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Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 309 (2024) 123832

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Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
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Computationally assisted vibrational spectroscopy of nucleic acid bases.

2. Thymine
Sergey A. Katsyuba *, Timur I. Burganov
Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, FRC Kazan Scientific Centre of RAS, Arbuzov st. 8, 420088 Kazan, Russia


• A cluster model of a solute surrounded

by 30 water molecules allows repro­
ducing experimental Raman spectra of
aqueous thymine.
• B3LYP-D3/def2-TZVP or B3LYP-D3/
aug-cc-pVDZ computations are suffi­
cient for the above purpose.
• The strong effect of water on vibrational
spectra of thymine is mainly a result of
hydrogen bonding with 6 nearest water


Keywords: As in the case of cytosine [Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2023, 25, 24121–24128], Raman and infrared (IR) spectra of
Liquid aqueous thymine and its N-deuterated derivative, thymine-d2 have been computationally reproduced and
Clusters interpreted with the use of the recently developed efficient protocol to explicit quantum mechanical modeling of
Explicit solvation
structure and IR spectra of liquids and solutions [J. Phys. Chem. B, 2020, 124, 6664–6670]. A cluster model of a
Hydrogen bonding
solute surrounded by 30 water molecules is shown to be sufficient to reproduce experimental vibrational fre­
Infrared and Raman spectra quencies and relative Raman intensities with the use of B3LYP-D3/def2-TZVP or B3LYP-D3/aug-cc-pVDZ sim­
Deuteration ulations. Analogous PBE-D3 computations provided a less good, but still reasonably accurate, modeling of Raman
spectra. It is shown that strong changes of frequencies and relative intensities of the Raman bands of thymine,
caused by its hydration, can be interpreted mainly as a result of hydrogen bonding with 6 nearest water mol­
ecules. Non-negligible improvement of the quality of simulations for larger clusters comprising water molecules
that do not have direct contacts with the solute, suggests that spectroscopic effects of hydration should be
ascribed to the joined action of solute–solvent and solvent–solvent interactions. Nevertheless, the moderate
number of water molecules required for successful simulations of the Raman spectra of aqueous thymine, sug­
gests that the vibrational modes and derivatives of the polarizability of the solute are mainly locally influenced,
while the effect of bulk water is rather modest.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.A. Katsyuba).
Received 16 September 2023; Received in revised form 26 December 2023; Accepted 31 December 2023
Available online 4 January 2024
1386-1425/© 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.A. Katsyuba and T.I. Burganov Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 309 (2024) 123832

