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Glycobiology vol. 19 no. 1 pp.

52–67, 2009
Advanced Access publication on October 2, 2008

Glycosaminoglycan origin and structure revealed by multivariate analysis of NMR

and CD spectra

Timothy R Rudd2 , Mark A Skidmore2 , Scott E Guimond2 , either the extracellular matrix (ECM), for instance, in perlecan,
Cesare Cosentino3 , Giangiacomo Torri3 , David G Fernig2 , or with the cell surface, for example, in syndecan or glypican,
Robert M Lauder4 , Marco Guerrini3 , and Edwin A Yates1,2 and are involved in many aspects of healthy and disease-related
2 School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, L69 7ZB,
mammalian physiology (Bishop et al. 2007). In this paper, two

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UK; 3 Institute of Chemical and Biochemical Research “G Ronzoni”, Via G members of the GAG family were studied, heparin and the chon-
Colombo 81, Milan 20133, Italy; and 4 School of Health and Medicine, droitin/dermatan sulfates (CS/DS). Heparin consists of a general
Division of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Lancaster University, Bailrigg, disaccharide repeating unit of 1,4-linked α-L-iduronic and α-D-
Lancaster, UK
glucosamine, in which the predominant substitution pattern is
Received on July 11, 2008; revised on September 29, 2008; accepted on 2-O-sulfation of the iduronate residues and N- and 6-O-sulfation
September 29, 2008 of the glucosamine residues, although a considerable number of
other substitutions including N-acetylation and 3-O-sulfation in
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a method of sim- glucosamine and the presence of both nonsulfated iduronate and
plifying complex datasets to generate a lower number of β-D-glucuronate in place of iduronate lend the sequence consid-
parameters, while retaining the essential differences and al- erable heterogeneity (Esko and Lindahl et al. 2001). Chondroitin
lowing objective comparison of large numbers of datasets. sulfates (CS-A and CS-C) and dermatan sulfate (DS; also known
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are a class of linear sulfated as chondroitin sulfate B, CS-B) possess the same underlying
carbohydrates with diverse sequences and consequent com- structure of repeating disaccharide units of D-glucuronic acid-
plex conformation and structure. Here, PCA is applied to β-(1→3) N-acetyl-D-galactosamine-β-(1→4). CS can be sul-
three problems in GAG research: (i) distinguishing origins fated at positions 4 (to form CS-A) or 6 (to form CS-C) of the
of heparin preparations, (ii) structural analysis of heparin galactosamine residues, while in DS (CS-B), the D-glucuronic
derivatives, and (iii) classification of chondroitin sulfates acid is epimerized to L-iduronic acid (hence, is linked to
(CS). The results revealed the following. (i) PCA of heparin -α-(1→4)) and can be 2-O-sulfated. CS sulfation varies (Lauder
C NMR spectra allowed their origins to be distinguished et al. 2000) with tissue type (Bayliss et al. 1999), location, and
and structural differences were identified. (ii) Analysis of the age (Bayliss et al. 1999; Lauder et al. 2001).
information-rich 1 H and 13 C NMR spectra of a series of sys- These, and other GAGs, exhibit varying degrees of sequence
tematically modified heparin derivatives uncovered under- heterogeneity as a function of their origin and as a result of the
lying properties. These included the presence of interactions treatments to which they have been subjected during their prepa-
between residues, providing evidence that a degree of degen- ration. It has proved valuable to study these polysaccharides by
eracy exists in linkage geometry and that a different degree a number of complementary spectroscopic techniques including
of variability exists for the two types of glycosidic linkage. NMR, FTIR, and CD (Guerrini et al. 2001; Rudd et al. 2008) to
The relative sensitivity of each position (C or H nucleus) in obtain detailed structural information related to such parameters
the disaccharide repeating unit to changes in O-, N-sulfation as substitution pattern and conformation, to undertake quality
and N-acetylation was also revealed. (iii) Analysis of the control, and to determine their origin. These are all challenging
H NMR and CD spectra of a series of CS samples from issues both technically and in terms of the amount of data that
different origins allowed their structural classification and must be accumulated, compared, and analyzed. A widely used
highlighted the power of employing complementary spec- approach to tackle the problem of handling such large sets of
troscopic methods in concert with PCA. data, in this case a series of NMR or CD spectra, is to first reduce
their complexity to those basic elements which best encapsulate
Keywords: CD/chondroitin sulfate/heparin/NMR/PCA the crucial differences between them by employing principal
component analysis (PCA).
PCA is a simple, nonparametric method (it does not depend on
Introduction adjusting any values, i.e., parameters, determined through previ-
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are a family of biologically im- ous experience) for the reduction of a complex dataset to one of
portant anionic carbohydrates, consisting of repeating disac- lower dimension, usually with the aim of revealing simplified
charide units of a uronic acid and an aminosugar. GAGs are relationships (Ruiz-Calero et al. 2000; Ruiz-Calero, Saurina,
found in connective tissue, e.g., hyaluronic acid, or conjugated Galceran et al. 2002; Ruiz-Calero, Saurina, Hernandez-Cassou
to proteins as proteoglycans (PGs). PGs are associated with et al. 2002; Duarte et al. 2004; Almeida et al. 2006). PCA per-
forms the optimum coordinate rotation to align the axes so that
the variance within the data is maximized. When the observed
1 To whom correspondence should be addressed: Tel: +44-151-795-4429; data have a high signal-to-noise ratio, the principal components
e-mail: (PCs) with higher variance and of lower order, e.g., first and

c The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: 52
Glycosaminoglycan origin and structure

second principal components (principal components are also Table I. Origins of the heparin
samples 1–7
known as factors, eigenvalues, singular vectors or loadings, de-
pending on context), correspond to those which contain differ- Sample Origin
ences in the data and are retained, while those of lower variance
(and of corresponding higher orders) containing noise are dis- 1 Bovine
carded. The usual aim of applying PCA is, therefore, to reduce 2 Porcine
3 Bovine
the dimensionality of the dataset while retaining those charac- 4 Bovine
teristics which contribute most to the variance or, put another 5 Porcine
way, to find the most effective way to compare data containing 6 Porcine
both meaningful signals and noise. A detailed description of the 7 Bovine
linear algebra underlying PCA and related techniques is beyond
the scope of this article, although a brief overview is given in
Materials and Methods. For more detailed information, read-
ers are referred to the literature (Jolliffe 2002). Examination of Furthermore, plotting component factor regression scores

