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Grade 1 Mother Tongue Lesson Plan

Quarter 1: Week 1
I. Objective:
 By the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
 Identify and express likes and dislikes related to family members.
 Practice using the letter "l" in words and sentences.
 Demonstrate comprehension of family-related vocabulary."
II. Subject Matter:
 My Family and Likes and Dislikes
 K to 12 Curriculum Guide Page: Grade 1 Mother Tongue Curriculum Guide
 Pictures of family members, flashcards with "l" words, regalia related to family
members, chart for likes and dislikes."
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activity:
 Greetings and Attendance: Start the class with greetings and attendance taking.
Warm-up Activity:
 Introduce a fun family-related song to engage the students."
B. Review and Introduction:
 Review "l" Sound:
 Use flashcards with words starting with "l" for a quick review.
Introduce Topic:
 Present the topic "My Family and Likes and Dislikes" and discuss its importance.
C. Main Lesson:
Vocabulary Building:
 Present family member names and have students repeat after you.
 Introduce likes and dislikes vocabulary related to family members."
"Interactive Activities:
 Pair students to discuss and share their likes and dislikes about family members.
Use regalia to reinforce vocabulary learning.
Language Practice:
 Practice using the letter "l" in forming words related to family and likes/dislikes.
Encourage students to create simple sentences using the letter "l" and family
D. Evaluation:
Oral Assessment:
 Have students individually share one like and one dislike about a family member
using the letter ‘I’.
Written Assessment:
 Ask students to write a short paragraph about their favorite family member and
what they like about them."

E. Assignment:
 Cut out pictures of family members from magazines or draw them.
 Write one sentence about each family member, expressing a like or dislike using
the letter "l.""
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue
Grade 1 - Quarter 1, Week 2
 Students should be able to recognize and express likes and dislikes related to their
family members.
Subject Matter:
 My Family: Likes and Dislikes
 Curriculum Final Mother Tongue Grades 1-10
 Pictures of family members, pencil, paper

 Start the lesson by discussing the concept of likes and dislikes.
 Ask students about things they like and dislike.
Main Activity:
 Show pictures of family members and ask students to talk about what they like and
dislike about each family member.
 Encourage students to use phrases like "I like my mom because she cooks delicious
food" or "I dislike my brother when he takes my toys."

Group Activity:
 Divide the class into groups and provide each group with a set of family pictures. Ask
them to discuss and write down likes and dislikes for each family member.
 Each group presents their findings to the class.

 Have a class discussion on common likes and dislikes among family members.
Encourage students to express their opinions.

 Students will be evaluated based on their participation in group activities, their ability
to express likes and dislikes clearly, and their engagement in the class discussion.
 For homework, students are required to write a short paragraph about their family
members, highlighting their likes and dislikes for each family member.
 They should also draw a picture to represent their family.
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue
Grade 1 - Quarter 1, Week 3
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and express their family
members, likes, and dislikes in their mother tongue.
Subject Matter:
 My Family and Likes and Dislikes
 Teacher’s Guide, Learner’s Materials, Grade 1 Mother Tongue Curriculum Guide
 Pictures of family members, flashcards with likes and dislikes, chart paper, markers

Introduction (10 mins):
 Greet the students and review the previous lesson briefly.
 Introduce the topic of family members, likes, and dislikes.
 Show pictures of family members and ask students to identify them in their mother

Main Activity (20 mins):

 Present flashcards with different likes and dislikes (e.g., food, activities).
 Have students express their likes and dislikes using complete sentences in their
mother tongue.
 Encourage group discussion by asking students to share with their classmates.
Practice Session (15 mins):
 Divide students into pairs and have them create simple sentences about their family
members, likes, and dislikes.
 Walk around the class to provide assistance and correct any language errors.
Application (10 mins):
 Ask each student to share one thing they like and one thing they dislike with the
 Encourage the use of complete sentences and correct pronunciation.

