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Prepared by: Dr. A.H. Mijinyawa – Lecturer II

Department of Chemical Sciences

Q1. Define following terms:

I. Oxidation reaction
II. Redox reaction
III. Oxidation number
Q2. What is the oxidation number for?
I. Sulfur in H2SO4
II. Chromium in CaCr2O7
III. Nitrogen in HNO3
IV. Hydrogen in NaH
V. Iodine in Zn(IO3)2
Q3. Calculate the oxidation number of:
I. Iodine in I2
II. Iodine in KI
III. Sulfur in SO42-
IV. Sulfur in S2O32-
V. Chromium in ClO4-
Q4. Which element in the given compounds below has the highest oxidation
Aluminium in AlO3
I. Sulfur in SO2
II. Sulfur in CaS
III. Oxygen in O2
IV. Iodine in I-
Q5. Determine the oxidation number of:
I. P in P4
II. U in UO3
III. U in U2O5
IV. S in HSO4-
V. Pb in PbSO4
Q6. Balance each of the following half reactions in ACIDIC medium
I. Cr2O72- + H2S → Cr3+ + SO42-
II. IO3- + S2O32- → I- + S2O42-
III. H2O2 + Cr2O72- → O2 + Cr3+
IV. TeO32- + N2O4 → Te + NO3-

V. PbO2 + I2 → Pb2+ + IO3-
Q7. Balance each of the following half reactions in BASIC medium
I. MnO4- + I- → I2 + Mn2+
II. Fe2+ + MnO4- → Fe3+ + Mn2+
III. MnO4- + SO32- → MnO2 + SO42-
IV. Cr2O72- → Cr3+
V. SO42- → SO2
Q8. In dilute sulfuric acid, an iron tablet weighing 0.960g was dissolved. To reach
endpoint, an average titre of 28.50cm3 of 0.0180 mol/dm3 potassium manganate
(VII) solution was required. What is the percentage of iron of the tablet in terms of
mass? Ans: 15%
Q9. A flask contains 0.2640g of sodium oxalate, which requires 30.74mL of
potassium manganate (from a burette) to titrate and turn pink (the end point).
I. Write the balanced equation of the redox reaction.
II. How many moles of sodium oxalate are there in the flask?
Ans: 0.001970149mol
How many moles of potassium manganate were titrated into the flask to
reach the endpoint?
Ans: 0.0007881mol
III. What is the molarity of potassium manganate in mol/L?
Ans: 0.02564mol/L
Q10. Consider a beaker Q, containing 100cm 3 of an 0.1moles per dm 3 HCl
solution. Suppose 30cm3 of this solution was transferred into a conical flask Y,
while 30cm3 of the remaining solution in a beaker Q was transferred into another
conical flask Z already containing 15.0cm 3 of distilled water. 32.6cm3 of the
solution in flask Z, was then required to neutralize 0.312g of Na2CO3.XH2O.
I. What is the molar concentration of the solution left in the beaker Q?
Ans: 0.1mol/dm3
II. What is the concentration of the resulting solution in flask Z?
Ans: 0.068mol/dm3
III. Determine the value of X.
Ans: 10

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