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P Controller, 3 inputs

Kc1 = 1
Kc2 = 10
Kc3 = 100

With increasing Kc, the amplitude of oscillations increase.

PI Controller, 3 inputs

Kc = 1, Ti = 1
Kc = 1, Ti = 10
Kc = 1, Ti = 100

Increasing Ti increases amplitude of oscillations.

Kc = 1, Ti = 1
Kc = 10, Ti = 1
Kc = 100, Ti = 1

Increasing Kc, increases the amplitude of oscillations.

PID Controller, 3 inputs

Kc = 1, Ti = 1, Td = 1
Kc = 1, Ti = 1, Td = 10
Kc = 1, Ti = 1, Td = 100

With increasing derivative time, controller actions speeds up.

Kc = 1, Ti = 1, Td = 1
Kc = 1, Ti = 10, Td = 1
Kc = 1, Ti = 100, Td = 1
With increasing integral time, amplitude of oscillations increase.
Kc = 1, Ti = 1, Td = 1
Kc = 10, Ti = 1, Td = 1
Kc = 100, Ti = 1, Td = 1

With increasing Kc, amplitude if oscillation increase, and overshoot increases.

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