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« Desde 1891 formando Buenos Cristianos y honestos ciudadanos »

Año educativo pastoral 2020
English Department

Unit 2: Countries, cultures and customs.

Name: ____________________________ Class:8th __ Date: ____________________


Lea bien y cumpla las siguientes instrucciones:

1) Debe responder las actividades en este mismo archivo word.

2) Debe anotar las respuestas en el cuadro que se encuentra al final del documento, escribiendo la
alternativa correcta en la casilla correspondiente
3) El archivo debe guardarlo con el siguiente formato APELLIDO NOMBRE CURSO Y MODALIDAD:
4) Debe enviar el archivo vía correo electrónico a su profesor correspondiente con fecha tope el día 18 de
Mayo. (lista de correos adjunto al final de las instrucciones).
5) En el asunto del correo, debe seguir el mismo formato APELLIDO NOMBRE CURSO Y MODALIDAD:
6) No se aceptarán trabajos en formato PDF, fotos o a mano.
7) No se revisarán trabajos que no cumplan con el formato.
8) La guía debe ser enviada a más tardar el día 18 de mayo hasta las 17:00 horas.

Correos profesores de inglés:

Luis Iturriaga

Monica Ayacura

Claudia Peña

Javiera Luque

Tania Gómez


Centro Educativo Salesianos Alameda
I Read through the text below, answer the questions that follow. (Lea el texto de abajo,
responda las preguntas que siguen) T (true) or F (false). 1 point for each correct answer.
Debes usar diccionario y buscar cada palabra que no entiendas.

Category: Technology & science

Questions: 10
Bully for you
The makers of a controversial computer game about bullying have decided to go ahead and
launch it despite calls for it to be banned. In the game, players take on the role of a new
students at a school and have to fight the bullies, by punching them or hitting them with a
baseball bat.

Critics have said that the game encourages violence, but the makers deny this and say that,
while there is violence in the game, it is just an amusing look at school life, besides which, the
violence in the game is directed against the bullies to protect pupils who are being bullied. The
makers also say that players will learn to stand up to bullies.

A British politician, a former minister, has called for it to be banned as it might affect the way
young people perceive violence.

Anti-bullying charities have said that the game might make people respond violently to bullies,
which might make things more complicated and result in injuries.

Comprehension Questions

Q1 - ___ The makers of the computer game decided not to release it.

Q2 - ___ In the game, the player takes on the role of a bully.

Q3 - ___ The game is set in a university.

Q4 - ___ Everyone agrees that the game encourages violence.

Q5 - ___ A British politician has spoken in favour of the game.

Q6 - ___ The politician used to be a minister.


Centro Educativo Salesianos Alameda
Q7 - ___ The politician thinks it might make young people look at violence

Q8 - ___ The anti-bullying charity thinks the game is good because it might make
pupils stand up to bullies.

Q9 - ___ The anti-bullying charity thinks that people might get hurt because of this

Q10 - ___ The makers of the game have changed the contents before releasing it in
the UK.

II Comparatives and Superlatives. Choose the correct alternative. 1 point for each correct

1. Alex is ______________ than Paul.

A tallest B more tall C taller D most tallest

2. My mother is ____________ than my father.

A more old B oldest C most old D older

3. What is ____________ movie you have ever seen? you have ever seen: que hayas visto

A the funniest B the funnier C more funnier D the more funny

4. That movie was bad, but it wasn't ____ I have ever seen. was:fue

A the baddest B the worst C the badder D the worsest

5. Yesterday’s exam was __________ than the one last month.

A more difficulter B more difficult C most difficult D difficulter

6. A plane is ___________ than a car.

A faster B fastest C most fast D more fast

7. Miss Universe is ___________ woman in the world.

A the more beautiful B the beautifulest C the most beautiful D the beautifuler

8. Your school is ___________ than mine.

A better B more good C most good D best

9. English is one of ______________ languages to learn.

A the easyer B the most easy C the easiest D the more easy

10. A Mercedes is ____________ than a Fiat.

A expensiver B most expensive C expensivest D more expensive


Centro Educativo Salesianos Alameda
III First conditional. Choose the correct alternative. 1 point for each correct answer.

1. If you _________ greasy food, you will become fat.

A eat B will eat C will eats D eating

2. If your sister goes to Paris, she _________ a good time.

A has B will have C will has D have

3. If he _________ that, he will be sorry.

A do B will does C will do D does

4. If I leave now, I ________ in New York by 8:00 PM.

A arrive B am arrive C will arrive D will arriving

5. You ________ well on your test if you don't study.

A will do B does C won’t do D aren’t do will not=won’t

6. They won't know the truth if you ________ them.

A don’t tell B tell C will tell D won’t tell

7. If I bake a cake, ________ have some?

A are you B will you C do you B won’t do you

8. If he ________ you, will you answer the phone?

A call B is calls C will calls D calls

9. If you don't go to the party, I ________ very upset.

A am B will am C will be D be

10. If you get a haircut, you ________ much better.

A will look B look C looking D looks


Item I

1 __ 2__ 3 __ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 __ 10 __

Item II

1 __ 2__ 3 __ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 __ 10 __

Item III

1 __ 2__ 3 __ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 __ 10 __

Total points: 30.


Centro Educativo Salesianos Alameda

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