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ADVANCED CALCULUS & NUMERICAL METHODS 18 MAT 21 ‘The derivative ofthe vector 7 () is denoted and is defined as follows. @. As 5t > 0, QP which means that the chord PQ approaches the tangent to the curve at P, Thus, geometrically we can say that isa vector along the tangent tothe curve at P. # Velocity and Acceleration ae Sincé 7 = rity j+2k represents the position vector of point moving along Ilbe a function of the time variable f and accordingly 7 isa function of the time variable t A 5-H 5 = <7 gives the velocity ofthe particle a ime f. -_ de cia PF rte, 12482 4(). © sca tema gti 5 as Further 161 =| | = © ie the speed of Pwhere sis thearclength measured froma fixed point onthe carve onto the point P along the curve: Remark : When a paiticle moves along the cuirve vélocity vecior is directed ‘along the fangént: «Note: From ihe deiiton of F(t) its obvious that fF = x(H)i¥y(E)jr2(k, then Lodi de dy de a aE ards a Scalar and Vector fields “y, 2) of a region R in space there corresponds a scalar asealar point function and we say that asealar field R. Beamples: 1, g=attyt? 2. anf? If to every point (x yz) ofa region Rin space there corresponds a vector A (4 y,2)then A iscalled a vector point fnction and we say that a vector field A is defined in ‘ A exit yjtek 2 A =xycityejtzk “The vector differential operator V, read as “Nabla” or Del” ‘The Laplacian operator y* is defined by ape RA we Be vergence and Curl it of a'scalar field. 2) is.a continuously differentiable. scalar’ function, then ike defined to be V4. ray] =p Si 2 ie, gad 2062 Bin Obviously Vp isa vector quantity. 6 ADVANCED CALCULUS & NUMERICAL METHODS-18 MAT21 Divergence of a vector field If A(x.y,2) is a continuously differentiable vector function, then the divergence of A (div A in precise) is defined to be V:A HA sq itej+—k where a, 4,0, are all functions ofx y,zthen wehave Clearly div A isa scalar quantity. Curl of a vector field IEA (yz) isacontinuously differentiable vector function then, ‘curl of A (curl A in precise) is defined to be Vx A If Amqita,j+a,kwhere a, a, 0, are all functions of, y,zthen we have curl A= VxA = PRs Palen 2 ais» ofa) (005 _a0,)- “(ai = 94 if 20 Vs (2te 20) (iy 8 Sur ( 3} (Ge zee z] Clearly curt Aisa vector quantity. “~~~. Note=1. Laplacian If (x,y,z) isa continuoushj differentiable sel fnctin ie Aefine the Laplacian of a follows. yt slacion of = 024. 745.26 2 place = 94 = SEF agt +S 7 ‘MODULE-1 2 I$ iS. scolar function, the equation V* = 0 is called Laplace's equation and 4 function wick satisfies Laplace's equation scaled a harmonic function. Also, sot = 0 isclld Laplace's equation in two dimensions, iy Obviously Laplacian ofa scalar function isa scalar quaritity Remark: 1.1f§ (x,y,z) a salar function then we have, = vp = 28; Sb grad = p= 3% ay! ae * div (grad 6)=V-¥§ 9), of Han we o(Sindinde tots ~ale) sla) ale!) a ck atte Hence, div (grad) =v of V-V9.