structurally flexible compounds,[13] has demonstrated an accuracy of

such IR spectra simulations and efficiency of their use for interpretation
of the corresponding experimental spectra. Recently we estimated
within the framework of our cluster model a limited number of the
liquid-state Raman scattering cross sections, σ, of trans- and gauche-
conformers of 1,2-dichloroethane.[14] This molecule is not able to
pronounced hydrogen bonding (HB) with the solvent. In contrast, HB
effects are quite strong for aqueous nucleobases. Nevertheless, the
application of the same solvation model allowed us to quite satisfactorily
describe the influence of water on both IR, and Raman spectra of cyto­
sine.[1] We have shown that strong changes of frequencies and relative
intensities of Raman and IR bands of cytosine, caused by its hydration,
cannot be completely assigned to influence of HB with 7 or 8 closest
water molecules. They are rather ascribed to the joined effect of sol­
ute–solvent and solvent–solvent HB with participation of at least 30
water molecules separating cytosine from the bulk water. In other
words, we demonstrated that the vibrational modes and the derivatives
of the polarizability and dipole moment of a solute are mainly locally
influenced by its first hydration shell, while the effect of bulk water is
rather modest.
Fig. 1. B3LYP-D3/def2-TZVP optimized structure and atom numbering In the present study we intend to test the generality of the above
of thymine. conclusions in another challenging case of vibrational spectra of
aqueous thymine. Thus, the purpose of our study is twofold: (i) to further
1. Introduction test our computational protocol of simulation of the IR and Raman
spectra of liquid-phase systems in general and, in particular, aqueous
In a first paper of this series [1] we have reported our results on solutions; (ii) obtain a better knowledge of the aqueous thymine struc­
computational modeling of vibrational infrared (IR) and Raman spectra ture and its HB pattern on the grounds of a complete QM-assisted
of a member of the family of nucleobases, cytosine, in aqueous solutions. interpretation of the experimental vibrational spectra.
In this paper we present our results on DNA base thymine (Fig. 1), which
represents a methyl substituted derivative of the structurally simplest 2. Computations
nucleobase, i.e. uracil. The structures and properties of nucleobases are
dependent on their interaction with surrounding water,[2,3,4] which 2.1. Clusters generation
also strongly affects their vibrational spectra. This makes the Raman and
IR spectra a valuable source of information on aqueous nucleobases and, Thymine and its N-deuterated species (thymine-d2) are investigated
at the same time, extremely complicates the spectra interpretation. To in two types of environments: the gas phase, and in aqueous solutions
alleviate this task, input is required from quantum chemical calculations (H2O for thymine and D2O for thymine-d2). The liquid states are
at computational levels that match the experimental resolution and approximated by a representative ensemble of molecular clusters. In
accuracy. However, in all known computational studies of the vibra­ these clusters, solvation shells around the solute are formed by inter­
tional spectra of aqueous thymine, only frequencies [5] and IR in­ action with explicit solvent molecules. Clusters are generated by the
tensities[6] were analyzed, though Raman spectra are more suitable Quantum Cluster Growth (QCG) algorithm [9] with the use of the corre­
probes of nucleobases in biologically relevant environment, since water sponding QCG program,[15] which, in short, adds solvent molecules
has broader windows of transparency in Raman spectra compared to IR around the solute at energetically favorable positions using an inter­
spectra. molecular force field docking algorithm (xTB-IFF).[16] The cluster
The most probable reason for this situation is that the computation of generation step is followed by MD simulations of 10 ps length with time
the intensities of vibrational bands is very problematic for the condensed steps of 2 fs at 298 K with the use of the recently developed general force
state. Implicit treatment of media effects, e.g. within the framework of field GFN-FF.[17] The equilibrated snapshots from the trajectory,
polarizable continuum models (PCM), usually fail with calculations of dumped in every 50 fs, are fully geometry optimized at the robust and
intensities of the vibrational bands for the condensed phase.[7,8] Ab fast semi-empirical GFN2-xTB [18] level, forming an ensemble of low-
initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations of Raman spectra are energy clusters. The cluster of lowest free energy (i.e., including ther­
directly applicable to condensed phase systems, but the considerable mostatistical corrections) is used as starting point for the calculation of
computational cost does not allow application of this protocol routinely. IR and Raman spectra in solution. The thermostatistical contributions to
Microsolvated solute structures embedded in a solvation continuum the free energy were obtained by single-point hessian calculations [19]
were used for simulation of IR spectra of aqueous thymine, [6] but the within the framework of the modified rigid-rotor-harmonic-oscillator
analogous simulation of the corresponding Raman spectra has not been statistical treatment (ΔGmRRHO) [20,21] at the GFN2-xTB/ALPB [22]
attempted. level.
Recently, we presented an efficient approach to an accurate, fully For a more accurate treatment of explicit solvent effects on the so­
quantum–mechanical (QM) modeling of IR spectra of condensed-phase lute, the GFN2-xTB generated clusters are re-optimized at higher DFT
systems.[8] An automated cluster generation algorithm [9] was level. This provides equilibrium geometries that are suitable for stan­
applied to construct an ensemble of explicitly solvated molecular clus­ dard harmonic vibrational frequency calculations.
ters that were re-optimized at a reasonable but efficient level of Density In previous studies [8,10–12] it has been suggested that vibrational
Functional Theory (DFT). The DFT simulated IR spectrum of the system modes and dipole moment derivatives are mainly influenced by their
often matches the corresponding condensed-phase IR experiment even immediate local surroundings, which also holds for strongly hydrogen
better, than the theoretical spectrum of the isolated molecule compared bonded systems. Successful modeling [1] of Raman spectra of cytosine
to the gas-phase IR spectrum. Application of the above protocol to mo­ and cytosine-d3 suggests that the same is true for derivatives of the
lecular [10,11] and ionic [12] liquids, and various solutions of polarizability of a solute. The inclusion of the first solvation shell is
deemed to be sufficient to simulate solution phase vibrational spectra

