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Ian Lokayukta 8||| vers|on 19

An acL Lo creaLe effecLlve anLlcorrupLlon and grlevance redressal sysLems ln Lhe sLaLe of
(oome of stote) so LhaL effecLlve deLerrenL ls creaLed agalnsL corrupLlon and Lo provlde effecLlve
proLecLlon Lo whlsLleblowers

1 Short t|t|e and commencement %1) 1hls AcL may be called Lhe (oome of
stote) AnLlCorrupLlon Crlevance 8edressal And WhlsLleblower roLecLlon AcL 2010
%2) lL shall come lnLo force on Lhe one hundred and LwenLleLh day of lLs enacLmenL

Def|n|t|ons ln Lhls AcL unless Lhe conLexL oLherwlse requlres

%1) AcLlon" means any acLlon Laken by a publlc servanL ln Lhe dlscharge of hls funcLlons as such publlc
servanL and lncludes declslon recommendaLlon or flndlng or ln any oLher manner and lncludes
wlllful fallure or omlsslon Lo acL and all oLher expresslons relaLlng Lo such acLlon shall be consLrued
%2) AllegaLlon" ln relaLlon Lo a publlc servanL lncludes any afflrmaLlon LhaL such publlc servanL
%a) has lndulged ln mlsconducL lf he ls a governmenL servanL
%b) has lndulged ln corrupLlon
%) complalnL" lncludes any grlevance or allegaLlon or a requesL by whlsLleblower for proLecLlon and
approprlaLe acLlon
%) corrupLlon" lncludes anyLhlng made punlshable under ChapLer lx of Lhe lndlan enal Code or
under Lhe revenLlon of CorrupLlon AcL 1988
rovlded LhaL lf any person obLalns any beneflL from Lhe governmenL by vlolaLlng any laws or rules
LhaL person along wlLh Lhe publlc servanLs who dlrecLly or lndlrecLly helped LhaL person obLaln
Lhose beneflLs shall be deemed Lo have lndulged ln corrupLlon
(5) CovernmenL" or SLaLe CovernmenL" means CovernmenL of Lhe sLaLe of (oome
of stote)
%) CovernmenL ServanL" means any person who ls or was any Llme appolnLed Lo a clvll servlce or posL
ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe affalrs of Lhe SLaLe CovernmenL or [udlclary elLher on depuLaLlon or
permanenL or Lemporary or on conLracLual employmenL buL would noL lnclude Lhe Plgh CourL and
[udges ln lower [udlclary
%) grlevance" means a clalm by a person LhaL he susLalned ln[usLlce or undue hardshlp ln
consequence of maladmlnlsLraLlon
%A) Plgh CourL" means Plgh CourL
%8) LokayukLa" means
a 8enches consLlLuLed under Lhls AcL and performlng Lhelr funcLlons as lald down under
varlous provlslons of Lhls AcL or
b Any offlcer or employee exerclslng lLs powers and carrylng ouL lLs funcLlons and
responslblllLles ln Lhe manner and Lo Lhe exLenL asslgned Lo lL under Lhls AcL or under
varlous rules regulaLlons or orders made under varlous provlslons of Lhls AcL
c lor all oLher purposes Lhe Chalrperson and members acLlng collecLlvely as a body
%9) MaladmlnlsLraLlon" means acLlon Laken or purporLlng Lo have been Laken ln Lhe exerclse of
admlnlsLraLlve funcLlon ln any case where
a such acLlon or Lhe admlnlsLraLlve procedure or pracLlce governlng such acLlon ls
unreasonable un[usL oppresslve or lmproperly dlscrlmlnaLory or
b Lhere has been wlllful negllgence or undue delay ln Laklng such acLlon or Lhe admlnlsLraLlve
procedure or pracLlce governlng such acLlon lnvolves undue delay
%10)MlsconducL" means mlsconducL as deflned ln CCS ConducL 8ules and whlch has vlgllance angle
%11)publlc auLhorlLy means any auLhorlLy or body or lnsLlLuLlon of self governmenL esLabllshed or
a by any law made by sLaLe leglslaLure
b by noLlflcaLlon lssued or order made by Lhe CovernmenL and lncludes any body owned
conLrolled or subsLanLlally flnanced by Lhe CovernmenL
%12)ubllc servanL" means a person who ls or was aL any Llme
%a) Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer
%b) a MlnlsLer
%c) a Member of sLaLe leglslaLure
%d) !udges of ulsLrlcL and Lower [udlclary
%e) a CovernmenL servanL
%f) Lhe Chalrman or vlceChalrman %by whaLever name called) or a member of a local
auLhorlLy ln Lhe conLrol of Lhe SLaLe CovernmenL or a sLaLuLory body or corporaLlon
esLabllshed by or under any law of Lhe SLaLe LeglslaLure lncludlng a cooperaLlve
socleLy or a CovernmenL Company wlLhln Lhe meanlng of secLlon 1 of Lhe

Companles AcL 193 and members of any CommlLLee or 8oard sLaLuLory or non
sLaLuLory consLlLuLed by Lhe CovernmenL
%g) Such oLher auLhorlLles as Lhe SLaLe CovernmenL may by noLlflcaLlon from Llme Lo
Llme speclfy
%1)vlgllance angle" lncludes
%a) All acLs of corrupLlon
%b) Cross or wlllful negllgence recklessness ln declslon maklng blaLanL vlolaLlons of sysLems and
procedures exerclse of dlscreLlon ln excess where no osLenslble/publlc lnLeresL ls evldenL
fallure Lo keep Lhe conLrolllng auLhorlLy/superlors lnformed ln Llme
%c) lallure/delay ln Laklng acLlon lf under law Lhe governmenL servanL oughL Lo do so agalnsL
subordlnaLes on complalnLs of corrupLlon or derellcLlon of duLles or abuse of offlce by Lhe
%d) lndulglng ln dlscrlmlnaLlon Lhrough one's conducL dlrecLly or lndlrecLly
%e) vlcLlmlzlng WhlsLle 8lowers
%f) Any undue/un[usLlfled delay ln Lhe dlsposal of a case percelved afLer conslderlng all relevanL
facLors would relnforce a concluslon as Lo Lhe presence of vlgllance angle ln a case
%g) Make unfalr lnvesLlgaLlon or enqulry Lo elLher unduly help culprlLs or fabrlcaLe Lhe lnnocenL
%h) Any oLher maLLer as noLlfled from Llme Lo Llme by LokayukLa
%1)WhlsLleblower" ls any person who faces LhreaL of %1) professlonal harm lncludlng buL noL llmlLed
Lo llleglLlmaLe Lransfers denlal of promoLlons denlal of approprlaLe perks deparLmenLal
proceedlngs dlscrlmlnaLlon or %2) physlcal harm or %) ls acLually sub[ecLed Lo such harm because
of elLher maklng a complalnL Lo LokayukLa under Lhls AcL or for flllng an appllcaLlon under 8lghL Lo
lnformaLlon AcL

Lstab||shment of the |nst|tut|on of Lokayukta and appo|ntment of Lokayukta

%1) 1here shall be an lnsLlLuLlon known as LokayukLa whlch shall conslsL of one Chalrperson and Len
members along wlLh lLs offlcers and employees 1he LokayukLa shall be headed by lLs
%2) 1he Chalrperson and members of LokayukLa shall be selecLed ln such manner as lald down ln
Lhls AcL

%) A person appolnLed as Chalrperson or member of LokayukLa shall before enLerlng upon hls
offlce make and subscrlbe before Lhe resldenL an oaLh or afflrmaLlon ln Lhe form as
%) 1he CovernmenL shall appolnL Lhe Chalrperson and members of Lhe flrsL LokayukLa and seL up
Lhe lnsLlLuLlon wlLh all lLs loglsLlcs and asseLs wlLhln slx monLhs of enacLmenL of Lhls AcL
%3) 1he CovernmenL shall flll up a vacancy of Lhe Chalrperson or a member caused due Lo
a) 8eLlremenL monLhs before Lhe member or Lhe Chalrperson reLlres
b) Any oLher unforeseen reason wlLhln a monLh of such vacancy

ha|rperson and Members of Lokayukta

4 1he ha|rperson and members of Lokayukta not to have he|d certa|n off|ces 1he Chalrperson and
members of LokayukLa shall noL be servlng or former member of elLher Lhe arllamenL or Lhe LeglslaLure
of any SLaLe and shall noL hold any offlce or LrusL of proflL %oLher Lhan Lhe offlce as Chalrperson or
member) or would have ever been connecLed wlLh any pollLlcal parLy or carry on any buslness or
pracLlce any professlon and accordlngly before he enLers upon hls offlce a person appolnLed as Lhe
Chalrperson or member of LokayukLa shall
%l) lf he holds any offlce of LrusL or proflL reslgn from such offlce or
%ll) lf he ls carrylng on any buslness sever hls connecLlon wlLh Lhe conducL and
managemenL of such buslness or
%lll)lf he ls pracLlclng any professlon suspend pracLlce of such professlon
%lv)lf he ls assoclaLed dlrecLly or lndlrecLly wlLh any oLher acLlvlLy whlch ls llkely cause
confllcL of lnLeresL ln Lhe performance of hls duLles ln LokayukLa he should suspend
hls assoclaLlon wlLh LhaL acLlvlLy
rovlded LhaL lf even afLer Lhe suspenslon Lhe earller assoclaLlon of LhaL person wlLh
such acLlvlLy ls llkely Lo adversely affecL hls performance aL LokayukLa LhaL person
shall noL be appolnLed as a member or Chalrperson of LokayukLa

