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Name: Gursimar Singh Wadhawan

Student Id: 1772107

Course Code: ECE 710
Course Name: Wearable Device Technologies and IoT
Date: January 19, 2024

Assignment 1

Q. Design a Wearable Device that you interest to build. Use the User Experience (UX) Design
approach, write a 3-6 pages summary + a Title page to show the Why, What and How
approaches? Please don’t just copy and paste information from the Internet (Use your own
words). Quote the references.

Title: AdventureExplorer GPS Ring which is used for physical activity tracking.

1. WHY?

Wearing like a conventional ring on the nger, a smart ring prioritises ease and user-friendliness by
seamlessly integrating activity tracking, body composition monitoring, and tness tracking. When
playing sports or working out, this wearable device comes in handy since it records a variety of
parameters with ease, including steps taken, calories burnt, heart rate, level of hydration, and body
temperature. Regular activity, physiological reaction, injury recuperation, and vital sign monitoring are
bene cial for athletes and those with active lifestyles. In addition, smart rings could have functions like
GPS tracking, audio playing, gesture control, phone alerts, contactless payments, and transit access.
The GPS tracking feature improves the user experience by o ering precise distance tracking, real-time
position monitoring for outdoor activities like cycling, hiking, and jogging, and an additional degree of
safety for exploration in both urban and wilderness settings.

Numerous factors drive athletes and individuals leading highly active lifestyles to embrace the
convenience and features o ered by a smart ring.

• Enhanced Athletic Performance Through Fitness and Body Composition Monitoring:

By using tness and body composition monitoring to measure their development and identify areas for
growth, athletes may maximise their performance. By tracking their tness levels on a regular basis,
athletes may strategically improve their total performance by gaining important insights into certain
areas that need focus in their training program.

• Obesity Analytics :

Within the eld of smart ring advancements, a novel feature surfaces to tackle the pressing problem of
managing obesity. This is necessary and intended to provide users with a proactive, customized tool in
their pursuit of reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. The obesity management component of the
smart ring uses cutting-edge sensors to track vital health metrics, such as body mass index (BMI),
exercise level, and eating habits. The smart ring o ers personalized insights based on real-time data
analysis, empowering users to make educated choices regarding their diet and lifestyle. It also provides
progress tracking over time, encourages physical exercise, and creates a supportive atmosphere for
people looking for practical ways to manage their obesity. This integration of technology into the ght
against obesity signi es a promising step towards promoting overall well-being through personalised
and accessible approaches.

• Milestone planning

When tness and body composition are monitored, athletes have an easier time reaching their goals.
This simpli ed method not only helps with goal-setting and monitoring, but it also gives athletes the
vital support they need to maintain their training motivation and focus.

• Accident prevention

By using body composition monitoring to identify muscle inadequacies or imbalances, athletes may
proactively lower their risk of injury. Not only does addressing these issues reduce the risk of injuries,
but it also helps athletes' general health.

• Food regimen

In order to perform at their best, athletes need to consume speci c foods. By monitoring their body
composition, athletes can identify nutritional de ciencies and implement necessary changes to
enhance their performance.

One major limitation of the rst tness tracking system was its accuracy. Numerous gadgets had
trouble capturing distance, speed, or heart rate consistently, which led to erroneous statistics and irate
users. Additionally, the weight and discomfort of these early devices often detracted from their
attractiveness to a wider audience. Another drawback was their incompatibility with other hardware
and software, which made it di cult to communicate data and monitor progress because they were
isolated devices. Modern tness trackers have signi cantly improved in terms of accuracy, usability,
and interaction with other devices and applications as technology has advanced. However, there are
still problems, such as limited battery life, accuracy issues with some devices, and data privacy issues.

Miniaturising GPS tracking in wearables has advanced signi cantly, overcoming early challenges of
accuracy and battery drain. Now, compact devices like smartwatches and tness bands o er precise
location tracking, bene ting users in various outdoor activities. These small form-factor wearables
provide real-time location data, accurate distance measurements, and route tracking, expanding their
appeal for both urban and wilderness exploration. Ongoing technological advancements promise even
more sophisticated and e cient GPS solutions in sleeker forms, further enhancing the versatility of
wearables in daily life.