S.A. Katsyuba and T.I. Burganov Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 309 (2024) 123832

Fig. 2. Experimental IR spectra of aqueous solution of thymine [5] (top) and thymine isolated in Ar matrix [34] (bottom) in comparison with the spectrum (red)
computed with B3LYP-D3/aug-cc-pVDZ method for thymine cluster with 11 “heavy” water molecules (mH = mO = 400 aem, see subsection 2.2). In the domain
indicated by an asterisk, the peaks resulting from the subtraction of the water band are not reliable.

with similar accuracy as for individual molecules in vacuum. To find out The D3 London dispersion correction in the Becke-Johnson sampling
whether this applies to aqueous thymine, the cluster size was increased scheme (indicated by “-D3” appended to the functional name) [27,28]
from 4 to 39 solvent molecules. The number of solvating molecules in was used in all cases. B3LYP-D3 and PBE-D3 methods were combined
each cluster and Cartesian coordinates of all generated clusters can be with double-zeta basis set aug-cc-pVDZ [29] recommended for the
found in ESI. computation of Raman spectra,[30] and triple-zeta basis set def2-TZVP,
[31,32,33] providing good quality of vibrational spectra simulations for
various liquid-state systems.[1,11,14].
2.2. Vibrational spectra computation For the explicit treatment of solvent effects on the structure and
vibrational spectra of solvated molecules, the generated clusters were re-
All DFT calculations were carried out using the Turbomole-7.5.1 optimized at DFT level and harmonic vibrational frequencies and IR and
program package.[23] Both isolated molecules and the solute–solvent Raman intensities were calculated for the lowest-energy cluster. Initially
clusters used in the computation of vibrational spectra were optimized [8] we calculated the IR spectrum of any system, modeled within the
with two DFT methods: hybrid DFT functional B3LYP-D3 – one of the framework of our cluster approach, as a thermodynamic average of the
best performing DFT methods for the calculation of vibrational fre­ individual spectra computed for each complete cluster at the DFT level.
quencies, Raman activities and IR intensities of organic molecules; Nevertheless, further studies [1,10–14] have shown that the difference
[7,24,25] and less computationally demanding GGA functional PBE-D3 between the spectrum of the lowest-energy cluster and that averaged
[26] successfully used for simulation of Raman spectra of various solu­ from all clusters in the final ensemble is negligible, and hence the
tions of 1,2-dichloroethane [14] and IR spectra of aqueous cytosine. [1]

S.A. Katsyuba and T.I. Burganov Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 309 (2024) 123832

Fig. 3. Experimental IR spectra of solution of thymine-d2[5] in D2O (top) and thymine-d2 isolated in Ar matrix [35] (bottom) in comparison with the spectrum (red)
computed with B3LYP-D3/aug-cc-pVDZ method for thymine-d2 cluster with 11 “heavy” water molecules (mD = mO = 400 aem, see subsection 2.2). In the domain
indicated by an asterisk, the peaks resulting from the subtraction of the water band are not reliable.