1erm of off|ce and other cond|t|ons of serv|ce of Lokayukta %1) A person appolnLed as Lhe
Chalrperson or member of LokayukLa shall hold offlce for a Lerm of flve years from Lhe daLe on whlch he
enLers upon hls offlce
rovlded furLher LhaL
%a) Lhe Chalrperson or member of LokayukLa may by wrlLlng under hls hand addressed Lo
Lhe resldenL reslgn hls offlce
%b) Lhe Chalrperson or member may be removed from offlce ln Lhe manner provlded ln
Lhls AcL
%2) 1here shall be pald Lo Lhe Chalrperson and each member every monLh a salary equal Lo LhaL of Lhe
Chlef !usLlce of lndla and LhaL of Lhe [udge of Lhe Supreme CourL respecLlvely
%) 1he allowances and penslon payable Lo and oLher condlLlons of servlce of Lhe Chalrperson or a
member shall be such as may be prescrlbed
rovlded LhaL Lhe allowances and penslon payable Lo and oLher condlLlons of servlce of Lhe
Chalrperson or members shall noL be varled Lo hls dlsadvanLage afLer hls appolnLmenL
%) 1he admlnlsLraLlve expenses of Lhe offlce of Lhe LokayukLa lncludlng all salarles allowances and
penslons payable Lo or ln respecL of persons servlng ln LhaL offlce shall be charged on Lhe ConsolldaLed
lund of lndla
%3) 1here shall be a separaLe fund by Lhe name of LokayukLa fund" ln whlch penalLles/flnes lmposed by
Lhe LokayukLa shall be deposlLed and ln whlch 10 of Lhe loss of ubllc Money deLecLed/prevenLed on
accounL of lnvesLlgaLlons by LokayukLa shall also be deposlLed by Lhe CovernmenL ulsposal of such fund
shall be compleLely aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe LokayukLa and such fund shall be used only for
enhancemenL/upgradaLlon/exLenslon of Lhe lnfrasLrucLure of LokayukLa
%) 1he Chalrperson or members shall noL be ellglble for appolnLmenL on any poslLlon ln CovernmenL of
lndla or CovernmenL of any sLaLe or for flghLlng elecLlons lf he has ever held Lhe poslLlon of Lhe
Chalrperson or a member for any perlod
rovlded however LhaL a member or Chalrperson may be reappolnLed for one more Lerm or a member
may be appolnLed as Lhe Chalrperson however LhaL any person shall noL serve for more Lhan a LoLal of
Lwo Lerms

Appo|ntment of the ha|rperson and members
1 1he Chalrperson and members shall be appolnLed by Lhe Covernor on Lhe recommendaLlon of a
selecLlon commlLLee
2 lollowlng persons shall noL be ellglble Lo become Chalrman or Member ln LokayukLa
%a) Any person who was ever chargesheeLed for any offence under lC or C AcL or was ever
penallzed under CCS ConducL 8ules
%b) Any person who ls less Lhan 0 years ln age

AL leasL four members of LokayukLa shall have legal background
1he members and Chalrperson should have unlmpeachable lnLegrlLy and should have
demonsLraLed Lhelr resolve and efforLs Lo flghL agalnsL corrupLlon ln Lhe pasL
3 A selecLlon commlLLee conslsLlng of Lhe followlng shall be seL up
a Chalrperson of LeglslaLlve Assembly and wherever Lhere ls a LeglslaLlve Councll Lhe
Chalrperson of Lhe same
b 1wo senlor mosL [udges of Plgh CourL
c 1he Lwo lmmedlaLely prevlous Chlef !usLlces of Plgh CourL
d Chalrperson of SLaLe Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon
e LasL Lwo Magsaysay Award wlnners of lndlan orlgln
f CompLroller and AudlLor Ceneral of lndla
g Chlef LlecLlon Commlssloner of lndla
h AfLer Lhe flrsL seL of selecLlon process Lhe ouLgolng members and Chalrperson of
1he senlormosL [udge ln Lhe selecLlon commlLLee shall acL as Lhe Chalrperson of Lhe selecLlon
1he followlng selecLlon process shall be followed
a 8ecommendaLlons shall be lnvlLed Lhrough open adverLlsemenLs ln prescrlbed formaL
b 1he candldaLes should have unlmpeachable lnLegrlLy and should have demonsLraLed
Lhelr resolve and efforLs Lo flghL agalnsL corrupLlon ln Lhe pasL
c Lach person recommendlng shall be expecLed Lo [usLlfy Lhe selecLlon of hls candldaLe
glvlng examples from Lhe pasL achlevemenLs of Lhe candldaLe
d 1he llsL of candldaLes along wlLh Lhelr recommendaLlons recelved ln Lhe formaL
menLloned above shall be dlsplayed on a webslLe
e Lach member of Lhe selecLlon commlLLee on Lhe basls of Lhe above maLerlal shall
recommend such number of names as Lhere are vacancles
f A prlorlLy llsL shall be prepared wlLh Lhe candldaLe recelvlng recommendaLlons from
maxlmum number of members of selecLlon commlLLee aL Lhe Lop 1he candldaLes
recommended by same number of members shall be LreaLed aL par
g 1hls prlorlLy llsL shall be dlsplayed on Lhe webslLe
h Around Lhree Llmes Lhe names as Lhere are vacancles shall be shorLllsLed from Lhe Lop

l ubllc feedback shall be lnvlLed on Lhe shorLllsLed names by puLLlng Lhese names on Lhe
[ 1he selecLlon commlLLee may declde Lo use any means Lo collecL more lnformaLlon
abouL Lhe background and pasL achlevemenLs of Lhe shorLllsLed candldaLes
k SelecLlon commlLLee shall lnvlLe shorLllsLed candldaLes for dlscusslons vldeo recordlngs
of whlch shall be made publlc
l All Lhe maLerlal obLalned so far abouL Lhe candldaLes shall be made avallable Lo each
member of Lhe selecLlon commlLLee ln advance 1he members shall make Lhelr own
assessmenL of each candldaLe
m 1he selecLlon commlLLee shall meeL and dlscuss Lhe maLerlal so recelved abouL each
candldaLe 1he flnal selecLlons for Lhe Chalrperson and members shall be made
preferably Lhrough consensus
rovlded LhaL lf Lhree or more members for reasons Lo be recorded ln wrlLlng ob[ecL Lo
Lhe selecLlon of any member he shall noL be selecLed
n All meeLlngs of selecLlon commlLLee shall be vldeo recorded and shall be made publlc
8 1he Chlef MlnlsLer shall recommend Lhe names flnallzed by Lhe selecLlon commlLLee Lo Lhe
Covernor lmmedlaLely who shall order such appolnLmenLs wlLhln a monLh of recelpL of Lhe
9 lf any of Lhe members of Lhe selecLlon commlLLee reLlres whlle a selecLlon process ls golng on
LhaL member wlll conLlnue on Lhe selecLlon commlLLee Llll Lhe end of LhaL process

kemova| of ha|rperson or members
%1) 1he Chalrperson or any member shall noL be removed from hls offlce excepL by an order of Lhe
%2) 1hey can be removed on one or more of Lhe followlng grounds
a roved mlsbehavlor
b rofesslonal or physlcal lncapaclLy
c lf he ls ad[udged Lo be lnsolvenL
d Pas been charged of an offence whlch lnvolves moral LurplLude
e lf he engages durlng hls Lerm of offlce ln any pald employmenL ouLslde Lhe duLles of hls
f Pas acqulred such flnanclal lnLeresLs or oLher lnLeresLs whlch are llkely Lo affecL
pre[udlclally hls funcLlons as member or Chalrperson
g lf he ls gulded by conslderaLlons exLraneous Lo Lhe merlLs of Lhe case elLher Lo favor
someone or Lo lmpllcaLe someone Lhrough any acL of omlsslon or commlsslon
h lf any member or Chalrperson Lrles Lo or acLually unduly lnfluences any governmenL
l lf he commlLs any acL of omlsslon or commlsslon whlch ls punlshable under revenLlon
of CorrupLlon AcL or ls a mlsconducL
[ lf a member or Lhe Chalrperson ln any way concerned or lnLeresLed ln any conLracL or
agreemenL made by or on behalf of Lhe CovernmenL or parLlclpaLes ln any way ln Lhe
proflL Lhereof or ln any beneflL or emolumenL arlslng Lhere from oLherwlse Lhan as a
member and ln common wlLh Lhe oLher members of an lncorporaLed company he shall
be deemed Lo be gullLy of mlsbehavlor
%) 1he followlng process shall be followed for Lhe removal of any member or Chalrperson
%a) Any person may move an appllcaLlon/peLlLlon before Lhe Plgh CourL seeklng removal of one
or more of Lhe members of Chalrperson of LokayukLa alleglng one or more of Lhe grounds for removal
and provldlng evldence for Lhe same
%b) Plgh CourL wlll hear Lhe maLLer by a bench of Lhree or more !udges on recelpL of such
peLlLlon and may Lake one or more of Lhe followlng sLeps
%l) order an lnvesLlgaLlon Lo be done by a Speclal lnvesLlgaLlon 1eam appolnLed by Lhe
Plgh CourL lf a prlma facle case ls made ouL and lf Lhe maLLer cannoL be [udged based on
affldavlLs of Lhe parLles 1he Speclal lnvesLlgaLlon 1eam shall submlL lLs reporL wlLhln Lhree
%ll) endlng lnvesLlgaLlons under subclause %l) by Speclal lnvesLlgaLlon 1eam Lhe Plgh
CourL may declde Lo order wlLhdrawal of parL or compleLe work from LhaL member
%lll) dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon lf no case ls made ouL
%lv) lf Lhe grounds are proved recommend Lo Lhe Covernor for removal of Lhe sald
member or Chalrperson
%v) dlrecL reglsLraLlon and lnvesLlgaLlon of cases wlLh approprlaLe agencles lf Lhere ls
prlma facle case of commlsslon of an offence punlshable under revenLlon of CorrupLlon
%c) 1he Lhree [udge bench shall be consLlLuLed by a panel of flve senlormosL [udges of Lhe Plgh
rovlded LhaL lf Lhere are any proceedlngs golng on agalnsL any [udge ln LokayukLa he shall
noL be a parL of elLher Lhe panel or Lhe bench
%d) 1he Plgh CourL shall noL dlsmlss such peLlLlons ln llmlnae
%e) lf Lhe Plgh CourL concludes LhaL Lhe peLlLlon has been made wlLh mlschlevous or malaflde
moLlves Lhe CourL may order lmposlLlon of flne or lmprlsonmenL upLo one year agalnsL Lhe
%f) Cn recelpL of a recommendaLlon from Lhe Plgh CourL under Lhls secLlon Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer
shall recommend lL Lo Lhe Covernor lmmedlaLely and Lhe Covernor shall order removal of
sald members wlLhln a monLh of recelpL of Lhe same

