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wogsosrezios Cambridge Assessment International Education Cambridge International AS & A Leve' CANDIDATE NAME CENTRE CANDIDATE, NUMBER. NUMBER PHYSICS 9702/02 Paper 2AS Level Structured Questions For examination from 2022 ‘SPECIMEN PAPER ‘hour 15 minutes You must answer on the question paper. No additional materials are needed. INSTRUCTIONS ‘© Answer all questions. ‘* Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. ‘© Wiite your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page. ‘© Write your answer to each question in the space provided ‘* Donat use an erasable pen or correction fluid © Donot write on any bar codes. * You may use a calculator. ‘You should show all your working and use appropriate units. INFORMATION ‘© The total mark for this paper is 60, ‘The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ } This document has 16 pages. Blank pages are indicated © UCLES 2019 [Turn over Data acceleration of free fall speed of light in free space elementary charge unified atomic mass unit rest mass of proton rest mass of electron Avogadro constant molar gas constant Boltzmann constant gravitational constant permittivity of free space Planck constant Stefan—Boltzmann constant Formulae uniformly accelerated motion hydrostatic pressure upthrust Doppler effect for sound waves electric current resistors in series resistors in parallel @UCLES 2019 g = 981m 3.00 x 10°ms* e = 160x 10% duo = 1.66 x 1077kg 1.67 x 1077 kg m, = 9.11% 10-%kg = 6.02 x 10” mol” R = 831JK'mol" k 1.38 x 10°95 K+ G = 667% 10 Nmkg? fy = 8.85% 10 Fm* 8.99 x 10°mF™") h = 663x10Js o = 587«10*Wm?k+ s = utt tat? v= u?+2as Ap = pgAh F = pgv ty & = vey, s7oz02'sP22 3 1 The speed v of a transverse wave on a uniform string is given by the expression Vi where Tis the tension in the string, Lis its length and mis its mass. ‘An experiment is performed to determine the speed v of the wave, The measurements are shown in Table 1.1, Table 1.1 quantity | measurement | uncertainty T 1.8N +5% 0-0 L 126. cm +1% o-s! m 5.19 £2% 0.0) (a) Use the data in Table 1.1 to calculate the speed v. gale ms) (b) Use your answer in (a) and the data in Table 1.1 to calculate the absolute uncertainty in the value of v. eae ve T? & me As 21 (ir), 1(a8\ «+ (om Vv 2a ec 2a 2u~ > 4 ” 8) LOs) ° absoluté Uncertainty ouctes 2010 s7o202/sP22 [Turn over 2 (a) Define acceleration. Rebe, 1 chome, s velox’ 4 Daneckion.. This..cs..veckon mecnused. (1) (b) A ball is kicked from horizontal ground towards a vertical wall, as shown in Fig. 2.1 Use Vsin2& SRR AS path of ball 4 vgs VeosB ball wall Pn 4.3) a 7 - = horizontal) > SS Bn BE Fond 8s Fig. 2.1 (not to scale) ‘The horizontal distance between the initial position of the ball and the base of the wall is 24m. The ball is kicked with an initial velocity v at an angle of 28° to the horizontal. The ball hits the top of the wall after a time of 1.5 s. Air resistance is negligible. (i) Calculate the initial horizontal component v, of the velocity of the ball we wae .ms" [1] (ii) Show that the initial vertical component v, of the velocity of the ball is 8.5m s™ (C= Veos23 Qeyoet) yo - 3S v= [8 Jame = 18 a [=8.S] wv y= V sw 2B = G+ B.12.n28) Ss a Calculate the time taken for the ball to reach its maximum height above the ground, a ‘ “Cade oo 8664 time = wee 3 T. s [2] @UCLES 2019 sroze2sPr22 5 (iv) The ball is kicked at time t= 0. Assume that the vertical component vy of the velocity of the ball is positive in the upwards direction. On Fig. 2.2, sketch the variation with time t of vy for the time until the ball hits the wall. 10.0- wims* 5.0. 5.0. ~10.0. Fig. 2.2 2] (c) (i) Calculate the maximum height above the ground of the ballin (b). WN vee ey Ave) opbelantst 3.617S J Gals ne. BT xB-S = 28S) Log esa 1 aa BN eeeereernereereereent 74] “euiy 7 (ii) The maximum gravitational potential energy of the ball above the ground is 22 J. Calculate the mass of the ball = bet 5 oN eee mq he =m tai) 6.) mass = 2G houmunniunnnsennnn KQED (d) Aball of greater mass is kicked with the same velocity as the ball in (b). Air resistance is still negligible. State and explain the effect, if any, of the increased mass on the time taken by the ball to reach its maximum height. oo Ne tbat tu Fite. td uneseletabiol.is...coPrtenl. cesserneenetnscesenseensees [A] 44 = °%y + ayt [Total: 13] @UCLES 2019 4 ag k s7oxaspr22 Im over q 3 (a) (i) Define force. Feces iS. .thee..dake. 4. es} menealunn.. kis Merle) in nenktaws, and. dS o_vediod quentityt (ii) State what is meant by work done. force, nko. Siclense. wed) fevcen. fn oeeennee( (b) A block of mass 0.40 kg slides in a straight line with a = along a horizontal surface, as shown in Fig. 3.1 eq bet ae aT spring block agoms oP mass 0.40kg = horizontal ‘surface Fig. 3.4 Assume that there are no resistive forces opposing the motion of the block, ‘The block hits a spring and decelerates. The speed of the block becomes zero when the ‘compression of the spring is 8.0 cm. (i) Calculate the initial kinetic energy of the block, KE = tows” K.E - 0 1 o~ ar wv o~ co es I ° c oe) Q2. 