averaging was avoided to minimize computational expenses. The same pVDZ and B3LYP-D3/aug-cc-pVDZ methods practically coincide with
turned out to be true for the present case, which is clearly seen in Fig. S1, each other and with experimental IR spectra of thymine [34] and
where the spectra simulated for the lowest-energy and the second lowest thymine-d2[35] monomers isolated in Ar matrix. The best agreement
energy clusters are compared. For comparison with the experiment the between experimental and computed frequencies of the strongest bands
computed frequencies and relative intensities were plotted with a Lor­ in the spectral region 600–1800 cm− 1 was achieved after global scaling
entzian broadening (fwhm = 10 cm− 1). To facilitate comparison of the of the B3LYP-D3/def2-TZVP theoretical frequencies by 0.981 for
simulated spectra with the corresponding experimental spectra obtained thymine and thymine-d2. The scaling factor of 0.985 was used for
after subtraction of the spectrum of water,[5] we separated the spectra B3LYP-D3/aug-cc-pVDZ computations. Moderate deviations of the fre­
of the solute molecule from the spectra of the surrounding water mol­ quencies computed with the use of B3LYP-D3 method from their
ecules. To achieve such separation, the atomic masses of all species in experimental counterparts do not exceed analogous deviations of the
the cluster, except for the solute, were increased to 400 amu, and thus experimental frequencies of gaseous thymine [36,37] from the fre­
their spectra were shifted to the low-frequency region. This strategy only quencies measured for thymine in Ar matrix.[34] Slightly worse
marginally affects the possible coupling between the vibrational modes agreement with the experiment for thymine-d2 was provided by PBE-
of solvent and solute molecules, and hence insignificantly changes D3/aug-cc-pVDZ simulations (Fig. S3), in which case the scaling factor
relative intensities of the solute vibrational bands.[1,8]. of 1.027 was used.
Similarly to the case of IR spectra simulations, Raman spectra of
3. Results and discussion isolated thymine (Fig. S4, ESI) simulated with the use of PBE-D3/aug-cc-
pVDZ and B3LYP-D3/aug-cc-pVDZ methods practically coincide with
3.1. IR and Raman spectra of isolated thymine and thymine-d2 each other and match experimental Raman spectrum of thymine
monomers isolated in Ar matrix [34] quite well. In contrast, B3LYP-D3/
IR spectra of isolated thymine (Fig. S2, ESI) and thymine-d2 (Fig. S3, def2-TZVP calculations (Fig. S4) predict wrong relative intensities for
ESI) simulated with the use of B3LYP-D3/def2-TZVP, PBE-D3/aug-cc- two strongest bands in the spectral region of 1600–1800 cm− 1, which

S.A. Katsyuba and T.I. Burganov Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 309 (2024) 123832

Fig. 4. Experimental Raman spectra of aqueous solution of thymine[5] (top) and thymine isolated in Ar matrix[34] (bottom) and the corresponding simulated
spectrum (red) of thymine cluster with 30 “heavy” water molecules (mH = mO = 400 aem, see subsection 2.2) calculated with B3LYP-D3/def2-TZVP method.

suggests that the choice of basis set is more critical for simulation of thymine, but simply choose the clusters, allowing to obtain spectra best
Raman spectra of isolated thymine than the choice of DFT functional. matching their experimental counterparts. In the case of IR spectra, the
best simulation quality was obtained for clusters containing 11 water
3.2. IR and Raman spectra of aqueous thymine and thymine-d2 molecules (Figs. 2 and 3). Since a correct comparison with experiment is
hampered by the unreliable subtraction of the strong water bands in the
In the cluster simulations of the spectra of aqueous thymine and experimental IR spectra,[5] we can only state that the simulations
thymine-d2, the scaling factors optimized in the course of modeling of reasonably well reproduce the differences in the positions of the stron­
the spectra of isolated thymine species (vide supra) were used without gest experimental IR bands in the spectra of isolated [34,35] and
any changes. Variation of the number of water molecules (n) in cluster aqueous [5] thymine.
models of solvated thymine produces rather essential changes in the As water is quite transparent solvent for Raman spectroscopy, and
computed spectra for n = 4, 5 and 6, while the effect of further increase the experimental Raman spectra of aqueous thymine [5] show many
of n is comparatively moderate (Figs. S5 – S7, ESI). It should be noted more peaks than the IR spectra, it was essential to test our cluster
that in all previous applications of our cluster approach,[1,8,10–14] the approach on the Raman spectra simulations. The simulated Raman
number of explicit solvent molecules was steadily increased until the spectra demonstrated rather moderate dependence on the choice of
solute surface was completely covered by the solvent, and this stage was basis set, DFT functional, and the size of the cluster for n > 5 (Figs. S6 -
regarded as the formation of the first solvation shell. In the case of S13, ESI). Nevertheless, similarly to simulation of Raman vibrational
thymine, its molecule remains only partially covered by water molecules characteristics of aqueous cytosine and cytosine-d3,[1] the best
even in clusters with n = 39: namely, the hydrophobic methyl group of computed spectra of aqueous thymine and thymine-d2 were obtained
thymine is not completely shielded from the outside space. Similarly, in with the use of B3LYP-D3 functional for clusters containing 30 water
the AIMD simulation [3] of aqueous thymine, the methyl group of the molecules (Figs. 4 and 5). In contrast to the case of isolated thymine, the
solute did not form active short contacts with the solvent, despite the spectra of the above clusters computed with the use of B3LYP-D3/def2-
inclusion of 54 water molecules in the model. TZVP or B3LYP-D3/aug-cc-pVDZ levels of theory were practically equal
In such a situation, we prefer not to define the first hydration shell of in quality. PBE-D3 simulations produced spectra of slightly worse, but