9owers and Iunct|ons of Lokayukta

8 Iunct|ons of Lokayukta %1) LokayukLa shall be responslble for recelvlng
%a) ComplalnLs where Lhere are allegaLlons of such acLs of omlsslon or commlsslon whlch are
punlshable under revenLlon of CorrupLlon AcL
%b) ComplalnLs where Lhere are allegaLlons of mlsconducL by a governmenL servanL
%c) Crlevances
%d) ComplalnLs from whlsLleblowers
%2) LokayukLa afLer geLLlng such enqulrles and lnvesLlgaLlons done as lL deems flL may Lake one or more
of Lhe followlng acLlons
a Close Lhe case lf prlma facle Lhe complalnL ls noL made ouL or
b lnlLlaLe prosecuLlon agalnsL publlc servanLs as well as Lhose prlvaLe enLlLles whlch
are parLy Lo Lhe acL
c Crder lmposlLlon of approprlaLe penalLles under CCS ConducL 8ules
rovlded LhaL lf an offlcer ls flnally convlcLed under revenLlon of CorrupLlon
AcL ma[or penalLy of dlsmlssal shall be lmposed on such governmenL servanL
d Crder cancellaLlon or modlflcaLlon of a llcense or lease or permlsslon or conLracL or
agreemenL whlch was Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of lnvesLlgaLlon
e 8lackllsL Lhe concerned flrm or company or conLracLor or any oLher enLlLy lnvolved
ln LhaL acL of corrupLlon
f lssue approprlaLe dlrecLlons Lo approprlaLe auLhorlLles for redressal of grlevance ln
such Llme and ln such manner as ls speclfled ln Lhe order
g lnvoke lLs powers under Lhls AcL lf lLs orders are noL duly complled wlLh and ensure
due compllance of lLs orders
h 1ake necessary acLlon Lo provlde proLecLlon Lo a whlsLleblower as per varlous
provlslons of Lhls AcL
%) Suo moLo lnlLlaLe approprlaLe acLlon under Lhls AcL lf any case of Lhe naLure menLloned ln clauses
%1) %2) %) or %) comes Lo Lhe knowledge of Lhe LokayukLa from any source
%) lssue such dlrecLlons as are necessary from Llme Lo Llme Lo approprlaLe auLhorlLles so as Lo make
such changes ln Lhelr work pracLlces admlnlsLraLlon or oLher sysLems so as Lo reduce Lhe scope and
posslblllLy for corrupLlon mlsconducL and publlc grlevances
%3) LokayukLa shall be deemed Lo be ulsclpllnary auLhorlLy" or appolnLlng auLhorlLy" for Lhe purpose
of lmposlng penalLles under CCS ConducL 8ules
%) SecLlon 19 of CrC and SecLlon 19 of revenLlon of CorrupLlon AcL shall noL apply Lo any
proceedlngs under Lhls AcL All permlsslons whlch need Lo be soughL for lnlLlaLlng lnvesLlgaLlons or for
lnlLlaLlng prosecuLlons under any AcL shall be deemed Lo have been granLed once LokayukLa granLs such

9 Issue of Search Warrant etc %1) Where ln consequence of lnformaLlon ln hls possesslon Lhe
%a) has reason Lo belleve LhaL any person
%l) Lo whom a summon or noLlce under Lhls AcL has been or mlghL be lssued
wlll noL or would noL produce or cause Lo be produced any properLy documenL
or Lhlng whlch wlll be necessary or useful for or relevanL Lo any lnqulry or oLher
proceedlng Lo be conducLed by hlm
%ll) ls ln possesslon of any money bulllon [ewellery or oLher valuable arLlcle or
Lhlng and such money bulllon [ewellery or oLher valuable arLlcle or Lhlng
represenLs elLher wholly or parLly lncome or properLy whlch has noL been
dlsclosed Lo Lhe auLhorlLles for Lhe purpose of any law or rule ln force whlch
requlres such dlsclosure Lo be made or
%b) conslders LhaL Lhe purposes of any lnqulry or oLher proceedlngs Lo be conducLed by hlm wlll
be served by a general search or lnspecLlon
he may by a search warranL auLhorlze any ollce offlcer noL below Lhe rank of an lnspecLor of ollce Lo
conducL a search or carry ouL an lnspecLlon ln accordance LherewlLh and ln parLlcular Lo
%l) enLer and search any bulldlng or place where he has reason Lo suspecL LhaL such properLy
documenL money bulllon [ewellery or oLher valuable arLlcle or Lhlng ls kepL
%ll) search any person who ls reasonably suspecLed of conceallng abouL hls person any arLlcle
for whlch search should be made
%lll) break open Lhe lock of any door box locker safe almlrah or oLher recepLacle for
exerclslng Lhe powers conferred by subclause %l) where Lhe keys Lhereof are noL avallable
Selze any such properLy documenL money bulllon [ewellery or oLher valuable arLlcle or
Lhlng found as a resulL of such search
%lv) place marks of ldenLlflcaLlon on any properLy or documenL or make or cause Lo be made
exLracLs or coples Lherefrom or
%v) make a noLe or an lnvenLory of any such properLy documenL money bulllon !ewellery or
oLher valuable arLlcle or Lhlng
%2) 1he provlslons of Lhe Code of Crlmlnal rocedure 19 relaLlng Lo search and selzure shall apply so
far as may be Lo searches and selzures under subsecLlon %1)
%) A warranL lssued under subsecLlon %1) shall for all purposes be deemed Lo be a warranL lssued by a
courL under secLlon 9 of Lhe Code of Crlmlnal rocedure 19

10 Lv|dence %1) Sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhls secLlon for Lhe purpose of any lnvesLlgaLlon %lncludlng
Lhe prellmlnary lnqulry lf any before such lnvesLlgaLlon) under Lhls AcL Lhe LokayukLa may requlre any
publlc servanL or any oLher person who ln hls oplnlon ls able Lo furnlsh lnformaLlon or produce
documenLs relevanL Lo Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon Lo furnlsh any such lnformaLlon or produce any such
%2) lor Lhe purpose of any such lnvesLlgaLlon %lncludlng Lhe prellmlnary lnqulry) Lhe LokayukLa
shall have all Lhe powers of a clvll courL whlle Lrylng a sulL under Lhe Code of Clvll rocedure 1908 ln
respecL of Lhe followlng maLLers namely
%a) Summonlng and enforclng Lhe aLLendance of any person and examlnlng hlm on oaLh
%b) 8equlrlng Lhe dlscovery and producLlon of any documenL
%c) 8ecelvlng evldence on affldavlLs
%d) 8equlslLlonlng any publlc record or copy Lhereof from any courL or offlce
%e) lssulng commlsslons for Lhe examlnaLlon of wlLnesses or documenLs
%f) orderlng paymenL of compensaLory cosL ln respecL of a false or vexaLlous clalm or
%g) orderlng cosL for causlng delay
%h) Such oLher maLLers as may be prescrlbed
%) Any proceedlng before Lhe LokayukLa shall be deemed Lo be a [udlclal proceedlng wlLh ln Lhe
meanlng of secLlon 19 of Lhe lndlan enal Code

11 keports of Lokayukta etc %1) 1he Chalrperson of LokayukLa shall presenL annually a consolldaLed
reporL ln prescrlbed formaL on lLs performance Lo Lhe Covernor
%2) Cn recelpL of Lhe annual reporL Lhe Covernor shall cause a copy Lhereof LogeLher wlLh an
explanaLory memorandum Lo be lald before sLaLe leglslaLure
%) 1he LokayukLa shall publlsh every monLh on lLs webslLe Lhe llsL of cases dlsposed wlLh brlef deLalls of
each such case ouLcome and acLlon Laken or proposed Lo be Laken ln LhaL case lL shall also publlsh llsLs
of all cases recelved by Lhe LokayukLa durlng Lhe prevlous monLh cases dlsposed and cases whlch are

1 Lokayukta to be a deemed po||ce off|cer %1) lor Lhe purposes of secLlon of Crlmlnal rocedure
Code Lhe Chalrperson members of LokayukLa and Lhe offlcers ln lnvesLlgaLlon wlng of LokayukLa shall
be deemed Lo be pollce offlcers
%2) Whlle lnvesLlgaLlng any offence under revenLlon of CorrupLlon AcL 1988 Lhey shall be compeLenL Lo
lnvesLlgaLe any offence under any oLher law ln Lhe same case

