Non-Finite and Verbless Homework

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While exploring the Amazon jungle, he came across several new species of insects

Non-finite clause/ adverbials

While he was exploring the Amazon jungle, ……….

Adverbial clause/ adverbials

2. When working in the garden, you should always wear old clothes.

3. If necessary, leave the money under the doormat.

-> verless clause/ adverbials

If it’s necessary, leave the money under the doormat.

-> Adverbial clause/ adverbials

4. I like to do the accounts myself whenever possible.

->Verbless clause/ adverbials

I like to do the accounts myself whenever I’m possible.

->Averbial clause/ averbials

5. Although afraid of dogs, she is very fond of cats.

6. Having got no answer when she knocked on the front door, she went round to the back of
the house. 7. Washing the dishes. I broke three plates.

8. While digging in the field, the boys found a Roman coin.

9. Maths is fascinating, although very difficult.

1O. Once settled, the babies slept right through the night.

11. Delete where not applicable.

12. After eating a large meal, I usually have a walk.

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