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Written Assignment 1: Amanda Todd and Anonymous 1

Amanda Todd and Anonymous

Thomas Edison State University

Gangs (ETH-230-OL014)
Amanda Todd and Anonymous 2

Amanda Todd’s story is a heartfelt one for most that grew up in the school systems who

dealt with bullies. This is not just about kids being picked on, this goes much deeper than

that. She felt exiled from her family and friends. She felt there was no one she could turn

to her friends isolated her and she didn’t feel she could take this to her family.

Like any teenager she spent time online and met various people over the internet, one of

those individuals who she who she met on Facebook, talked to her and flattered her with

compliments and praise to the point of convincing her to flashing him. He took a picture

of Amanda topless, than proceeded to stalker her around the internet and eventually asked

her to put on another show for him. Amanda rebuffed his advances and refused to give in

to him wanting another online sex show. In response to being rejected he searched out her

classmates on Facebook and sent them the picture, which lead to her being ostracized and

bullied. (Dean, 2012)

The distribution of Amanda Todd’s naked private pictures, ruined her reputation, with no

friends to support her, she was beaten up by classmates. (, 2017) To

cope with all the anxiety and depression that she was feeling she began to turn to things

to attempt to lessen the pain drugs and alcohol and even promiscuous flirtations and sex.

When that was not enough to drown out the pain she attempted to drink bleach in her first

failed suicide attempt and in the coming months she tried again and again until finally she

took her own life.

Amanda Todd and Anonymous 3

Amanda’s harasser should be held accountable for his crimes. Whether they were in

person or as a digital footprint on the internet. You are still responsible for your actions

in anything and any form that they take. If your actions cause harm to another individual

you are liable for criminal or civil charges depending on the extent of damages that have

been caused.

In the case of Amanda Todd she ended up taking her life after the individual preyed upon

her while her life fell to pieces as she feel deeper and deeper into depression. He was

ultimately responsible for the resulting actions of Amanda Todd’s death by leaking the

pictures to those classmates.

Federal law 47 U.S.C. §§ 223. (a) (1) (A) Knowingly using a telecommunications device

to make, create, solicit, or initiate transmission of a comment, request, suggestion,

proposal, or image which is obscene or is child pornography with intent to harass another

person; or (B) knowingly using a telecommunications device to make, create, solicit, or

initiate transmission of any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other

communication which is obscene or child pornography, knowing that the recipient of the

communication is under 18 years of age, to harass any person; or (E) repeatedly initiating

communications with a telecommunications device to harass are all crimes punishable by

fine and imprisonment for not more than two years, or both. ( Federal Research Division,

Library of Congress, 2009)

Amanda Todd and Anonymous 4

This clearly states that it is a federal crime for corruption of a minor even though the

crime took place entirely online. Anonymous was wrong in what they did by ruining an

innocent man’s life. They were wrong in the person that they ousted, and in that they are

just as guilty of harming another with their online activities. The Anonymous group calls

into play ethics, but not just ethics but deontological or consequentialist ethics primarily.

Do we say that the letter of the law makes them criminals or do we say that the ends

justify the means? I believe that they messed up and I follow consequentialist ethics view

and believe that in the larger scope of things they have done much greater good than they

have negatively impacted society.

To govern cyber-bullying we need to set forth policies and have divisions whose sole

purpose is to combat it. They can monitor social media for threats while campaigning for

bullying and an anonymous call in-center for individuals to contact when they need help.

We need to push suicide awareness in schools and colleges and let kids know that there

are avenues that they can go to and that suicide is never the answer.

Amanda Todd and Anonymous 5

Federal Research Division, Library of Congress. (2009). INTERNET CRIMES AGAINST


D.C. : Federal Research Division Library of Congress .

Dean, M. (2012, 10 18). The Story of Amanda Todd. Retrieved 04 20, 2018, from The New

Yorker: (2017, 05 19). The Unforgettable Amanda Todd Story. Retrieved 04 20, 2018,


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