=.974 of the concept of vector algebra and partial differentiation, . Here are few ilistrations. Bed, Gitin p= yt ata! lets find Vp and V2 @ = 2, 2 2b Ree as tay tak it ge (Diy a2) fe WHS Byt Qee de 2 2¢F 4 yp) a ADVANCED CALCULUS & NUMERICAL METHODS-18 MAT2t 2 Given A= x yzity? ax jazt xy iddiv A and curl A. divA=V-A }( 8 yzisytaxjectayk) Gon aya 2 Lem Zuteordem = Daye Days Days = 6xye div A= Gaye i a 8 a by ae yz ax z?xy| curl A= xd = = i(@tx-yx)~j(2 yxy) +k(y2 2-22) curl A =x(2-y ty (x 2?) jtz(y? 2" )k + Geometrical meaning of the gradient Theorem : If (x, y,2) isa Scalar function then grad ¢ is a vector norms surface §(x, y,2) = 6 Proof : Let 7 be the position vector of any point P (xy, z) on the surface (24,2) =¢ Alsolet, F=x(thiey(t)jrz(tyk ai | dr; Win Be is a tangential to.the surface at P. -S at de at ae 4, 26,26, wee 0p = 55.08 2b, ‘We have, o x ay! ae Taking the dot produto thee two vectors we hat, 5 Ob Ob dy, Ob de ox dt Gy dt Oe di > pozns2 ‘MODULE-1 ° 7 Also, let us consider (x, y.2)=¢, where x= a constant (8. y 29 (1).2=2() and cis Ditfereitiatig §w.rt on both sides we have St = 0 and using the concept at of the differentiation of compete func (Toa deri Ade, Dhdy Ode _ 4 ede, Dedy dpde x dt dy dt” Oz dt ) in LS we obtain a or” Vb-5>= 0 by using (1) and hence V¢ is perpendicular. de Since 7 is a vector tangent along the normal to the surface $(x, y, z) = cat P. ote: Uri Veclor 4, athe, tremagnitudels Note: ust V Ba vector # oe Tt Vl the angle beocen their the surface at P, we conclude that Vis 4. Obviously the uni vector normal along Vis given by'fi = 2, The angle tee the two sues is defined tobe equ normals. If ,(#+¥.2) = 6; and. 9, (x,y12) =e, Bé the equations of the two 79,4, i9,11%8, he surfies area to intersect each ther When 0= n/2, c08 0=c0s (n/2) =0=> V6, Vo, = 0 sure ti, £080 = where @ is: the angle between the normals 10 ADVANCED CALCULUS & NUMERICAL METHODS-18 MAT 21 roof: Wehaveby definition, V4 iis the directional derivative of along j Now, by the definition ofthe dot product we have, where Oistheangle between Vp and A. Since [fi =1vebiave, Ve fi =1¥4] coso 080, when 9= Ohas the maximum value equal to1.1f0~ 0, V6 coincides with or wecansay that Vgwill beaiong f ‘Thus, the directional derivativeis maximum along V@ andits maximum value isequal to [V6]. Note: Maximum directional derivative of sclar function ate point Pis also called 45 the oral deriontive ofthe scalar friction’ at P. Normal dersative = |V§| at P. * Physical meaning of divergence 167(z,y,2) represents any physical quantity, the divergence of V gives the rate at which the physical quantity is originating at that poin ‘An illustration : Let us suppose that a fluid is moving such tha lelopiped of volume 6x 8y 8z through which the 7 24, 0. %, 2)=yi+9, f+ iV og a Oe cvs the total ) = %iF2, j+0,k then Baya & gnin.n the volume ofthe fluid per unit’ volurie per unit time, div = 0 iscalled as the contifuity:equation of an incompressible fluid. Avvector V whose divergence is zero is called a solenoidal vectér". Physical meaning of eur Curl means rolation. A vector function (x,'y,2)i8said to be “rotational” if cul 7 = 0. 