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the individual components does not only reveal simplified rela- (FRS) for components 1 or 2 indicated those spectral details
tionships, but also unexpected ones. Another property of PCA is which differentiated the two groups (Figure 2). The spectrum of
that it allows the objective comparison of many complex spectra, bovine heparin contained more clearly distinct signals; at least
which is useful, especially when these are difficult to compare by 23 positive peaks were found through initial peak picking (see
visual inspection. Such spectra can then be clustered, or a den- Table II). One of the peaks found in component 1 FRS (strongly
drogram constructed, to represent their relatedness to each other, correlated with bovine origin) had been shown previously to be
and this can assist recognition or, equally, be used to identify any a key marker (by visual inspection) for the differentiation of
differences (which might be subtle) between them. The identity bovine and porcine heparin spectra (Casu et al. 1996). The peak
of essential differences between such groupings can then also at 62.04 ppm was assigned to non-6-O-sulfated glucosamine
be extracted. In the present article, PCA has been employed first residues and was significantly stronger in bovine mucosal hep-
for the differentiation and structural analysis of heparin samples arin (Figure 2A). Conversely, the sample of porcine origin had
obtained from different sources. It was then used to analyze 1 H a slightly higher level of 6-O-sulfated glucosamine, with a peak
and 13 C NMR chemical shift data of systematically modified at 68.6 ppm (Figure 2A). The two structures were also differen-
heparin polysaccharides to reveal structural subtleties and, fi- tiated by their respective signal around 73 ppm (Figure 2A and
nally, for the analysis of a series of the 1 H NMR and CD spectra tentative assignments in Table II) arising from A5 (Yates et al.
of CS samples for the purposes of classifying them in terms of 1996). Peaks of interest are highlighted in Figure 2.
their underlying structures. This simple example illustrates the ability of PCA to catego-
rize datasets and extract key differentiating variables from the
GAG NMR spectra. These results suggested that PCA may also
be applied to the analysis of more complex datasets such as
Results and discussion those arising from a series of systematically modified heparin
A. Differentiation of the 13 C NMR spectra of heparin samples derivatives.
of distinct origins
It is often desirable to compare samples of commercial pharma- B. Analysis of the 1 H and 13 C NMR spectra of a series of
ceutical grade heparin, or their precursor crude heparin, which systematically modified heparin derivatives to reveal
may have been obtained from a variety of sources, for reasons of correlations with substitution pattern and underlying
quality control. One common requirement is to be able to differ- structural features
entiate rapidly between heparin samples from distinct sources, The 1 H and 13 C NMR chemical shift data and assignments
for example, porcine (a major source of commercial heparin) or for 12 modified heparin polysaccharides were reported previ-
bovine (now more rarely encountered since the advent of bovine ously (Yates et al. 1996). The basic disaccharide repeating unit
spongiform encephalopathies; BSE). This has been done previ- of bovine lung heparin, -4)-α-L-idoA-2S-(1-4)-α-D-GlcNS,6S-
ously using 13 C NMR spectroscopy (Casu et al. 1996) to distin- (1-, was systematically modified exhaustively at each position to
guish heparin samples from bovine or porcine origin, essentially provide combinations of essentially homogeneous polysaccha-
by visual inspection, and the selection of obvious spectral fea- rides (8–19), repeating structures of which are shown in Table
tures, but here, the ability of PCA to differentiate between three III. The 1 H and 13 C spectra were recorded and assigned (by
heparin samples of porcine and four of bovine origin (Table I) one- and two-dimensional homo- and heteronuclear NMR) to
(spectra shown in supplementary data) was tested. The compo- provide datasets consisting of chemical shift values, correlating
nent plot revealed that the samples fell into two defined clusters with particular (and known) substitution patterns. One challenge
(Figure 1A and B), which were almost orthogonal. Plotting com- in analyzing such data was to determine whether other subtle
ponents as a function of sample revealed that component 1 was structural relationships existed which might indicate, for ex-
strongly correlated with bovine and component 2 with porcine ample, that conformational changes had occurred at positions
origin; this strong correlation can be seen in Figure 1C, in which remote from the sites of substitution. These may have arisen,
the contribution of each compound to component 1 is plotted. for instance, from changes in hydrogen-bond formation and
Figure 1C also clearly demonstrates that only one component could involve changes in glycosidic linkage geometry, altered
is required to differentiate between bovine and porcine hep- ring conformation, or both. These possibilities were investigated
arin. PCA with mean centering, which provides slightly better through analysis of the effects on chemical shift values at these
differentiation, is also included in the supplementary data. positions.
T R Rudd et al.

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Fig. 1. (A) A plot of components 1 and 2 and cluster analysis, for PCA of the 13 C NMR spectra of heparin samples showing their clear differentiation into two
groups. Note that samples 1 and 4 are superimposed. (B) Dendrogram for compounds 1–7 showing the clear differentiation of those derived from bovine (1, 3, 4,
and 7, while closely related samples 1 and 4 can be differentiated by the cluster analysis) and porcine (2, 5, and 6) sources (B). (C) A bar plot of component 1.