 Assess students based on their ability to correctly identify family members, express likes
and dislikes in their mother tongue, and participate in class discussions.
 For homework, students will create a simple poster or drawing showing their family
members and at least one thing they like and dislike, labelling them in their mother
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue
Grade: 1 Quarter: 1 Week: 4

Topic: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes

Learning Area: Mother Tongue Learning Competency: MT10L-la-i-1.1

I. Objective At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 Recognize and express their likes and dislikes within the context of their family.
 Verbally communicate their preferences in their mother tongue.
 Demonstrate understanding of the vocabulary related to likes and dislikes.

II. Subject Matter Topic:

 My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes
 Provided by the teacher Page: Not applicable for this lesson
 Pictures of family members, flashcards with expressions of likes and dislikes,
whiteboard, markers
III. Procedure Introduction:
 Greet the students and initiate a discussion about family.
 Show pictures of family members and ask students to name them in their mother
Main Activity:
 Introduce the topic of likes and dislikes.
 Present flashcards with expressions of likes and dislikes (e.g., "I like ice cream," "I
dislike rainy days").
 Engage students in a discussion about their own likes and dislikes within the family
 Divide the class into groups and have them create simple sentences expressing their
likes and dislikes about family activities.
 Encourage each group to present their sentences to the class using the mother tongue.
 Ask individual students to share one thing they like and one thing they dislike about
their family.
 Provide feedback and correct pronunciation or usage as needed.
IV. Evaluation
 To assess the students' understanding, observe their participation in group activities,
their ability to express likes and dislikes, and the accuracy of their language use.
V. Assignment
 For homework, students are tasked with drawing a picture of their family engaging in an
activity they like and writing a short sentence in their mother tongue describing it. They
should be encouraged to share their drawings and sentences in the next class
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue
Grade 1 - Quarter 1, Week 5
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
 Recognize and express likes and dislikes related to family members.
 Use appropriate vocabulary to describe family members.
 Utilize basic sentence structures to talk about family members and their preferences."
Subject Matter:
 My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes
 Curriculum Guide for Grade 1 Mother Tongue Page: Week 5, Grade 1 Mother
Tongue Curriculum
 Pictures of family members, drawing materials, worksheets"
Procedure: Opening (5 minutes):
 Greet the students and engage them in a short discussion about family. Introduce the
topic "My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes.""
Introduction to Likes and Dislikes (10 minutes):
 Show pictures of family members and elicit responses from students about what they
like or dislike about each family member.
 Teach vocabulary related to likes and dislikes.
Interactive Activity (15 minutes):
 Divide the students into pairs or small groups.
 Provide each group with pictures of family members.
 Instruct students to discuss and write down what they like and dislike about each
family member.
Whole Class Discussion (10 minutes):
 Have each group present their findings to the class.
 Encourage students to use complete sentences to describe likes and dislikes.
Practice Exercise (10 minutes):
 Distribute worksheets with sentences about family members.
 Ask students to fill in the blanks with appropriate likes and dislikes.
 Observe students' participation in the group activity and their ability to express likes
and dislikes accurately.
 Assess students' completion of the worksheet and their use of vocabulary related to
the topic.
- For homework, students are tasked with drawing a picture of their family members
and writing a short paragraph describing what they like and dislike about each family
Lesson Plan: Grade 1 - Quarter 2, Week 1
Mother Tongue (MT10L-IIa-6.1)
My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Identify and express likes and dislikes related to their family members.
2. Use appropriate vocabulary to describe family members and their preferences.
3. Engage in simple conversations about likes and dislikes within the family.
Subject Matter:
My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes
-Book: "Our Family Album"
- Page: 15-17
Pictures of family members, flashcards with likes and dislikes vocabulary (e.g.,
love, enjoy, dislike, hate), chart paper, markers.
1. Introduction (10 mins):
- Greet the students and review the previous lesson on family members.
- Introduce the topic of likes and dislikes within the family.
- Show pictures of family members and ask students to identify them.
2. Vocabulary Building (15 mins):
- Introduce new vocabulary related to likes and dislikes.
- Use flashcards to teach words like love, enjoy, dislike, hate.
- Practice pronunciation and understanding of the words through repetition.
3. Activity - Family Likes and Dislikes (20 mins):
- Divide the class into small groups.
- Provide each group with pictures of family members and a chart paper.
- Ask students to discuss and write down the likes and dislikes of each family member.
- Encourage students to use the new vocabulary in their descriptions.
4. Group Presentation (10 mins):
- Each group presents their findings to the class.
- Encourage students to share their thoughts and explain their choices.
Evaluation (10 mins)
- Assess students' understanding by asking individual questions about family likes and
- Provide feedback and reinforcement where needed.


