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Module 3: Children and Youth with Special Education Needs: Emotional and Behavioral
Disorders, Blind or Low Vision, and Hearing Impairment
Lesson 3: Students with Hearing Impairment

1. How many words, phrases or sentences did you write correctly? How many
mistakes? Was it easy understanding his/her words without hearing them? Explain.

Answer: Out of five words that I try to guess, I got one correct word out of five words
therefore, I got 4 mistakes on it. It’s a difficult one to understand, to try to guess the
words without using her voice. That’s why, I feel those students who have hearing
impairments because I myself experience it already.

2. How did you feel when you couldn’t understand your what your partner were saying?

Answer: I feel so sad and getting to be angry, because I want to understand and
know the words that she says on me but, on the other hand, I don’t really understand
rather I would come up to another words that I think that its correct. In short, I want
to experience getting conversation but apparently it’s really a difficult one.

3. What was your insight or learning doing the activity?

Answer: After doing the activity, I realized how difficult to have a communication or
even just to understand the words to a person with hearing impairments. I feel so
proud for them because they still do communicate us with or without impairments,
they try to have a communication with us. That’s why we should not bully and judge
them, they also need to be respected that’s the way they are. Still they have feelings
and emotions, they also get hurt by our actions so better to watch our actions before
we judge other people specially to the students who have hearing impairments.
1. Enumerate at least five (5) characteristics of a student with hearing impairment.

- Delayed speech language development
- Deviations in speech
- Below level academic performance
- Irrelevant answers to discussion at hand
- Frequent requests to have things repeated

2. What major areas of development are affected by hearing impairments? Briefly

discuss each.

3. Why is early identification of a hearing loss important?

Answer: Identifying hearing loss at a very early age is important because children
with hearing loss often fall behind their peers in speech and language development,
cognitive skills and social skills. If the hearing loss isn’t treated these deficits can lead to
adult issues such as reduced socio-economic status, poor socialization skills,
depression, etc. Obviously, the earlier we can identify hearing loss the sooner we can
begin to treat the problem and have better outcomes for that individual.

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