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9/8/22, 7:51 PM Enabling Assessment 2: Probability distributions - S-MATH311LA BSA32 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Enabling Assessment 2: Probabili…


S-MATH311LA BSA32 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 )

Enabling Assessment 2: Probability distributions

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Question 1
Consider a binomial experiment with n=10 and p=0.15 Find P(x>2)

Response: 0.1798

Question 2
The Webster National Bank is reviewing its service charges and interest-paying policies on checking accounts. The
average daily balance on personal checking accounts is 550 dollars, with a standard deviation of 150 dollars. In
addition, the average daily balances are normally distributed.
What percentage of personal checking account customers carries average daily balances in excess of $800?

Response: 4.78% 1/10
9/8/22, 7:51 PM Enabling Assessment 2: Probability distributions - S-MATH311LA BSA32 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Enabling Assessment 2: Probabili…

Question 3
The probability that a patient recovers from a delicate heart operation is 0.9. What is the probability that exactly 5 of
the next 7 patients having this operation survive?

Response: 0.1240

Question 4
Consider a binomial experiment with n=10 and p=0.15
Find the variance

Response: 1.275

Question 5
A survey by KRC Research for U.S. News reported that 37% of the people plan on spending more on eating out
after they retire. If 8 people are randomly selected, determine the probability that less than 4 people plan on
spending more on eating out after they retire.

Response: 0.6626

Question 6
Totoy’s Trucking Company determined that on an annual basis, the distance traveled per truck is normally
distributed with mean of 50.0 thousand miles and a standard deviation of 12.0 thousand miles.
What is the probability that a truck traveled less than or equal to 45,000 miles?

Response: 0.3385

Question 7
Internet Magazine monitors Internet service providers (ISPs) and provides statistics on their performance. The
average time to download a Web page for free ISPs is approximately 20 seconds for European Web pages (Internet
Magazine, January 2000). Assume the time to download a Web page follows an exponential distribution.
What is the probability it will take less than or equal to 20 seconds to download a Web page?

Response: 0.6321

Question 8
The number of half-gallon cartons of milk sold daily in a convenience store is approximately normally distributed
with mean = 250 cartons and standard deviation = 25 cartons. What is the probability that between 225 and 275
cartons are sold in given day?

Response: 0.6826

Question 9 2/10
9/8/22, 7:51 PM Enabling Assessment 2: Probability distributions - S-MATH311LA BSA32 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Enabling Assessment 2: Probabili…

In a study for a local hospital you have found that the average number of arrivals at the emergency room between
6:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. on Friday night is five patients.
What is the probability that only one or two patients will arrive during the three-hour period on any Friday night?

Response: 0.1179

Question 10
In a study for a local hospital you have found that the average number of arrivals at the emergency room between
6:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. on Friday night is five patients.
What is the probability that more than eight patients will arrive during the three-hour period on any Friday night?

Response: 0.0681

Question 11
Consider a binomial experiment with n=10 and p=0.15
Find the standard deviation

Response: 1.129

Question 12
Customers are known to arrive at La Buena Comida on a random basis with an average number of two customers
for every ten minutes. What is the probability that 3 or less customers will arrive for a particular 10-minute interval?

Response: 0.857

Question 13
A survey by KRC Research for U.S. News reported that 37% of the people plan on spending more on eating out
after they retire. If 8 people are randomly selected, determine the probability that more than 2 plan on spending
more on eating out after they retire.

Response: 0.6189

Question 14
Consider a poisson probability distribution with 3 as the average number of occurrences per time period.
Find the probability of 6 occurrences in three time periods.

Response: 0.0911

Question 15
A random variable x has the probability distribution below

x 0 1 2 3 4 5
P(x) 0.26 0.25 0.28 0.15 0.05 0.01 3/10
9/8/22, 7:51 PM Enabling Assessment 2: Probability distributions - S-MATH311LA BSA32 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Enabling Assessment 2: Probabili…

What is the expected value of the given data set?

Response: 1.51

Question 16
A random variable x has the probability distribution below

x 0 1 2 3 4 5

P(x) 0.26 0.25 0.28 0.15 0.05 0.01

What is the variance of the given data set?

Response: 1.49

Question 17
A survey by KRC Research for U.S. News reported that 37% of the people plan on spending more on eating out
after they retire. If 8 people are randomly selected, determine the probability that 8 exactly 5 people plan on
spending more on eating out after they retire.

Response: 0.0971

Question 18
Warranty records show that the probability that a new car needs warranty repair in the first 90 days is 0.50. If a
sample of three new cars is selected what is the probability that none needs a warranty repair?

Response: 0.125

Question 19
The Webster National Bank is reviewing its service charges and interest-paying policies on checking accounts. The
average daily balance on personal checking accounts is 550 dollars, with a standard deviation of 150 dollars. In
addition, the average daily balances are normally distributed.
The bank is considering paying interest to customers carrying average daily balances in excess of certain amount. If
the bank does not want to pay interest to more than 5% of its customers, what is the minimum average daily balance
it should be willing to pay interest on?