In terms of user experience (UX) and usability, smart rings deliver an excellent and user-friendly

- Understand user needs and goals:

People who participate in sports, athletic endeavors, and regular gym visits pay close attention to the
vital signs and makeup of their bodies in order to meet their tness goals and reach their maximum
physical potential. Smart rings' discreet and practical design is essential to provide precise and easily
accessible data on their physical performance. Interestingly, these bene ts do not just apply to
traditional exercise regimens; hikers and other outdoor enthusiasts also bene t from these gadgets,
since they provide accurate information on their physical health while on their adventures.

- Design for ease of use:

During high-intensity workouts, tracking body composition requires a gadget that is not only
comfortable to wear but also water-resistant and tight enough to sustain demanding motions without
coming loose easily. Smart rings are perfect for sports and gym sessions since they are small and covert,
and because they are worn on the finger, they do not obstruct any important muscular motions.

- Use visual cues to motivate:

An interactive platform with a user-centric mobile/web application allows users to visually monitor their
daily reports through excellent data visualisation, and a smart ring with haptic feedback alerts users to
important information like low oxygen and water levels. Furthermore, adding GPS navigation improves
the experience even more by enabling smooth position monitoring and improving the integrated system's
overall functioning.

- Accessibility:

Since smart rings are worn on the finger, they offer outstanding accessibility. The information tracked by
the ring is shown on a smartphone app with simple navigation and intuitive features.

2. WHAT?

The features the smart ring will offer are:

• Health and Fitness Reporting -

• Step Progress Tracking: Wearable on the finger, smart rings provide exceptional accessibility. The
ring tracks information, which is shown on a smartphone app with easy-to-use navigation and
• Timely Reminders and Notifications:Use a smart ring to help you stay on track with your fitness
goals. It can deliver notifications and reminders to your phone or wristwatch, such as a heart rate alert
or a gentle reminder to exercise.
• Heart Rate Surveillance: With a smart ring that has a built-in heart rate sensor, you can track your
heart rate throughout the day and gain insight into your overall fitness level.[3]
• Comprehensive Activity Monitoring: Wearing a smart ring that analyzes your activity levels
thoroughly can help you stay motivated to keep active whether you're jogging, going to the gym, or
just taking a block walk.

- Body Temperature Monitoring:
• Continuous Tracking: Easily track your body temperature throughout the day to see any sudden
variations or patterns that can point to possible illnesses or injuries.
• Data Logging: Maintain a thorough log of your body temperature trends and patterns over time to
spot any deviations that could indicate underlying medical issues.
• Remote Monitoring: Employ a mobile application or internet-based system to monitor body
temperature remotely, allowing trainers and coaches to keep an eye on athletes' well-being even
when they are not there.
• Integration with Other Data: For a comprehensive picture of your health and tness, combine data
on your body temperature with other health and tness metrics like heart rate, sleep habits, and
activity levels.
• Alarm Noti cations: Create customised alarm noti cations to be warned when your body
temperature approaches dangerous ranges. This is especially helpful for athletes who may be at risk
for a fever.

- Physique Assessment
• Lean Body Mass: Analyze an athlete's muscle mass to determine their level of general physical
strength and injury risk, highlighting the signi cance of preserving a healthy muscular pro le for
improved performance.
• Fluid Balance: Determine the body's water content to maximize healing and performance. The
wearer of the smart ring is promptly reminded to be properly hydrated by vibrations when their level
of hydration drops.
• Caloric Consumption: Find out how quickly the body burns calories, which can help athletes reach
their objectives, whether it weight reduction or muscle growth.
• Heart Rate Variability: Analyze the variability of an athlete's heart rate to gain essential information
for e ective training, including overall health, tness, and post-exercise recovery.
• Maximum Oxygen Uptake: Determine your maximal oxygen consumption during intense exercise,
which is a good indicator of your cardiovascular health and endurance.
• Adiposity Percentage: An athlete's body fat percentage is a critical indicator of their general health
and tness that should be calculated in relation to their total weight. It helps consumers comprehend
where they are right now and what has to be changed to reach their goals.

