Harvest Moon - Save The Homeland

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Down Home Cookin' So you got your kitchen extension, but all you can make is gray lumps

of non-food. Never fear, IGN Guides is here! Our culinary wizards have compiled a complete list of all the available recipes in the game. Use the specified cookware and ingredients to produce the correct dish. Frying Pan Simple Omelet: Egg + Milk Sunny Side Up: Gold Egg (alone) Fruit Omelet: Egg + Egg + Very Berry or Blueberry Vegetable Omelet: Egg + Egg +Tomato, Corn, Breadfruit, Potato, or Corn Cheese Omelet: Egg + Egg + Cheese Mixed Omelet: Egg + Mushroom Pancakes: Breadfruit + Milk + Egg Cooked Fish: Small Fish (alone) Special Fish: Large Fish + Milk + Herb Oven Flan: Egg + Milk Fruit Flan: Egg + Milk + Very Berry or Blueberry Cake: Sm. Milk + Breadfruit Fruit Cake: Milk + Breadfruit + Very Berry or Blueberry Cheese Cake: Gold Egg + Gold Milk + Breadfruit Honey Cake: Breadfruit + Honey + Egg Pot Hot Milk: Sm. Milk Yogurt: Med. Milk Cheese: L. Milk Special Cheese: Gold Milk Cream of Tomato Soup: Tomato + Milk Cream of Mushroom Soup: Mushroom + Milk Creamy Soup: Potato + Milk Corn Soup: Corn + Milk Bouillabaisse: Fish + Milk Cranberry Jam: Cranberry + Cranberry + Cranberry Blueberry Jam: Blueberry + Blueberry + Blueberry Very Berry Jam: Very Berry + Very Berry + Very Berry Mixed Berry Jam: Any combo of two or three berries

Power Berry Locations Those familiar with Harvest Moon, you'll remember Power Berries, to be sure. These special berries are fun to collect. To get the Power Berries scattered around the land, look in these places: 1. In your pasture. 2. Visit the Harvest Goddess. 3. Visit the Harvest Sprites. 4. Go fishing. 5. Trigger the "Sacred Land" event.

Raising Animals Animal Buddies Farming isn't only about growing vegetables...it's about raising animals as well. You can get chickens and cows from the Brownie Farm shop, but there are two animals in the game that you can only get through friendship and kindness: the horse and the dog. The Dog When you begin the game you'll notice several stray dogs wandering around. If you approach them, they'll run away. To woo a dog to your yard, keep putting food in his bowl. Anything will do: grass, eggs, berries. When you place these foods in the bowl, they immediately turn into doggie mush. After a while, you will notice the dog appearing at your farm more and more. Keep trying to pick up the dog (X). At some point, he will let you pick him up, and he will be yours! Your dog is a useful ally, but only if you have the Flute (which you can get from Rick). Once you have the flute, you can train your pup with it. Pull out the flute and equip it, then play the following note combos to perform the corresponding function: Sit: UP, LEFT, DOWN Down: UP, DOWN, DOWN Heel: LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT Drive animals: RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT Jump: LEFT, UP, RIGHT Sit up: DOWN, UP, UP The most useful of all of these commands is drive animals. This way, if you have a bunch of cows and need them put back in the barn at the end of the day, you can tell your dog to herd them while you focus on other things. The dog won't herd the horse, though, and he won't herd animals after he's been sleeping, so make sure to get back to the farm before the sun goes down. The Horse To get the horse you'll have to visit Bob's farm quite a bit. Do part-time work taking care of his horses and cows, and give him lots of presents (he likes sweets). Eventually, after a solid chunk of work (a season or more) and a good deal of present-giving, he'll bring a horse to you. The horse is important for one of the events that could potentially save your farm, so put a lot of effort into getting it. Besides, how else will you be able to horse race? In the beginning, the horse won't let you ride it. That's okay. At first, just push the horse outside to feed it. This takes some doing. Just get behind the horse and push. You'll notice it arches off to the right or left. Just move the stick right and left quickly to keep it on an even kiel. Continue to brush, feed and talk to the horse every day. After awhile, the horse will let you ride it. Now you can take it into town, ride it around the farm, etc. After a few days of this, your horse will begin to gallop. When this happens, Bob will show up at the farm and talk about racing. Then you're set. Raising Chickens Cheaply When you get 500G, go to the Farmer's shop and talk to Bob to get a chicken. He'll bring it to your chicken coop. Feed it and make sure it doesn't get sick, and it will lay eggs for you. When the first one appears, place it on the incubator. Three days later you'll have a chicken. Wait for the chick to grow into a chicken and to start laying eggs. Each time an egg is laid, put it on the incubator to make it grow into a chick. Then raise the chick until it becomes a chicken. Either sell your chickens to Brownie Farm for a pretty penny, or sell your eggs to Clove Villa to make a more constant income off of your poultry. Soon, you'll be able to afford cows and such as well! Cows Cows can be a pretty steep investment early on, so hold off on them until you have a good farm going. Before you purchase a cow, make sure you have plenty of fodder in the barn (get this by cutting down the grass in your field. Be sure to have Animal Medicine as well. You don't want your big investment to get sick or die. It's also a good idea to hold off on cows until the puppy is able to herd them. If you have several cows and no dog with herding skills, it can take the better part of a day to get them in and out of the barn. If you don't have a dog, just feed the cows inside the barn until you do. Milk is your most steady source of income from your bovines. Make sure you keep them quite happy and they'll produce more and more of it. Make sure to talk to your cows daily to check on their moods, and to see if they are sick. Make sure you brush and milk them every day. As they mature, they'll give you better and better milk.

