Crisanto Research

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The Leading Causes of Failure in Grade of Senior High School Students of Joaquin Smith National High


Background of the Study

Education is really important for making societies better and helping people grow. When

students reached Senior High School, it is a crucial time for them to become serious in studying as this

helps them gained skills and knowledge to help them in college or applying for a job. However, not all

students have an easy time during this grade as many faced problems that makes it hard for them to do

well or even stay in school. Why students fail in High School is a big issue with lots of reasons. Some

students do not get enough help, some come from families with less money, some have trouble learning,

and some just don’t feel motivated. Also, moving from Junior to Senior High School can make things even

harder because the work gets tougher and social stuff changes too.

Even though people have tried to help students who are struggling, there are still big differences

between students. This shows why we need to understand more about the causes of why some students

struggle. With this problem, this research aims to figure out the leading causes of why some Senior High

School students of Joaquin Smith National High School failed in their class in order to understand them

and through this research, we can make schools fairer and help more students succeed.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to know the leading causes of failures in grade of Senior High School students

of Joaquin Smith National High School and their implications for students and educational systems.

Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Determine and understand the reasons why some Senior High School Students of Joaquin Smith

National High School struggle academically for them to get a failed grade.
2. Look at the different factors, like family background and demographics, affect why students might not

do well in school.

3. See how doing poorly in school can impact students’ future opportunities and how they feel about


4. Identify solutions to help the students academically in order for them to get a passing grades.

Scope and Limitations

While this research aims to provide insights into the leading causes of failures in senior high

school, it is essential to acknowledge certain limitations. The study focuses primarily on academic factors

and may not encompass all aspects of student failure, such as social or behavioral issues. Additionally,

the research’s scope is delimited to a specific geographical region or educational context, which may

limit the generalizability of findings to other settings.

Significance of the Study

The problem of students failing in Senior High School is tough for teachers, policymakers, and

others involved. Some students do well, but others find it hard to meet the standards, which can really

affect their school life and how they’re doing overall. Figuring out why this happens is key to helping

students do better.

Definition of Terms

1. Senior High School Students: These are students who are in the last two years of secondary typically

known as 11th and 12th grade in some countries.

2. Grade Failure: This refers to a student’s inability to pass or meet the required academic standards of

particular grade level, resulting in the need to repeat the same grade.

Research Design

As this research aims to identify the leading causes of failure in grade of Senior High School

students of Joaquin Smith National High School, the researchers used the quantitative research design to

present the data that will be gathered in numerical and statistical form. Through this, the data will be

easily analyze to identify the problem and its solution.


The Researchers used Cluster Sampling Method to identify the participants of this research as

the Senior High School students will have the similar characterics of having a failed grade. Researchers

will get 20 participants to gather primary data that will help this Research successful.

Data Collection

In obtaining the data, the Researchers will conduct a survey with the chosen participants, giving

them a copy of survey questionnaires that will help in gathering data by analyzing their answers using

quantitative research design.

Survey Questionnaire

Name (Optional): ____________________________________ Grade Level: ________

Academic Background: Failed Passed

1. How would you rate your overall academic performance this semester?

a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Below Average

e. Poor

2. Have you ever failed during the current semester?

a. Yes

b. No

3. How many hours do you typically study per day?

a. Less than 1 hour

b. 1-2 hours

c. 2-3 hours

d. More than 3 hours

4. Do you have a quiet and conducive study environment at home?

a. Yes

b. No

5. Do you regularly seek help from teachers or tutors when you encounter difficulties in your studies?

a. Yes

b. No
6. What do you believe are the main factors that contribute to academic failure among students at

Joaquin Smith National High School? (Select all that apply)

a. Lack of motivation

b. Poor time management

c. Inadequate study skills

d. Personal issues (e.g., family problems, mental health issues)

e. Lack of teacher support

f. Peer pressure

g. Lack of resources (e.g., textbooks, internet access)

7. Have you experienced any of the above factors affecting your academic performance?

a. Yes

b. No

8. How would you rate the support and guidance provided by teachers at Joaquin Smith National High


a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Below Average

e. Poor

9. Do you feel comfortable seeking help or guidance from your teachers when needed?

a. Yes

b. No

10. Are there any specific changes or improvements you would like to see in the school environment

to help students succeed academically?

a. having a satuday class

b. additional project

c. giving module

d. need a support of parent/guardian

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