- Hardware features:

• Charging Features:- allows for exible USB charging, so customers may use a computer or USB
converter to power their smart ring. To avoid harm if left on the charger for a lengthy period of time, it
has overcharging protection built in.
• Battery Life:- guarantees extended use with a durable battery, enabling the ring to be worn all day
without requiring regular charging.
• Bluetooth Connectivity:- makes it easier to transfer data and operate devices by enabling the ring
to easily link to smartphones or other devices.
• Waterproof and Dust proof Design:- protects the ring from any harm from exposure to dust or
water, which is an important aspect for sportsmen participating in water-related sports.
• GPS Feature:- expands the possibilities of the smart ring and improves functioning with embedded
GPS, allowing for exact position monitoring.
• Holographic Display: Adding a holographic display and sophisticated GPS navigation features to
the smart ring would improve its overall performance and give customers accurate position
monitoring in an eye-catching manner.

Software Features :

• Real-Time Tracking via Mobile App: - Connect to the smart ring seamlessly with the help of an
intuitive smartphone application, which enables quick login and real-time activity and body
performance tracking.

• Immersive Data Visualisation for Enhanced UX: - Improve the user experience by using cutting-
edge data visualisation techniques, such as pie charts, holographic displays, graphs, progress bars,
and heat maps, to create an aesthetically beautiful presentation on the mobile app.

• Precision GPS Navigation with Holographic Display: - Modern GPS navigation will enhance the
smart ring's usefulness by giving users accurate position tracking shown in a visually captivating
holographic style.

• Secure Cloud Storage for Data Privacy: -Employ strong data security protocols by managing and
storing user data in safe cloud apps such as AWS, GCP, and AZURE. This guarantees scalability, fast
access, and good security.

• Intelligent Noti cations and Reminders: -Receive timely noti cations and updates from the smart
ring on your performance, accomplishments, and any abnormalities in your body composition, such
as low oxygen, low water, or an increased heart rate.

3. HOW?

- Durable Material Utilisation:- Build the smart ring from sturdy materials such as ceramic, stainless
steel, or titanium to ensure that it can withstand hits and powerful pressures throughout different

- Companion App and Software Integration:- Create a companion app and software that are essential
for adjusting settings, monitoring information, and gaining access to capabilities, therefore improving
the smart ring's overall performance.

- Innovative Holographic Display Projection: - Present a state-of-the-art holographic display projector

that can project information into the palm of the user, offering a unique and immersive way to see data
and get alerts.

- Communication Module Inclusion:- Include a communication module to enable connectivity with

other devices, such as smartwatches or smartphones, using Bluetooth or NFC. This makes it possible to
present user data about their body and activities in real time.

- High-Performance Rechargeable Battery:

Use a small but powerful rechargeable battery to power the smart ring so that it may be used for longer
periods of time without needing to be charged again.

- Central Processing Unit Selection: Find a small, reasonably priced microcontroller that can support
the necessary communication protocols, has enough I/O pins, and satisfies the specifications of the smart

- Advanced Sensor Integration: Incorporate sensors that record movement, exercise, and health
information, such as gyroscopes, accelerometers, and heart rate monitors. Socket technology allows
these sensors to transfer real-time data to the mobile application easily.

- Compact Display Incorporation: Certain smart rings have a small display, similar to an OLED
screen, that shows the time and important messages and alarms.

- Enhanced Waterproof and Dust-proof Design: To strengthen the smart ring against water and dust
damage—a vital issue for athletes during workouts—apply waterproof coatings, sealants, or adhesives.

Physique Composition Assessment Technique

A smart ring that uses bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) technology to track the composition of
your body. This technique evaluates the resistance an electrical current faces as it travels through the
body, giving information on how water and fat are distributed throughout the body.
When the sensors on the smart ring come into touch with skin, a safe and gentle electrical current is
sent throughout the body. Muscles and other lean tissues assist the current more e ciently than fatty
tissues do. The smart ring determines the body's muscle-to-fat ratio by measuring the resistance to
the current.[2]

Body Temperature Monitoring Approach

A smart ring can measure body temperature by integrating a thermistor, a specialist temperature
sensor, within the ring. The thermistor measures electrical resistance, which is temperature-dependent
and detects even minute variations in temperature.[4]

The ring continually measures skin temperature since it is in close contact with the skin. After that, a
smartphone or any other connected device receives the gathered data via Bluetooth or other wireless
communication protocols.