Keeping cows is much different than keeping chickens. In order to get more (to get your cows pregnant), for instance, you have to go buy a Miracle Potion from the farmer. Once you do, take it back to the cow and administer the potion. It takes about ten days to get a calf. Remember, the whole time your cow is pregnant, it will be unable to give milk. When the baby cow is born, it too will not be able to give milk until it reaches a more mature age. You don't want to sell your cows off like you do your chickens, just to turn a fast buck. It's too expensive to buy Potions and be without milk during pregnancy. Once you have a stable full of cows, just keep them for their milk, and keep cashing in at Clove Villa. You'll be rich in no time. It's People It's important to give townspeople greetings and gifts on their birthday to get in their good graces. Here's a list of all of the birthdays in town (and what each person likes): Ronald, the Supermarket Owner: Spring 11 (likes Cake) Parsley, the Plant Hunter: Spring 16 (likes Herb Tea) Lyla, the Flower Shop Owner (and the cutest girl in town): Spring 27 (likes Pink Cat Flowers/Blueberries) Wallace, the Cafe Owner: Summer 1 (likes Tea/Fish) Bob, owner of Brownie Farm: Summer 1 (likes Sweets) Gwen, the Carpenter's daughter: Summer 8 (likes Food) Joe, the Carpenter: Summer 10 (likes Fish) Katie, the Cafe Waitress: Fall 29 (likes Cookies/Cheese) Louis, the Tool Shop Owner: Fall 2 (likes Eggs) Tim, Bob's little brother (the treasure hunter): Fall 12 (likes Eggs/Cake/Tea) Gina, the Maid's daughter: Fall 20 (likes Fish/Eggs) Woody, the Carpentry Shop Owner: Winter 2 Dia, Clove Villa daughter: Winter 9 (likes Blueberries) Kurt, the Carpenter: Winter 10 (likes Tomatoes) Martha, the Clove Villa Maid: Winter 25 (likes Cheese)

