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ADJECTIVE (Adj): 3 trường hợp
1. Be + Adj
E.g.: She is beautiful.
The food I had at the party was delicious.
LƯU Ý: She is beautiful dancing. (is ở đây chỉ là trợ động từ cho thì hiện tại tiếp diễn “be
+ Ving”, như vậy là trường hợp của V, không phải Be -> She is beautifully dancing. = She is
dancing beautifully.)

2. A/an/the/many… + Adj + N
E.g.: She is a beautiful small-town girl.
The Korean street food I had at the party was delicious.

3. Copula/ Linking Verbs + Adj:

- Động từ quan điểm: seem, appear.
E.g.: Your plan seems realistic.
He appears older than he really is.
- Động từ cảm giác: look, feel, taste, smell, sound
E.g.: The blue dress looks better.
This fabric feels lovely.
I didn’t enjoy the food. It tasted horrible.
These flowers smell beautiful.
That sound system sounds expensive.
- Động từ thay đổi trạng thái: become, get, go, turn
E.g.: She became very angry when she saw what they had done.
As night fell, the air grew cold.
The sun got hotter and hotter.
His face went white with shock when he heard the news.
As I get older, my hair is starting to turn grey.
NOTE1: Một động từ vừa có thể là Copula Verb, vừa có thể là Action Verb thường dựa vào lịch
E.g.: She looked angry (adjective) = she had an angry expression
# She looked angrily (adverb) at her husband.

NOTE2: NGOÀI RA, có một số công thức đi với ADJ:

MAKE OBJECT + ADJ (làm cho … như thế nào). E.g.: make me happy, make it fun
KEEP OBJECT + ADJ (giữ cho … như thế nào). E.g.: keep myself busy, keep it cool

ADVERB (Adv): 5 trường hợp

1. Action Verb + Adv
E.g.: He spoke loudly.
She slowly finished her lunch.
He had quickly eaten the pizza before I noticed.
2. Adv + Adj
E.g.: It was an extremely bad match.
Ms. Lan Anh TOEIC

It’s a reasonably cheap restaurant, and the food was extremely good.
3. Adv + Adv
E.g.: He did his homework extremely badly.
My favorite team played incredibly well last Thursday.
Các trạng từ chỉ mức độ thường gặp: very, fully, extremely, entirely, completely, thoroughly,
deeply, too, considerably, significantly, substantially, rather, quite, pretty, just, slightly,…

4. Adv, S + V
E.g.: Unfortunately, they miss the bus at last minute.
They failed the test, apparently.
This must, frankly, be the craziest idea anyone has ever had.
5. Các trường hợp khác: Cụm danh từ, cụm giới từ, đại từ, từ hạn định
o Bổ nghĩa cho danh từ: Even camels need to drink.
o Bổ nghĩa cho cụm danh từ: I bought only the fruit.
o Bổ nghĩa cho đại từ: You can't blame anyone else; you alone made the decision
o Bổ nghĩa cho từ hạn định: He lost almost all his money.
o Bổ nghĩa cho cụm giới từ: It's always cold here, even in the summer.
CÁCH THÊM TRẠNG TỪ TỪ TÍNH TỪ: Thêm đuôi ‘ly’ vào sau tính từ đó
E.g.: dangerous → dangerously
careless → carelessly
terrible → terribly
basic → basically
BUT: good → well
early → early
fast → fast
NOTE: Trường hợp tính từ có nhiều hơn một trạng từ
1. hard (Adj) → hard (Adv)
hardly (Adv): hầu như không
2. high (Adj) → high (Adv)
highly = deeply (Adv): cao, nhiều
3. late (Adj) → late (Adv)
lately (Adv): gần đây
NOTE: Trường hợp tính từ, danh từ, động từ cũng có đuôi ly (và không phải trạng từ nào
cũng phải có ly)
E.g.: friendly, silly, lonely, ugly, melancholy, apply, reply…
NOTE: Trạng từ chỉ tần suất (Frequency Adverbs): Chỉ tần suất lặp lại (TRƯỚC V
thường, SAU V to be)
E.g.: She is sometimes boring.
I normally play tennis on the weekends.
I usually wake up at 8 a.m., occasionally have lunch at 12 a.m. and seldom take a nap
after that.
NOUN (N) & COMPOUND NOUN: 5 trường hợp
1. N (Subject) + V(any) + N (Object)
E.g.: A man raises his hands.
Ms. Lan Anh TOEIC