1 9owers |n case of noncomp||ance of orders %1) Lach order of LokayukLa shall clearly speclfy Lhe
names of Lhe offlclals who are requlred Lo execuLe LhaL order Lhe manner ln whlch lL should be
execuLed and Lhe Llme perlod wlLhln whlch LhaL order should be complled wlLh
%2) lf Lhe order ls noL complled wlLh wlLhln Lhe Llme or ln Lhe manner dlrecLed LokayukLa may declde Lo
lmpose a flne on Lhe offlclals responslble for Lhe noncompllance of lLs orders
%) 1he urawlng and ulsburslng Cfflcer of LhaL ueparLmenL shall be dlrecLed Lo deducL such amounL of
flne as ls clearly speclfled by Lhe LokayukLa ln lLs order made ln subsecLlon %2) from Lhe salarles of Lhe
offlcers speclfled ln Lhe order
rovlded LhaL no penalLy shall be lmposed wlLhouL glvlng a reasonable opporLunlLy of belng heard
rovlded LhaL lf Lhe urawlng and ulsburslng Cfflcer falls Lo deducL Lhe salary as speclfled ln Lhe sald
order he shall make hlmself llable for a slmllar penalLy
%) ln order Lo geL lLs orders complled wlLh Lhe LokayukLa shall have and exerclse Lhe same
[urlsdlcLlon powers and auLhorlLy ln respecL of conLempL of lLself as a Plgh courL has and may
exerclse and for Lhls purpose Lhe provlslons of Lhe ConLempL of CourLs AcL 191 %CenLral AcL
0 of 191) shall have Lhe effecL sub[ecL Lo Lhe modlflcaLlon LhaL Lhe references Lhereln Lo Lhe
Plgh CourL shall be consLrued as lncludlng a reference Lo Lhe LokayukLa

1A Spec|a| Iudges under sect|on 4 of 9revent|on of orrupt|on Act Cn an annual basls LokayukLa
shall make an assessmenL of Lhe number of Speclal !udges requlred under secLlon of revenLlon of
CorrupLlon AcL 1988 ln each area ln Lhe sLaLe and Lhe CovernmenL shall appolnL such number of !udges
wlLhln Lhree monLhs of recelpL of such recommendaLlon
rovlded LhaL LokayukLa shall recommend such number of Speclal !udges so LhaL Lrlal ln each case under
Lhls AcL ls compleLed wlLhln a year

18 Issue of Letter kogatory A bench of LokayukLa shall have powers Lo lssue LeLLers 8ogaLory ln any
case pendlng wlLh LokayukLa

Iunct|on|ng of Lokayukta

14 Iunct|on|ng of Lokayukta %1) 1he Chalrperson shall be responslble for overall admlnlsLraLlon and
supervlslon of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of LokayukLa
%2) All pollcy level declslons lncludlng formulaLlon of regulaLlons developlng lnLernal sysLems for Lhe
funcLlonlng of LokayukLa asslgnlng funcLlons Lo varlous offlclals ln LokayukLa delegaLlon of powers Lo
varlous funcLlonarles ln LokayukLa eLc shall be Laken by Lhe Chalrperson and Lhe members collecLlvely as
a body
%) 1he Chalrperson shall have an annual meeLlng wlLh Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer Lo assess Lhe needs of
LokayukLa for flnances and manpower LokayukLa shall be provlded resources by Lhe CovernmenL on Lhe
basls of ouLcome of Lhls meeLlng
%) LokayukLa shall funcLlon ln benches of Lhree or more members 8enches shall be consLlLuLed
randomly and cases shall be asslgned Lo Lhem randomly by compuLer Lach bench shall conslsL of aL
leasL one member wlLh legal background
%3) Such benches shall be responslble for
%l) granLlng permlsslon Lo close any case afLer a prellmlnary enqulry
%ll) granLlng permlsslon Lo elLher close a case afLer lnvesLlgaLlons or lssulng orders lmposlng
penalLles under CCS ConducL 8ules and/or for lnlLlaLlng prosecuLlon ln LhaL case
%lll)lssulng orders under secLlon 28 and 18
%) LokayukLa may declde Lo lnlLlaLe lnvesLlgaLlons lnLo any case suo moLo also
%) 1he declslon Lo lnlLlaLe lnvesLlgaLlon or prosecuLlon agalnsL any member of Lhe CablneL or any [udge
shall be Laken ln a meeLlng of all Lhe exlsLlng members and Lhe Chalrperson MlnuLes and records of
such meeLlngs shall be made publlc

1 Mak|ng a comp|a|nt to the Lokayukta %1) Sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL any person may
make a complalnL under Lhls AcL Lo Lhe LokayukLa
rovlded LhaL ln case of a grlevance lf Lhe person aggrleved ls dead or for any reason unable Lo
acL for hlmself Lhe complalnL may be made or lf lL ls already made may be conLlnued by hls legal
represenLaLlves or by any oLher person who ls auLhorlzed by hlm ln wrlLlng ln Lhls behalf
%2) A complalnL could be on a plaln paper buL should conLaln all such deLalls as prescrlbed by LokayukLa
%2A) AfLer lLs annual reporL has been presenLed ln Lhe SLaLe Assembly Lhe AudlLor Ceneral of LhaL sLaLe
shall forward all such cases whlch consLlLuLe an allegaLlon under Lhls AcL Lo Lhe LokayukLa and
LokayukLa shall acL on Lhem as per provlslons of Lhls AcL
%) Cn recelpL of a complalnL Lhe LokayukLa shall declde wheLher lL ls an allegaLlon or a grlevance or a
requesL for whlsLleblower proLecLlon or a mlxLure of Lwo or more of Lhese
%) Lvery complalnL shall have Lo be compulsorlly dlsposed off by Lhe LokayukLa
rovlded LhaL no complalnL oLher Lhan Lhose whlch are anonymous or pseudonymous shall be closed
wlLhouL hearlng Lhe complalnanL

1 Matters wh|ch may be |nvest|gated by the Lokayukta Sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL Lhe
LokayukLa may lnvesLlgaLe any acLlon whlch ls Laken by or wlLh Lhe general or speclflc approval of a
publlc servanL where a complalnL lnvolvlng a grlevance or an allegaLlon ls made ln respecL of such
rovlded LhaL Lhe LokayukLa may also lnvesLlgaLe such acLlon suo moLo or lf lL ls referred Lo lL by
Lhe governmenL lf such acLlon can be or could have been ln hls recorded oplnlon sub[ecL of a grlevance
or an allegaLlon

1 Matters not sub[ect to |nvest|gat|on %1) 1he LokayukLa shall noL conducL any lnvesLlgaLlon under
Lhls AcL ln case of a grlevance ln respecL of any acLlon
%l) lf Lhe complalnanL has or had any remedy by way of appeal revlslon revlew or any oLher
remedy before any oLher auLhorlLy provlded ln any oLher law and he has noL avalled of Lhe
%ll) 1aken by a [udlclal or quasl[udlclal body unless Lhe complalnanL alleges malafldes
%lll)lf Lhe subsLance of Lhe enLlre grlevance ls pendlng before any courL or quasl[udlclal body
of compeLenL [urlsdlcLlon
%lv)any grlevance where Lhere ls lnordlnaLe and lnexpllcable delay

%2) noLhlng ln Lhls AcL shall be consLrued as auLhorlslng Lhe LokayukLa Lo lnvesLlgaLe any acLlon whlch ls
Laken by or wlLh Lhe approval of Lhe resldlng Cfflcer of elLher Pouse of SLaLe LeglslaLure
%) 1he provlslons of Lhls AcL shall be ln addlLlon Lo Lhe provlslons of any oLher enacLmenL or any rule or
law under whlch any remedy by way of appeal revlslon revlew or ln any oLher manner ls avallable Lo a
person maklng a complalnL under Lhls AcL ln respecL of any acLlon and noLhlng ln Lhls AcL shall llmlL or
affecL Lhe rlghL of such person Lo avall of such remedy
%) noLhlng ln Lhls secLlon shall bar LokayukLa from enLerLalnlng a complalnL maklng an allegaLlon of
mlsconducL or corrupLlon or a complalnL from a whlsLleblower seeklng proLecLlon