Happy Endings The ending that you earn in Harvest Moon is based on a number of factors, but the main one is the relationships you form during your interactions with the quiet folk of this resort community. Refer to the "It's People" section to find out what each villager likes, then give him/her gifts constantly. This will bring about uncommon events. Participate in each person's little quest in order to bring about a different ending. Note: Each quest takes a varying amount of time. Some will take as little as three weeks, and others will stretch on for months. You can speed up the process by completely focusing on achieving a specific path. In the descriptions below, we'll tell you who you need to talk to and give hints on what you need to do to bring about your desired ending. 1. Treasure Hunt 1 Be friendly to Tim by giving him eggs and sometimes sweets (eggs are cheaper, though). Eventually, he'll show up at your house one morning with a treasure map. When he asks you to join him on a treasure hunt, say, "yes." On the treasure hunt, you will find toys that Tim's father buried when he was a child. Continue with your life, paying special attention to Tim and Bob. Tim will eventually return to your farm with a real treasure map, which he'll leave with you. Take the following days to get on extra-good terms with your dog. When Tim is up at Clove Villa (usually from 11 am-2 pm), take your dog there. If the time is right, and you are well loved by your dog and Tim, your pup will find a path to the Sacred Land. In the Sacred Land, you'll find a bag of seeds. Take these sacred seeds and plant them in the plot next to the flower shop. Water them every day until you earn the Treasure Hunt ending. 2. Treasure Hunt 2 This quest is exactly like the one above to a point. Once you get the second map, instead of taking your dog to Clove Villa, you just need to visit that farm alonea lot. Make sure you are good friends with Dia and Maria. Visit them every dayespecially Dia (she likes fruit, mainly blueberries).

Once you become friends with Dia, she will make a visit to your farm and take you back to Clove Villa with her. She shows you a bag of special seeds she found. As with the above quest, take the seeds and plant them next to Lyla's shop. Water them every day until you get the ending. 3. Cake Contest Katie is key to the Cake Contest. Locate and befriend her -- she works at the Cafe near the lake. Bring her plenty of gifts. She is especially fond of fruit, cookies and flowers (what girl isn't?). Once you have her heart, she'll tell you about the cake-baking contest. She'll explain that she needs a specific recipe. You just so happen to have that recipe at home. Search the shelves of the main room of your house for the book containing it, then take the book back to Katie. Once she has the book, get together some Golden Eggs and Golden Milk from your livestock (you'll have to be very good at taking care of your animals for them to yield quality milk like this). Once you have the items, check back periodically at the Cafe to test the recipe. Eventually, you'll be instucted to get a book from Clove Villa. Head over there and befriend Dia to get it. Once you have it, take the book and give it to Katie. Keep checking in, and ultimately she'll instruct you to show up at the Goddess Lake at a specific time. Be there when she says and you'll have an opportunity to make the Moondrop Dew for yourself. Otherwise, the Cafe will make it. Check back there one more time for a final cake sampling...then it's off to the city for Katie. Once she leaves, about a week will pass, and then you'll get your ending! 4. A Fishy Story If you fancy fishing, this is the ending you'll want to go after. In order to get it, you'll have to befriend Joe, Kurt, and Woody. If you're friends with Joe, he'll eventually give you a fishing rod. Get good at fishing in the nearby lake, and always be sure to reward Joe with what you catch. After you snag three fish or so, Joe will tell you about a legendary fish he once saw. Keep going back to the water hole and giving gifts to Joe, Kurt, and Woody all the time. Soon you'll learn of a new fishing rod in the tool shop. Once it's there, go buy it immediately and start fishing with the new rod. Continue to catch fish. Soon you'll learn of another legendary fish, which can be seen by going to the lake at night. Once you see the fish, pay more attention to Kurt. Give him gifts and befriend him, and he'll turn your new fishing rod into something even better. Do what he says and he'll make you the Rod of Silver Fish (which could be handy in catching a silver fish). Return to the lake and fish with Joe. You will be visited by the Harvest Sprites, who will tell you the days you can catch this legendary beast. Return to the lake during these times and try to catch it. Aim your cast at the ripples moving around the lake. Once it bites, reel it in the same way you catch any other fish. You will get the Silver Scale for your efforts. In about a week, you'll see the ending you desire. 5. The Bluebird If you've gotten the flute in the game, you have already completed a segment of this quest. If you haven't, befriend Louis near the lake (he likes eggs). After a couple of gifts, he'll give you the flute. You can use it to teach your dog how to behave, but that's not all! Keep being Louis' buddy. Return to the lake every day and eventually you'll see a cutscene where you help Louis feed birds. He will tell you about a special bluebird. Could this endangered species help save the homeland? It sure could. Continue visiting Louis. Visit him on Saturday near the lake and he'll do a little flute solo for you and Lyla. After this happens, it won't be long before Louis shows up at your farm and asks you to play the flute with him. Accept his invitation. This dual-flute show will lead to the appearance of the rare bluebird. This will save the town and end the game. 6. The Azure Swallowtail It's good to befriend Kurt and Lyla to get this ending; it involves another rare creature, the Azure Swallowtail. As you become friends with Kurt and Lyla, they will tell you all about it. Once you hear what they have to say, find Parsley, the wandering plant guy, and befriend him. A couple of days after you speak to him, both Parsley and Lyla will show up at your farm and tell you all about the Blue Mist Flower Seed. After this, head over to Louis' Shop and he'll show you the camera he's making to take a picture of the Azure Swallowtail. Shortly after this, Parsley will give you the Blue Mist Seed. Once you get it, head to the area next to the Goddess lake. Till the single patch of soil here and plant the Blue Mist Seed. Make sure you return every day to water this plant. Eventually, a flower will sprout. When this happens, the Azure Swallowtail will show up. Keep visiting the flower until you get your ending.

