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Name: John Carlo Magsipoc
Nickname: JC
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Age: 21
Date of Birth: November 3, 2001
Date of Testing: April 25, 2023
Educational Attainment: Undergraduate Student
Person Requesting Testing: John Carlo Magsipoc
Referred for: Assessment of his current status and for further self-evaluation.


- The client is interested in evaluating his present situation and engaging in a deeper
self-assessment. He desires to gain a better understanding of his current standing by examining
various aspects of his life and reflecting on his personal growth and development.


During the assessment, the client is a 3rd year College student at Central Philippine University
pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. The client is presented for treatment with the
purpose of evaluating his mental well-being and ascertaining his current psychological condition. He
describes himself as an introverted person, a person who does not want to be involved in any social
activities as he explains that his social battery at times would run out. He developed this personality
because of the feeling of being neglected in the family. He has an older brother that excels academically
in which he describes as “the person I should look up to and be more like him”, and also has a younger
sister who is the favorite of the family. While he maintains positive relationships with both siblings, he
encounters challenges when attempting to openly express his thoughts and emotions to them. The
experiences he had developed with specific social relationships made him keen about his circle. In a
social setting, he would try to fit in with the group but have difficulties as he puts a personality that is
different to him and at times. He keeps his circle close to where he is comfortable, which is good to have
but he also realizes that going out of his comfort zone can make great opportunities for himself. The
patient has been making conscious efforts to venture beyond his familiar boundaries, despite his prior
encounters. As a result, he looks forward with such optimism and hopes to better as an individual.

Mental History
- The client does not have any prior records of mental health concerns or conditions.

Physical History
- The client has not sought medical attention for any specific physical conditions or
concerns recently. However he currently experiences difficulties of sleeping and having
back pains.

Psychological Test Evaluation for John Carlo Y. Magsipoc Page 1

The following tests were administered:
1. EQ-i:s BarOn
2. Culture Fair Test Scale 3
3. 16PF Fifth Edition
4. Work Habits, Attitudes, and Productivity Scale
5. Filipino Work Values Scale

Upon presentation for evaluation, he appeared in appropriate casual clothing, demonstrating a keen
understanding of the occasion. Notably, his physical characteristics, including height and weight, fell within the
normal range, indicating a healthy physique, reflecting a sense of personal care and attention to detail. Throughout
the evaluation process, his speech consistently met the expected standards, characterized by a clear and
straightforward manner of expression. Although there were instances where he momentarily spaced out, he promptly
regained focus and actively listened. Notably, His eye contact was consistently maintained within typical limits.
Additionally, he exhibited a cooperative demeanor, fostering a positive communication flow and creating a
comfortable atmosphere for the evaluation.


1.Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory: (BarOn EQ-i:s)

Raw Standard Interpretative

Scales Scores Score (SS)* Category Guideline
Total EQ 31 86 Average Effective Functioning
Intrapersonal 27 74 Average Area for Enrichment
Interpersonal 33 81 Average Area for Enrichment

Stress Management Scale 34 111 Average Effective Functioning

Adaptability Scale 23 84 Average Area for Enrichment
General Mood Scale 26 65 Very Low Area for Enrichment

Positive Impression Scale 13 100 Average Effective Functioning

Norm: M1: Males 16 to 29 years of age
Invalid if SS>130
Invalid if Inconsistency Index = 12>12

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2. Culture Fair Test Scale 3

Total Score - 22

Standard Score - 100 (Average)

Percentile - 50

3. 16 Personality Factor (16PF), 5th Ed

Raw Score Percentile

Impression Management (IM) 20 95
Personality Factors Sten Meaning
Primary Factors:
A. Warmth 3 Reserved, Impersonal, Distant
B. Reasoning 3 Concrete
C. Emotional Stability 5 Reactive, Emotionally Changeable
Deferential, Cooperative, Avoids
E. Dominance 1 Conflict
F. Liveliness 3 Serious, Restrained, Careful
G. Rule-Conscious 7 Rule Conscious, Dutiful
H. Social Boldness 1 Shy, Threat- Sensitive, Timid
I. Sensitivity 6 Sensitive, Aesthetic, Sentimental
L. Vigilance 7 Vigilant, Suspicious, Skeptical Wary
M. Abstarctedness 9 Abstracted, Imaginative, Idea- oriented
N. Privateness 7 Private, Discreet, Non-Disclosing
O. Apprehension 6 Apprehensive, Self- Doubting, Worried
Q1: Openness to Change 8 Open to Change, Experimenting
Q2: Self-Reliance 5 Group- oriented, Affiliative
Perfectionistic, Organized, Self-
Q3: Perfectionism 7 Discipline
Q4: Tension 2 Relaxed, Placid, Patient
Global Factors:
EX: Extraversion 3 Introverted, Socially Inhibited
AX: Anxiety 5 Low Anxiety, Unperturbed
TM: Tough-Mindedness 4 Receptive, Open-Minded, Intuitive
IN: Independence 3 Accommodating, Agreeable, Selfless
SC: Self-Control 6 Self-Controlled, Inhibits Urges