18 9rov|s|ons re|at|ng to comp|a|nts and |nvest|gat|ons
%l) %a) 1he LokayukLa on recelpL of a complalnL ln Lhe naLure of an allegaLlon or a grlevance or a
comblnaLlon of Lhe Lwo or ln a case lnlLlaLed on hls own moLlon may on peruslng Lhe
documenLs elLher declde Lo proceed Lo enqulre or lnvesLlgaLe lnLo LhaL complalnL or declde
Lo make such prellmlnary lnqulry before proceedlng Lo enqulre or lnvesLlgaLe lnLo such
complalnL or dlrecL any oLher person Lo make such prellmlnary lnqulry as lL deems flL for
ascerLalnlng wheLher Lhere exlsLs reasonable ground for conducLlng Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon 1he
ouLcome of such prellmlnary enqulry and lf Lhe complalnL ls belng closed along wlLh
reasons for Lhe same and all maLerlal collecLed durlng prellmlnary enqulry shall be
communlcaLed Lo Lhe complalnanL
rovlded LhaL lf any case ls closed all documenLs relaLed LhereLo shall LhereafLer be
LreaLed as publlc Lvery monLh a llsL of all such cases shall be puL on Lhe webslLe wlLh
reasons for closlng a case All maLerlal connecLed wlLh such closed cases wlll be provlded Lo
anyone seeklng lL under 8lghL Lo lnformaLlon AcL
rovlded furLher LhaL lf Lhe complalnL conLalns verlflable and speclflc lnformaLlon abouL
mlsconducL or corrupLlon Lhen LhaL case shall noL be re[ecLed even lf Lhe complalnL ls
rovlded furLher LhaL no complalnL of allegaLlon shall be re[ecLed by quesLlonlng Lhe
moLlves or lnLenLlon of Lhe complalnanL
rovlded furLher LhaL all hearlngs before LokayukLa shall be vldeo recorded and shall be
avallable Lo any member of Lhe publlc on paymenL of copylng cosLs
%b) 1he procedure for prellmlnary enqulry of a complalnL shall be such as Lhe LokayukLa
deems approprlaLe ln Lhe clrcumsLances of Lhe case and ln parLlcular Lhe LokayukLa may lf
lL deems necessary Lo do so call for Lhe commenLs of Lhe publlc servanL concerned
rovlded LhaL Lhe prellmlnary enqulry should be compleLed and a declslon Laken wheLher
Lo close a case or Lo proceed wlLh lnvesLlgaLlons wlLhln one monLh of recelpL of any
%ll) Where Lhe LokayukLa proposes elLher dlrecLly or afLer maklng prellmlnary lnqulry Lo
conducL any lnvesLlgaLlon under Lhls AcL he
%a) may make such order as Lo Lhe safe cusLody of documenLs relevanL Lo Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlon as lL deems flL
%b) aL approprlaLe sLage of lnvesLlgaLlons or ln Lhe end lL shall forward a copy of Lhe
complalnL lLs flndlngs and copy of Lhe maLerlal relled upon Lo Lhe concerned publlc
servanL and Lhe complalnanL
%c) shall afford Lo such publlc servanL and Lhe complalnanL an opporLunlLy Lo offer
commenLs and be heard
rovlded LhaL such hearlng shall be held ln publlc excepL ln such rare clrcumsLances Lo
be recorded ln wrlLlng wlll lL be held ln camera
%lll)1he conducL of an lnvesLlgaLlon under Lhls AcL agalnsL a ubllc servanL ln respecL of any
acLlon shall noL affecL such acLlon or any power or duLy of any oLher publlc servanL Lo Lake
furLher acLlon wlLh respecL Lo any maLLer sub[ecL Lo Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon
%lv)lf durlng Lhe course of prellmlnary lnqulry or lnvesLlgaLlon under Lhls AcL Lhe LokayukLa ls
prlma facle saLlsfled LhaL Lhe allegaLlon or grlevance ln respecL of any acLlon ls llkely Lo be
susLalned elLher wholly or parLly he may Lhrough an lnLerlm order dlrecL Lhe publlc servanL
concerned Lo sLay Lhe lmplemenLaLlon or enforcemenL of Lhe declslon or acLlon complalned
agalnsL or Lo Lake such mandaLory or prevenLlve acLlon on such Lerms and condlLlons as he
may speclfy ln hls order Lo prevenL furLher harm from Laklng place
%v) 1he LokayukLa elLher durlng Lhe course of lnvesLlgaLlons lf lL ls saLlsfled LhaL prosecuLlon ls
llkely Lo be lnlLlaLed ln LhaL case or aL Lhe end of Lhe lnvesLlgaLlons aL Lhe Llme of lnlLlaLlng
prosecuLlon shall make a llsL of moveable and lmmoveable asseLs of all Lhe accused ln LhaL
case and shall noLlfy Lhe same no Lransfer of Lhe same shall be permlLLed afLer such
noLlflcaLlon ln Lhe evenL of flnal convlcLlon Lhe courL shall be empowered Lo recover loss
deLermlned under secLlon 19 of Lhls AcL from Lhls properLy ln addlLlon Lo oLher measures
%vl)lf durlng Lhe course of lnvesLlgaLlon or enqulry lnLo a complalnL LokayukLa feels LhaL
conLlnuance of a publlc servanL ln LhaL poslLlon could adversely affecL Lhe course of
lnvesLlgaLlons or enqulry or LhaL Lhe sald person ls llkely Lo lmpacL evldence or wlLnesses
Lhe LokayukLa may lssue approprlaLe orders lncludlng Lransfer of LhaL publlc servanL from
LhaL poslLlon or hls suspenslon
rovlded LhaL such orders shall noL be passed agalnsL Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer
%vll)ln case of a grlevance Lhe LokayukLa may lssue lnLerlm orders Lo Lhe approprlaLe auLhorlLy
recommendlng granL of lnLerlm rellef Lo Lhe complalnanL lf he ls saLlsfled aL any sLage of
prellmlnary lnqulry on lnvesLlgaLlon LhaL Lhe complalnanL has susLalned ln[usLlce or undue
hardshlp ln consequence of any declslon or acLlon of a publlc servanL
%vlll) 1he LokayukLa may aL any sLage of lnqulry or lnvesLlgaLlon under Lhls AcL dlrecL
Lhrough an lnLerlm order approprlaLe auLhorlLles Lo Lake such acLlon as ls necessary
lncludlng suspenslon of a governmenL servanL pendlng lnqulry or lnvesLlgaLlon
%l) Lo safeguard wasLage or damage of publlc properLy or publlc revenue by Lhe
admlnlsLraLlve acLs of Lhe publlc servanL
%ll) Lo prevenL furLher acLs of mlsconducL by Lhe publlc servanL
%lll)Lo prevenL Lhe publlc servanL from secreLlng Lhe asseLs allegedly acqulred by hlm by
corrupL means
%lx) Where afLer lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo a complalnL Lhe LokayukLa ls saLlsfled LhaL Lhe complalnL
lnvolvlng an allegaLlon agalnsL Lhe publlc servanL oLher Lhan a MlnlsLer and a Member of
Lhe LeglslaLure of LhaL SLaLe ls subsLanLlaLed and LhaL Lhe publlc servanL concerned should
noL conLlnue Lo hold Lhe posL held by hlm Lhe LokayukLa shall pass orders Lo LhaL effecL ln
case of publlc servanL belng a MlnlsLer or a Member of Lhe LeglslaLure of LhaL SLaLe Lokpal
shall make such recommendaLlon Lo Lhe Covernor who shall declde elLher Lo accepL such
recommendaLlon or re[ecL lL wlLhln a monLh of lLs recelpL
%x) lf afLer enqulry lnLo a grlevance and afLer affordlng reasonable opporLunlLy of belng heard
Lo boLh Lhe complalnanL and Lhe publlc auLhorlLy Lhe LokayukLa ls saLlsfled LhaL such
grlevance ls subsLanLlaLed elLher wholly or parLly he shall
l ass approprlaLe orders dlrecLlng approprlaLe auLhorlLles Lo redress Lhe grlevance
ln a manner and wlLhln Lhe Llme prescrlbed ln Lhe order and
ll ulrecL Lhe approprlaLe auLhorlLles Lo deducL from Lhe salary of Lhe offlclals
menLloned ln Lhe order such penalLy amounLs as are dlrecLed by LokayukLa
whlch shall noL be less Lhan 8s 230 per day of delay calculaLed from day Lhe Llme
llmlL menLloned ln clLlzens' charLer for redresslng LhaL grlevance goL over and
lll ulrecL Lhe approprlaLe auLhorlLles Lo compensaLe Lhe complalnanL wlLh such
amounLs as menLloned ln Lhe order
rovlded LhaL any grlevance shall be dlsposed wlLhln 13 days of lLs recelpL
rovlded furLher LhaL lf lL relaLes Lo llfe and llberLy of a person or lf Lhe maLLer ls such as Lo
warranL lmmedlaLe aLLenLlon and Lhe LokayukLa ls so saLlsfled Lhe same shall be dlsposed
wlLhln 8 hours
%xl) All records and lnformaLlon of LokayukLa shall be publlc and shall be provlded under 8lghL Lo
lnformaLlon AcL even aL Lhe sLage of lnvesLlgaLlon or enqulry unless release of such
lnformaLlon would adversely affecL Lhe process of enqulry or lnvesLlgaLlon
rovlded LhaL no lnformaLlon ln any case shall be wlLhheld under 8lghL Lo lnformaLlon
AcL afLer Lhe compleLlon of enqulry or lnvesLlgaLlon

kecovery of Loss to the Government and pun|shments

19 kecovery of |oss to the Government lf a person ls convlcLed of an offence under revenLlon of
CorrupLlon AcL Lhen Lhe Lrlal courL wlll also quanLlfy Lhe loss caused Lo Lhe governmenL and apporLlon
LhaL amounL Lo varlous convlcLs from whom Lhls money musL be recovered as arrears of land revenue

19A 9un|shments for offences lor offences menLloned ln ChapLer lll of revenLlon of CorrupLlon AcL
provlso Lo secLlon 2%) of Lhls AcL and secLlon 28A of Lhls AcL punlshmenL shall noL be less Lhan seven
years whlch may exLend upLo llfe lmprlsonmenL
rovlded LhaL lf Lhe accused ls any offlcer of Lhe rank of !olnL SecreLary or above or a MlnlsLer or any
offlclal of any corporaLe Lhe punlshmenL shall noL be less Lhan Len years
rovlded furLher LhaL lf Lhe offence ls of Lhe naLure menLloned ln provlso Lo secLlon 2%) of Lhls AcL and lf
Lhe beneflclary ls any corporaLe house ln addlLlon Lo oLher punlshmenLs menLloned ln Lhls AcL and
under revenLlon of CorrupLlon AcL a flne amounLlng Lo flve Llmes Lhe loss caused Lo Lhe governmenL
shall be recovered from Lhe accused and Lhe recovery may be done from Lhe asseLs of Lhe company and
from Lhe personal asseLs of all ulrecLors of Lhe company lf Lhe asseLs of Lhe accused are lnadequaLe
rovlded furLher LhaL lf Lhe accused ls elLher a member of LokayukLa or Chalrperson of LokayukLa or any
person who ls ln dlrecL or lndlrecL employmenL of LokayukLa Lhe punlshmenL shall noL be less Lhan Len