7. The Goddess Dress To get the Goddess Dress ending, spend some time getting acquainted with Gina, the younger maid at Clove Villa. Eventually, she'll arrive at your farm and talk to you about the Dress. Visit the Goddess Pond, then swing over to the Cafe and befriend Katie. She will soon arrive at your farm to make a sketch of the dress. When you talk to the Goddess again, she'll tell you about a silk thread. You can get this at Louis' shop for the tidy sum of 3000 G. Take the thread back to the Goddess, and she will promise to deliver some rainbow cloth to you later. Once she does, give the cloth to Gina, and she'll start making the Goddess Dress. If all goes well, there will be a scene where Dia tries on the dress and everything is wonderful. The ladies will show up at your farm so you can see the dress, and about a week later, the game will end. 8. The Endangered Weasel The jolly Harvest Sprites are the key to a successful ending in this case, as is Gwen, who lives with her grandfather, the carpenter. As the game progresses, the Harvest Sprites will come and tell you about a white creature that's been harassing them. Later, Gwen will stop by and say it's her weaseland it's named Snowball. Give gifts to Gwen until she's sweet on you, and soon she'll ask you to take a picture with her at the Goddess Lake. Snowball won't show up for this picture op, but return in a week and the weasel will be there, and you can snap a shot of it. Soon thereafter, Gwen will show up at your farm and a wonderful ending will unfold. 9. The Horse Race Probably the most fun ending in the game, the horse race allows you to earn a horse and (get this) race to save the homeland. The first objective in this quest is befriending Bob. Do this by going to do part-time work for him and feeding him a constant stream of eggs. If you keep going back to his farm and doing work, and he's happy with you, eventually he'll give you a horse. Once you get your horse, take really good care of it in order to make it love you. Eventually, the horse will let you ride it. The day after, Bob will visit. Keep taking real good care of your horse and riding it all the time. Bob will show up later, once you've got your horse running. Keep training your horse, and Bob will show up to race. Beat him in the race, and eventually Gwen will show up and challenge you. If you manage to beat her, you will be entered in the national race. If you win this, the homeland will be saved!