Table II. Peak picking of component 1 and 2 FRS with selected assignments

Component 1 FRS Component 2 FRS

Positive (ppm) Negative (ppm) Positive (ppm) Negative (ppm)

60.13 A2 55.86 A2 55.86 A2 60.42 A2

60.42 A2 71.30 58.79 62.03 A6(OH)
62.03 A6(0H) 75.63 60.05 A2 70.04
65.51 78.34 A4 63.14 70.52
70.04 97.58 68.56 A6(S)/I3(NH2/NAc) 73.23 A3/A5/I2OH/I3/I4/I4
70.54 104.18 71.33 76.99
71.10 75.62 79.61 A4
71.45 78.30 A4 79.87 A4
71.78 97.58 99.37
73.23 A3/A5/I2OH/I3/I4/I4 98.86 A1
75.05 104.18
77.98 I4
78.11 A4
78.81 A4
79.60 A4
79.87 A4
81.93 A4
99.36 A4
101.45 I1(2S)
102.91 I2(2S)
104.39 I1(2OH)

Glycosaminoglycan origin and structure

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Fig. 2. (A) Component 1 and 2 factor regression score (FRS) plots, which reproduced features of the bovine spectra and the differences between the porcine and
bovine spectra, respectively. (B) 13 C NMR spectra (as examples) of 2 (of porcine origin) and 7 (of bovine origin). Peaks picked from the FRS plots were tabulated
and tentative assignments made (Table II).

The chemical shift positions of 12 proton and 11 carbon nu- i. Analysis of 1 H NMR Chemical Shift Data. The scree plot
clei (those of the carboxylic acids and N-acetyl groups were revealed three distinct components (Figure 3A). Hierarchical
not included in the original study) comprised the variables for cluster analysis (Figure 3C) of the 1 H NMR chemical shift data
each of the 12 compound cases. Three pieces of information component plot (Figure 3B) indicated that, over the series of
were generated for the 1 H and 13 C data of the 12 compounds: modifications, the highest variation in 1 H chemical shift val-
the scree plot (showing how many components could be found ues occurred at A2. The signal from iduronate most closely
for each dataset), the component value for each chemical shift correlated with A2 was I3. This is consistent with a proposed
position (indicating how significantly a given position, i.e., sin- hydrogen bond between A2-NS and I3-OH, which disappeared
gle chemical shift value, contributed to that component), and following the removal of NS (or substitution with N-acetyl) and
the component factor regression score (FRS, the relative ex- resulted in substantial changes in the chemical shift value of I3
tent to which each modified derivative contributed to a given (Casu et al. 1996; Yates et al. 2000). The majority of iduronate
component). and glucosamine positions lay in the same clusters, I1, I5, I2,
I3, and A4, A5, A6, and A6 , respectively. Interestingly, A3 was
closely linked to the iduronate positions, indicating that the sub-
stitution and conformation of the iduronate residues may directly
affect this position, presumably also through hydrogen bonding.
Table III. The systematically modified heparin samples (8–19)
Of the four glycosidic linkage-related positions, variations in the
Position of substitution chemical shift positions of A1 and I4 were closely correlated,
while more independent variation was evident between I1 and
Compound Notation I2 A6 A2 A4. This is again consistent with the existence of hydrogen
bonding between glucosamine and iduronate, but may indicate
9 I2OH A6OH NS H H SO3 − considerably weaker interactions between iduronate and glu-
10 I2OH A6S NS H SO3 − SO3 − cosamine than between glucosamine and iduronate residues in
11 I2S A6S NH2 SO3 − SO3 − H many derivatives. The torsion angles in the glycosidic linkage
12 I2S A6S NAc SO3 − SO3 − COCH3 I1-Og -A4 are, therefore, presumably less restrained generally
13 I2S A6OH NS SO3 − H SO3 −
14 I2OH A6S NH2 H SO3 − H
than those in A1-Og -I4 (see also section (iii)). I1, I5, and I2 are
15 I2OH A6S NAc H SO3 − COCH3 the positions at which changes due to structural modifications
16 I2OH A6OH NAc H H COCH3 with the highest similarity in chemical shift positions, with I1
17 I2S A6OH NH2 SO3 − H H chemical shift values being correlated with those at I5 and I2
18 I2S A6OH NAc SO3 − H COCH3 which, in the case of I5 do, or I2 can, carry negatively charged
19 I2S A6S NS SO3 − SO3 − SO3 −
groups (a carboxylic acid and a sulfate group, respectively).
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Fig. 3. (A) Scree plot of components. (B) Component plot. (C) Hierarchical cluster analysis (clusters defined by at least 80% similarity) produced by PCA of the
1 H chemical shift data for the chemically modified heparin derivatives 8–19 showing correlations between changes in chemical shift positions within the repeating
disaccharide units.

This analysis indicated that there were positions (e.g., A3, A1, For example, the component 1 FRS clearly illustrated
I4, and A4) whose 1 H chemical shift values (inferring also their that component 1 differentiated between O-sulfation at I2
environments) were altered, even though they were remote from (Figure 5A) and was highly correlated with I1, I2, and I3,
the positions at which the substitutions were made. This demon- (Figure 4A) which was to be expected. However, the correla-
strated that subtle structural changes had occurred in the heparin tions with A3, A4, and I5 were less obvious and the correlation
molecule as substitution patterns were modified. with A3 is consistent with interactions between the hydroxyl
When the contribution made to each component by each po- group at A3 and the iduronate 2-O-sulfate, resulting in altered
sition was plotted (Figure 4), a number of strong correlations glycosidic bond geometry involving A4. The correlation with I5
were revealed: component 1 with A3, A4, I1, I2, I3, and I5; indicated a conformational change when the iduronate residue
component 2 with A4, A5, A6, and A6 ; component 3 corre- was 2-O-sulfated. There was also a weak correlation with A6 .
lated with A1, I3, and I4 and had negative correlations with A2, The component 2 FRS indicated that component 2 dif-
A3, and A4; and component 4 correlated with A3, A4, A6 , I2, ferentiated between 6-O-sulfation and de-O-sulfation at A6
I4, and I5 (supplementary data). When compared with the FRS (Figure 5B). Component 2 was highly correlated with A5, A6,
for each component, it was apparent that certain modifications and A6 (Figure 4B). A4 was also highly correlated with the
correlated with specific chemical shifts. The significant finding de-O-sulfation at A6, indicating probable changes in glycosidic
was that those chemical shifts did not all arise from the obvi- linkage geometry. There were weaker correlations with A1, A2,
ous positions of substitution (that is, from those chemical shift A3, I1, 12, I4, and I5 indicating widespread conformational
changes that would be expected following the selective removal effects on the iduronate conformation and glycosidic linkage
of the electronegative sulfate group at I2, A2, or A6, in the case geometry. These were investigated further (see section (iii)).
of 2-O-sulfation in iduronate, N-sulfation, or 6-O-sulfate, or Component 3 FRS differentiated between free-amine/
the addition of N-acetyl groups in glucosamine, respectively). N-sulfate and N-acetylation at A2 (Figure 5C). Component 3
This indicated structural subtleties and interdependences that was correlated positively with A1, I3, and I4, whereas the corre-
were difficult, or impossible, to delineate by the simple visual lation with A2, A3, and A4 was negative (Figure 4C), suggesting
inspection of the spectra. that the immediate environment in glucosamine was unchanged
Glycosaminoglycan origin and structure