Wh|st|eb|ower protect|on

0 9rotect|on of Wh|st|eb|ower %1) A whlsLleblower may wrlLe Lo LokayukLa seeklng proLecLlon from
LhreaL of physlcal or professlonal vlcLlmlzaLlon or lf he has been sub[ecLed Lo such professlonal or
physlcal vlcLlmlzaLlon
%2) Cn recelvlng such a complalnL LokayukLa shall Lake followlng sLeps
%a) 1hreaL of professlonal vlcLlmlzaLlon LokayukLa shall conducL approprlaLe enqulrles and lf lL
feels LhaL Lhere ls a real LhreaL Lo Lhe person and Lhe LhreaL ls on accounL of LhaL person havlng
made an allegaLlon under Lhls AcL Lhen Lhe LokayukLa shall pass approprlaLe orders as soon as
posslble buL ln noL more Lhan a monLh of recelpL of such complalnL dlrecLlng approprlaLe
auLhorlLles Lo Lake such sLeps as dlrecLed by Lhe LokayukLa
%b) lf a person complalns LhaL he has already been vlcLlmlzed professlonally on accounL of
maklng an allegaLlon under Lhls AcL LokayukLa shall afLer conducLlng enqulrles lf he ls of Lhe
oplnlon LhaL Lhe vlcLlmlzaLlon ls lndeed because of LhaL person's havlng made an allegaLlon
under Lhls AcL pass approprlaLe orders as soon as posslble buL ln noL more Lhan a monLh
dlrecLlng approprlaLe auLhorlLles Lo Lake such sLeps as dlrecLed by Lhe LokayukLa
rovlded LhaL for clause %a) LokayukLa may buL for clause %b) Lhe LokayukLa shall also
lssue orders lmposlng penalLles under CCS ConducL 8ules agalnsL Lhe offlcer or offlclals who
lssued LhreaLs or caused vlcLlmlzaLlon
rovlded furLher LhaL no such penalLles shall be lmposed wlLhouL glvlng an opporLunlLy
of belng heard Lo Lhe affecLed offlclals
%c) 1hreaL of physlcal vlcLlmlzaLlon LokayukLa shall conducL approprlaLe enqulrles and lf lL feels
LhaL Lhere ls a real LhreaL Lo Lhe person and Lhe LhreaL ls on accounL of LhaL person havlng made
an allegaLlon under Lhls AcL or for havlng flled an 81l appllcaLlon Lo any publlc auLhorlLy covered
under Lhls AcL Lhen noLwlLhsLandlng anyLhlng conLalned ln any oLher law Lhe LokayukLa shall
pass approprlaLe orders as soon as posslble buL ln noL more Lhan a week dlrecLlng approprlaLe
auLhorlLles lncludlng pollce Lo Lake such sLeps as dlrecLed by Lhe LokayukLa Lo provlde
adequaLe securlLy Lo LhaL person Lo reglsLer crlmlnal cases agalnsL Lhose who are lssulng LhreaLs
and also Lo Lake all such sLeps necessary Lo mlLlgaLe clrcumsLances leadlng Lo such LhreaL
rovlded LhaL lf Lhe LhreaL ls lmmlnenL LokayukLa may declde Lo acL lmmedlaLely wlLhln
a few hours Lo prevenL physlcal assaulL on LhaL person
%d) lf a person complalns LhaL he has already been physlcally assaulLed on accounL of maklng an
allegaLlon under Lhls AcL and lf LokayukLa ls saLlsfled afLer conducLlng enqulrles LhaL Lhe person
has been assaulLed because of hls havlng made an allegaLlon under Lhls AcL or for flllng an 81l
appllcaLlon ln any of Lhe publlc auLhorlLles covered under Lhls AcL Lhen noLwlLhsLandlng
anyLhlng else conLalned ln any oLher law Lhe LokayukLa shall pass such orders as soon as
posslble buL ln noL more Lhan 2 hours dlrecLlng Lhe concerned auLhorlLles Lo Lake such sLeps as
dlrecLed by Lhe LokayukLa Lo provlde adequaLe securlLy Lo LhaL person Lo reglsLer crlmlnal cases
and also Lo ensure LhaL no furLher harm vlslLs on LhaL person
%e) lf Lhe whlsLleblower has alleged an acL punlshable under revenLlon of CorrupLlon AcL Lhen
for cases under clause %c) LokayukLa may and for cases under clause %d) Lhe LokayukLa shall
asslgn Lhe allegaLlons made by LhaL person Lo a speclal Leam puL lL on a fasL Lrack and compleLe
lnvesLlgaLlons ln LhaL case ln noL more Lhan a monLh
%f) lf Lhe whlsLleblower has alleged an acL punlshable under any law oLher Lhan Lhe revenLlon
of CorrupLlon AcL Lhen for cases under clause %c) LokayukLa may and for cases under clause %d)
Lhe LokayukLa shall dlrecL Lhe agency whlch has Lhe powers Lo enforce LhaL law Lo asslgn Lhe
allegaLlons made by Lhe whlsLleblower Lo a speclal Leam puL lL on a fasL Lrack and compleLe
lnvesLlgaLlons ln LhaL case ln such Llme as dlrecLed by Lhe LokayukLa
%g) LokayukLa shall have Lhe powers Lo lssue dlrecLlons Lo approprlaLe agencles ln Lhe cases
covered under clause %f) monlLor such lnvesLlgaLlons and lf necessary lssue dlrecLlons Lo LhaL
agency Lo do Lhe lnvesLlgaLlons ln Lhe manner as dlrecLed by Lhe LokayukLa
%) lf any complalnanL requesLs LhaL hls ldenLlLy should be kepL secreL LokayukLa shall ensure Lhe same
LokayukLa shall prescrlbe deLalled procedures on how such complalnanLs shall be dealL wlLh
%) LokayukLa shall lssue orders Lo Lhe ubllc AuLhorlLles Lo make necessary changes ln Lhelr pollcles and
pracLlces Lo prevenL recurrence of vlcLlmlzaLlon

Gr|evance kedressa| Systems

1 |t|zens' harters %1) Lach publlc auLhorlLy shall be responslble for ensurlng Lhe preparaLlon and
lmplemenLaLlon of ClLlzens CharLer wlLhln a reasonable Llme and noL exceedlng one year from Lhe
comlng lnLo force of Lhls AcL
%2) Lvery ClLlzens CharLer shall enumeraLe Lhe commlLmenLs of Lhe respecLlve publlc auLhorlLy Lo Lhe
clLlzens offlcer responslble for meeLlng each such commlLmenL and Lhe Llme llmlL wlLh ln whlch Lhe
commlLmenL shall be meL
%) Lach publlc auLhorlLy shall deslgnaLe an offlclal called ubllc Crlevance 8edressal Cfflcer whom a
complalnanL should approach for any vlolaLlon of Lhe ClLlzens CharLer
%) Lvery publlc auLhorlLy shall revlew and revlse lLs ClLlzens CharLer aL leasL once every year Lhrough a
process of publlc consulLaLlon Lo be held ln Lhe presence of Chlef vlgllance Cfflcer ln LhaL publlc
%3) LokayukLa may dlrecL any publlc auLhorlLy Lo make such changes ln Lhelr clLlzens' charLer as are
menLloned ln LhaL order and LhaL publlc auLhorlLy shall make such changes wlLhln a week of recelpL of
such order
%) no grlevance shall be accepLed by LokayukLa lf 13 days have noL elapsed afLer submlsslon of
complalnL by Lhe complalnanL wlLh Lhe ubllc Crlevance redressal Cfflcer of LhaL ubllc AuLhorlLy
rovlded LhaL lf LokayukLa feels LhaL conslderlng Lhe gravlLy or urgency of Lhe grlevance lL ls
necessary Lo do so Lhe LokayukLa may declde Lo accepL such grlevance earller also
%) uurlng dlsposal of a grlevance elLher on requesL of Lhe complalnanL or suo moLo Lhe LokayukLa may
LreaL lL as an allegaLlon lf Lhere ls prlma facle evldence of expecLaLlon or demand of brlbery

Lmp|oyees and staff and author|t|es |n Lokayukta

h|ef V|g||ance Cff|cer %1) 1here shall be a Chlef vlgllance Cfflcer ln each publlc auLhorlLy Lo be
selecLed and appolnLed by LokayukLa
%2) Pe shall noL be from Lhe same publlc auLhorlLy
%) Pe shall be a person of lmpeccable lnLegrlLy and ablllLy Lo Lake proacLlve measures agalnsL
%) Pe shall be responslble for accepLlng complalnLs agalnsL any publlc auLhorlLy and shall Lransfer Lhe
complalnLs relaLed Lo oLher publlc auLhorlLles wlLhln Lwo days of recelpL
%3) Pe shall be responslble for carrylng ouL all such responslblllLles as asslgned Lo hlm from Llme Lo Llme
by LokayukLa lncludlng deallng wlLh complalnLs ln Lhe manner as lald down by LokayukLa from Llme Lo
rovlded LhaL Lhe complalnLs whlch requlre lnvesLlgaLlons under revenLlon of CorrupLlon AcL 1988 shall
be Lransferred Lo Lhe lnvesLlgaLlve wlng of LokayukLa
rovlded furLher LhaL Lhe complalnLs oLher Lhan grlevances agalnsL offlcers of Lhe level of !olnL
SecreLary or above shall noL be dealL by Lhe Chlef vlgllance Cfflcer and shall be Lransferred Lo Lhe
LokayukLa who shall seL up a commlLLee of Chlef vlgllance Cfflcers of Lhree oLher publlc auLhorlLles Lo
enqulre lnLo such complalnL
%) All Lhe grlevances shall be recelved and dlsposed by Chlef vlgllance Cfflcer on behalf of LokayukLa lf
Lhe clLlzen falls Lo geL saLlsfacLory redressal from ubllc Crlevance Cfflcer under secLlon 21 of Lhls AcL