8 JQ) kinetic energy = @UCLES 2019 sroze2sPr22 7 (ii) The variation of the compression x of the spring with the force F applied to the spring is shown in Fig. 3.2. 5.8 Fig. 3.2 ‘Assume that the elastic potential energy of the spring when its compression is 8.0 cm is equal to the initial kinetic energy of the block. Use your answer in (bi) to calculate the maximum force F,,,, exerted on the spring by the block ol +( Fn) (ee) a eek _ Few = oHSN Fax = etS, Nel (iii) Calculate the maximum deceleration of the block. Fren= Seas oNS 2 andl oto {. | deceleration = ms? [2] (iv) State and explain whether the block is in equilibrium: * before it hits the spring eit sep is. | a ride: * when its speed becomes zero. . iN. ok besa wT 1s wad, Spo slibrivn..e2..ferelban,. foe... 5 aI ouctes 2010 sro2o2sPr22 [Turn over ” euctes2019 ‘The block is now replaced by another block of the same mass. Frictional forces affect the motion ofthis block so that ithas a speed of 0.25 ms~ when it makes contact with the spring A short time later, the block has a speed of 0.15 ms“ as it loses contact withthe spring and moves back along its original path, AP = FoF Gros) - GSEs) = 0/6 D4 en Nb va (Tota: 12) srozenser2 BLANK PAGE @UCLES 2019 s7oz02'sP22 [Tum over 10 4 (a) (i) By ceference to the direction of transfer of energy, state what is meant by a transverse "Ye 4 pasdiclers...s..ed ferdacahe bo dlsedbion of Hreabed (ii) State the principle of superposition. When 2 wees merk at a Prialia. the. Cobelli Risplecered Sscegea the ales san. fhe. sinidlonh Sis phaneal® All wasters... Mab. Coie . see 2) 1a} (b) Circular water waves are produced by vibrating dippers at points P and Q, as illustrated in Fig. 4.1. wavefront Pp. 44cm >a Fig. 4.1 (not to scale) ‘The waves from P alone have the same amplitude at point R as the waves from Q alone. Distance PR is 44cm and distance QR is 29 cm. The dippers vibrate in phase with a period of 1.5 s to produce waves of speed 4.0 cms“ (i) Calculate the wavelength of the waves. Ve f a Horta 5 wavelength = .... cm [2] @UCLES 2019 sroze2sPr22 " (i) Calculate the path aference at point R of the vaves ftom P and a, Give your answer in terms of te wavelength ofthe waves, PN. ah PH fetid yu 24 25 > z PO pinnae DSR 7 a (8) ort msn any tn erin ot R eon ce Ne-wskien.| puticlen am ts. flere. Si ferme behest Hester ak. Ris. (32, hease, dedtieckule. ‘ufesbefence inerkeronse, ea (Tota: 8) euciess018 sroanasec2 Turn over 14 6 (a) Three resistors of resistances R,, R, and R, are connected as shown in Fig. 6.1 Fig. 6.1 The currents in the resistors are ,, I, and I, The total current in the combination of resistors is J and the potential difference across the combination is V. Show that the total resistance R of the combination is given by the equation if 2 & Mies 8, (b) A battery of electromotive force (e.m-f) 6.0\V and internal resistance r is connected to an external resistor of resistance 122 and a thermistor X, as shown in Fig, 6.2. Fig. 6.2 By considering energy, explain why the potential difference across the terminals of the battery is less than the e.m-f. lee fete aciess.... Nema ferister. (1) @UCLES 2019 s7oz02'sP22 1s (0) Achy of 254 paces ugh bry + be tea enery tensed the ty Cun Gs xls) = enyy= | Seoe 4 @ QeNe = OSxe)e NCEE) Nel sasxte™ Lo xle (0 tren nm rec ewer Bee wy (0) Use out ane oi eter taba intintermaiex § PoIN NUTR a vee a a xl. ee +\ iq 6 7 ol. a The treats otbaitr Xi now derma. Reasshanue atta ‘Sate a mia te eet, any tetanus cange en the al Fonte produce ea Fesseg Beclenne? bexaore, ‘estene, ch Xo iotemery ton edie weiss netomany bee Ih cota He, atask deren Tam re pact in toe bers po HEIN alin dasiennem iy 5 ia vaso rocco i NLS >be) ay ort Cc me ee MRD YE x a "(6 °£) Nha a Methell 4 xt aN = ERT N. O-vies VPHITO, 5 <— Bet} > VT Meson pas + ange Bs Be eRe re + Yorgy 7 (a) Anucleus X decays by emitting a fi" particle to form a new nucleus, 22Na. State the number of protons and the number of neutrons in nucleus X. numberof protons = no Qe Ul umber of neutrons fc (b) State one similarity 7 2) particle and a (particle, Some. ner. S.anhe, nagnible ches nM (@) State the quark composition of a meson, Conese 4 2 quai: oti goa acd) yh a (6) Ahackon consists of two down quarks and a charm quack Determine the charge ofthe hacron. Show your working \ { Ze - 3 g ae 2 oe charge = 2. ca {Total 6) ‘esr epee mvs ws spat Orel natal HORGRG by SPV nausa Tas Don soup wd Sere wee ponibe Ee ‘eel fothabecn mace ys LS) eanconght assy tems ein dace ave ney een eed, Pbatr sil beplnes tomate eerie inp o Camtng eee Essatin part tna Conte zeamnet Gnu Conon eremen ee band mae the Unt ot amore ua Coronet 23) wn st na apron othe Unary scares euctes 2018 sronesor

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