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4. Work Habits, Attitudes, and Productivity Scale (WHAPS)

Stanine Stanine
Subscale Raw Score Equivalent Subscale Raw Score Equivalent
C+ 26 2 C- 26 2
EM 22 3 IM 42 4
JS 17 8 JD 18 7
P+ 75 4 P- 25 6
COW 41 3 HOW 34 7

Subscale Raw Score Stan Category
C 0 3 Low
M 20 7 Average
J -1 6 Average
P 50 4 Low
WO 7 2 Low

5. Filipino Work Values Scale

Value Subscale Raw Score Percentile Rank Category

ENV 37 33.70 Weak
FAM 18 17.20 Very Weak
INT-ACH 31 56.30 Average
INTER 49 13.40 Very Weak
MNG 27 22.70 Weak
MAT 33 27.60 Weak
OCC 44 32.60 Weak
ORG 27 52.30 Average
REL 22 3.10 Very Weak
VAR 16 26 Weak

Psychological Test Evaluation for John Carlo Y. Magsipoc Page 4

Intellectual Functioning
The client did really well on the test, scoring a raw score of 22, which translates to a standard
score of 100. The assessment focused on evaluating the client's ability to tackle different perceptual tasks,
providing a glimpse into her overall non-verbal intelligence. What's interesting is that the test used was
specifically designed to be fair across various cultures, aiming to measure the client's analytical and
reasoning skills when faced with unfamiliar and abstract situations.

Socio-Emotional Functioning

Relationship Building. Mr. Magsipoc displays an attitude that tends not to be as open and prefers
to remain in his own space. Although he has good bonds with his relationship within his circle, he still
finds difficulties in forming bonds with people because of his private and discreet personality.

Emotional Regulation. Mr. Magsipoc demonstrates excellent emotional regulation skills. He

handles stress well, remains relaxed, calm, and patient in various situations. This means he can manage
his emotions effectively, keeping them balanced and under control. His ability to stay composed
contributes to better decision-making and positive relationships with others. Overall, Mr. Magsipoc shows
a strong ability to regulate his emotions and handle challenges calmly.

Personal Growth/ Embracing Opportunities. Mr. Magsipoc reflects his ability to engage with
others in a receptive and open-minded manner. His intuitive nature enables him to understand and connect
with people on a deeper level, fostering positive relationships. Additionally, his openness to change
positions him well to embrace new possibilities and personal development.

This empathetic approach strengthens his relationships, as he demonstrates understanding and

support. Moreover, Mr. Magsipoc's readiness to embrace change reflects his proactive attitude towards
personal development, as he eagerly seeks new possibilities and continuously expands his knowledge and

Self Awareness. Mr. Magsipoc is cautious about sharing his thoughts and feelings with others due
to his introverted nature and a sense of wariness. He finds it challenging to open up and prefers to keep
certain aspects of his life private. Understanding his need for personal space and respecting his boundaries
can help create a supportive environment for him to feel more comfortable in social interactions.

Psychological Strengths and Positive Qualities. Mr. Magsipoc exhibits positive strengths in
various areas, particularly in his effective emotional regulation and stress management abilities. He
demonstrates a commendable level of self-awareness, being able to recognize and understand his
emotions accurately. Moreover, he displays skillful control over his emotional responses, allowing him to
handle challenging situations with composure and resilience

Work habits and productivity

Mr. Magsipoc's work habits and productivity were assessed through the utilization of the Work
Habits, Attitudes, and Productivity Scale (WHAPS) alongside the Filipino Work Values Scale. This
comprehensive evaluation offers valuable insights into her work-related behaviors, attitudes, and values.

Based on the WHAPS results here are some notes taken:

Psychological Test Evaluation for John Carlo Y. Magsipoc Page 5

Work Habits. Mr. Magsipoc's work habits were found to be below average. The specific details and scores
from the subscales are needed to provide a comprehensive assessment of his work habits. However, this
below-average rating suggests that there may be areas in his work performance that could benefit from
improvement. It is important to note that this assessment is based solely on the WHAPS scores and should
be considered in conjunction with other factors, such as individual circumstances and context, to gain a
complete understanding of Mr. Magsipoc's work habits and performance.