============================================================================== Table of Contents ============================================================================== 1. Copyright Info 2. Cooking? 3. How To Cook 4. Recipe List 1. Frying Pan 2. Oven 3. Pot 5. Ingredient List 6. Price List 7. Q&A ============================================================================== 1. - Copyright Info ============================================================================== This document was created for free use. Anyone who wishes to host this document on his/her webspace may do so provided that the following stipulations are followed: 1. This document must remain in its original form, with no edits besides those made by the original author. 2. No profit may be made from this document in anyway. 3. An e-mail informing the author about potential hosting. While not a requirement, it would be much appreciated if for no other reason but for information purposes. The newest version of this FAQ will always be on GameFAQs first. ============================================================================== 2. - Cooking? ============================================================================== Cooking is one of the many things you can do once youve built a kitchen. The point of cooking is to take your normal, boring items and make new exciting dishes. These creations can then be used to generate large amounts of money, recover energy or use as gifts. Plus, its one of the most enjoyable features this game has to offer. :) ============================================================================== 3. - How To Cook ============================================================================== Cooking is simple enough to do. 1. First, you need to build a kitchen for 10000G. You can find the option to build one on the notepad in the Carpenter's Shop. 2. Next, go into your newly built kitchen and select which utensil you want to use: Frying Pan, Pot or Oven. 3. Lastly, select which ingredients you want to use (minimum of 1, maximum of 3).

Controls: D-pad: R1: L1: O Button: X Button: Scroll up and down on the ingredients list. Scroll down one on the ingredients list. Scroll up one on the ingredients list. Cancel a selection. Confirm a selection.

Simple as that. You can also store food items in the refrigerator so they wont take up space in your rucksack. NOTE: - Only FOOD items can be kept in the refrigerator. - Only one utensil can be used at a time. One recipe = 1-3 ingredients + 1 utensil. ============================================================================== 4. - Recipe List ============================================================================== 4.1 - Frying Pan ____________________ _______________ _______________ _______________ | Recipe | Ingrediant #1 | Ingrediant #2 | Ingrediant #3 | -------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------Cheese Omelet = Egg (any) + Egg (any) + Cheese Special Cheese Omelet Fried Fish Fruit Omelet Mixed Omelet = = = = = = = = Pancake Plain Omelet Sandwich = = = = = Sauteed Fish with Cream Special Fish = = Egg (any) Fish Egg (any) Egg (any) Egg (any) Egg (any) Egg (any) Egg (any) Egg (any) Milk (any) Soft Bread Soft Bread Soft Bread Milk (any) Large Fish + + + + + + + + + + + + + Egg (any) Mushroom Corn Tomato Breadfruit Herb Breadfruit Egg (any) Cheese Tomato Hardboiled Egg Large Fish Herb + + Herb Milk (any) + Milk (any) + Very Berry + S.Cheese

Sunny Side Up

= =

Egg Golden Egg Egg (any) + Egg (any) + Tomato

Vegetable Omelet

-Thanks to conspirase@aol.com for the missing Mixed Omelet recipes.-Thanks to cslaw1993@hotmail.com for the missing egg recipes.--------------------------------------------------------------------------4.2 - Oven ____________________ _______________ _______________ _______________ | Recipe | Ingrediant #1 | Ingrediant #2 | Ingrediant #3 | -------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------Blueberry Cake = Egg (any) + Milk (any) + Blueberry Cake Cheesecake Flan Fruit Flan = = = = = = Honey Cake Leaf-Grilled Fish Simple Cake Special Cheesecake = = = = Egg (any) Milk (any) Egg (any) Very Berry Cranberry Blueberry Egg (any) Fish Egg (any) S.Cheese + + + + + + + + + + Milk (any) Cheese Milk (any) Egg (any) Egg (any) Egg (any) Breadfruit Herb Milk S Milk (any) + + Breadfruit Breadfruit + + + + Milk (any) Milk (any) Milk (any) Honey + + Breadfruit Breadfruit

-Thanks to cslaw1993@hotmail.com for the missing egg recipes.--------------------------------------------------------------------------4.3. - Pot ____________________ _______________ _______________ _______________ | Recipe | Ingrediant #1 | Ingrediant #2 | Ingrediant #3 | -------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------Blueberry Jam = Blueberry + Blueberry + Blueberry Bouillabaisse Cheese = = = = Cranberry Jam = Fish Milk S Milk M Milk L Cranberry + Cranberry + Cranberry + + + Tomato Milk S Milk M + Milk S

Cream of Corn Soup Creamy Soup Cream of Tomato Soup Cream of Potato Soup Hard Boiled Egg Hot Milk Mixed Berry Jam