Staff of Lokayukta etc %1) 1here shall be such offlcers and employees as may be prescrlbed Lo
asslsL Lhe LokayukLa ln Lhe dlscharge of Lhelr funcLlons under Lhls AcL
%2) 1he number and caLegorles of offlcers and employees shall be declded by Lhe LokayukLa ln
consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe governmenL
%) 1he caLegorles recrulLmenL and condlLlons of servlce of Lhe offlcers and employees referred
ln subsecLlon %1) lncludlng such speclal condlLlons and speclal pay as may be necessary for enabllng
Lhem Lo acL wlLhouL fear ln Lhe dlscharge of Lhelr funcLlons shall be such as may be prescrlbed
accordlng Lo Lhe recommendaLlons of LokayukLa
rovlded LhaL no offlclal whose lnLegrlLy ls ln doubL shall be consldered for belng posLed ln
rovlded furLher LhaL all offlcers and employees who work ln LokayukLa on depuLaLlon or
oLherwlse shall be ellglble for Lhe same Lerms and condlLlons as prescrlbed under Lhls clause
%) WlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe provlslons of subsecLlon %1) Lhe LokayukLa may for Lhe purpose of
conducLlng lnvesLlgaLlons under Lhls AcL uLlllze Lhe servlces of
%a) any offlcer or lnvesLlgaLlng agency of LhaL sLaLe CovernmenL or
%b) any offlcer or lnvesLlgaLlng agency of any oLher CovernmenL wlLh Lhe prlor
concurrence of LhaL CovernmenL or
%c) any person or any oLher agency
%3) 1he offlcers and oLher employees referred Lo ln subsecLlon %1) shall be under Lhe
admlnlsLraLlve and dlsclpllnary conLrol of Lhe LokayukLa
%) LokayukLa shall have Lhe powers Lo choose lLs own offlclals LokayukLa may enllsL offlclals on
depuLaLlon from oLher governmenL agencles for a flxed Lenure or lL may enllsL offlclals on permanenL
basls from oLher governmenL agencles or lL may appolnL people from ouLslde on permanenL basls or on
a flxed Lenure basls
%) 1he sLaff and offlcers shall be enLlLled Lo such pay scales and oLher allowances whlch may be
dlfferenL and more Lhan Lhe ordlnary pay scales ln Lhe CovernmenL as are declded by Lhe LokayukLa
from Llme Lo Llme ln consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer so as Lo aLLracL honesL and efflclenL people Lo
work ln LokayukLa

4 kepea| and sav|ngs %1) 1he SLaLe vlgllance ueparLmenL shall be merged wlLh LokayukLa
%2) noLwlLhsLandlng such repeal any acL or Lhlng done by sLaLe vlgllanceueparLmenL shall be deemed Lo
have been done under Lhls AcL and may be conLlnued and compleLed under Lhe correspondlng
provlslons of Lhls AcL
%) All enqulrles and lnvesLlgaLlons and oLher dlsclpllnary proceedlngs pendlng before Lhe SLaLe vlgllance
ueparLmenL and whlch have noL been dlsposed of shall sLand Lransferred Lo and be conLlnued by Lhe
LokayukLa as lf Lhey were commenced before hlm under Lhls AcL
%) noLwlLhsLandlng anyLhlng conLalned ln any AcL Lhe posLs of Lhe SecreLary and oLher Cfflcers and
Lmployees of Lhe SLaLe vlgllance ueparLmenL are hereby abollshed and Lhey are hereby appolnLed as
Lhe SecreLary and oLher offlcers and employees of Lhe LokayukLa 1he salarles allowances and oLher
Lerms and condlLlons of servlces of Lhe sald SecreLary offlcers and oLher employees shall unLll Lhey are
varled be Lhe same as Lo whlch Lhey were enLlLled Lo lmmedlaLely before Lhe commencemenL of Lhls
%3) All vlgllance admlnlsLraLlon under Lhe conLrol of all ueparLmenLs of SLaLe CovernmenL MlnlsLrles of
Lhe SLaLe CovernmenL corporaLlons esLabllshed by or under any SLaLe AcL CovernmenL companles
socleLles and local auLhorlLles owned or conLrolled by Lhe SLaLe CovernmenL shall sLand Lransferred
alongwlLh lLs personnel asseLs and llablllLles Lo LokayukLa for all purposes
%) 1he personnel worklng ln vlgllance wlngs of Lhe agencles menLloned ln subsecLlon %3) shall be
deemed Lo be on depuLaLlon Lo LokayukLa for a perlod of flve years from Lhe daLe Lhey are Lransferred
Lo LokayukLa Powever LokayukLa may declde Lo repaLrlaLe any one of Lhem anyLlme
%) 1haL ueparLmenL from where any personnel have been Lransferred Lo LokayukLa under subsecLlon
%3) shall cease Lo have any conLrol over Lhe admlnlsLraLlon and funcLlons of Lransferred personnel
%8) LokayukLa shall roLaLe Lhe personnel and creaLe vlgllance wlng of each deparLmenL ln such a way LhaL
no personnel from Lhe same deparLmenL geL posLed for vlgllance funcLlons ln Lhe same deparLmenL
%9) no person shall be employed wlLh LokayukLa agalnsL whom any vlgllance enqulry or any crlmlnal case
ls pendlng aL Lhe Llme of belng consldered

Invest|gat|on W|ng of Lokayukta %1) 1here shall be an lnvesLlgaLlon wlng aL LokayukLa
%2) noLwlLhsLandlng anyLhlng conLalned ln secLlon 1 of revenLlon of CorrupLlon AcL such offlcers of
lnvesLlgaLlon wlng upLo Lhe level as declded by LokayukLa shall have ln relaLlon Lo Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon
and arresL of persons LhroughouL lndla ln connecLlon wlLh lnvesLlgaLlon of complalnLs under Lhls AcL all
Lhe powers duLles prlvlleges and llablllLles whlch members of uelhl Speclal ollce LsLabllshmenL have ln
connecLlon wlLh Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of offences commlLLed Lhereln
%) 1he anLlcorrupLlon 8ranch of SLaLe ollce shall sLand Lransferred alongwlLh lLs employees asseLs
and llablllLles Lo LokayukLa for all purposes
%) 1haL parL of SLaLe ollce whlch has been Lransferred under subsecLlon %) shall form parL of
lnvesLlgaLlon Wlng of LokayukLa
%3) 1he CovernmenL shall cease Lo have any conLrol over Lhe Lransferred parL and lLs personnel
%) 1he salarles allowances and oLher Lerms and condlLlons of servlces of Lhe personnel Lransferred
under subsecLlon %) shall be Lhe same as Lo whlch Lhey were enLlLled Lo lmmedlaLely before Lhe
commencemenL of Lhls AcL
%) All cases whlch were belng dealL by LhaL parL of SLaLe ollce whlch has been Lransferred under sub
secLlon %) shall sLand Lransferred Lo LokayukLa
%8) AfLer compleLlon of lnvesLlgaLlon ln any case Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon wlng shall presenL Lhe case Lo an
approprlaLe bench of LokayukLa whlch shall declde wheLher Lo granL permlsslon for prosecuLlon or noL

omp|a|nts aga|nst off|cers or emp|oyees of Lokayukta %1) ComplalnLs agalnsL employees or
offlcers of LokayukLa shall be dealL wlLh separaLely and as per provlslons of Lhls secLlon
%2) Such complalnL could relaLe Lo an allegaLlon of an offence punlshable under revenLlon of CorrupLlon
AcL or a mlsconducL or a dlshonesL enqulry or lnvesLlgaLlon
%) As soon as such a complalnL ls recelved Lhe same shall be dlsplayed on Lhe webslLe of LokayukLa
alongwlLh Lhe conLenLs of Lhe complalnL
%) lnvesLlgaLlons lnLo each such complalnL shall be compleLed wlLhln a monLh of lLs recelpL
%3) ln addlLlon Lo examlnlng Lhe allegaLlons agalnsL Lhe sald offlclal Lhe allegaLlons shall especlally be
examlned agalnsL secLlons 10 1 1 1 182 191 192 19 199 200 201 202 20 21 218
219 8 9 0 1 of lndlan enal Code
%) lf durlng Lhe course of lnvesLlgaLlons Lhe LokayukLa feels LhaL Lhe charges are llkely Lo be susLalned
Lhe LokayukLa shall dlvesL such offlcer of all hls responslblllLles and powers and shall place hlm under
%) lf afLer compleLlon of enqulry or lnvesLlgaLlons LokayukLa decldes Lo prosecuLe LhaL person under
revenLlon of CorrupLlon AcL 1988 or holds hlm gullLy of any mlsconducL or of conducLlng dlshonesL
enqulry or lnvesLlgaLlons Lhen LhaL person shall noL work wlLh LokayukLa anymore LokayukLa shall
elLher dlsmlss LhaL person from Lhe [ob lf LhaL person ls ln Lhe employmenL of LokayukLa or shall
repaLrlaLe hlm lf he ls on depuLaLlon
rovlded LhaL no order under Lhls clause shall be passed wlLhouL glvlng reasonable opporLunlLy of belng
heard Lo Lhe accused person
rovlded furLher LhaL order under Lhls clause shall be passed wlLhln 13 days of compleLlon of
%8) 1here shall be a separaLe wlng ln LokayukLa Lo deal wlLh complalnLs agalnsL offlcers or sLaff of
%9) LokayukLa shall Lake all sLeps Lo ensure LhaL all enqulrles and lnvesLlgaLlons on complalnLs agalnsL lLs
own sLaff and offlclals are conducLed ln mosL LransparenL and honesL manner

9rotect|on %1) no sulL prosecuLlon or oLher legal proceedlngs shall lle agalnsL Lhe Chalrperson or
members or agalnsL any offlcer employee agency or person referred Lo ln SecLlon 1%) ln respecL of
anyLhlng whlch ls ln good falLh done whlle acLlng or purporLlng Lo acL ln Lhe dlscharge of hls offlclal
duLles under Lhls AcL
%2) no proceedlngs of Lhe LokayukLa shall be held Lo be bad for wanL of form and excepL on Lhe ground
of [urlsdlcLlon no proceedlngs or declslon of Lhe LokayukLa shall be llable Lo be challenged revlewed
quashed or called ln quesLlon ln any courL of ordlnary Clvll !urlsdlcLlon