Response: $796.75

Question 20
It has been observed that a proportion of 0.10 of the recipients of a mail-order offer has responded to it. A sample of
20 individuals is sent an offer. What is the probability that 4 randomly chosen individuals respond to the offer?

Response: 0.09 4/10
9/8/22, 7:51 PM Enabling Assessment 2: Probability distributions - S-MATH311LA BSA32 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Enabling Assessment 2: Probabili…

Question 21
Consider a poisson probability distribution with 3 as the average number of occurrences per time period.
Find the probability of 5 occurrences in two time periods.

Response: 0.1606

Question 22
The length of steel I beams made by the Smokers City Steel Company is normally distributed with a mean of 25.1
feet and standard deviation of 0.25 feet.
For a particular application, any beam less than 25 feet long must be scrapped. What is the probability that a beam
will have to be scrapped?

Response: 0.3446

Question 23
The Webster National Bank is reviewing its service charges and interest-paying policies on checking accounts. The
average daily balance on personal checking accounts is 550 dollars, with a standard deviation of 150 dollars. In
addition, the average daily balances are normally distributed.
What percentage carries average daily balances between 300 and 700 dollars?

Response: 79.36%

Question 24
Consider a binomial experiment with n=10 and p=0.15
Find P(x=3)

Response: 0.1298

Question 25
Internet Magazine monitors Internet service providers (ISPs) and provides statistics on their performance. The
average time to download a Web page for free ISPs is approximately 20 seconds for European Web pages (Internet
Magazine, January 2000). Assume the time to download a Web page follows an exponential distribution.
What is the probability it will take more than 20 seconds to download a Web page?

Response: 0.3679

Question 26
The probability that a certain kind of component will survive a given shock test is 3/4. Find the probability that
exactly 2 of the next 4 components tested survive?

Response: 0.2109

Question 27 5/10
9/8/22, 7:51 PM Enabling Assessment 2: Probability distributions - S-MATH311LA BSA32 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Enabling Assessment 2: Probabili…

Internet Magazine monitors Internet service providers (ISPs) and provides statistics on their performance. The
average time to download a Web page for free ISPs is approximately 20 seconds for European Web pages (Internet
Magazine, January 2000). Assume the time to download a Web page follows an exponential distribution.
What is the probability it will take less than or equal to 15 seconds to download a Web page?

Response: 0.5276

Question 28
The length of steel I beams made by the Smokers City Steel Company is normally distributed with a mean of 25.1
feet and standard deviation of 0.25 feet.
What is the probability that a steel beam will be between 24.6 and 24.9 feet long?

Response: 0.1891

Question 29
The Webster National Bank is reviewing its service charges and interest-paying policies on checking accounts. The
average daily balance on personal checking accounts is 550 dollars, with a standard deviation of 150 dollars. In
addition, the average daily balances are normally distributed.
What percentage carries average daily balances below $200?

Response: 0.98%

Question 30
The length of steel I beams made by the Smokers City Steel Company is normally distributed with a mean of 25.1
feet and standard deviation of 0.25 feet.
What is the probability that a steel beam will be less than 24.8 feet long?

Response: 0.1151

Question 31
The mean weight of 500 students at a certain college is 151 lbs. and the standard deviation is 15 lbs. Assume that the
weights are normally distributed. How many students weigh more than 128 lbs?

Response: 469

Question 32
The length of steel I beams made by the Smokers City Steel Company is normally distributed with a mean of 25.1
feet and standard deviation of 0.25 feet.
What is the probability that a steel beam will be between 24.9 and 25.7 feet long?

Response: 0.7799

Question 33
Consider a poisson probability distribution with 3 as the average number of occurrences per time period.
Find the probability of 2 occurrences in one time period. 6/10
9/8/22, 7:51 PM Enabling Assessment 2: Probability distributions - S-MATH311LA BSA32 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Enabling Assessment 2: Probabili…

Response: 0.2240

Question 34
The number of half-gallon cartons of milk sold daily in a convenience store is approximately normally distributed
with mean = 250 cartons and  standard deviation = 25 cartons.. What is probability that fewer than 240 cartons
of milk are sold in a given day?

Response: 0.3446

Question 35
Totoy’s Trucking Company determined that on an annual basis, the distance traveled per truck is normally
distributed with mean of 50.0 thousand miles and a standard deviation of 12.0 thousand miles.
How many of the 1,000 trucks can be expected to travel between 60.0 and 70.0 thousand miles in a year?

Response: 155

Question 36
Consider a binomial experiment with n=10 and p=0.15
Find E(x)

Response: 1.5

Question 37
Warranty records show that the probability that a new car needs warranty repair in the first 90 days is 0.50. If a
sample of three new cars is selected what is the probability that at least one needs a warranty repair?

