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SOL Term Review

Match the correct word from the word bank with its corresponding definition.


1. polytheism : A religion that has more than one god. (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Mesoamerica)

2. monotheism : A religion that only has one god. (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism)

3. tolerance : Recognizing and respecting others beliefs and customs. (Persia)

4. enlightenment : Being able to see absolute truth, all that is good, absolute happiness. (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism)

5. doctrine : Rules and regulations of a religion. (Christian Church)

6. celibacy : Vowing to remain unmarried. (Roman Catholic Church)

7. monasteries : Where monks and nuns live. (Buddhism, Christianity)

8. missionaries : People who spread a religion. (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam)

Word Bank
Doctrine Celibacy Tolerance Monasteries
Missionaries Enlightenment Polytheism Monotheism
Money Matters

9. agriculture : Farming. Growing crops for food and raising animals. (Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China)

10. textiles : Cloth made from things like silk, wool, or cotton. (India, Phoenicians, China, Persia)

11. economy : Anything concerning money and trade in a civilization. (Phoenicians, China, Byzantine Empire,

12. Golden Age : A time when people are making a lot of money. This often leads to a rise in cultural
achievement. (India, Greece, Rome, Renaissance)

13. commerce : Business or Trade. (Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Phoenicians)

14. devaluation of currency: When money loses its value (Rome at the end of the Republic)

15. inflation : Another term for the “devaluation of currency.” (Rome at the end of the Empire)

16. self-sufficient : When you are able to make everything you need without trading for goods. (Middle Ages in
Western Europe)

17. maritime : Having to do with the sea and boats. (Phoenicians, Greece)

18. credit : The ability to buy things even when you do not have all the money to pay for it at the time.
These days we use cards for it. (Renaissance)

19. cultural diffusion : The spread of culture through interactions of people like trading and war. (West Africa,
Japan, Rome)

Word Bank
Golden Age Agriculture Cultural Diffusion
Inflation Maritime Commerce
Economy Textiles Credit
Devaluation of Currency Self Sufficient

20. hereditary : Passing on something like the rule of country to your children. (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, China)

21. city-states : The political unit of a city and the surrounding farmland. (Mesopotamia, Mayans, Greece,

22. bureaucracy : Division of a government to make is easier to rule. (Egypt, Persia, Incans, Rome)

23. dynasty : When one family rules for a long time. (China)

24. citizen : The people in a civilization who have political rights and responsibilities. (Greece, Rome)

25. monarchy : Rule by one person, usually a king or queen. (Greece, China, Middle Ages, Nation States)

26. aristocracy : Rule by rich land owners. (Greece, Middle Ages)

27. tyranny : Rule taken by force. (Greece, Rome)

28. democracy : Rule by the people. (Greece, Roman Republic)

29. oligarchy : Rule by a few powerful people. (Greece (Sparta))

30. nobles : Rich land owners who pass their wealth and power through their family. (Rome, Middle Ages)

31. representative democracy: Indirect (representative) Democracy;. (Roman Republic)

32. empire : Large territory and government unified under one person’s rule. (Rome, Byzantine, China, India,
Persia, Inca, Mongols)

Word Bank
Nobles Citizen Oligarchy Hereditary
Democracy Empire Monarchy Aristocracy
Bureaucracy City States Dynasty Tyranny
Representative Democracy

33. adaptation : Changing to survive in an environment. (Paleolithic humans)

34. nomadic : Having no permanent home. Moving to find food and shelter. (Paleolithic humans)

35. archaeologist : People who study human remains and artifacts to learn about the past. (Now)

36. codification : Writing something down, like laws. (Mesopotamia, Rome, Byzantium)

37. colony : A territory owned by someone from another land. (Phoenicians, Greece)

38. architecture : Buildings or the art of building. (All)

39. navy : Boats of a civilization’s military. (Phoenicians, Athens, Persia, Spain)

40. Hellenistic : The blend of Greek and Oriental (Egyptian, Persian, and Indian) cultures. (Alexander the Great)

41. civil service system: Government jobs. (China, Incans, Rome)

42. geocentric theory: Belief that the earth is the center of the universe. (Rome: Ptolemy, Christian Church)

43. Greco-Roman : Classical culture. Elements of Greece and Rome. (Byzantine, Islam, Catholic Church, Renaissance)

44. Renaissance : A rebirth. (Time after Middle Ages in Europe)

45. mosaic : Artistic style that uses tiles. (Byzantine, Islam)

Word Bank Greco-Roman Colony Nomadic Civil Service System

Archaeologist Architecture Geocentric Theory Navy
Mosaic Hellenistic Adaptation Codification

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