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A. Complete these sentences using: “say” or “tell”. You can use them in different tenses.

1.Can you __________ me where the nearest library is located?

2.Yesterday, she __________ that she wanted to learn how to play the guitar.
3.Please __________ your brother to come home early for dinner.
4.I always __________ "good morning" to my colleagues when I arrive at work.
5.He __________ that he would be late for the meeting due to traffic.
6.I wanted to __________ you about the exciting news, but you left before I had the chance.
7.The teacher asked the students to __________ their favorite hobbies during the class
8.Did you __________ the joke I just shared? It was really funny!
9.She __________ me a secret, but I promised not to tell anyone.
10.We should __________ the team about the change in schedule for tomorrow's practice.

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