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Customer service:

Scenario #1

An Author (content creator) has raised a support request regarding their WordPress Theme
submission. Their submission did not pass Quality Review and therefore was not accepted by
Envato. In their ticket, they state that they spent a lot of time and energy creating the item and
are very upset that we did not accept it. They are now demanding that we make an exception
and reconsider our review of the item so they can publish it for sale on Envato Market.

A member of your team has already attempted to handle this ticket by informing the author that
they cannot make exceptions for cases like this. Their response links to our Help Centre article
on our review process, explaining why items may be rejected. Still, the Author has asked to
speak with a manager, and the support ticket has been escalated to you.

How would you approach this problem, and what steps would you take going forward?

What would you do to provide them with a solution (if any)?


Please write a response to the Author:


Scenario #2

An unhappy customer left a 1-star review on an Author’s item about their poor experience. The
Author of that item then raised a support request asking us to remove it because they felt it
wasn’t true/fair.

While we have guidelines on what is/isn’t acceptable regarding Envato reviews, sometimes it
can be ambiguous, with customers and Authors drawing different conclusions. In attempting to
resolve this ambiguity, you have opened up dialogue with the customer; however, both parties
do not agree. In short, the customer wishes to keep their review; the author wishes to remove it.

How would you approach this problem, and what steps would you take going forward?

What would you do to provide them with a solution (if any)?


Please write a response to the author:

Please answer the following questions:

1. Please tell us about a time you dealt with an unreasonable customer. How did you
handle it? What was the outcome?

2. Please describe a time you had to say no to an important request from a customer or

Scenario #1

You will be supporting a team of three Author Support agents and answering new support
tickets/escalations. All three agents have an ongoing unresolved queue of open (active) tickets.
One of our SLAs is to ensure that no open ticket sits in our queue without a response for 48
hours. As a Senior Support officer, you will have reports showing any new/open tickets over 48
hours without a response to help meet this SLA.

One agent consistently fails to meet this SLA, meaning the author’s responses for their open
requests go unanswered for 2+ days.

How would you approach this problem, and what steps would you take going forward?

What would you do to ensure that the agent meets this SLA in the future?

How would you communicate this to the agent?


Scenario #2

The Author Support Team has multiple support requests across several different queues (with
different priorities for each support ticket category/type); we have SLAs that must be met, and
the team is required to perform daily maintenance tasks in addition to these SLAs. As a Senior,
you must ensure that all these tasks are met and the SLAs are achieved.

With this in mind, how would you approach your day-to-day?


How would you manage the (sometimes fast-paced) changing priorities of tasks/tickets?

If resources are limited (e.g. leave, sick), how would you decide what is a priority and delegate
those specific tasks?

Please answer the following questions:

1. Please describe an improvement you’ve implemented at a previous job.

2. Please describe your leadership style and preferred team management style.

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