8 9ub||c Servants to subm|t property statements
%1) Lvery publlc servanL oLher Lhan Lhose menLloned ln SecLlon 2%12)%a) Lo %c) shall wlLhln Lhree monLhs
afLer Lhe commencemenL of Lhls AcL and LhereafLer before Lhe 0Lh !une of every year submlL Lo Lhe
head of LhaL publlc auLhorlLy ln Lhe form prescrlbed by LokayukLa a sLaLemenL of hls asseLs and
llablllLles and Lhose of Lhe members of hls famlly ubllc servanLs menLloned ln secLlons 2%12)%a) Lo %c)
shall submlL Lhelr reLurns ln a formaL prescrlbed by Lhe LokayukLa Lo Lhe LokayukLa wlLh Lhe aforesald
Llme llnes
%2) 1he Pead of each publlc auLhorlLy shall ensure LhaL all such sLaLemenLs are puL on Lhe webslLe by 1

AugusL of LhaL year
%) lf no such sLaLemenL ls recelved by Lhe Pead of LhaL publlc auLhorlLy from any such publlc servanL
wlLhln Lhe Llme speclfled ln subsecLlon %1) Lhe Pead of LhaL publlc auLhorlLy shall dlrecL Lhe concerned
publlc servanL Lo do so lmmedlaLely lf wlLhln nexL one monLh Lhe publlc servanL concerned does noL
submlL such sLaLemenL Lhe Pead shall sLop Lhe salary and allowances of LhaL publlc servanL Llll he
submlLs such sLaLemenL
LxplanaLlon ln Lhls secLlon famlly of a publlc servanL" means Lhe spouse and such chlldren and
parenLs of Lhe publlc servanL as are dependenL on hlm
%) 1he LokayukLa may lnlLlaLe prosecuLlon agalnsL such publlc servanL under SecLlon 1 lC
%3) lf any publlc servanL furnlshes any sLaLemenL whlch ls subsequenLly found Lo be lncorrecL Lhen
LokayukLa ln addlLlon Lo Laklng acLlon agalnsL Lhe sald publlc servanL under oLher secLlons of Lhls AcL
may also lmpose a penalLy upLo a maxlmum of 30 of Lhe value of Lhe addlLlonal properLy subsequenLly
deLecLed LokayukLa shall also lnLlmaLe such lnformaLlon Lo Lhe lncome 1ax ueparLmenL for approprlaLe

8A 9ropert|es deemed to have been obta|ned through corrupt means %1) lf any properLy moveable
or lmmoveable ls subsequenLly found Lo be owned by Lhe publlc servanL or any of hls famlly members
whlch had noL been declared under Lhls secLlon by LhaL publlc servanL and whlch was acqulred before
flllng of lasL reLurn under Lhls secLlon Lhe same shall be deemed Lo have been obLalned Lhrough corrupL
%2) lf any properLy moveable or lmmoveable ls subsequenLly found Lo be ln possesslon of Lhe publlc
servanL or any of hls famlly members whlch had noL been declared under Lhls secLlon by LhaL publlc
servanL Lhe same shall be deemed Lo be owned by LhaL publlc servanL and Lhe same shall be deemed Lo
have been acqulred Lhrough corrupL means by LhaL publlc servanL Lhe onus of provlng oLherwlse shall
be on Lhe publlc servanL
%) 1he publlc servanL shall be glven an opporLunlLy Lo explaln wlLhln 13 days
%a) ln Lhe case of properLles under subsecLlon %1) of Lhls secLlon wheLher he had dlsclosed LhaL
properLy ln any of Lhe earller years
%b) ln Lhe case of properLles under subsecLlon %2) of Lhls secLlon Lo explaln why Lhese
properLles should noL be deemed Lo be owned by Lhe publlc servanL
%) lf publlc servanL falls Lo provlde saLlsfacLory reply under subsecLlon %) of Lhls secLlon wlLh respecL Lo
some properLles LokayukLa shall lmmedlaLely conflscaLe all such properLles
%3) 1ransfer of Lhose properLles for whlch noLlces are lssued under subsecLlon %) of Lhls secLlon shall
be deemed Lo be null and vold afLer Lhe daLe of lssue of such noLlces
%) LokayukLa shall lnLlmaLe such lnformaLlon Lo Lhe lncome 1ax ueparLmenL for approprlaLe acLlon
%) Appeal agalnsL Lhe orders of LokayukLa shall lle ln Plgh CourL of approprlaLe [urlsdlcLlon whlch shall
declde Lhe maLLer wlLhln Lwo monLhs of flllng of Lhe appeal
rovlded LhaL no appeal shall be enLerLalned afLer explry of 0 days from Lhe daLe of order of LokayukLa
under subsecLlon %)
%8) All properLles conflscaLed under Lhls secLlon shall be aucLloned Lo hlghesL bldder Palf of Lhe
proceeds from Lhe same shall be deposlLed by Lhe LokayukLa ln ConsolldaLed lund of LhaL SLaLe 1he
balance amounL could be used by LokayukLa for lLs own admlnlsLraLlon
rovlded LhaL lf an appeal has been flled ln any case Lhe aucLlon shall noL Lake place Llll Lhe dlsposal of

9 9ower to de|egate and ass|gn funct|ons %1) LokayukLa shall be compeLenL Lo delegaLe lLs powers
and asslgn funcLlons Lo Lhe offlclals worklng ln LokayukLa
%2) All funcLlons carrled ouL and powers exerclsed by such offlclals shall be deemed Lo have been so
done by Lhe LokayukLa
rovlded LhaL Lhe followlng funcLlons shall be performed by Lhe benches and cannoL be delegaLed
%l) CranLlng permlsslon Lo lnlLlaLe prosecuLlon ln any case
%ll) Crder for dlsmlssal of any governmenL servanL under CCS ConducL 8ules
%lll) asslng orders under secLlon 10 on complalnLs agalnsL offlclals and sLaff of LokayukLa
%lv) ass orders ln cases of complalnLs oLher Lhan grlevances agalnsL offlcers of Lhe level of !olnL
SecreLary and above

0 1|me ||m|ts %1) rellmlnary enqulry under subsecLlon %1) of secLlon 9 of Lhls AcL should be
compleLed wlLhln a monLh of recelpL of complalnL
rovlded LhaL Lhe enqulry offlcer shall be llable for an explanaLlon lf Lhe enqulry ls noL compleLed wlLhln
Lhls Llme llmlL
%2) lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo any allegaLlon shall be compleLed wlLhln slx monLhs and ln any case noL more
Lhan one year from Lhe daLe of recelpL of complalnL
%) 1rlal ln any case flled by LokayukLa should be compleLed wlLhln one year Ad[ournmenLs should be
granLed ln raresL clrcumsLances

1 9ena|ty for fa|se comp|a|nt %1) noLwlLhsLandlng anyLhlng conLalned ln Lhls AcL lf someone makes
any false or frlvolous complalnL under Lhls AcL LokayukLa may lmpose such flnes on LhaL complalnanL as
lL deems flL
rovlded LhaL no flne can be lmposed wlLhouL glvlng a reasonable opporLunlLy of belng heard
%2) Such flnes shall be recoverable as dues under Land 8evenue AcL
%) A complalnL or allegaLlon once made under Lhls AcL shall noL be allowed Lo be wlLhdrawn

1A 9revent|ve measures %1) LokayukLa shall aL regular lnLervals elLher sLudy lLself or cause Lo be
sLudled Lhe funcLlonlng of all publlc auLhorlLles falllng wlLhln lLs [urlsdlcLlon and ln consulLaLlon wlLh
respecLlve publlc auLhorlLy lssue such dlrecLlons as lL deems flL Lo prevenL lncldence of corrupLlon ln
%2) LokayukLa shall also be responslble for creaLlng awareness abouL Lhls AcL and lnvolvlng general publlc
ln curblng corrupLlon and maladmlnlsLraLlon

18 keward Scheme %1) LokyukLa shall encourage complalnanLs from wlLhln and ouLslde Lhe
governmenL Lo reporL and flghL agalnsL corrupLlon by publlcly recognlzlng such persons
%2) LokayukLa shall also prepare an approprlaLe scheme Lo glve flnanclal award Lo such complalnanLs
rovlded LhaL Lhe LoLal value of such reward shall noL exceed 10 of Lhe value of properLy conflscaLed
or loss prevenLed

9ower to make ku|es %1) 1he CovernmenL may by noLlflcaLlon ln Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe make rules
for Lhe purpose of carrylng lnLo effecL Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL
rovlded LhaL such rules shall be made only ln consulLaLlon and wlLh Lhe approval of LokayukLa
%2) ln parLlcular and wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe generallLy of Lhe foregolng provlslons such rules may
provlde for
%l) Lhe allowance and penslons payable Lo and oLher condlLlons of servlce of Lhe Chalrperson and
members of LokayukLa
%ll) Lhe powers of a Clvll CourL whlch may be exerclsed by Lhe LokayukLa under clause %h) of sub
secLlon %2) of secLlon 10
%lll)Lhe salary allowances recrulLmenL and oLher condlLlons of servlce of Lhe sLaff and employees of
Lhe LokayukLa
%lv)any oLher maLLer for whlch rules have Lo be made are necessary under Lhls AcL
%) Any rule made under Lhls AcL may be made wlLh reLrospecLlve effecL and when such a rule ls
made Lhe reasons for maklng Lhe rule shall be speclfled ln a SLaLemenL lald before boLh Pouses of Lhe

kemova| of d|ff|cu|t|es noLwlLhsLandlng anyLhlng conLalned ln Lhls AcL Lhe Covernor ln
consulLaLlon wlLh LokayukLa or on requesL of LokayukLa may by order make such provlslon
%l) for brlnglng Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL lnLo effecLlve operaLlon
%ll) for conLlnulng Lhe enqulrles and lnvesLlgaLlons pendlng before Lhe SLaLe vlgllance ueparLmenL by Lhe

4 9ower to make regu|at|ons LokayukLa shall have power Lo make lLs own regulaLlons for Lhe smooLh
funcLlonlng of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon and Lo effecLlvely lmplemenL varlous provlslons of Lhls AcL

1hls AcL shall overrlde Lhe provlslons of all oLher laws

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