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Fig. 4. (A) The first, (B) second, and (C) third principal components from the 1 H chemical shift data plotted against proton identity in the disaccharide repeating
units for chemically modified heparin derivatives (8–19). These plots reveal the relative extent to which components 1, 2, and 3 were influenced by the substitutions
made in 8–19 at each position of the repeating disaccharide unit.

by N-acetylation and this is consistent with a stable conforma- I4 was sensitive to modifications only in the glucosamine
tion in the glucosamine residue. The correlation with A1 and I4 residue, either at A2 or A6 (Figure 6B and C), and insensitive
indicates an effect on the glycosidic linkage between A1 and I4, to modifications at I2 (Figure 6A and B) (see also section (iii)).
whereas, the correlations at I3 and I4 represent an interaction A3 was sensitive to O-sulfation of I2, which was consistent with
between adjacent residues via the hydroxyl group at I3 with the the proposed hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl group at A3
amine or N-sulfate at A2, which was obviously distinct when and the O-sulfate at I2 (Figure 6A and B). A6, A6 , and A5 were
A2 was N-acetylated. The component 4 FRS differentiated be- sensitive only to O-sulfation at A6 (Figure 6A and C).
tween N-sulfation at A2 and either free amine or N-acetylation
(see supplementary data). ii. Analysis of 13 C Chemical Shift Data. The scree plot generated
The relationship between each component and the derivatives by analysis of the 13 C NMR chemical shift values for chemically
was also studied, to reveal which type of substitution correlated modified heparin derivatives 8–19 revealed that there were three
with each component. Component 1 was strongly related to clearly distinct components (Figure 7C).
those compounds containing O-sulfation at I2, component 2 to Variations in the 13 C chemical shift positions for A6 and I2
O-sulfation at A6, and component 3 to de-N-acetylation at A2. were observed for all modifications, whereas modifications at
Plotting each component against each other (Figure 6) revealed A2 (free amine, N-sulfate or N-acetyl) induced variations at A1,
those positions which correlated specifically with single chem- I3, I4, and I5, in particular, and I1 to a lesser extent (Figure 7).
ical modifications. Obviously the modifications at I2, A2, and The component 1 FRS differentiated between O-sulfation and
A6 correlated directly with those positions, but from these plots, hydroxyl at I2 (Figure 8A). Desulfation at I2 affected the whole
it was also possible to deduce which positions were insensitive of the iduronate residue, with a substantial effect in the 13 C spec-
to the chemical modification or, conversely, which seemingly tra at I2; the changes of the other iduronate chemical shifts prob-
unrelated positions were affected. If a particular position lay ably arose from a change in conformation of the iduronate ring.
on either of the axes, this indicated that the position was only There was little change to the glucosamine residue (Figure 9A),
sensitive to that modification. On the other hand, if a position indicating that both conformational stability and interactions
lay between the axes, they were sensitive to both modifications. between the two residues probably remained largely unaffected.
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Fig. 5. Component FRS plots for (A) component 1, (B) component 2, and (C) component 3 from PCA of 1 H chemical shift data for each chemically modified
heparin derivative 8–19 revealing how the specific chemical modification was correlated with each component.

This agrees with findings in the literature (Hricovini and Torri sitive to modification at I2 (i.e., component 1) (Figure 9A and
1995) in which the glucosamine residue has been observed pre- D) (see also section (iii)). For most modifications, the positions
dominantly in the 4 C1 conformation. were orthogonal (supplementary data), except for I4, I3, and I5,
The component 2 factor FRS differentiated between N- which were sensitive to modifications at I2 and A2 (Figure 9A–
sulfation at A2 or free amine/N-acetylation (Figure 8B). Com- C). N-Sulfation of A2 affected not only the adjacent linkage
ponent 2 was highly correlated with A1, A2, I2, I3, I4, and I5. position I4 and the I3 hydroxyl group, but also I5 (Figure 9B).
The correlation at A1 and A2 was expected, as the substitution There was also a weak correlation with I2, possibly suggesting
occurred at A2, with correlations at A1 and A4 indicating prob- an interaction between de-O-sulfated I2 and the A2-N-sulfated
able changes in glycosidic linkage geometry. The correlation positions (Figure 9B and supplementary data).
of almost all positions in the iduronate residue was more un-
expected, suggesting a conformational change in the ring. The iii. Analysis of the Linkage Position: 13 C Chemical Shift Data.
correlation with I3 indicated a change in the interaction between The possibility of attributing the relative weights of a partic-
I3 and A2 (e.g., in hydrogen bonding). This was corroborated ular component to chemical shift changes at each position in
by the correlation at A1 and I4, consistent with the glycosidic the repeating disaccharide (e.g., Figures 8A and 9A), allowed
linkage undergoing geometric rearrangement due to changes in selected areas of the molecule (e.g., ring components, those
the interactions between A2 and I3 (Figure 9B) involving glycosidic linkages, etc.) to be examined. If the as-
The component 3 FRS differentiated between O-sulfation and sumption is made that similar chemical shift values equated to
free hydroxyl at A6 (Figure 8C). Component 3 was correlated similar environments and hence, similar geometries, the anal-
with A4, A5, and A6, with 6-de-O-sulfation only affecting A4 ysis of 13 C chemical shift data (Figure 9) would reveal some
and A5 (Figure 9C). The slightly different information obtained unexpected findings. Figures 7A and 10A demonstrate that the
from the 1 H and 13 C NMR analyses reflected the distinct loca- considerable variation in 13 C NMR shifts existed at the positions
tions of 1 H and 13 C nuclei and the influences to which each was of the linkage (A1, I4, A4, and I1), but one interesting question
sensitive. The least sensitive position to chemical modification in these derivatives is the extent to which the backbone geometry
apparent from analysis of the 13 C chemical shift data was A3 (represented by 13 C chemical shift values of the linkage posi-
(Figure 9A–D and supplementary data) while I1 was only sen- tions) differed for 8–19. This allowed (within the framework
Glycosaminoglycan origin and structure

