Chapter 4 - Polytechnic University of The Philippines

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Auditing on CIS Environment

Quiz on Chapter 4
By: Benjamin Abarquez

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Last Name/First Name/M.I. *

Sumanting, Lizette Janiya C.

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BSA 3-1, Taguig

True or False

Choose the correct answer

1. An important feature associated with the traditional approach to data management is the *
ability to produce ad hoc reports.


2. The data definition language is used to insert special database commands into application *



3. There is more than one conceptual view of the database. *



4. In the database method of data management, access authority is maintained by systems *




5. A customer name and an unpaid balance is an example of a one-to-many relationship. *



6. In the relational model, a data element is called a relation. *



7. Subschemas are used to authorize user access privileges to specific data elements. *


8. A recovery module suspends all data processing while the system reconciles its journal files *
against the database.



9. The database management system controls access to program files. *



10. Under the database approach, data is viewed as propriety or owned by users. *



11. The data dictionary describes all of the data elements in the database. *



12. A join builds a new table by creating links. *



13. Time stamping is a control that is used to ensure database partitioning. *


14. The term occurrence is used to describe the number of attributes or fields pertaining to a *
specific entity.



15. Cardinality describes the number of possible occurrences in one table that are associated with *
a single occurrence in a related table.



Multiple Choice

Choose the letter of the correct answer

16. The task if searching the database to locate a stored record for processing is called *

a. Data deletion

b. data storage

c. data attribution

d. data retrieval

17. Which of the following is not a problem usually associated with the flat-file approach to data *

a. Data redundancy

b. Restricting access to data to the primary user

c. data storage

d. currency of information
18. Which characteristic is associated with the database approach to data management? *

a. Data sharing

b. multiple storage procedures

c. data redundancy

d. excessive storage cost

19. A description of the physical arrangement of records in the database is *

a. The internal view

b. the conceptual view

c. the subschema

d. the external view

20. Which of the following may provide many distinct views of the database? *

a. The schema

b. the internal view

c. the user view

d. conceptual view

21. Users access the database *

a. By direct query

b. By developing operating software

c. by constant interacting with systems programmers

d. all of the above

22. The data manipulation language *

a. Defines the database to the database management system

b. Transfers data to the buffer area for manipulation

c. Enables application programs to interact with and manipulate the database

d. Describes every data element in the database

23. In a hierarchical model *

a. Links between related records are implicit

b. The way to access data is by following a predefined data path

c. An owner (parent) record may own just one member (child) record

d. A member (child) record may have more than one owner (parent)

24. In the relational database model *

a. The relationship are explicit

b. The user perceives that files are linked using pointers

c. data is represented on two-dimensional tables

d. data is represented as a tree structure

25. Which of the following is not a common form of conceptual database model? *

a. Hierarchical

b. network

c. sequential

d. relational
26. Which statement is false? *

a. The DBMS is special software that is programmed to know which data elements
each user is authorized to access

b. User programs send requests for data to the DBMS

c. During processing, the DBMS periodically makes backup copies of the physical

d. The DBMS does not control access to the database

27. Which of the following is a level of the database that is defined by the data definition language? *

a. User view

b. schema

c. internal view

d. all are levels or view of the database

28. An example of a distributed database is *

a. Partitioned database

b. centralized database

c. networked database

d. all are examples of distributed database

29. Data currency is preserved in a centralized database by *

a. Partitioning the database

b. Using a lockout procedure

c. replicating the database

d. implementing concurrency controls

30. Which procedure will prevent two end users from accessing the same data element at the same *

a. Data redundancy

b. data replication

c. data lockout

d. none of the above

31. A replicated database is appropriate when *

a. There is minimal data sharing among information processing units

b. There exists a high degree of data sharing and no primary user

c. There is no risk of the deadlock phenomenon

d. Most data sharing consists of read-write transactions

32. What control maintains complete, current, and consistent data at all information processing *

a. Deadlock control

b. replication control

c. concurrency control

d. gateway control

33. Data currency *

a. Is a security issue in partitioned databases

b. Is implemented using time stamping

c. may result in data lockout

d. occurs when a deadlock is triggered

34. Which of the following is not an access control in a database system? *

a. Antivirus software

b. database authorization table

c. passwords

d. voice prints

35. The database attributes that individual users have permission to access are defined in *

a. Operating system

b. user manual

c. database schema

d. user view

e. application listing

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