7 ae MoDuLE-1 " ‘An illustration :Let us suppose that a rigid body is rotating about a fixed axis through point 0. If i is the constant angular velocity and @ is the velocity of 4 particle ata point P (x, /2) of the body having the position vector F then we know that 5 = x7, : Wecan easily show tat, curl 8 = 26 (Refer worked problem ([23}) ‘Thus curl ofthe velocity vectoris equal to twice the angular velocity of rotation, ‘This is an illustration to show that “curl” is analogous to “rotation”. In general ‘wecanas well say that the curl ofany vector point function will give the measure of the angular velocity a any point. ‘Summary ofall the concepts 2425, 8, 252 vedi eeer ds x ox vu oz ‘x eet O Oe 2 grad $= Vo;divA=V-A; cud = xd Laplacian of § = V* = V.v@ 5. Vpisavectornormaltothe surface $(x,y,2)=cand Vo/|V4] isthe unit vector normal to the surface. 4. Directional ive of (2; y_2) along a given direction B is V4-A shee B/D and also directional derivative is maximum along Vb. WORKED PROBLEMS it vector nonnal to the folloiving surfaces at th ext ys2xe 2 4 oo 2 xytsts -1,-1,2) 3, Pyare ay? a! = 10 ai(2;1,-1) R ‘ADVANCED CALCULUS & NUMERICALMETHODS-18 MAT 22 ‘Solutions [i] Let, 6 =x7y+2r2. ¥@ isa vector normal to the surface, Wetove p= Mia 62 ax" ay)" a2 ie, Vg = (2ry+2z)i+37 j+2ek [VO loa) = 2+ HAR = 2(—i4 2} 42k) «7 ‘The required unit vector normal, i = Y& - . Ive ga Mois 2j+2k) [Dj Tas te aed) 3 1 Let, @= xy? 2*. V6 isa vector normal to the surface, vy = 5.28 54 by a oy! ae je, Vp = y Fis Say? 2! j+ dry? 2k [Vb] yy = AIR 2F+ AK = -4(43)-K) et as ae vb ‘The requited unit vect i i= ere ctor norinal, f= TE “thus a = AG #3/-8) 2 UBF) © J (1494) vir BI. Let, § = x2y-20242y? 24 Z ¥¢ isa vector normal to the surface: 3 vy- oy 9 Beit yl a Up’ = (ay22)id (a? # ays!) j+(-24 4 6y)2)k MODULE-1 3 [Vb aaay = 6148j-12k = 2(31+-4j—6k) ‘The unit vector normal, # =" 2S vei thus, a= 2@its=6k) _ [BEAT ws" provi6+36) |__ vor Find the directional deroatives ofthe following. segs 2 yet dec? at (1,-2,-1) along 2i-j-2k [Dec 2017] 54 = tao ~30'y's a (2, = Spat (1-111) in the direction of A = i—2j-+k Seca et f i long 21-3) + 6k 7. f (ary,2) = xy Fath point (1,1, 1) inthe direction ofthe ange fo the curvex=e,y=1+ et -cos t, where ~1StS1 = Solutions [oa xtyetar? ies ‘The unit vector in the direction of 2i~ j =2K i, sp Bicge2k sain j-2e viva 3 |. the tequired diceetianal derivative is Be ate sae, BP Veen = (Bi jo CO) =1)+(410)(=2) _[37 (8)(2)4 Thus Ve = syrah )35, “4 ‘ADVANCED CALCULUS & NUMERICAL METHODS-18 MAT21 yates vee sities i, V) = (42! ~6xy?z Iv 2, tye) j4 (122 347 yk = Si+48j+84k ‘The unit vector in the direction of 2i~3j + 6k is, 2i-3j+ 6k _ 21-3] +6K +9436 7 the required directional derivative is, Voi = (8+ 48) +84k) Baste Thus, vgs = (8)(2)+(48)(~3)+(84)(6) [376 => Fay va hie js ie (Fs y )1-2(2x)), = mf (av Jet 1 a ope hGH): ‘The unit vector normal inthe direction of A = i=) +k is, ge dzafah faye Waa eo 15 MoDuLE-1 ena is, =a) 9201 LF vba Zia ne [ae Mfaty? x,0 