- Ask students to create a simple drawing or collage depicting their family and write a
short paragraph in mother tongue describing their likes and dislikes.
Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue for Grade 1 - Quarter 2,
Week 2
MT101L-IIa-1.3 - My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Identify and express their likes and dislikes related to their family members.
- Describe their family members using simple phrases in the mother tongue.
Subject Matter:
- Topic: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes
- References: Local stories and illustrations depicting family activities.
- Page: Page 25-30 in the textbook "My Family and Me."
- Materials: Pictures of family members, flashcards with likes and dislikes
phrases, whiteboard, markers.
1. Introduction (5 minutes):
- Greet the students and review the previous lesson on family members.
- Introduce the topic of likes and dislikes within the family.
2. Discussion (10 minutes):
- Show pictures of family members and ask students to describe each family
- Discuss common activities that family members like or dislike.
3. Activity 1 - Likes and Dislikes Flashcards (15 minutes):
- Distribute flashcards with phrases like "I like playing with my brother" or "My
sister dislikes eating vegetables."
- Ask students to match the phrases with the correct family member picture.
4. Role-Playing (10 minutes):
- Divide the class into pairs and assign roles of family members.
- Encourage students to act out scenarios where they express likes and dislikes
towards each other.
5. Drawing Activity (10 minutes):
- Provide drawing materials and ask students to draw a picture of their family
doing something they like together.
6. Wrap-Up and Review (5 minutes):
- Recap the lesson by asking students to share one like and one dislike about a
family member.
Observation: Assess students' participation in discussions, role-playing, and drawing
Verbal Assessment: Ask students to verbally express their likes and dislikes towards
family members.

- Students are required to write a short paragraph describing one like and one dislike
about a family member. They can use the phrases learned in class.
Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue for Grade 1
Quarter 2, Week 3
Subject: Mother Tongue (MT101L-i-1.3)
My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes
- Students will be able to identify and express likes and dislikes related to their family
and themselves.
- Students will learn new vocabulary related to family members and personal
- Students will practice speaking and listening skills in the mother tongue.
Subject Matter:
- Topic: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes
- References: Local stories or poems about family, family-related pictures or flashcards.
- Materials: Pictures of family members, flashcards with expressions of likes and
dislikes, markers, colored papers.
1. Introduction (10 mins):
- Greet the students and engage them in a short discussion about families.
- Show pictures of different family members and ask students to identify them in the
mother tongue.
2. Vocabulary Building (15 mins):
- Introduce new vocabulary related to family members and likes/dislikes.
- Practice pronunciation and understanding of the new words through repetition and
visual aids.
3. Activity - Likes and Dislikes (20 mins):
- Present flashcards with expressions of likes and dislikes in the mother tongue.
- Encourage students to express their likes and dislikes about family members or
- Conduct pair or group activities where students discuss and share their preferences.
4. Storytelling or Poem (15 mins):
- Read a short local story or poem related to family and personal preferences.
- Discuss the story/poem with the students, focusing on the characters' likes and
5. Practice and Application (20 mins):
- Divide the class into groups and assign each group a scenario related to family likes
and dislikes.
- Each group will create a short dialogue or skit using the vocabulary and expressions
6. Evaluation (10 mins):
- Ask individual students to share their likes and dislikes in front of the class.
- Observe students' participation, vocabulary usage, and pronunciation.
- Students will create a simple drawing or collage depicting their family members and
their likes and dislikes.
- Students will write a short paragraph describing one thing they like and one thing they
dislike about their family.
Grade 1 - Quarter 2, Week 4 Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue
Mother Tongue (MTB10L-IIa-I.3)
Topic: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes
- Students will be able to identify and express their likes and dislikes related to family
members and activities.
- Students will learn new vocabulary related to family members and preferences.
- Students will practice speaking and writing about their family and preferences in the
mother tongue.