The linked device's app or software does the analysis and processing of the data, displaying
temperature information in real-time or monitoring it over time to spot trends or changes. Additionally,
this data can be utilised to identify changes in the wearer's temperature or indications of illness.

Fitness Monitoring Approach:

An accelerometer, gyroscope, and heart rate monitor are just a few of the sensors that a smart ring
uses to determine a user's level of tness. These sensors make it possible to monitor and quantify a
variety of physical activities, including heart rate, steps taken, distance traveled, and calories burnt.[5]

The accelerometer in the ring measures tilt and hand motions to track steps and distance. By
measuring hand rotation, the gyroscope makes it easier to keep an eye on sports like swimming and
cycling. The user's heart rate is recorded by the heart rate monitor, which provides information on
exercise intensity and general health.

The data gathered by these sensors is then interpreted and analysed by the ring's CPU and software.
Comprehensive information on the user's tness activities is provided by this data, which may be
synchronised with a smartphone or other devices or shown on the ring. Some smart rings allow users
to track their general health and well-being by measuring their sleep habits.

Holographic Projection Technology:

Holographic projection integration necessitates the hardware of the smart ring to include a small yet
potent projector. This projector projects information onto the user's hand using cutting-edge
holographic display technology. The holographic display is detected by specialized sensors, similar to
those used in touchscreens, o ering a responsive and engaging user experience.

The smooth functioning of the holographic projection and GPS tracking functions depends on
e ective power management. The smart ring has a high-capacity, rechargeable battery that ensures
continuous operation while taking into account the small form factor.

A companion app on a linked device allows for additional GPS preference and holographic projection
function options, improving user control and customization. Through the app, users may customize
their experience, changing settings and gaining access to new features.[6]


The smart ring connects via Bluetooth to a smartphone application to provide real-time data
presentation. The data is collected by the sensors that are included into the smart ring and then sent
to the application. This data is processed and analyzed by the application's backend and then
presented to the user using aesthetically pleasing and easily understood data visualisation
techniques, such as the usage of graphs and charts.

Bar charts are a useful tool for representing body composition data, which includes components like
fat and muscle mass and allows for side-by-side comparison. Conversely, pie charts show the
percentage distribution of each component of body composition in relation to the total.

Line charts, which provide a visual depiction of changes in parameters like weight, body mass index
(BMI), and other tness indicators across weeks or months, are used to measure gains in physical
tness over time. With the use of scatter plots, one may illustrate the links between di erent tness
indicators—for example, the relationship between weight and BMI—and spot anomalies or
unexpected data points..


[1] A. J. Perez and S. Zeadally, "Recent Advances in Wearable Sensing Technologies," Sensors
(Basel, Switzerland), vol. 21, no. 20, p. 6828, 2021. [Online].

[2] H. J. Robert and Y. Mendelson, "A portable sensor for skin bioimpedance measurements,"
Int. J. Sens. Sens. Netw, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 1-8, 2019.

[3] E. Nemati, M. J. Deen, and T. Mondal, "A wireless wearable ECG sensor for long-term
applications," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 36-43, 2012.

[4] T. Haltenhof, A. Kotte, F. De Bortoli, S. Schiefer, S. Meinke, A. K. Emmerichs, F. Heyd, "A

conserved kinase-based body-temperature sensor globally controls alternative splicing and
gene expression," *Molecular Cell*, vol. 78, no. 1, pp. 57-69, 2020.

[5] A. Jalal, M. A. K. Quaid, S. B. u. din Tahir, and K. Kim, "A Study of Accelerometer and
Gyroscope Measurements in Physical Life-Log Activities Detection Systems," Sensors, vol. 20,
no. 22, p. 6670, 2020.

[6] C. Chang, K. Bang, G. Wetzstein, B. Lee, and L. Gao, "Toward the next-generation VR/AR
optics: a review of holographic near-eye displays from a human-centric perspective," Optica,
vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 1563-1578, 2020.


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