9 jo Hint ide ie, + 2etys? j+ 2x" y? zk 42] -2k = 2(i+ j—K) = () the direction of the tangent, let 7 = xi# yj+zk ie, | Fe dis(142sint)j+(t-cos!)k So civnecst i(asintyk is the tangent vector. Wehave, P= (29,2 ¢=1;142sin) ye be2iek neat Hts Hence the required: vaio ‘esivaitve of f(x,y, 2) along the tangentto the siven‘curveis, oy ‘ADVANCED CALCULUS 6 NUMERICAL METHODS -18 MAT 21 onl derivative of the function xyz along thedrecton ofthe normal which the dizectional der the surface xy? + yz? + 2x? = 3 at (4,1,1), ‘Thus the magnitude is given by 4? (1+1+9) =[4VT7. Let §=2y2 50 that we have, oJ If the directional deri = 285,28 ab 0, OOo acltay!tagh = aei ttt xin agi of 92 ive is maximum, : & Maximum directional derivative is along Vp and tae to y-axis the magnitude is given to be 32 units, Vg-j = 32 at (-1,1,2) La ysxyty2 tex and wehave We have, Vo = ® ie, (2ye+x*)k ie, Vo = (ayt+3ex 2 )i+ (Qaxy+bz) j+(by+2cx* z)k = 5443)-+9k = 3( i+ j+k) isthe nomial tine given = (a4 12c)i+(—20+26)j+(o—de)k surface at (1,11). The unit vector along 3(i+j +k) i aitjek) | itjek ; — = ‘We solve the following three equations to obtain a, b, c. Faun” & 7 wutbetgatizer0, bose Thus the required directional derivative of along the normal tothe given ‘this, STL DSE eT surfaceis bein japy tit) _ ts . ‘WaT Find the angle between the sures 2 + yt + 2=9 and z= 2+ —3 Ve = (iy jk) LAPS) 4 TB aay [une 2017, 18] & Theangle between the surfaces is defined to be equal tothe angle betiveen. theif, norgials and we know that Visa vector normal ‘We have the equation’of the two Surfaces given by, Bayt aad and ee yo2=3 Ley) gS x ayted? and 9, =xt ay? =z the surface, vector which being, Vp Let, §= x y2? so that we have, Z . 4 fi Z na ke PES Weave = i Se sabi 22,75, ee diatyap x By Yons ay) aa" Dayz? ita? 2 f+ 3x8 yz? k Va, = 2ri+2yj+2zk and V9, = 2xi+2yj-k ~4i-4j 412k =4 (i j+3k) is the required direction, in, S4i42js4k-=.2(2i-j +2k) 19 18 ADVANCED CALCULUS & NUMERICAL METHODS- 18 MAT 21 Voputs-2 (76, ]jaay = 4=2j—k |BSI-Find the value of the constants a and b such that the surfaces ax*— by2= (a+ 2)x 0%s the angle between these two normals we have, fd 42? y + 2 = 4 are orthogonal atthe point (1, -1,2)- veo ‘@ First we have to ensure that the given point on both the: surfaces. cos0 = in ves Substituting (1, 1, 2) onto the equation ax? ~ byz= (a2) x we obtain Ive 11¥91 g(¢) a+ 2b=a+2= 2b=2 orb=1 ) - | Alsoif (1,~1,2)is substituted onto the LHS of the equation 4x"y + 2 =4 we get cs pe Sq va| Giikbadoums (160) Vivant NAT Ve = the given point lies on both the surfaces when b= 1. Thus | 0 = cos* (8/3 21) = 3 2 \ In order to find ‘a’ we have to use the orthogonality conditionV$,-V9, = 0 ; where, nad a Angle between the normals fo the surface xy = 2 atthe points (41,2) and (3,3, 3): j= ax? —byz-(a+2)x and §, = dx?y+2" Let § = 2y—2! and we know that V§ isa vector normal to the surface v4 n 2b; 4 28: = rit je hk = yisxj—ae, Bhi BME went Now, V6, = (2ax—(a+ bz) j+(~by)k V6, = Sxyi dx? j432tk [v@, Ivo, ¥6,-78, = 0 gives -8(0=2)—8b 4120 = 