S.A. Katsyuba and T.I. Burganov Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 309 (2024) 123832

Fig. 5. Experimental Raman spectrum (black) of solution of thymine-d2[5] in D2O and the corresponding simulated spectrum (red) of thymine-d2 cluster with 30
“heavy” water molecules (mD = mO = 400 aem, see subsection 2.2) calculated with B3LYP-D3/def2-TZVP method.

still acceptable quality (Figs. S12, S13, ESI). aqueous solution of thymine and model clusters thymine:11H2O (shown
Thus, the technical outcome of our study is that successful simulation in Figs. 6 and 7) or thymine:30H2O. Part of the latter cluster is shown in
of Raman spectra of aqueous thymine is possible with the use of B3LYP- Fig. 8 (A), where all water molecules, except those participating in im­
D3 or PBE-D3 levels of DFT in combination with def2-TZVP or aug-cc- mediate HB with thymine, are omitted for clarity. Fig. 8 (B) also dem­
pVDZ basis sets, if 30 water molecules are explicitly modeled, onstrates the thymine:6H2O structure, representing the minimal-size
although even the inclusion of only 6 water molecules in the hydration cluster allowing to simulate the spectra of aqueous thymine with
shell of the solute allows to obtain spectra of acceptable quality (Figs. S6, reasonable accuracy (Figs. S6 and S7).
S7, ESI). The following feature is common for all three structures: each of the
Simultaneous good match of experimental liquid-state frequencies N–H groups of thymine is H-bonded to only one water molecule. This is
and Raman intensities with the corresponding parameters computed fully consistent with the data obtained by AIMD computations, where
with the use of our protocol for both thymine in H2O and thymine-d2 in aqueous thymine was modeled using periodic boundary conditions for
D2O, strongly suggests good quality of the calculated force constants cubic box containing one thymine molecule and 54 water molecules.
and, hence, of the normal modes of aqueous thymine and deuterated [3,4] As shown in Figs. 6, 7 and 8 (B), C = O groups of thymine form
thymine. Figs. 6 and 7 show the pictures of the harmonic normal modes from one to two H-bonds with water in small clusters comprising 11 and
corresponding to the strongest Raman bands of hydrated thymine and 6 water molecules, respectively. The same result was obtained by Dan­
thymine-d2, respectively, computed for clusters including 11 water ilov et al.[38] for the B3LYP/6–31 + G(d) optimized cluster thymi­
molecules using the B3LYP-D3/aug-cc-pVDZ method. ne:11H2O. According to AIMD data,[3,4] an average number of H-bonds
per carbonyl group is about 2, although for certain period of time oxygen
atom of carbonyl group forms three H-bonds in 3D arrangement, similar
3.3. The structure of thymine and its hydration shell in aqueous solution to one shown in Fig. 8 (A). This latter fragment comprises 8 water
molecules H-bonded to thymine. A coordination number of thymine in
Good match of the simulated and experimental spectra suggests a bulk water environment, averaged along AIMD trajectory,[3,4] amounts
close structural correspondence of the hydration shell of the actual

S.A. Katsyuba and T.I. Burganov Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 309 (2024) 123832

Fig. 6. The harmonic normal modes corresponding to the strongest Raman bands shown in Fig. 4 and assigned to in-plane vibrations of aqueous thymine. Hydrogen
bonds are shown with dotted lines.

