAS will be made freely

available to the PNP.

Responsibility for the maintenance of the data in the TARAS shall be delegated to the
Road Safety Section (RSS), Project Evaluation Division, Planning Service, Planning
and Design Division staff from the Regional Offices and District Engineering Offices.
The roles and responsibilities of these offices shall include but not limited to:

Road Safety Section, Project Evaluation Division, Planning Service

The Road Safety Section, Project Evaluation Division, Planning Service is the
internal user group that will manage the TARAS and will be responsible:

1. To coordinate traffic accident recording and analysis business process and

operational related issues.

2. To enter Traffic Accident Data that is sent to the Road Safety Section from
Regional Offices not connected to the DPWH Wide Area Network (WAN).
S.O.# 40S2004 p.2/3

3. To manage the production of the carbonized Traffic Accident Report (TAR)

Forms and to provide these Forms directly to different Municipal Police
Offices (MPOs) and Traffic Management Offices (TMOs) nationwide through
the concerned DPWH District Engineering Offices (DEOs).

4. To ensure the adequate supply of the carbonized TAR Forms for the PNP
during the first 3 years of implementation of TARAS.

5. To establish a continuing liaison with PNP Directorate for Operations for the
efficient and timely collection of traffic accident data.

6. To provide the DILG - PNP regularly (monthly/quarterly) the Traffic

Accident Data derived from TARAS.

7. To assist DILG - PNP to conduct continuous training for PNP officers on

Accident Data Collection and Recording inclusive of how to complete the
TAR Form.

Planning and Design Division Staff from Regional Offices

Staff from Regional Office Planning and Design Division will be responsible:

1. To receive the TAR Forms from District Engineering Offices.

2. To check and verify the accident data contained in the Traffic Accident
Report (TAR) Form for completeness and accuracy before entering them into

3. To enter the traffic accident data into the TARAS system regularly and on

4. To check and ensure that all TARs collected from the MPOs/TMOs have the
corresponding Report Number in both pages of the TAR form.

5. To ensure that all submitted TAR Forms are properly stored after data entry to
enable efficient retrieval in the future.

District Engineering Offices

Staff from Planning and Design Section within DPWH District Engineering Offices
will be responsible:

1. To regularly collect the second copy of the filled-up TAR Forms from the
Municipal Police Offices/Traffic Management Offices on a montWy basis and
to submit the same in batches to the Regional Offices concerned for data entry
into TARAS within two (2) weeks after the end of every month.

2. To check that the data on the TAR form is complete before sending the form
to the Regional Office.
D.O.#40S2004 p.3/3

3. To ensure that adequate supplies of TAR forms are available at the designated
police stations every month.

Monitoring and Information" Service (MIS)

Staff from MIS will be responsible in providing technical support through MIS Help

The procedures described in the 'Traffic Accident Reporting Manual shall be strictly
followed for the collection of Traffic Accident Data.

The Traffic Accident Report Form is the official Form for the recording of Traffic
Accidents by the PNP and is to be used as the source of entering Traffic Accident
Data into TARAS.

The instruction on how to use the TARAS are detailed in the TARAS Users Manual
and this shall be the official manual on how to use the System.

Copies of these Manuals may be obtained from the Chief, Project Evaluation
Division, Planning Service.

This Order shall take effect immediately and supersede all previous Department
Orders and other issuances or any provision thereof that are inconsistent herewith.

Acting Secretary

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