7 a) = (8-2) i-2bj + bk (VO) a) = i+ 4j-4k--- A (Gay) y= 8543) +6k =3(44 j+2k) --B (say) 0is the angle between the vectors A and B we have, ~824.4b +16 = 0. But b= 1 and hence we geta=5?2. ja=S/and b=] are the required values conde AB = 5 : VAL ABI As 2stindyzjectk and § = 22-29 yy compute, Av§ and Noieseacee 3(1+4=8) V6. a8 (1, -1,1), Ni+16+16 (3 (14444) 8b ap 06 Vp = 5% 5,2, gos a 97 pe! tay lta ki8 sey ‘Thus, Jcoso= ~—1 or 0 = x £eos* 22 Tx i (t= sae 20 ADVANCED CALCULUS & NUMERICAL METHODS- 18 MAT 2 iW Also, Ax¥g=|2 3 1) 5(6+1)-j(4-3)+k(-2-9) 3 -1 | Thus, |AxV@ = 7i-j-11k and A-Vp =5 [85] fan gare scalar point fan @) V(fe)= f¥srsvs o (2) = SLLIVS sohere g#0 8 s ions of y 2 prove the following © ( Vig) = 22 Ug)i = 2(s Beg )i a ax “Sox 4.006; = pr Biegs Li 5 Feat a Thus, |V(fg) = £(V3)+3(¥A) F_5 ax 0 Bea = Heterz] g g [16] Find div F and curl F where F = V(x? +y° +2 ~3xyz) - June 2016] Flt gary ae oxy Fegradg=vo= 2 F = (3x? —y2)i+(3y? ~ 3x2) j (32! ~3uy)k MODULE-1 a Now, div F= 9:2 { 2 (ayt— 3yz) +2 (3y? -3xz) += (32* - 3x Fata) +55 (39" 2) x! (3x? ~ 3yz) i+ (8y? ~ 3x2) j + (32 -3xy)k} or divF = 6r+6y+6z = 6(x+y +2) i i 8 aa or oy (ax? -3yz) (By? -3xz)_ (324 -3ry) k iss a ‘Also, curl F = 9x = 7 {Soe = 3xy)- Zev ~3xz) } a Diya a (ae if 232 -209)- 20 =a) fee S09 382) 5 (08 i {3x —(23e))— f= 3y- (By) +k L-32-(-32)] = 0 ‘Thus,| divF-= 6(x+y +z) and curlF =0 al Be V(xy?22) firid div F anid cusl Fat the point (1,-1,1)- {ec 2007, jive 18] Fle p exe e Fovge Bie t j.2be ey Bindeyt jo on ak ae tay! ae divE =0-F “(Die jae): (ee ieayt sped) ox dy? dz a ADVANCED CALCULUS & NUMERICAL METHODS -18 MAT21 8 iy zt)e cary?) 4 27909 =P ADF Ory A) (2092) = 0+ xyz? 4 Day? = 2xy(3244y2) div at (1,-1,1) =-2(341) =-9 icy Fevxke|@ 2. a Also, curlF=vxF=[2 9. a ey ly? Say?a?. aay? = i(6xy? 2—6xy* 2) WH (2y? 2-292) +k (Sys? —3y? 2)=0 ‘Thus the required [divF = —8 and curl 20 as: 3,2 -(2 Blt) (Gey ast? oy) j-20-P} og Crea S GP yi 2 2e2) VF = 6xy 4 4y?— 4x3 2 = 4 (ay) Now, grad (divF) = gradg = vp a 5, Wehave, V9 = i+ 24 j ax” By ies 5 Vos (6y=123"2)i (6x ay jF(-W ‘Thus the required, | [V6] = ~ 61424) 32k WE = (30° y-2)i+ (x2? + y')j—20 21, find grad civ Fat 1,0). ® /‘MODULE-I ® DO] A =, x2° i 2x? yo j4 2yz* k find V-A, Vx A and V-(VxA) BY ah oeteiean 2542) -( x28 1-25? yz f+ 2yi*k) ay! * az }s a 2 (2¢2 yz) 2 (aye! 2 lt gy (28 ve) 5 (202) = 2-22 24 8ye v-Acrdiv A at(1,-1,1)=1-2-8+-9 i Fae k f az[2 2) 12 Net ¢x4 oreulAs|o Oo 2 lxz? 2x" yo 2ye' WA =-9,9xA £3] ¢dk and V-(VeA) =O 24 ‘ADVANCED CALCULUS & NUMERICAL METHOD§-18 MAT 21 [20] If F = (x+y +1)i+j-(x+y)k, show that F. curl F=0 ba - Now, [Dec 2017, June 18] curl F = xE = i(-1-0)=j(-1-+k(9-1) curl Fs -i4j-k 4 Fe curl F= ((x4y+2)itj-(x4 k)(-i+j-k) | = AVEDA) H(+Y) abxty*titersy 20 F< curl F =0 = F is perpendicular tocurl F [2a] Find curl (curl A ) given that A= ayisy?2j ez? zjez'yk 7 jez y! Meek curl A=vxa'=]2 2 2 ox by a xy yety = i(2—y?)