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Delegate name: Moiz Mazahir Digoswala

Agenda: Persian Gulf crisis

Country Name: Ecuador

Committee: United Nations Security Council

The Strait of Hormuz, which is barely 21 miles wide at its narrowest point and is often
regarded as the most strategically significant passage for international trade, is once again the
largest waterway in the news after Iran captured a British oil tanker. The Strait that connects
the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea is the conduit for 20% of the
world's oil supply. One of the busiest shipping lanes on the planet, the strait passes by almost
one-third of the world's seaborne oil. It is a strategically important route for the international
oil trade because a sizable amount of the world's oil passes through it. It is also a strategically
important route for the international oil trade because a significant portion of the world's oil
passes through it.

The Issue started due to Iran’s nuclear programmed which was interposed by Countries like
The United States and The European union Which imposed heavy sanction, banning oil
exports from Iran, which impacted Iran heavily, Due to 80% of Iran revenue resulted from oil
exports, In retaliation Iran Threated to Block any oil coming in or out of the strait of Hormoz
due to it being is a strategic position which, was said by Iranian Vice President Mohammad-
Reza Rahimi, This resulted in Military exercises and naval maneuvers conduct by the U.S
and Iran, and both sides traded jabs about the other's presence throughout 2012. Eventually
Iran restrained from blocking the economically valuable point, although tensions still have
not yet settled as On 19 July 2019, a UK flagged tanker was seized by Iran in the Strait of

Ecuador recognizes the actions made by Iran to lessen sanctions on oil exports in light of the
impending threat to the world's oil prices. Ecuador offers some support to the initiatives taken
by the United States and the European Union as a valued ally of the United States, bound by
the Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Navigation, and Commerce signed in 1839 and strengthened
by full diplomatic relations established in 1848. Nevertheless, Ecuador continues to hold on
to the conviction that this urgent issue may be handled through a variety of different methods,
providing a more effective and peaceful solution for all parties concerned.
Ecuador’s Proposed solutions:
 Explore the idea of using regional organizations or impartial third parties as mediators
to promote discussion and negotiation. The UNSC might lend its offices to facilitate
and ease the negotiations, together with other regional actors like the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC).
 Make sure Iran complies with the international policies for its nuclear programme
with an incentive to reduce or exempt sanction on its Oil exports, Also involve The
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to monitor and supervise Iran’s
Compliance with International policies

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