to 6.42 water molecules. This probably explains why the spectra simu­ subtraction of the water IR bands in the experimental spectra of aqueous
lated for clusters, comprising less than 6 water molecules, strongly solutions [5] does not allow reliable assessment of quality of our liquid-
deviate from their experimental counterparts (vide supra), whilst simu­ state IR spectra simulations, but to reproduce the Raman spectra of
lations for clusters with n ≥ 6 reasonably well match experimental aqueous thymine and thymine-d2 it was sufficient to take into account a
spectra of aqueous thymine and thymine-d2. limited number of explicit water molecules. Namely, even inclusion of 6
Interaction with surrounding water molecules changes the structure water molecules in the model hydration shell of thymine allows to
of thymine itself compared to isolated thymine: e.g., the C = O bonds reproduce experimental Raman spectra for this strongly H-bonded spe­
lengthen, while C-N bonds shorten (see Table S1, ESI, for details). It cies fairly well. Further improvement of the simulated spectra of
should be noted that changes of bond lengths of thymine upon hydration aqueous thymine, and especially thymine-d2, was achieved for clusters
presented in Table S1 for cluster thymine:6H2O are closer to the changes including 30 molecules of water. Successful computations of not only
reported for the AIMD [3,4] results, than the corresponding changes the positions of the experimental Raman bands, but also their relative
calculated for cluster thymine:30H2O. This suggests that the structural intensities for both thymine and N-deuterated aqueous species, means
changes of aqueous thymine relative to the isolated molecule are caused that we were able to correctly model not only the potential energy
mainly by a small number (n ≈ 6) of water molecules immediately H- surface, but also the derivatives of the polarizability of these systems.
bonded to thymine. At the same time, the quality of simulated spectra This is in parallel with the outcome of our very recent studies of aqueous
improves if n is increased to 30. Thus, the Raman spectra of the solute cytosine, [1] and suggests that the vibrational modes and derivatives of
represent a more sensitive probe of the hydration shell than the structure the polarizability of a solute are mainly locally influenced by its im­
of the solute. mediate environment, while the effect of bulk water is rather modest.
The same was shown earlier for the dipole moment derivatives of
4. Conclusions various solutes in a broad set of solvents.[8,10–14] This knowledge not
only improves our understanding of solute–solvent interactions, but also
In this work, the explicit modeling has been used to evaluate the allows minimization of the computational costs of QM simulations of the
structure of aqueous thymine, and vibrational frequencies and relative liquid-state vibrational spectra. The successful use for this purpose of
IR and Raman intensities of bands in its spectra. Difficulties with the moderate-size basis sets def2-TZVP and aug-cc-pVDZ, both for thymine

S.A. Katsyuba and T.I. Burganov Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 309 (2024) 123832

Fig. 7. The harmonic normal modes corresponding to the strongest Raman bands shown in Fig. 5 and assigned to in-plane vibrations of aqueous thymine-d2.
Hydrogen bonds are shown with dotted lines.

and cytosine, gives hope for affordable cluster computations of close structural correspondence of both the solute and its hydration shell
condensed-state Raman spectra of other systems, in particular, aqueous of the actual aqueous solution of thymine and our model clusters. The
nucleobases. geometry of the central part of these clusters, “thymine + water mole­
Good quality of the Raman spectroscopic characteristics of the hy­ cules directly H-bonded to thymine”, practically coincides with
drated thymine, represented within the framework of our approach by dynamically averaged structure of larger model of aqueous thymine
clusters thymine:nH2O with n ≥ 6, especially with n = 30, suggests a revealed during the course of AIMD simulations. [3,4] The good

S.A. Katsyuba and T.I. Burganov Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 309 (2024) 123832

Fig. 8. B3LYP/def2-TZVP optimized clusters thymine:30H2O (A) and thymine:6H2O (B); only water molecules forming H-bonds with thymine are shown in (A). H-
bonds are shown with dotted lines.

agreement between the spectroscopic fingerprint of the model structure Appendix A. Supplementary data
and the real liquid-state vibrational spectra can be considered as proof of
the correctness of the structural outcomes of both approaches. The same Cartesian coordinates of various quantum chemically optimized
good agreement between our cluster and AIMD models, demonstrated clusters explicitly modeling hydrated thymine, the IR and Raman
earlier for aqueous cytosine, [1] suggests that our comparatively simple spectra of various clusters simulated with various DFT functionals and
approach [9] is able to capture the main structural, spectroscopic and basis sets are given. This material is available free of charge via the
HB features of aqueous nucleobases. Its application to studies of other Internet. Supplementary data to this article can be found online at htt
representatives of these species is planned for the near future. ps://

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