Job Satisfaction. Mr. Magsipoc's high score in job satisfaction indicates that he experiences a notable
level of contentment and fulfillment in his work. This suggests that he finds his job rewarding and
enjoyable, which in turn contributes to his motivation, engagement, and productivity. His high job
satisfaction score reflects a positive work environment, alignment with personal values, positive
relationships with colleagues, and a sense of accomplishment in his role. Overall, Mr. Magsipoc
demonstrates a positive outlook and overall well-being in his professional life.

Taking into account the outcomes of the Filipino Work Values Scale, the following observations can be

Intellectual Achievement. Considering the Filipino Work Values Scale results, it is noted that Mr.
Magsipoc has an average score in the intellectual achievement aspect of his work values. This suggests
that he places moderate importance on intellectual growth, learning, and personal development within his
professional endeavors. While he may not prioritize intellectual achievement as a top work value, he still
recognizes its significance and is likely to engage in opportunities for continuous learning and
improvement. This average score indicates a balanced approach to intellectual growth in his work.

Interpersonal. Mr. Magsipoc has demonstrated a very weak score in the interpersonal aspect. This
indicates that he may struggle with or place limited importance on building and nurturing relationships
with others in the workplace. It suggests that he might find it challenging to collaborate, communicate
effectively, or connect on an interpersonal level with colleagues or clients. Developing strong
interpersonal skills and fostering positive relationships may be areas for growth and improvement for him
in order to enhance his overall work experience and effectiveness in a team environment.

The findings from the assessment of Mr. Magsipoc's work values using the Filipino Work Values Scale
reveal interesting results. Regarding intellectual achievement, he displays a moderate level of importance
in his work values. While it may not be his top priority, he acknowledges the significance of personal
development, intellectual growth, and continuous learning within his professional pursuits. This indicates
a balanced approach and a willingness to seize opportunities for improvement.

However, Mr. Magsipoc exhibits a notable weakness in the realm of interpersonal skills. He places limited
importance on building and nurturing relationships with others in the workplace. This deficiency may
impede his ability to effectively collaborate, communicate clearly, and establish meaningful connections
with colleagues or clients. To enhance his overall work experience and become more effective in a team
environment, it is crucial for him to prioritize the development of interpersonal skills and cultivate
positive relationships.

By recognizing these strengths and areas for improvement, Mr. Magsipoc can further develop his
intellectual pursuits while actively working on his interpersonal skills, ultimately fostering a more
well-rounded professional approach.

Psychological Test Evaluation for John Carlo Y. Magsipoc Page 6


The client performed exceptionally well on the test, scoring a raw score of 22, which translates to
a standard score of 100. The assessment focused on evaluating the client's ability to handle various
perceptual tasks, giving an indication of their overall non-verbal intelligence.This provides valuable
insights into the client's cognitive strengths in problem-solving and abstract thinking.

Mr. Magsipoc's socio-emotional functioning reveals several key aspects. In terms of relationship
building, he tends to be more private and finds it difficult to form bonds with people outside his
immediate circle. However, he demonstrates strong emotional regulation skills, managing stress and
remaining calm and patient. He is receptive and open-minded, fostering positive relationships and
embracing personal growth opportunities. While he is cautious about sharing his thoughts and feelings,
respecting his boundaries can create a supportive environment. Overall, Mr. Magsipoc shows
psychological strengths in emotional regulation, self-awareness, and resilience.


In summary, this assessment reveals that Mr. Magsipoc possesses effective strategies for
managing his life in a healthy manner. He demonstrates a well-developed ability to adapt to change and a
willingness to embrace new opportunities in an ever-changing world. Stepping out of his comfort zone
may pose challenges for him, but he recognizes the potential for personal growth and improvement that
comes with it. He understands the importance of progressing at his own pace and acknowledges that
personal development is a gradual process. By following his own pace, He can continue to evolve and
develop as an individual. A clear, practical, and obtainable recommendation for Mr. Magsipoc would be
to actively work on improving his interpersonal skills through consistent practice and intentional effort.
By taking small steps, such as initiating conversations with colleagues, actively listening to others, and
seeking opportunities to collaborate, he can gradually enhance his ability to build and nurture
relationships in the workplace.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Meliza Louise B. Javellana Jade S. Ermitaño, MAPsy, RPm

May 26, 2023 Instructor, Psych 3205
PRC Registration No. 0005569
May 26, 2023

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