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Fig. 6. Component plots for the 1 H chemical shift data. Component 1 represents 2-O-sulfation/de-O-sulfation, component 2 6-O-sulfation/de-O-sulfation, and
component 3 N-acetylation. Points (representing the chemical shift values at each position, i.e., 1 H nucleus) lying on either the horizontal or vertical axis essentially
contributed to one or other component, those lying away from the axes contributed to both components.

of the assumption made above) the issue of whether a level of To establish the extent to which this approach had succeeded
degeneracy existed in relation to the glycosidic geometry to be in distinguishing distinct glycosidic geometries from analysis
addressed. of the chemical shifts of these four positions alone, NOE exper-
Figure 10B, in which the chemical shifts arising from the iments were conducted under identical conditions for some of
positions involved in the glycosidic linkages (I4, I1, A4, and these pairs (Table IV). Compounds 9 and 10 were selected as
A1), showed distinct groupings comprising four loosely defined two examples with almost identical chemical shift values and
groups: one contained 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, and 19 and another, 12, 16 as an example clearly distinct from these two.
17, and 18, while both 11 and 13 lay in more distinct positions. The interacting protons and the dimension of their NOE val-
All except one of the former group contained I2OH residues and ues were strikingly similar for 9 and 10 across the A–I glycosidic
all three of the second group contained I2S residues. This implies
that the linkage geometry (again, inferred through changes in
chemical shifts) was little affected when the iduronate residue Table IV. Percent NOEs between A1 and other positions and between I1 and
lacked O-sulfates. When the I2 position was O-sulfated (in com- other positions across the glycosidic linkages for three derivatives 9, 10, and
pounds 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, and 19), the chemical shift values 16. The presence of an NOE between protons indicates close proximity and the
(hence, glycosidic geometries) were more varied: compounds magnitude of the NOE is sensitive to the conformation
17 and 18 (I2S A6OH NH2 and I2S A6OH NAc ) were very similar, Interacting protons (% NOE)
while 11 (I2S A6S NH2 ) and 13 (I2S A6OH NS ) were the most dis-
tinct. There was almost complete identity apparent between a Compound A1 I1
number of pairs: 9 and 10 (I2OH A6OH NS and I2OH A6S NS ), 15 and
9 I3 (35), I4 (20), A2 (41) A6/I2 (81), A4 (44)
16 (I2OH A6S NAc and I2OH A6OH NAc ), and 17 and 18 (I2S A6OH NH2 10 I3 (30), I4 (17), A2 (37) A6/A6 (22), I2 (2), A4 (25)
and I2S A6OH NAc ). For each of these pairs, the structural differ- 16 I3 (52a ), I4 (17), A2 (49) A6 (53a ), I2 (14), A4/I2 (41)
ence was the position of substitution in the glucosamine residue.
a Indicates overlapping signals.

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Fig. 7. (A) Plot of the first three principal components, (B) hierarchical cluster analysis, and (C) scree plot for PCA of the 13 C chemical shift data of 8–19.

linkage between A1 and I4 and were substantially different for sources as shown in Table V. The aim was to determine whether
16. On the other hand, the wider variation was observed in the PCA could be used to group these according to their structural
NOE interactions between I1 and positions across the I–A gly- content and type by analysis of their 1 H NMR or CD spec-
cosidic linkage. This agrees with the earlier observation that tra alone and to determine which spectroscopic method would
the A–I glycosidic linkage is generally less varied than the I–A provide the best means of identification. Their classification
linkage (section (ii)). A comparison of the repeating structures
of 9 and 10 confirmed that the removal of 6-O-sulfate groups
in the presence of N-sulfates, but the absence of 2-O-sulfates,
had very little effect on the A–I linkage geometry, but more Table V. Origins and composition (by disaccharide analysis) of samples of
significant effects on I–A geometry. This implies that, in the ab- chondroitin sulfate (20–29)
sence of 2-O-sulfate groups in iduronate residues, 6-O-sulfates Sample Origin 4-Sulfated 6-Sulfated 2,6-Disulfated
do not interact with the iduronate residues across A–I glycosidic (%) (%) (%)
linkages, but rather, across I–A linkages (Table IV). This also
implies that, through specific modifications, it may be possi- 20 Bovine tracheal CS 65 35 –
ble to alter the geometry of one glycosidic linkage significantly 21 Shark cartilage CS 35 50 15
22 Pig tracheal (6 months) CS 90 10 –
more strongly than the other. 23 DS 100 0 –
24 Ca2+ :DS 100 0 –
25 Whale cartilage CS High nd –
C. Differentiation of chondroitin sulfate samples 26 Pig tracheal CS (old) 80 20 –
by a combination of 1 H and CD spectroscopy 27 Bovine tracheal CS 65 35 –
28 Pig tracheal (6 months) CS 90 10 –
The 1 H NMR and circular dichroism (CD) spectra were recorded 29 Pig tracheal CS (old) 80 20 –
for 10 samples of chondroitin sulfate from different biological
Glycosaminoglycan origin and structure

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Fig. 8. Component FRS plots, (A) component 1, (B) component 2, and (C) component 3 from PCA of 13 C chemical shift data for each chemically modified
heparin derivative 8–19 revealing how the specific chemical modification was correlated with each component.