= j(0-0)+k(0-x), curt A =(2=y')i-rk ‘4 curl (cusl:-A), = Vx (VxA) F ao 2 Thus. =i(Q-0)= jA—22}+ k(O dy) 2 ‘MODULE-1 f 25 5 titytck ecg fv= liv 0 = 2 aoe ten show at 9 = sod nidiv Bs ie, curt 7 = 5 the symmetric nature in 7, we can write divd=9 9-(25)( rs) vlre way ee erty )et yee (eeypery (feyeey Witt tte ety) (eye 2 “V2 26 ADVANCED CALCULUS & NYAAERICAL METHODS 18 MAT? Gy AE 2024 curl ¥ = ri} 2 eo) a eae) al ae serif fou pa aye = Ap JOt ty ey (2y) -( Ze y| 2 v = Fil-ye(P ty +P Maye(Paya2y?) 25 Thus. [div ¥ =2/ fF ry? +2" and curl P20 B31 V = x? prove that curl 7 = 26 where & isa constant vector 7 Let B= 0, 1+0, j+0, k be the constant vector. Wehave, F = xityjrzk k aah a Ox ©, 2-0, y) (0, 2-6) 2). (0,y-0, y =i (0,-(-0,)) = 220,4 = 2(0, i+, j+0,k) = 26 deutV) curl V-=26-0r d= 2 “When a rigid body isin motion, wrvelocty a it 27 MoDuULE-1 If A isaconstant vector prove the following 25. div(Ax7)=0 S 26, curl Ax?) =2 & - Solutions } Let A= ayia, jra,k ; F = xivy jrzk (Note: This steps common forall the five examples) nl) [(Ar)=A or grad (Ar) =A a; ox vA ay=(z (za,x)=sqieA k 4, (a, 2~a, y) 04040 =0 ‘Thus; v.(as? =O or div (Axt.) <0 5} This problemis sainé as problem:23 as wehave A inplaceof & ; beinga Pl ‘B constant veetor. We have pice in problem-23 that ctr (x?) = 2 Thus cans [eust(Axry 2A or Vx(ARF) = 2A If P= xityj 42k and r ='1F| prove the following... 2.91 29. Ux(0" 28 ‘ADVANCED CALCULUS & NUMERICAL METHODS - 18 MAT 21 ‘MODULE-T 29 . tofsynmetry and the problems = 3" tnr! ase form ca aso be asked. - 7 7 F andvarestindard which need not be explicitly Thy [Petr F) = ari 2) = (a*2" 2 = Br" ene” = (43)r° I [oy Per exis E(r'x)i | = Solutions hig k | ba r=|F|= Payee \ : - 7 : => Pasty +24and differentiating partially wrx we get WAMF= Vor ay Be De ER ype ce nx my 14 aX = 2x or H = Also, eget Note: Taerces pes ties rlaciaisaca cd dll ras ti {Re a-2eyh and the same wilt not be worked in every problem. ey % pt Or ge pnt OF Now, V(r" v=(2Zi)ry wi fur a ss} = tart Si = rar(2} exifee'te a = Snr xi ney xine F 2B Ei(mp" yz-ne" yz) = Thus, [9(7") = grad (r") = 77 Thus, [Vx(r"7) = curl (r"F) = reper pxisE (rx) So -2 227) (oS) 8 be “@} rst ee h(a ver= (edi) seni (e nai (rene Z,) ie oa{ren ts) Cr cgpanding the Sumation ve ga Coenen vias Haran (tey ez) \ 30 ‘ADVANCED CALCULUS NUMERICAL METHODS- 18 MAT 21 opute“t On expanding the summation we get, 7 © ae xx VEC) = nf a(n 2px )o( 2 (ny? ) ruin re) 4 arnts HPF a(n 2) ce ane = nS" 4 (n= 2) (2 ey ay} =fO (Aes yer fO5 = mfr e(n-2)r4 7} i: O(a sty n(P yer = {37 4 (n—2)r°2} = ne (34n=-2) . : =nr?(n41) =f (32 _(tayte2ye£ Thus, n(n 1)" " 7 Note: parlicilar cases ofthese are given and islet as an exercise for = LO 37 ys p= 2 pins rir) the reader to work out these independently. 