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The teacher socio - economics status is very low

it is really strange that while all the traditional
beliefs have undergone a the change the
orthodox idea of sacrifice by the teacher in the
interest of education still persists it is an irony
of fate that teaching wich is the so called
noblest profession is the most unattractive
profession these day

The teacher economic status is nothing but poor in some one
the peons and class and the IV servant are better paid than him
the teachers including all the salaried people are living below
the subsistence level.
The teacher does hot enjoy any social
recognition in the materialistic society
he occupies the back seat social position
is spite wisher of the fact that he is the
sincerest well wisher of the society the
society is not prepared to accept him as
an honorable citizen he is a harmless
social worker therefore no - body is
prepared to take him seriously.
The prolem of teachers status is
a universal problem thinking is
going on all our the world to
improve his lot the Governing
body of international labour
office convened a meeting of
expert at Geneva in October
1958 to go through the prolem
of teaching
1.The financial reward of the
teachers must be improve
2.The conditions Under which
they work should be made
3 Teachers living conditions
should be such as to be
conducive to a satisfying life
4 Publicity given to the wor of
school should be increased and
5. The public relation
programme of individual
schools or school system
should be a genuine two-way
6.The satisfaction resulting
from teaching should be
conveyed both to adolescent
making a vocational choice.
7. Preparation for teaching
should not be inferior to
preparation for other
8. The atmosphere in which
teachers work should be one in
wich initiative and creative
effort can work
9.Class room teacher can
themselves play a major role
thought a quality of this own
day today work
10. Ative teacher participation
in professional organizations
can help improve public
attitude towards teacher and
11. Adequate financial
assistances to students in
training would help to attract
suitable recruits.
India Education commission has
paid special attention to the
prolem of teachers status they
have suggested following
directions bringing
1. Improvement in salaries
2. Improvement in the
conditions of work and service
3. Improvement at the
recruitment level
4. Improvement at the
conditions og promotion
5. Improvement in training
6. Improvement in incentives
7. Improvement in General
in salaries
The most urgent need is to
increase the salaries of
teachers substantially the scale
of pay of teachers are not
equivalent to the scale of pay
of employers in other
department who have
equivalent qualification and
undertake equivalent
The secondary Education
Commission recommends.
Special committees should be
set up to review the scale of
pay of teachers of all grades
and recommend such scale of
pay that will meet in a fair and
just maner the varying cost of
Scale pay of school
Belong to the same category
but working under different
manage ment such as
government local bodies or
private management should be
the same teachers may work
atthe primary or secondary
level but they should be paid
on the basis of qualification and
not on the basis of the level of

The india Education

commission has
higher Scales of pay for teacher
of all categories the
commission suggesteds that a
teacher in a second school
should get more than what a
graduate gets in other
The conditions of work in the
school should be such as to
enable teachers to function at
thir highest of work not only
actual classroom teaching but
all other work a teacher has to
do should be taken into
account the minimum facilities
required for efficient work
should be provided without any
The term and conditions of
service in private school should
be the same as for government

Facilities should be provided for

enhancing qualifications and
professional growth in the form
of liberal sanction of leave
grants for purchase of books
grants for researcher and
opportunities A scheme should
be drawn up under which every
teacher will get a concessional
railway pass to any part of India
once in a while

New conduct and service rules

suitable for the teaching
profession shoul be framed for
the teacher
Arbitration Board or
committees should be
established to look into the
appeal and grievance of the

Every effort should be made to

provide residential
accommodation to teacher.

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