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King Faisal Road

Umm Alquawain
United Arab Emirates

I, FAISAL ALI YOUSOF BUHAROON ALALI, of legal age, married and United Arab Emirtes
nationality is an Employer of MS HERZA- J ISADA OSORIO with passport number
P2070195B of Philippines.

That I executing this affidavit the we forced to return our Household worker, because I’ve done
surgery and I have financial problem to give salary of my three “3” Household worker. So that I
need to send her back in your country.

Furthermore, for her security we are sending her back to the Philippines safe and secure.

Given and signed this 2nd day of April 2022 at United Arab Emirates.

Faisal Ali Yousof Buharoon Alali



Herza- J Isada Osorio

Household Worker

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