7 f Tack Prove with usual meaning the following: thus [PU = =F + LO) ov jet w v(S)=0 v(t)=0 Now, let f(r)=e f(r) =e =f") [BA] Show that V*[ f(r)] = F*(r)42 f(r) and hence deduce the expression for ve(e'). , q Pols: Sree 22 ry a or Jee fro; eat a 2h Soy or on OF oe Baxey " joxdt ; A MELOMN EE | poy) Tae py St % Orr. gave yy 22142), Hence (1) bécomes, vo (y=2eee ve( 243) rey (21) Conder, 9 2y'24 28 ay” ae (4x y 2!) J+ (Be PK div (grad 4) © V-V§ -(¢ Fir Zi) oes deysjser yf 24) 3 --() BALY.g = 2 yo find div (grad §) sndverfy that V-(94) =¥%9 [Dec 2017] 32, s ADVANCED CALCULUS YUMERICALMETHODS- 18 MAT21 | 33 2 6x2 y2at 2 = ervey Lary) dose) “ale a ale 5 ~feegeee) fee V-(V§) = Day? staat dae ys | Next, VFg = Fhe Sha A (ey? @ryy 2 ataxt-x)a0 Consider, § = 2e'y'st rao 2 = 6x? y? So = he y2t, a = Bry? | ‘thus, [div F = 0 = F is solenoidal. ey age a u ie a aye heat hooey ae ay ‘ ve po leor paee 2 culF=vxF=| 2 2. 3 | Adding these results we havé accdrding to = yy . a V8 = 12y? 2h ede 24 Da ye 0) Fey ai . | Thus by comparing (1) and (8) V-V4 = V" 9] is verified. = [Ei] Sotenoidal and tri We have already referred to these while giving the physical meaning of divergence and curl. Avector F -w9jst{ Aa }-2(55)} _J=8 Hy are ional vectors. tational if curl F’= 6, as cinseroatve fell or ‘potential ld ‘Thus [curl F =0 = F isitrotational, When Fis irrtational there always exists a scalar point function § such that i UF =(y+2)is(24x)j (249) firolatinal. Alo finda seaar V6 =F. Then > iscalleda scalar potential of F: ‘fanction &such that F =. 96: [Dec 2017, June 8} WORKED PROBLEMS 7 Wehave to show that curl F = 6. [83] Show thai F = ere i boll seid and in cul P=VxF= 2 ay (yz) (24x) (x+y) oe div F=V-F. 1 (are soit gt 5.9 vector Cainction-- : * cee et lereateble Neclemtant Bhi! oy dw P= TRE AE 35 TR Oe a conan 35 BE a Wah i et p’beany a 1 - > ' gg. pd srr ddyiwad 4 6: Apa eeoe) 0% Fy "ADVANCED CALCULIS@ NUMERICAL METHODS- 1644721 ‘MODUILE-1 = curl F = i(1-1)~j(1-1)+k(1-1) «6 WxF = i(4yz4x—x—dyz)- j(y—y)+k(dzy+2—4xy-z) = 0 Thus is rrotational. ‘Thus [F is conservative. Now let us consider, vg = F 28 28 ab, Now wehavetofind § such that Vp-= F ie, Sits ie Qe = (ys cyin(zexyje(xeyyk BB ig he = (any? + yeyi + (2x? ysice + 2y2?) j+(2y? 24 ry)k ax! ay) * a2 an! ay) ae = Bayes che tyraer(yey Sha reyteye 2. b= [Cony rye) det fy.) i ge ayrsees, (y,2) o bexiviayer f (v2) a0) a 2 i a Ete $= (C242) dys f (x2) pee yotaz $2y2 ie, $= yztxy+ f (x,2) -Q $= [Qty xz Qyz*) dy + f(x,2) 8 sey. pc balhtery) aus fia.y) t¥ yf tmay e+ ha) Be create, (aay Baivteeay 2 b= flay etsy) art flay) UNow ie need to suitably choose the arbitrary futons J, (yi), f, sch that we obtain an unique expression for b. To choose f( equations (2) and (3) ana select erms whic donot conta or yand 2 Similarly we have to chose f end 2). Letuschoose, f(y, 2) =a fe (2.2) = x2, f, (2:9) = iy from (I), @) & @): ‘Thus the required [f=ay tye #2] [35] Show that F = (Sry? + yz conseroative force fed tev Paryets, (ny) (2x? yxz +2y2") j+(2y? zhxy)k is a scalar potential. 