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AcademicYear Assessment

Module Number Assessment Type

S23 Project Based Learning 3GK013 Poster Presentation

(Word count: 503)

Student Id : 2329009

Student Name : Sakshyam Pandey

Section : L3BG1

Module Leader : Alexander Robottom

Lecturer : Samrachana Lohani

Submitted on : 12/5/2023
Budbiz: Where businesses bloom and bud open for the
latent and marginalized communities.

Introduction Strengths
In third-world countries such as Vietnam, complete flourishment and The project we are undertaking is believed to possess strong positive traits
that will definitely aid us to:

fulfillment for small localized businesses are quite rare. So we as students
Specifically, target economically backward household businesses.

have decided to establish an entrepreneurial strategy project targeted
specifically for businesses of ethnic minorities in the country. The primary Provide no-cost assistance to the targeted community possibly
encouraging the locals to participate in our initiative.

objective of this project is to identify and develop effective entrepreneurial
strategies tailored specifically to the unique needs and constraints of ethnic Bear no hostility towards other communities and establishment of
minority-owned businesses in Vietnam. strong relations expectantly with the natives of the targeted area.

Idea for change

Our project aims to share knowledge about a diverse job market that caters
to most ethnic minorities in the northern mountainous region of the
country, with a particular emphasis on the 'Mong' minority group, which is
the most economically active but also the poorest.

Furthermore, this project is explicitly tailored to the Mong community

residing scattered among the country. Our aim is to conduct a Train-the-
Trainer program in the northern mountainous region, concretely a small Fig 3: Percentage of the working population by the ethnic group and economic sectors, 2009

village named Sa Pa. The purpose of this project is to provide them with the
knowledge and skills to enhance their presence in the national market
economy and minimize the community's subservience to other

As a non-profit socio-economic organization, we hope to implement and
administer training regimens (as per all sub-branches of SDG 8) for the
local enterprises established by the Mong ethnic groups. We hope to
engender the absence of unethical employment practices as viably as
possible. Fig 2:Unemployment rate by ethnic group

The aftermath of the project is to achieve the overall reduction or even Conclusion
complete elimination of the community's dependence on the Kinh or Tay Therefore in, the prime issues encountered by the community seems to be the
for assistance in their household enterprises. (rice and paddy crops). excessive reliance to other ethnic communities for basic business necessities
and even fundamental goods required to continue their businesses. As the
The impacts of our project are expected to be in accordance with the SDG
humanitarian organization we consider ourselves, the goal of ours is to
8 subdivisions as mentioned above.
address the root cause of such aforementioned issues and in order to mitigate
Fig 1: Poverty rates (percent poor) in 1999 and 2009 them, provide training regimens and grounded information about proper
Goals business practices, ethical ways of marketing and labor as well as self-
sustainability from the targeted community itself without negatively affecting
Provision of optimal training to the Initiative to share ample knowledge to the community other communities.
for them to enter the wide national market. References
trainers inline with the related businesses
in the region.
The administration is expected to bring Minimize the currently present Team
sustainable PCI, diversification and ample job oppression of the Mong community Sakshyam Pandey 2329009
creation as per sub-branches of SDG 8. from other Vietnamese communes. Sushma Tamang 2328971

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