Subject Matter:
- Topic: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes
- References: Mother Tongue textbook, Chapter 3, Pages 25-30
- Materials:
- Mother Tongue textbook
- Pictures of family members
- Flashcards with vocabulary words (likes, dislikes, family members)
- Paper and crayons
1. Introduction (10 minutes):
- Greet the students and review the previous lesson on family members.
- Introduce the topic of likes and dislikes within the context of family.
- Show pictures of family members and elicit vocabulary related to likes and dislikes.
2. Vocabulary Building (15 minutes):
- Introduce new vocabulary words related to likes and dislikes (e.g., like, dislike, love,
hate, family members' names).
- Use flashcards and examples to help students understand the meanings of the words.
- Practice pronunciation and usage of the new words through repetition.
3. Discussion and Practice (20 minutes):
- Engage students in a discussion about their likes and dislikes regarding family
members and activities.
- Encourage students to share their preferences using the new vocabulary.
- Conduct pair or group activities where students talk about their family members and
what they like or dislike about them.
4. Writing Activity (15 minutes):
- Ask students to draw a picture of their family and write a sentence about what they
like or dislike about each family member.
- Provide support and guidance as students complete their writing activity.
5. Wrap-Up and Review (10 minutes):
- Review the new vocabulary words and expressions learned during the lesson.
- Summarize the key points about expressing likes and dislikes within the family.
- Encourage students to use the new vocabulary in their daily conversations.

- Students will be assessed based on their participation in discussions, their ability to
express likes and dislikes using the new vocabulary, and the completion of the writing
- For homework, students are required to interview a family member about their likes
and dislikes, and write a short paragraph describing their family member's
Grade 1 - Quarter 2, Week 5 Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue
Subject: Mother Tongue (MTB10L-IIa-i-1.3)
Topic: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes

I. Objectives:
- Identify and express likes and dislikes related to family members.
- Use appropriate vocabulary to describe family members and their preferences.
- Develop language skills in expressing preferences in mother tongue.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes
- Book: "My Family and I" by [Author], Page 15-20
- Flashcards with family members' names and images
- Chart paper and markers

III. Procedure:
1. Introduction (10 mins)
- Greet the students and review previous lessons on family members.
- Introduce the topic of likes and dislikes within the family.

2. Vocabulary Building (15 mins)

- Present flashcards with family members' names and images.
- Teach vocabulary related to likes and dislikes (e.g., like, dislike, love, hate).

3. Discussion and Practice (20 mins)

- Engage students in a discussion about their family members and their preferences.
- Encourage students to share their likes and dislikes towards family members.

4. Activity: Family Tree (20 mins)

- Ask students to draw a family tree and label each family member with their likes and

5. Role-playing (15 mins)

- Divide students into pairs and have them role-play conversations expressing likes and
dislikes towards family members.

6. Wrap-up and Review (10 mins)

- Summarize the lesson and review key vocabulary and expressions learned.

IV. Evaluation:
- Observation of student participation in discussions and activities.
- Review of students' family trees and their ability to express likes and dislikes accurately.
- Assess students' role-playing performances in expressing preferences towards family
V. Assignment:
- For homework, students are required to write a short paragraph describing their likes and
dislikes towards their family members. They should use the vocabulary and expressions
learned in class.

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