PT - Mathematics 5 Q4R

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Math 5 -4th Periodical Test

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call to the distance around the circle?

A. Circumference B. Diameter C. Radius D. Arch
2. What do you call to the distance across the circle?
A. Circumference B. Diameter C. Radius D. Arch
3. What do you call to the half of a diameter?
A. Circumference B. Diameter C. Radius D. Arch
4. How will you compute the circumference of a circle?
A. C= 𝜋d or C= 2𝜋r B. A=π r 2 C. C= 2𝜋rd D. C= ½ r
5. What is the equivalent of 𝜋 pi ?
A. 3 B. 3.15 C. 3.14 D. 3.16
6. The wheel of the car has a radius of 0.35 m, what is the area?
A. 0.38465 B. 0.65483 C. 0. 12345 D. 1.38465

A circular pond has a radius of 4.5 m. How much materials will be needed if you plan to put a fence around it? What is the area
of the pond?

7. What is asked in the problem?

A. Area of the rectangular pond B. area of the circular pond C. Area of the triangular pond D.area
8. What is given in the problem? A. 5.5 m radius B. 4.3 m radius C. 4.5 m radius D. 4.9 m radius
9. What formula will you use to solve the problem?
A. C= 𝜋d or C= 2𝜋r B. A=π r 2 C. C= 2𝜋rd D. C= ½ r
10. How will you read 27 cm3 ?
A. Twenty-seven cm C. Twenty-seven cubic
B. Twenty-seven cubic centimeters D. Twenty-seven

Look at the figure and answer the questions

11. What is the height of the prism?

A. 3m B. 1.5m C. 10m
12. What is the length of the prism?
A. 3m B. 1.5m C. 10m
13. What is the width of the prism?
A. 3m B. 1.5m C. 10m

14. How many cubic units are there in the figure?

A 30 C 50
B 40 D 60

15. How many radius are there in a circle?

A4 C6

B5 D7

16. Which of the following circle has 2.5 cm radii?

2.5 cm 3 cm 4 cm 5 cm

17. Which of the following refers to the number of square units contained in a figure?
A volume B circumference C perimeter D area
18. Which of the following formula is used in finding the area of a circle?
A πD B 2πr C π r2 Dπr
19. What is the area of the circle?
A 40 cm2 C 50.04 cm2
B 40.04 cm2 D 50.24 cm2
20. Which of the following formula is use in finding the volume of rectangular prism?
A. πD B. l x w x h C. s x s D. l x w
21. The formula v= s x s x s is use to find the volume of what figure?
A cone B cylinder C cube D rectangular prism
22. Which of the following given is the normal body temperature.
A. 30⁰C B. 34⁰C C.35⁰C D.37⁰C
23. What is the boiling point of water?
A. 0⁰C B. 10⁰C C. 100⁰C D. none of these
24. Which of the following is the freezing point of water?
A. -10⁰C B. 0⁰C C. 10⁰C D. 100⁰C
25. The temperature outside is 38⁰C. Which of the following should you wear?
A. A light jacket C. A heavy coat
B. A sweater D. A pair of shorts and shirt
26. The temperature on a cool day in the Philippines is about:
A. 10⁰C B. 22⁰C C. 35⁰C D. 100⁰C
27. Which of the following thermometers shows Luna’s body temperature of 37.5 0C?
A 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 C 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

B 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 D 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

28. What is the temperature shown in the thermometer?

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

A. 40 0C B. 41 0C C. 43 0C D. 44 0C
29. Fe has a fever. Her temperature is 39.5 C. How much higher is her temperature than the normal body temperature?
A 1.5 0C B 2.5 0C C 2.6 0C D 1.4 0C
30. Mother checked on Tom's body temperature in the morning and found it to be 39.4 0C. In the afternoon, mother checked on him again and his
temperature dropped by 1.2 0C. What is Tom's temperature in the afternoon?
A 38.2 0C B 39.4 0C C 40.4 0C D 40.60C
II. Which is the better estimate of the temperature of each item?
31. air-conditioned room a. 400C b. -100C
32. sunny day a. 150C b. 330C

33-36, refer to the bar graph below.

Legend: = 1 big basket of mangoes

_____33. Which year has the great number of mangoes harvested?

A. 2009 B. 2008 C. 2007 D. 2006
_____34. Which year has the least number of mangoes harvested?
A. 2009 B. 2008 C. 2007 D. 2006
_____35. What year has the same number of mangoes harvested?
A. 2009 and 2005 B. 2008 and 2006 C. 2006 and 2007 D. 2005 and 2008
_____36. Give the average number of baskets of mangoes harvested from the year 2004-2009.
A. 34basket B. 44 basket C.55 basket D.60basket

Below is an example of a line graph. Study its parts and answer some of the questions below

37. What is the title of the line graph?

What information is placed along the:

38.vertical axis ___________________16. horizontal axis __________________

What grade level has the:

39. largest enrolment ______________________ 18. least _____________________

40. How many is the combined enrolment of Kindergarten and Grade 3? ______________

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