= = = = = = = =

Milk (any) Milk (any) Milk (any) Milk (any) Egg (any) Milk S

+ + + +

Corn Potato Tomato Potato

Any 2 Berries (all different) Any 3 Berries (all different) Moon Berry Milk (any) Golden Milk Very Berry Milk S Milk M + + Very Berry Milk S + Very Berry + + Moon Berry Mushroom + Moon Berry

Moon Berry Jam Mushroom Soup Special Cheese Very Berry Jam Yogurt

= = = = = =

-Thanks -Thanks Boiled -Thanks -Thanks

to conspirase@aol.com for the Special Cheese recipe.to cslaw1993@hotmail.com for the Moon Berry Jam recipe, the missing Egg/egg recipes.to kamirose@gmail.com for the missing Cheese and Yogurt recipes.to jamesncherri@gmail.com for the Cream of Potato Soup recipe.-

============================================================================== 5. - Ingredient List ============================================================================== ___________________ _____________________________________________ | Ingrediant | How to obtain | ------------------- --------------------------------------------Blueberry - Find outside during the Spring and Summer. Breadfruit Cheese - Grow it. - Buy from Ronald's Supermarket. - Make in Pot with Milk L. Corn Cranberry Egg - Grow it. - Find outside during the Summer and Fall. - Buy from Ronald's Supermarket.

- Raise Chickens. Fish Golden Egg Golden Milk Hardboiled Egg Herb Honey Large Fish Large Milk Medium Milk Moon Berry Mushroom Potato Small Milk - Fish for it. - Raise a very happy, very healthy chicken. - Raise a very happy, very healthy cow. - Make in Pot with an Egg. - Find outside all year long. - Buy at Ronald's Supermarket. - Fish for it. - Raise a happy, healthy cow. - Raise a happy, healthy cow. - Find outside during the Fall (behind the caf). - Find ouside during the Winter. - Grow it. - Raise a happy, healthy cow. - Buy at Ronald's Supermarket. - Working at Brownie Ranch. Soft Bread Special Cheese Tomato Very Berry - Buy at Ronald's Supermarket. - Make with Pot and Golden Milk. - Grow it. - Find outside during the Spring and Summer.

-Thanks to kbaumbg192@earthlink.net for pointing out that you can't buy from Clove's Villa.-Thanks to Horsey@rochester.rr.com for adding the missing Small Milk location.============================================================================== 6. - Price List ============================================================================== ___________________ _______________________ ________________ | Recipe | Where to Sell | Selling Price | ------------------- ----------------------- ---------------Blueberry Jam - Sunny Garden Caf - 150G Cheese Ronald's Supermarket 500G

Cranberry Jam Mixed Berry Jam Very Berry Jam Yogurt -

Sunny Garden Caf Moon Garden Bar Sunny Garden Caf Sunny Garden Caf Sunny Garden Caf

500G 500G 100G 80G 80G 350G 350G

Ronald's Supermarket Sunny Garden Caf -

Any recipe that isnt listed above cant be sold and are used as gifts/energy restoratives. ============================================================================== 7. - Q&A ============================================================================== Q: Does cooking affect any of A: No, but building a kitchen build the kitchen, but you to. Although, I dont know the endings? will raise your happiness score. You should dont have to use it if you dont really want why youre looking at this FAQ if you didnt. :)

Note: Yes, there is an ending that involves a cake contest, but you dont actually do the cooking, so my statement stands. Now stop e-mailing me about it. Q: What is the point to cooking? A: Some of the items can be sold in shops for cash, others will recover A LOT of energy when eaten. They can also be used as gifts for your neighbors. Mostly, cooking is used as one of the easiest ways to make money. Q: Are you sure these are all the recipes? A: All that I could find. Undoubtedly, there are a few combinations that I didnt think to try, so there might be more. If you find one that isnt listed here, please e-mail it to me, I will add it and credit you for the find. Q: Can I cook with ANY item? A: No, only food items. Don't go trying to cook Rare Minerals. :P Q: Why cant I put any of my other items in the refrigerator? A: Why would you want to put rocks, flowers and weeds in a refrigerator? 0_o Q: When you sell a cow, there is a base price. If its a good cow, you might get more money. Does the same principle go for recipes? A: Far as I can tell, no. Its rather random for it to happen with cows, so its possible that the same could be said of recipes. But I'm going with no. Q: When you say cheese can be sold here, do you mean just the item called Cheese, or any Cheese item? A: Just the item called Cheese.

