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Activity 1. Let's dig deeper

1. What is the contribution of Copernicus in the philosophy of science?

-Copernicus's heliocentric model, which put the Sun at the center of the cosmos, had a profound impact
on the philosophy of science. This questioned accepted wisdom and stressed measurement and
observation in scientific research.

2. What is Darwin’s contribution to modern science?

-Darwin's greatest contribution to science is that he brought biology into line with the idea of nature as
a system of matter in motion under the control of natural laws, thus completing the Copernican
Revolution. The origin and adaptations of organisms entered the scientific canon with Darwin's
discovery of natural selection.

3. How can Darwin’s evolutionary theory influence the following fields in modern times:
 Economy:

- Economic Competition: Darwin's concept of natural selection and survival of the fittest has been
applied to economic competition. It has led to the development of theories such as social Darwinism,
which suggests that competition and individual self-interest drive economic progress.
 Agriculture:

- Selective Breeding: The principles of natural selection and artificial selection derived from Darwin's
theory have been applied to selective breeding in agriculture. Farmers and breeders use these principles
to enhance desirable traits in crops and livestock.
 Political Science:

- Social and Political Behavior: Evolutionary psychology, influenced by Darwinian ideas, explores how
evolutionary processes have shaped human social and political behavior. It investigates topics such as
cooperation, competition, and the formation of social hierarchies.
 Religion:

- Conflict with Creationism: Darwin's theory challenged traditional religious beliefs, particularly those
based on literal interpretations of creation stories. It sparked debates and conflicts between religious
interpretations and scientific explanations of the origin and development of life.

4. How can you describe Freudian ideas as a scientist?

-Sigmund Freud put a strong emphasis on the unconscious mind, and a fundamental tenet of Freudian
philosophy is that conduct is more heavily influenced by the unconscious than most people realize.
Making the unconscious conscious is, in fact, the aim of psychoanalysis.

Points to Ponder

"Do you think the Church should intervene in scientific revolution?"

- For me no, because the Church and Science have opposing viewpoints and are completely different
when it comes to the purpose and processing of information. While science studies the natural world
through observation, research, hypothesis, experimentation, and theoretical explanation and holds that
everything that happens around us has a reason and an explanation, we believe in God's creation and
we adhere to His teachings, which will be attained in a spiritual or theological manner.

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