essentially depends on their disaccharide content compris- samples 21, 23, and 28. This illustrated how PCA can be used
ing characteristic proportions of 4- and 6-O-sulfation and the to select meaningful features from the NMR spectra, but also
presence of iduronate or glucuronate residues. The disaccharide showed that the variation within the N-acetyl region alone was
compositions of the samples were also determined to allow sufficient for their differentiation into CS and DS. As for the
comparisons to be made and are shown in Table V. The 1 H full spectra, the N-acetyl regions clearly differentiated CS from
NMR spectra for the 10 samples are shown in supplementary DS (23 and 24) and also 27, illustrating that the main difference
data. in these samples was the position of the peak due to N-acetyl
PCA of the 1 H NMR spectra (Figure 11) produced two pri- (Figure 12B). In the analysis of the CD and 1 H NMR spectra of
mary components, which allowed differentiation of CS (com- CS, six components were required to represent fully the underly-
ponent 1 (20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29)) and DS (component ing features of the different CS/DS samples while differentiation
2 (23, 24)), but the addition of four other components covered between CS and DS only required component 1. The structural
99% of the total variance. Inclusion of these components al- differences present in the 10 samples gave rise to several distinct
lowed differentiation between bovine tracheal (27), Ca2+ : DS spectra, and hence 6 principal components were found. Circular
(24), shark cartilage (2,6 disulfated) (21), and bovine tracheal CS dichroism (CD) is known to be sensitive to uronic acid confor-
(20). From the inspection of component FRS plots (Figure 11D), mation (and configuration) and was, therefore, also employed.
it was clear that major structural differences resided in the N- PCA on the CD spectra produced two components (Figure 13B),
acetyl spectral region around 2 ppm. As the N-acetyl region has which when plotted (Figure 13C and D) confirmed compounds
clear, definable peaks, PCA was also performed on that spectral 23 and 24 (DS and Ca2+ :DS, respectively) as distinct, but also
region alone. The component plot was very similar to that for clearly differentiated compound 21 (shark cartilage), which in
the full spectra (supplementary data), with the two DS samples the 1 H NMR analysis needed five components. Furthermore,
(23 and 24) being the most distinct. Again, 27, 22, and 21 were by utilizing only two components, it was possible to differenti-
clearly divided in the three component plots (Figure 11C). As ate between samples CS containing low and high 4-O-sulfation
an example, Figure 12A shows the 1 H spectra for 21, 23, and 28, (Figure 13) 22, 25, and 28 having higher 4-O-sulfation than 20,
with the relevant component FRS values also plotted; these are 27, and 26. This differentiation was confirmed by the disac-
the components that correlated with the key spectral features of charide analysis shown in Table V. Thus, the combined use of
T R Rudd et al.

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Fig. 9. (A) The first, (B) second, and (C) third principal components and (D) component 1 plotted against component 2 from the 13 C chemical shift data plotted
against proton identity in the disaccharide repeating unit for chemically modified heparin derivatives (8–19). These plots show the relative extent to which
components 1, 2, and 3 were influenced by the substitutions made in 8–19 at each position of the repeating disaccharide unit.

complementary spectroscopic techniques and PCA was able to D2 O and lyophilized. The CS chains were released from the
detect distinct structural differences but CD, somewhat surpris- attached amino acids by β-elimination with 0.05 M NaOH con-
ingly given the rather broad features of the CD spectra, was the taining 1 M sodium borohydride at 45◦ C for 48 h after which
more effective of the two. Analysis of these spectra using prior they were dialyzed exhaustively against D2 O then lyophilized.
mean centering, which provided slightly cleaner differentiation, Dermatan sulfate was isolated from porcine intestinal mucosa as
is shown in supplementary data. previously described (Lauder et al. 2000). The Ca2+ form was
generated using cation exchange resin and dialyzing the column
eluate against calcium carbonate before final extensive dialysis
Material and methods against distilled water.
Chondroitin sulfates were isolated as previously described SRCD
(Lauder et al. 2001, 2000). Briefly, diced tissue was digested The SRCD spectra were recorded on the CD-12 beamline at
by papain (1 U/100 mg tissue) in 0.1 M sodium acetate, 2.4 mM Daresbury Laboratory, a purpose built SRCD facility, using a
EDTA, pH 6.8, with 10 mM cysteine HCl added just prior to quartz sample cell with 0.02 cm path length, 1 nm resolution,
digestion, for 24 h at 65◦ C. Following digestion, the GAGs between 260 nm and 175 nm. The CD spectra were recorded
were precipitated from the soluble fraction by the addition of at 10 mg/mL and are relative to (+)-10-camphorsulfonic acid
4 volumes of ethanol and cooling to 4◦ C overnight. The precip- (1.0 mg/mL).
itate was resuspended in a minimum volume of 50 mM sodium
acetate and the CS precipitated by the dropwise addition of NMR
2 volumes of ethanol under constant agitation. The solution was The 1 H and 13 C NMR spectra were recorded as described previ-
cooled to 4◦ C and allowed to stand overnight before the re- ously (Yates et al. 1996) with delays of 8 s and 1.5 s for the 1 H and
covery of the precipitate, which was dialyzed overnight against C spectra, respectively. Briefly, the 1 H (COSY and HMQC)
Glycosaminoglycan origin and structure

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Fig. 10. (A) A plot of components 1 and 2 (where a correspondence between components 1 and 2 with N-sulfation and I2 O-sulfation, respectively, is revealed in
(C) and (D)) for the PCA analysis performed for the linkage regions (i.e., on 13 C chemical shift positions for I1, A4, I4, and A1) for 8–19. I1 is almost entirely
dependent on component 2, A4 similarly on component 1, whereas I4 and A1 depend on both. (B) The component 1 and 2 FRS plotted against each other for 8–19
showing that the linkage positions are to some extent all influenced by either component 1, 2, or both. (C) The component 1 FRS from the PCA analysis performed
on positions A1, A4, I1, and I4 for compounds 8–19. All those with positive values bear an N-sulfate except 17 and 18 D. The component 2 FRS from the PCA
analysis performed on linkage positions for 8–19. All those with positive values except 19 bear O-sulfate groups at I2.

