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1. Let's the library.

a. go b. going c. goes

2. The class is so dirty. ...

a. Let's read the books

b. Let's clean it

c. Let's play inside the class

3. Mirna: Do you like going to the zoo?

Maria: ......

Mirna: ...Let's go to Ragunan Zoo

Maria: Great Let's go

a. No, I dont like animals

b. Yes, I like pizza

c. Yes, I like animals

4. It is a ..... school yard. There are many plants there.

a. small

b. untidy

c. green

5. my classroom is clean. We throw garbage in a.....

a. trash can

b. dustpan

c. bag

6. How is the classroom?


a. the classroom is tidy

b. the classroom is fragrant

c. the class is green

7. do you know what is it?

a. broom b. brush c. feather duster

8. A: Let's see the badminton game

B: ............. I must go home

a Yes, Let's go

b. Im sorry can't

c. I don't like

9. Anggun: it is nice day. Let's go to the park.

Andi : .......... Let's go

a. Good job

b. Nice work

c. Good Idea

10. Im hungry....

a. Let's sleep

b. Let's go

c. Let's eat

11. this is a .....

a. a dirty rest room

b. a fragrant rest room

c. a neat rest room

12. Hello Ana, How is the sport hall? .......

a. the sport hall is large

b. the sport hall is small

c. the sport hall is tidy


a. it is a fragrant cafetaria

b. it is a clean cafetaria

c. it is a big cafetaria

14. We return the books to the shelf after reading them. So, it is .......

a. fragrant library

b. neat library

c. green library

15. it is a...... school yard. there are many plants there.

a. small b. untidy c. green

We always cleaning our classroom. I sweep the floor using a (16) ........... Rudi
collects the garbage using a (17) ....... .Then, Marta throws the garbage in a
(18) ............

16. a. dustpan b. broom c. trash can

17. a. dustpan b. broom c. trash can

18. a. dustpan b. broom c. trash can

gambar hal 5 pulang sekolah

19. a. lets go to the school

b. Lets go home

c. Lets go the beach

20. a. lets run

b. im sorry

c. I must go home

21. anam : Lets see the music show.

ardi : Im sorry, I can't. .......

a. I can play skateboarding

b. I don't know how to ride a bike

c. I have a sore throat

22. it is getting dark.....

a. Lets swim together

b. Lets party tonight

c. Let's go home

23.Zidan: Lets play soccer this evening.

Laila: Im sorry......

a. I can't. I dont feel weel today

b. I can. I dont go anywhere today

c. I can't. I want to play soccer

24. is the school yard is green?

a. Yes, it is

b. Yes, it does

c. Yes, it is not

25. Let's ...... a plate of fried rice.

a. drink b. eat c. clean

complete the sentence based on the text above

1. How is the cafetaria? the ..........

2. How is the libary?

the .....
3. How about her friends?

Her friend is .....

4. Where she eat lunch?


5. Why she like studying in the classroom?

Because .....

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