Response: 0.875

Question 38
Consider a poisson probability distribution with 3 as the average number of occurrences per time period.
Find the probability of more than 2 occurrences in one time period.

Response: None of the choices

Question 39
In a study for a local hospital you have found that the average number of arrivals at the emergency room between
6:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. on Friday night is five patients.
What is the probability that exactly five patients will arrive during the three-hour period on any Friday night?

Response: 0.1755

Question 40
Consider a binomial experiment with n=10 and p=0.15 Find P(x<=2) 7/10
9/8/22, 7:51 PM Enabling Assessment 2: Probability distributions - S-MATH311LA BSA32 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Enabling Assessment 2: Probabili…

Response: 0.8202

Question 41
The probability that you will make a sale on any given telephone call is 0.23. What is the probability that you do not
make any sale on the first three calls?

Response: 0.457

Question 42
Customers are known to arrive at La Buena Comida on a random basis with an average number of two customers
for every ten minutes. What is the probability that 4 or more customers will arrive for a particular 10-minute

Response: 0.143

Question 43
Consider a binomial experiment with n=10 and p=0.15
Find P(x=1)

Response: 0.3474

Question 44
The number of claims for missing baggage in a small city for a well-known airline averages nine per day. What is
the probability that on any given day, there will be exactly three claims?

Response: 0.015

Question 45
The amount of soda a dispensing machine pours into a 12 ounce can of soda has a mean of 12.54 ounces and a
standard deviation of 0.34 ounce. The cans only hold 12.9 ounces of soda. Every can that has more than 12.90
ounces of soda poured into it causes a spill and the can needs to go through a special cleaning process before it can
be sold. What is the probability a randomly selected can will need to go through this process?

Response: 0.1446

Question 46
Totoy’s Trucking Company determined that on an annual basis, the distance traveled per truck is normally
distributed with mean of 50.0 thousand miles and a standard deviation of 12.0 thousand miles.
How many of the 1,000 trucks can be expected to travel either below 30.0 thousand miles or above 60.0 thousand
miles in a year?

Response: 250

Question 47 8/10
9/8/22, 7:51 PM Enabling Assessment 2: Probability distributions - S-MATH311LA BSA32 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Enabling Assessment 2: Probabili…

What is the probability that a particular brand of tire will last no longer than 57,200 miles if it has a mean tread life
of 60,000 miles and a variance of 810,000 square miles.

Response: 0.0009

Question 48
The average number of traffic accidents on a certain section of highway is two per week. Assume that the number of
accidents follow a Poisson distribution with μ = 2. Find the probability of at least 2 accidents on this section of
highway during a week period.

Response: 0.5940

Question 49
Internet Magazine monitors Internet service providers (ISPs) and provides statistics on their performance. The
average time to download a Web page for free ISPs is approximately 20 seconds for European Web pages (Internet
Magazine, January 2000). Assume the time to download a Web page follows an exponential distribution.
What is the probability it will take between 15 and 30 seconds to download a Web page?

Response: None of the choices

Question 50
The traffic control engineer reports that 75% of the vehicles passing through a checkpoint are from within the state.
What is the probability that fewer than 2 of the next 5 vehicles are from out of the state?

Response: 0.6328

Question 51
Suppose that customers arrive at a bank’s ATM at the rate of 20 per hour. If a customer has just arrived, what is the
probability that the next customer will arrive less than 6 minutes?

Response: 0.8647

Question 52
A new work station will provide for the installation of noise and pollution control devices on the exhaust manifold.
A time study has shown that the work to be done has a mean service rate of 14 work units per hour. As the assembly
line is now being used, there are only 16 minutes available at the new work station to complete the installation of the
new devices. What is the probability that a given installed device will take longer than 16 minutes?

Response: 0.0239

Question 53
A large fast food chain hires 12 employees each year and assigns them to the various branches. After a year of
experience, the chance that anyone employee will be performing satisfactorily has historically been 0.6. In this
year’s group, what is the probability that 3 of the employees will be performing unsatisfactorily? 9/10
9/8/22, 7:51 PM Enabling Assessment 2: Probability distributions - S-MATH311LA BSA32 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Enabling Assessment 2: Probabili…

Response: 0.1419

Question 54
A large fast food chain hires 12 employees each year and assigns them to the various branches. After a year of
experience, the chance that anyone employee will be performing satisfactorily has historically been 0.6. In this
year’s group, what is the probability that exactly half of the employees will be performing satisfactorily?

Response: 0.1766

Question 55
The length of steel I beams made by the Smokers City Steel Company is normally distributed with a mean of 25.1
feet and standard deviation of 0.25 feet.
What is the probability that a steel beam will be more than 25.25 feet long?

Response: 0.2743 10/10

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