spectra were obtained at 500 MHz with a Bruker AMX500 spec- The λ terms correspond to the factor loadings to be estimated,
trometer equipped with a 5 mm 1 H/X inverse probe and the 13 C and σij is the measurement error in xij , or the part of xij that is not
spectra were obtained at 100 MHz with a 10 mm probe using accounted for by the r underlying factors. In matrix notation,
a Bruker AM400 instrument. All spectra were recorded in D2 O this representation can be expanded to X =   +, where X
at 40◦ C and chemical shift values (ppm) are expressed relative (n by the k-matrix) is the observed cases,  (n by the r-matrix)
to external (nondeuterated) trimethylsilyl propionate (TSP) in is the scores on the underlying factors,   (r by the k-matrix) is
D2 O as standard. The NOESY spectra were measured using the the transpose of the factor loadings, and  (n by the k-matrix)
Bruker library sequence (NOESYPHPR) with mixing times of is the measurement errors.
200 and 400 ms with presaturation of the residual HOD signal
and a delay of 4 s between experiments. The 2D matrix size
of 2000 × 320 was zero filled to 4000 × 2000 by application Definitions
of a squared cosine function before Fourier transformation. The Factor/components: Factors/components represent the underly-
percentage NOE enhancement was measured by integration of a ing dimensions that summarise or account for the original set of
projection of the cross peak and is expressed relative to a signal observed data.
given a nominal value of 1 proton. Loadings/component factor regression scores: Correlation be-
tween the original variable and the factors, the squared factors
loadings indicate what percentage of the variance in the original
variable is explained by a factor.
Multivariate analysis
Score/component values: Composite measure created for each
Consider a dataset xij (cases i and variables j (i = 1, . . . , n; observation on each factor extracted in the factor analysis.
j = 1, . . . ,k)); factor analysis allows xij to be modeled as a com- Multivariate analysis was performed using SPSS 15.0 (SPSS
bination of r factors, ξ. xij = λj1 ξi1 + λj2 ξi2 + · · · +λjr ξir + σij . UK Ltd, Woking, UK), without prior mean centering, unless
T R Rudd et al.

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Fig. 11. (A) Scree plot from PCA of the 1 H NMR spectra of CS/DS samples, identifying the number of principal components. (B) Cluster plot indicating the
degree of apparent relatedness by analysis of their 1 H NMR spectra, (C) plot of components 1, 2, and 3, and (D) plot of component 1, 2, and 3 FRSs for the analysis
of the 1 H spectra of CS samples 20–29 by PCA.

stated otherwise. Factor analysis was performed, with factor/ changes that most accurately indicate structural changes may
components extracted by PCA with a correlation matrix; the not always occur at the positions of substitution (this much
components were then rotated using the varimax method. Clus- was evident from the inspection of data carried out in Yates
ter analysis was performed using Minitab (Minitab Ltd, Coven- et al. 1996, 2000) but PCA also identified those positions which
try, UK) with single linkage. Euclidean distances were measured were most strongly correlated with particular changes, as well
and clusters were determined by 80% similarity. as the location of interactions between residues. Furthermore,
changes in the chemical shift values at the glycosidic linkage
positions were identified by PCA and, making the assumption
that similar chemical shift values indicated similar geometries,
Heparin samples of different origins can be distinguished by allowed their analysis. The close similarity observed in sev-
PCA of their 13 C NMR spectra and the structural differences eral derivatives indicated a possible level of degeneracy in the
between them were identified. PCA can reveal a wealth of de- geometry of the backbone region (again, assuming that geom-
tails concerning complex datasets that would otherwise be dif- etry was closely related to chemical shift values at linkage po-
ficult to identify. Analysis of a series of chemically modified sitions). Some caution must be exercised, however, because
heparin derivatives by NMR revealed that the chemical shift conformational changes in the flexible iduronate residue may
Glycosaminoglycan origin and structure

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Fig. 12. (A) Component 1, 3, and 6 FRS values derived by PCA of the N-acetyl (CH3 ) region (2.00–2.16 ppm) of the 1 H NMR spectra of CS/DS samples and the
1 H spectra of 21 (shark cartilage), 23 (DS), and 28 (CS). (B) Plot of components 1, 2, and 3 and (C) plot of components 1, 3, and 6 of the N-acetyl (CH ) region
(2.00–2.16 ppm) of the 1 H NMR spectra of CS/DS samples.

also affect the environment of I4 and I1 and could compen- To test the extent to which the glycosidic linkages of such
sate for changes in glycosidic linkage geometry. Interestingly, polysaccharides, with apparently almost identical geometries
the structures that PCA revealed as being the most distinct (according to PCA of the 13 C chemical shifts of the linkage
were not predictable from a consideration of their substitu- positions) varied, a number of NOE experiments were under-
tion patterns alone and certain structural changes had much taken. For these polysaccharides, in which the iduronate lacked
more dramatic effects than others. An example was the dif- a 2-O-sulfate group (9 (I2OH A6OH NS ), 10 (I2OH A6S NS )), the gly-
ference between 11 (a repeating structure of I2S A6S NH2 ) and cosidic linkage geometry between glucosamine and iduronate
13 (I2S A6OH NS ). The difference in substitution pattern in was essentially maintained, while that between iduronate and
this pair effectively involved the transfer of a sulfate group glucosamine residues showed more variation. Interestingly, this
from A6 (in 11) to A2 (in 13) and this resulted in the most also indicated that these particular changes in substitution pat-
different pair in terms of distinct linkage regions of com- tern had little effect on one of the linkages, but more on the
pounds among the heparin derivatives studied (Figure 10B). other. Similar measurements on another derivative (16 (I2OH
On the other hand, the pairs of compounds with almost identical A6OH NAc )) with a distinct location on the PCA plot (Figure 10B),
chemical shift values for the positions involved in the glyco- were confirmed as possessing distinct geometries at both A–I
sidic linkages (A1, I4, A4, and I1), such as 9 (I2OH A6OH NS ) and and I–A linkages. PCA of these data was, therefore, apparently
10 (I2OH A6S NS ) or 15 (I2OH A6S NAc ) and 16 (I2OH A6OH NAc ), not particularly sensitive to the changes across the I–A linkage.
suggested that with the I2 position lacking an O-sulfate group, The finding that some changes in substitution pattern can
modifications in glucosamine such as 6-hydroxyl to 6-O-sulfate apparently alter one, but not the other, glycosidic linkage (sug-
at A6 in 9 and 10, or 6-hydroxyl to 6-O-sulfate in 15 and 16 had gesting that a level of degeneracy exists) has implications for
little effect on the glycosidic linkages. the nature of HS and heparin chains. For example, modifications
T R Rudd et al.

