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Au bord de l'eau [o b d lo] (At the water's edge)

Text by René-François Sully-Prudhomme (1839-1907)
Set by Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924), op. 8, #1; Jenő Hubay (1858-1937); Émile Paladilhe (1844-1926)

S'asseoir tous deux au bord d'un (du) flot qui passe,

[sa.swa tu dø. zo b dœ dy flo ki p.s]
To-sit (to- gether) at-the edge of-the (of-the) stream that passes-(by),
(To sit together on the bank of a flowing stream,)

Le voir passer,
[l vwa p.se]
it to-see pass-(by),
(to watch it flow by,)

Tous deux s'il glisse un nuage en l'espace,

[tu dø sil li. sœ ny.a.  l]
(to- gether) if-it glides a cloud in the-space,
(Together, if a cloud glides by in space,)

Le voir glisser,
[l vwa ]
it to-see glide,
(to watch it glide,)

À l'horizon s'il fume un toit de chaume,

[a l.i.zo sil fy. mœ twa d o.m]
on the-horizon if-it smokes a rooftop of thatch,
(on the horizon, if smoke rises from a thatched roof,)

Le voir fumer,
[l vwa]
it to-see it-smoke;
(to watch the smoke,)

Aux alentours si quelque fleur embaume,

[o. za.l.tu si kl.k flœ. .bo.m]
in-the surrounding-area if some flower spreads-fragrance,
(nearby, if there is a fragrant flower,)

S'en embaumer,
[s. n]
in-it we-are-made-fragrant;
(we are imbued with its fragrance,)

Si quelque fruit, où les abeilles goûtent,

[si kl.k fi u l. za.b.j u.t]
If some fruit, where the bees taste,
(If there is a fruit that the bees enjoy,)

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Tente, y goûter;
[t.t i u.te]
try/taste, it enjoy;
(taste it, enjoy;)

Si quelque oiseau, dans les bois qui l'écoutent,

[si kl. kwa.zo d l bwa ki le.ku.t]
If some bird, in the woods who to-it-they-listen,
(If there is a bird that in the woods listens,)

Chante, écouter...
[.t e.ku.te]
sing, listen…

Entendre au pied du saule où l'eau murmure

[.t. do pje dy so. lu lo my.my.]
To-hear at-the foot of-the willow where the-water murmurs,
(At the base of the willow to hear the water murmur,)

L'eau murmurer,
[lo my.my.e]
the-water murmuring;
Ne pas sentir tant que ce rêve dure
[n p s.ti t k s .v dy.]
not – to-feel so-long as this dream lasts
(as long as the dream lasts not to feel)
Le temps durer.
[l t dy.e]
the time's duration.
(time passing;)
Mais n'apportant de passion profonde
[m na.p.t d p.fo.d]
But, not-giving of passion deep
(But not feeling a deep passion)
Qu'à s'adorer,
[ka sa.d.e]
but-to each-other-adore,
(except to adore each other,)
Sans nul souci des querelles du monde,
[s nyl d k..l dy mo.d]
without any concern for-the quarrels of-the world,
(without a thought for the cares of the world,)

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Les ignorer;
[le. zi..e]
them to-ignore;
Et seuls tous deux devant tout ce qui lasse,
[e sœl tu dø d.v tu s ki l.s]
and alone (to- gether) before all that which grows-weary,
(and alone together before all that grows weary,)
Sans se lasser,
[s s l.se]
without oneself to-grow-weary,
(not to weary of each other,)
Sentir l'amour devant tout ce qui passe
[s.ti d.v tu s ki p.s]
to-feel that-love before all that which passes-away
(to feel love in the face of all that passes away)
Ne point passer!
[n pw p.se]
not ever pass-away!
(love that will never fade!)

(Literal translation and IPA transcription © 2013 by Bard Suverkrop—IPA Source, LLC)

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