7 _Wehaveto show that euil F= 6 i i k i j r Raps, xt a| > 2 2 ge ge | ox oy: Be a eye (2ay! #y2) (28 y+ xa42y2!) (2y'ri xy) (aes 2) 2) (oF =A . sonsespgueanenpen a2 roo te? y gee =a) 27432) +k{(a-2)2x-ar} = 6 >! (Qo1- 42> 0) dwhena=4, 4 - s(o-4) fe 20 (2'-232)) om ie, i(0-0)- cg (@-4)2" j4(a-4)xk = The above equation is identically sat Now consider, ¥@ = (F ie, ie his he = (ay? 420 j-3r2tk = Beane = f(y) drt f,(y,2) = 2xty- a2? +f, (yz) % Log : - J Be ays (2) a ey gee so) $= 2x'y4f,(x2) be @ Bloat ge pa’ ee genx +f, =0, e = arya se He ca i i Bc (enya ates Ro ak sik BL VG & Wehave to find aand 6 such that curl F = 0. is irrotational. Also find a scalar fa k 2 ax ay a ‘ q axy+2). (3x ~2) (bx =y) vxF= 141)=j(b2? ~32*) +4(6x~ax) <8 #(b-3)j+x(6-a)k =6 ‘The above equation is identically satisfied when. b-3=0and6—a=0 . .,[a=6 andb=3 Now consider, V4 = F.whena=6,b=3 245.2454 « (éxysz?yialae 2) 4x! 9k ae ay) * oe % cérys? z wey ) b= Bey tx2? 4+ f, a Feoer-a = (Se =2) dy f,(x2) = Brty-yat f(2) Ba (sty) ¥= [Be -y) dee fey) bead yet. (92) <-98.f, (0.2) = 22 f (29) 2829 from (), ‘Thus the required; [) = 3x% yx2? yz @ Ip B= (x y-vaz)in (be 2y—2)j4(cbey +25) k ind nc such F's Oo ten find 5 Dune 2018): — i(c41)=j(t—aysk(b-1) 58, e41-0,1-2=0, 0-150 38 ‘ADVANCED CALCULUS &- NUMERICAL METHODS- 18 MAT21 [@=1, b= 1, c= —IJare the required values, Now consider. vg =? when a=1,b=1,¢=-1 2%, ; i Bike Cesyeayitentyenjole-geanye = Mxtyez) dr f (y,2) xy txt f (y,2) Re2y—2 8 Ge f(e42y~2) dys f(x,2) xy ty? — yee f (x,2) d= Many +22) dew f(xy) ge xz-yzt +f (x,y) Letus choose, f, 2)=y-ys2, any Easaest (aan s2 oem ha. Thus the required, | = 7-4 ays az+ysyet2! [89] Show that he ellowing field F spotted and hice id its scalar potenti Bm ays? isa 2+ zeosye)j+(2" yz +ycos ys) k ip 8 Bde 2c yee y cosy: ax De 1a oy. ‘MODULE=1 7 VxF = i(2x*2+(—yzsinyz+cosyz)-2x"2-(~yzsinyz+cos yz)} =f Any Arye) + (2324-2024) = 5 * + zcosyz)j+(2x" yz+y cosyz)k Gy a terres, a Betta zcosyz oy seeey $= [ary ax ¥f,(y.2) = Dry? Q) 2 b= (82 + zc0sy2) dy+ f(x,2) $= yz tsinyz+ f,(x,2) a a = 2x yz+ yeosyz = [(2e yz4 yoosyz) d2+ f(x,y) igs $= xyz? tsiny+ f, (x,y) Lets f(v-2) = sinys, f,(x)2) = 0, f,2.9). <0 from ‘Thus the Fequired, [p= x2 is both slenoidl and iroaional Show that E = = 1 and we need to show that div F =Oandicurl F = 6. eed on the saine lings asin Probleins [28] and [29] to obtain tie sai Exercise’ to the reader to establish the resuls, “Wehave; F | dd at TTT 41 00TT bd 4 40 APHANCED CALCULUS NUMERICAL METHODS. 19 aga ‘ASSIGNMENT. "§ODULE-1 a 14, Show that the following vector is irotational Fa (siny+2)i+(x cos y~2)j+(x-y)k 1 Pty eaye=3 2 stytpereed S.aytyetexed at Also the scl function sich that F =v 15, Find the values of the constants ab, esuch that B= (x+2y+az) ‘Al (bx —3y~2)j+(4x +0y + 22)k is conservative, its scalar potential ‘ANSWERS: joatives 2,3) along3i +4) + 5k, (2-1) alongi +2) 2% “it 3j42k 9, 2=aj+5 5, 224k he 38 Bo oo got = “oR ap) “ar 8. Show that the surfaces 4 +2=4 and Sx°~ 2yz- 9x =O intersect eachoee aay. fs orthogonally atthe point F 7, cos (4): cos! (+) a 9. Find th a1; b=? 10. 24,0 1.6, “t+ 4,0 Baez M. faxsing tad yz rom (24a) Z 4. eee D ew tbe Seay ai Wag WA = 2(y' 42); prove that div A= 28%, cul A= 2 (y= i)i 13. Find the val : ‘the constant“ such th ctor fufiction’ j + 2xy (2 - zy )k is solenoidal. value ofa show that cuél Ais also solenoidal

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