The Second of ST - Thomas' Gospel of The Infancy of Jesus Christ

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T H E S E C O N D O F S T.

T H O M A S ’ S G O S P E L O F T H E I N FA N C Y O F

An Account of the ACTIONS and profaneth the Sabbath.
MIRACLES of our Lord and Saviour 7 T hen Joseph came to the place
JESUS CHRIST in his INFANCY. where he was, and when he saw him,
called to him, and said, Why doest
CHAPTER I. thou that which it is not lawful to do
2 Jesus miraculously clears the water after on the Sabbath day?
rain. 4 Plays with clay spar r ows, which 8 T hen Jesus clapping tog ether the
he animates on the Sabbath day. palms of his hands, called to the
I THOMAS, an Israelite, judg ed it spar rows, and said to them Go, f ly
necessar y to make known to our away; and while ye live remember
brethren among the Gentiles, the ac - me.
tions and miracles of Christ in his 9 So the spar rows f led away making
childhood, which our Lord and God a noise.
Jesus Christ wrought after his birth 10 T he Jews seeing this, were aston -
in Bethlehem in our countr y, at ished, and went away, and told their
which I myself, was astonished; the chief persons what a strang e miracle
beginning of which was as followeth. they had seen wrought by Jesus.
2 When the child Jesus was five
years of ag e, and there had been a CHAPTER II.
shower of rain, which was now over, 2 Causes a boy to wither who br oke down
Jesus was playing with other Hebrew his fish-pools; 6 Partly r estor es him. 7
boys by a r unning stream; and the Kills another boy. 16 causes blindness to
water r unning over the banks, stood fall on his accusers, 18 for which, Joseph
in little lakes; pulls him by the ear.
3 But the water instantly became BESIDES this, the son of Annas
clear and useful ag ain; he having the scribe, was standing there with
smote them only by his word, they Joseph, and took a bough of a wil -
readily obeyed him. low tree, and scattered the waters
4 T hen he took from the bank of which Jesus had g athered into lakes.
the stream some soft clay, and 2 But the boy Jesus seeing what he
for med out of it twelve spar rows; had done, became ang r y, and said to
and there were other boys playing him, T hou fool, what har m did the
with him. lake do thee, that thou shouldest
5 But a certain Jew seeing the things scatter the water?
which he was doing, namely, his 3 Behold, now thou shalt wither as a
for ming clay into the figures of tree, and shalt not bring forth either
spar rows on the Sabbath day, went leaves, or branches, or fr uit.
presently away, and told his father 4 And immediately he became
Joseph, and said, withered all over.
6 Behold, thy boy is playing by the 5 T hen Jesus went away home. But
river side, and has taken clay, and the parents of the boy who was
for med it into twelve spar rows, and withered, lamenting the misfortune


of his youth, took and car ried him ang r y, and said to him, Be easy;
to Joseph, accusing him, and said, 19 For if they seek for us, they shall
Why dost thou keep a son who is not find us: thou hast done ver y im -
guilty of such actions? pr udently.
6 T hen Jesus at the request of all 20 Dost thou not know that I am
who were present did heal him, leav - thine? Trouble me no more.
ing only some small member to con -
tinue withered, that they might take CHAPTER III.
war ning. 1 Astonishes his schoolmaster by his
7 Another time Jesus went forth lear ning .
into the street, and a boy r unning by, A CERTAIN schoolmaster named
r ushed upon his shoulder; Zaccheaus, standing in a certain
8 At which Jesus being ang r y, said place, heard Jesus speaking these
to him, T hou shalt g o no farther; things to his father.
9 And he instantly fell down dead: 2 And he was much surprised, that
10 Which when some persons saw, being a child he should speak such
they said, Where was this boy born, things; and after a few days he came
that ever y thing which he says to Joseph, and said,
presently cometh to pass? 3 T hou hast a wise and sensible
11 T hen the parents of the dead boy child, send him to me, that he may
g oing to Joseph, complained, saying, lear n to read.
You are not fit to live with us, in our 4 When he sat down to teach the
city, having such a boy as that: letters to Jesus, he beg an with the
12 Either teach him that he bless first letter Aleph;
and not curse, or else depart hence 5 But Jesus pronounced the second
with him, for he kills our children. letter Mpeth (Beth) Cghimel (Gimel),
13 T hen Joseph calling the boy Jesus and said over all the letters to him to
by himself, instr ucted him, saying, the end.
Why doest thou such things to injure 6 T hen opening a book, he taught
the people so, that they hate us and his master the prophets but he was
prosecute us? ashamed, and was at a loss to con -
14 But Jesus replied, I know that ceive how he came to know the let -
what thou sayest is not of thyself, ters.
but for thy sake I will say nothing; 7 And he arose and went home,
15 But they who have said these wonderfully surprised at so strang e a
things to thee, shall suffer everlast - thing.
ing punishment.
16 And immediately they who had CHAPTER IV.
accused him became blind, 1 Fragment of an adventur e at a dyer's.
17 And all they who saw it were ex- AS Jesus was passing by a certain
ceedingly afraid and confounded, shop, he saw a young man dipping
and said concerning him, Whatsoever (or dyeing) some cloths and stock -
he saith, whether g ood or bad, im - ings in a furnace, of a sad colour,
mediately cometh to pass and they doing them according to ever y per -
were amazed. son's particular order;
18 And when they saw this action of 2 T he boy Jesus g oing to the young
Christ, Joseph arose, and plucked man who was doing this, took also
him by the ear, at which the boy was some of the cloths ...... Her e endeth


the fragment of Thomas's Gospel of the Infanc y of Jesus Christ .


T he original in Greek, from which this translation is made, will be found
printed by Cotelerius, in his notes on the constitutions of the Apostles, from
a MS. in the French King's Librar y, No. 2279.—It is attributed to St. T homas,
and conjectured to have been originally connected with the, Gospel of Mar y.
Unfortunately this ancient MS. was found torn at the second verse of the
fourth chapter.

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