Q: How do I make tea/cookies? The game said I could! A: As far as I know, you can't. This has been researched since the game came out by various Harvest Moon fan sites. The in-game line about making tea is just random banter, as far as anyone can tell. Please note that I'm not saying that there isn't an item called Tea/Cookies in the game. There is, and you can buy them. You just can't make them. ============================================================================== Ronald's Supermarket --------------------Open: 8AM - 6PM Closed on Sundays BUY Rice Ball Sandwich Soft Bread Honey Cheese Milk S Egg SELL Potato Tomato Corn Breadfruit Very Berry Cranberry Blueberry Cheese Yogurt Carpenter's House -----------------Open: Early - 5PM Closed on Tuesdays & Thursdays BUY Kitchen Dog House SELL Blue Rock Rare Metal Copper Ore Iron Ore Limestone 90G 180G 40G 60G 40G 10,000G 5,000G 60G 80G 120G 100G 10G 20G 30G 500G 350G 200G 250G 150G 200G 500G 150G 50G

Sunny Garden Caf -----------------Open: 12PM - 5PM Closed on Mondays BUY Tea Herb Tea Milk Tea Cookies Muffin Cake Cheesecake Pancake SELL Herb Breadfruit Egg Milk S Milk M Milk L Milk G Cheese Yogurt Very Berry Jam Cranberry Jam Blueberry Jam Mixed Berry Jam 10G 100G 50G 150G 200G 300G 400G 500G 350G 80G 100G 150G 80G 150G 200G 200G 250G 250G 300G 350G 300G

Moon Garden Bar ---------------(Same building as Sunny Garden) Open: 6PM - 12AM Closed on Mondays BUY Nut Wine Wheat Wine Water Milk 200G 250G 50G 150G

Herb Wine Fish Meal Sauted Mushrooms Tomato Salad A. Cheese French Fries SELL Very Berry Cranberry Blueberry Walnut Mushroom Medium Fish Large Fish Cheese Potato Tomato Corn Lyla's Flower Shop ------------------Open: 9AM - 5PM Closed on Sundays BUY Potato Seeds Tomato Seeds Corn Seeds Breadfruit Seeds SELL Potato Tomato Corn Moondrop Flower Cat-Mint Flower Herb Limestone Louis's Tool Shop ------------------

350G 500G 400G 400G 500G 400G

SELL Moon Stone Rare Metal Iron Ore Copper Ore Pontata Root Medicinal Herb Milk S Milk M Milk L Milk G Farmer's Shop -------------Open: 8AM - 5PM Closed on Thursdays BUY Fodder Chicken Feed C.M. Potion Animal Medicine Cow Chicken 30G 10G 2,000G 500G 2,500G* 500G 100G 180G 60G 40G 80G 30G 150G 200G 300G 400G

10G 20G 30G 20G 20G 80G 120G 500G 60G 80G 120G

20G 30G 30G 40G

SELL Cow Chicken Clove's Villa -------------Open: 8AM - 6PM Closed on Sundays SELL Egg Milk S Milk M Milk L Milk G Potato Tomato Corn Breadfruit Cheese Yogurt Medium Fish Large Fish Herb 50G 150G 200G 300G 400G 60G 80G 120G 100G 500G 350G 80G 120G 10G 3,000G 300G

60G 80G 120G 10G 20G 10G 40G

Open: 10AM - 6PM Closed on Wednesdays & Saturdays BUY Brush Milker AP Medicine Super Sickle 300G 1800G 1000G 4500G

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