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Fig. 13. (A) CD spectra for 20–29. (B) Scree plot indicating two principal components. (C) Plot of component 1 against component 2 indicating differentiation into
three groups: one containing 23 and 24 (both DS samples), a main group comprising 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29 (CS samples), with 21 (shark cartilage) distinct.
(D) Cluster analysis showing the degree of relatedness between the members of these groups.

such as 6-O-sulfation in stretches of I2OH –ANS will result in a method of fine control over the conformational consequences.
specific geometric modification in one glycosidic linkage and The subtle nature of the geometric influence of particular struc-
not the other. In the case of a hydroxyl group at I2 in iduronate, tural modifications and the first indications and nature of the
the A–I linkage geometry appears indifferent to the presence of degeneracy of this system have been identified. This is the first
sulfate or hydroxyl at A6. On the other hand, in the presence step in relating the substitution pattern to conformational out-
of 2-O-sulfate at iduronate, the A–I linkage becomes sensitive comes in these polysaccharides, which will have implications
to the sulfation status of position A6. Likewise, when N-acetyl for their activities.
is substituted with N-sulfate in the presence of both 2-O and For the analysis of chondroitin sulfate, PCA allowed classifi-
6-O-sulfation, comparing 12 and 19 in Figure 10, more substan- cation into groups that corresponded to their identification as CS
tial geometric changes occur. This has also been confirmed by or DS. By utilizing only the N-acetyl region of the CS/DS spec-
NOE experiments (Rudd et al. 2007) in which the magnitude tra, PCA was able to differentiate between the samples to the
of the NOEs measured between A1 and I3 or I4 for heparin same level as using the full spectra; however, limitations in the
was significantly altered in the N-acetylated derivative. The ge- ability of 1 H NMR to differentiate CS samples were exposed.
ometric consequences of substitution patterns including 2-O- Surprisingly, the CD spectra were better able to differentiate
sulfates, with or without 6-O-sulfation, for example, comparing the samples than 1 H NMR, despite the generally broad features
compounds 19 and 13 in Figure 10, are more significant and of the former and apparent information-rich content of the lat-
also affect both glycosidic linkages. These results show that, ter. Indeed, analysis of the CD spectra (Figure 13D) grouped
for particular substitution patterns, certain groups interact with the CD spectra into clusters: 20, 27, and 26, corresponding to
adjacent residues changing one, or both, glycosidic geometries those with lower ratios of 4- to 6-O-sulfates; 22, 25, 28, and 29,
and that 2-O-sulfation renders the A–I linkage more sensitive to which contained those with higher ratios of 4- to 6-O-sulfation,
the substitution pattern of glucosamine. The ability to influence and others, comprising 21, 23, and 24, containing DS samples.
the location of these combinations of sulfation and acetyla- The apparent correlation of the CD spectra with sulfation pattern
tion, rather than just a single substitution, therefore, provides a suggests that these substitutions may also affect the environment
Glycosaminoglycan origin and structure

of the uronic acid to an extent that can be detected by CD. The nent analysis; PG, proteogylcan. Throughout the text An or In
ability of CD to differentiate these samples is presumably a con- refer to position n (either C atom or H atom depending on the
sequence of its sensitivity to the conformation or configuration context) of the amino sugar (glucosamine) or iduronate residue,
of the carboxylic acid chromophore of the uronic acid (Rudd et respectively.
al. 2007), one of the key differentiating features of CS (Linhardt
et al. 1994).
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of heparin samples for quality control and monitoring the batch-
to-batch variation as well as for the purposes of distinguishing Almeida C, Duarte IF, Barros A, Rodrigues J, Spraul M, Gil AM. 2006. Com-
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Funding molecular weight dermatan sulfate as an Antithrombotic agent. Structure
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The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council; Rudd TR, Guimond SE, Skidmore MA, Duchesne L, Guerrini M, Torri G,
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Wellcome Trust; Medical Research Council; and North West of substitution pattern and cation binding on conformation and activity in
Cancer Research Fund (to D.G.F.). heparin derivatives. Glycobiology. 17:983–993.
Rudd TR, Skidmore MA, Guimond SE, Guerrini M, Cosentino C, Edge R,
Brown A, Clarke DT, Torri G, Turnbull JE, et al. 2008. Site-specific in-
Acknowledgements teractions of copper(II) ions with heparin revealed with complementary
(SRCD, NMR, FTIR and EPR) spectroscopic techniques. Carbohydr Res.
The authors thank David Clarke and Alan Brown of Daresbury 343:2184–2193.
Laboratory for their assistance in collecting the CD spectra and Ruiz-Calero V, Saurina J, Galceran MT, Hernandez-Cassou S, Puignou L.
the STFC for provision of facilities on the CD beamline 12.1, 2000. Potentiality of proton nuclear magnetic resonance and multivariate
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Ruiz-Calero V, Saurina J, Galceran MT, Hernandez-Cassou S, Puignou L. 2002.
Estimation of the composition of heparin mixtures from various origins using
Conflict of interest statement proton nuclear magnetic resonance and multivariate calibration methods.
Anal Bioanal Chem. 373:259–265.
None declared. Ruiz-Calero V, Saurina J, Hernandez-Cassou S, Galceran MT, Puignou L. 2002.
Proton nuclear magnetic resonance characterisation of glycosaminoglycans
using chemometric techniques. Analyst. 127:407–415.
Yates EA, Santini F, De Cristofano B, Payre N, Cosentino C, Guerrini M, Naggi
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BSE, bovine spongiform encephalopathy; CS, chondroitin sul- NMR chemical shifts and 1 JCH coupling constants in heparin derivatives.
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glycosaminoglycan; HS, heparan sulfate; NOE, nuclear over- NMR spectral assignments of the major sequences of twelve systematically
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