Coversation Part 1

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Coversation Part 1 (At Caffe)

Waiters: Welcome to Marabunta semarang. Have you booked in here?

Jenny: We haven’t book. So what should we do?
Waiters: I will give you our menu and you can order. Please chose the place do you want
Jenny: Thank you, we will read our menu and order
Lidia: What will you order?
Jenny: I am interested chicken spicy and blue ocean. So I can order this, what will you
Lidia: I will order chicken sauce teriyaki and blue ocean
Jenny: this is our order
Waiters: okay thanks for order and I will be back for a few minutes

Conversation Part 2 (At Library)

Tami: what are you doing yoga?
Me: I am looking for a book for my thesis. What are you doing tami?
Tami: oh I am working a thesis because it is comfortable and quiet
Me: what chapter have you reached?
Tami: I have reached chapter 3, what about you?
Me: I have reached chapter 4. Good luck for your thesis
Tami: Thank you and good luck for you

Coversation Part 3 (At Canteen)

Bayu: what are you doing yoga?
Me: I am ordering instan noodle and ice tea
Bayu: oooh I think its great because the weather is cold
Me: What do you buy?
Bayu: I buy a fried rice, ice chocolate, and nugget
Me: Lets eat together there
Present Continuous
1. Aku sudah membeli nasi goreng di kantin
(+) I have bought a fried rice in the canteen
(-) I haven’t bought a fried rice in the canten
(?) Have you eaten?
(?) What have you bought in the canteen?
2. Adikku sudah menemukan Sepatu yang dia mau
(+) My sister has found a shoes she wants
(-) My sister hasn’t found a shoes she wants
(?) Have your sister found a shoes she wants?
3. Temanku sudah dirumah setelah pergi ke bandung 3 hari
(+) My friend has been at home after gone to bandung 3 days
(-) My friend hasn’t been at home after gone to bandung 3 days
(?) has you friend been at home after gone to bandung 3 days?
4. Mereka sudah selesai bermain speak bola
(+) They have finished playing football
(-) They haven’t finished playing football
(?) Have they finished playing football?
5. Adikku sudah makan karena ibuku membelikan nasi goreng
(+) My sister has eaten because my mother bought a fried rice
(-) My sister hasn’t eaten because my mother doesn’t buy a fried rice
(?) has you sister eaten?
(?) what does your sister eat?
(?) what is your sister eating?
6. Ibuku belum pulang karena sedang ada ujian di sekolah
(-) My mother hasn’t come home because she has an exam at school
(+) My mother has come home because she hasn’t an exam at school
(?) Has your mother come home?
(?) why hasn’t your mother come home?


1. Minggu depan aku akan pergi ke jogja untuk menghadiri wisuda pacarku
(+) Next week I going to jogja to attend my girlfriend’s graduation
(-) Next week I wont going to jogja to attend my girlfriend’s graduation
(?) are you going to jogja next week?
(?) why are you going to jogja next week?
2. Adikku akan pergi ke jogja hari sabtu bersama teman – temannya
(+) My sister going to jogja on saturdat with her friends
(-) My sister not going to jogja on Saturday with her friends
(?) will your sister go to jogja on Saturday?
(?) With whon will your sister go to jogja on Saturday?
(?) Wht will your sister go to jogja on Saturday?
3. Aku akan berhati – hati mengendarahi mobil ketika hujan turun
(+) I will be carefull drive the car when it rains
(-) I wont be carefull drive the car when it rains
(?) why will you be carefull drive the car when it rains?
4. Adikku akan rajin belajarr supaya mendapatkan nilai yang bagus
(+) my sister will be study hard to get a good grades
(-) My sister wont be study hard to get an good grades
(?) why your sister will be study hard?
5. Mereka akan membeli bunga untuk hiasan di rumah
(+) They will buy a flower for decoration at home
(-) The wont buy a flower for decoration at home
(?) Why will they buy a flower?
(?) Where will they buy a flower?
(?) When will they buy a flower?


1. Kemarin teman adikku datang tetapi adikku tidak ada dirumah

(+) yesterday, my sister friend come but my sister weren’t at home
(-) Yesterday my sister friend come but my sister were at home
(?) when did your sister friend come to your home?
(?) where did youre sister go yesterday?
2. Kemarin aku pergi ke Jakarta untuk mengunjungi nenekku
(+) yesterday I went to jakarta to visited my grand mother
(+) yesterday I didn’t go to Jakarta to visit my grand mother
(?) Where did you go yesterday?
(?) what did you do in the grand mother’s house?

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