2. A/ an/ the/ X + N
There is a flower pot in the garden.
3. Adj (sở hữu) + N
E.g.: This is my school.
4. This/ that/ these/ those/ each/ both/ several/ some/ any/ a few/ a little/… + N
E.g.: It is important to have some rules in the class.
5. Prepositions + N (giới từ)
E.g.: I can reach from the ground to the sky.
From me with love.
DANH TỪ GHÉP: N1 + N2(base) (N2 là Danh từ chính, được thêm s/es)
E.g.: tennis shoe, six-pack, bedroom, washing machine, weight-lifting, waiting room, city
street, income tax, entry fee, Sales Department, coffee cup …
a tennis shoe three tennis shoes
a passer-by two passers-by
apple tree 5 apple trees (NOT 5 apples trees)
20 boxes for tools 20 tool boxes
10 stops for buses 10 bus stops
Exercise 1: Chọn loại động từ đúng
1. July is smelling the soup her mother has just made.
A. action verb B. linking verb
2. My mother appeared exhausted after a hard day working on the rice field.
A. action verb B. linking verb
3. Janes looks more beautiful when cutting her long hair.
A. action verb B. linking verb
4. Mary’s grandfather is looking for his wallet.
A. action verb B. linking verb
5. The weather is becoming hotter and hotter.
A. action verb B. linking verb
6. If you want to stay fit, you need to have a healthy diet.
A. action verb B. linking verb
7. My plan is to stay in Ha Long Bay in 2 weeks.
A. action verb B. linking verb
8. When you grow old, you need to have a stable career.
A. action verb B. linking verb
9. I have been learning Japanese since 2017.
A. action verb B. linking verb
10. She is tasting the food her mother cooked for her.
A. action verb B. linking verb
11. Asian food normally tastes diversely than Western one.
A. action verb B. linking verb
12. Eating too many candies makes me ill.
A. action verb B. linking verb
Ms. Lan Anh TOEIC

Exercise 2: Chọn tính từ ADJ hay trạng từ ADV

Example: He ……quickly…….reads a book. (quick)
1. Mandy is a …………. girl. (pretty)
2. The class is …………. loud today. (terrible)
3. Max is a …………. singer. (good)
4. You can …………. open this tin. (easy)
5. It’s a …………. day today. (terrible)
6. She sings the song very ………….. (good)
7. He is a …………. driver. (careful)
8. He drives the car ………….. (careful)
9. The dog barks …………. . (loud)
10. The students ran ………… on the road. (fast)
Exercise 3: Chọn từ phù hợp.
1. Two people were ………………. injured in the accident. (serious/ seriously)
2. The driver of the car had ………………. injuries. (serious/ seriously)
3. I think you behaved very ………………..(selfish/ selfishly)
4. Rose is ………………. upset about losing her job. (terrible/ terribly)
5. There was a ………………. change in the weather. (sudden/ suddenly)
6. Everybody at the party was ………………. dressed. (colourful/ colourfully)
7. Linda likes wearing ………………. clothes. (colourful/ colourfully)
8. Liz fell and hurt herself quite ……………….. (bad/ badly)
9. Joe says he didn't do well at school because he was ………………. taught. (bad/ badly)
10. Don't go up that ladder. It doesn't look ……………….. (safe/ safely)
Exercise 4: Choose A, B, C or D
1. I wouldn’t have missed my flight if the bus had arrived_________.
A. more lately
B. later
C. earlier
D. early
2. Although this tea tastes not bad, I don’t like it _________.
A. so
B. many
C. well
D. much
3. I think your presentation is ________ good.
A. nice
B. pretty
C. quiet
D. beautiful
4. He ran so ________ that no one could catch up him.
A. fast
B. fastly
C. slow
D. slowly
5. We recommend that you ________ purchase your home.
A. quickly
Ms. Lan Anh TOEIC

B. quick
C. quicken
D. quickness
6. Our production team ________ inspects the quality of our products.
A. through
B. thoroughness
C. thoroughly
D. thorough
7. The population team ________ inspects the quality of our products.
A. slight
B. slightly
C. slightness
D. slighted
8. The hotel is _________ located within easy walking distance of the beach.
A. perfect
B. perfectly
C. perfected
D. perfecting
9. Small-business owners _______ use local newspaper advertisements.
A. frequent
B. frequency
C. frequentness
D. frequently
10. Most interviewers ________ examine applicant’s educational backgrounds.
A. closely
B. closer
C. close
D. closest
11. Replacing the old building with a new one was a _________ impossible task.
A. near
B. nearby
C. nearly
D. nearing
12. The insurance company does not seem to be ________ sound.
A. finance
B. finances
C. financial
D. financially
13. Dress ________ when you go to the interview.
A. nice
B. nicely
C. tidy
D. good
14. She is lying ________ in the new bed.
A. comfortablely
B. comfortably
Ms. Lan Anh TOEIC

C. comfortable
D. in a comfortable way
15. You have to pay the phone bill _________.
A. monthly
B. monthlily
C. month
D. in a monthly
16. The cost of petroleum is increasing ________.
A. dramatically
B. dramatic
C. dramaticly
D. dramatical
17. Sue works ________. She never seems to stop.
A. continuously
B. continuous
C. continue
D. continual
18. My brother often goes to bed ________.
A. earlily
B. early
C. earlier
D. in a early way
19. _______, most adults can identify only about five out of a set of 21 colours that are only
_______ different.
A. Similarly/slightly
B. Similar/slightless
C. Similar/slight
D. Similarly/slighting
20. The________ decorated purse that David knitted is ________ fraying around the edges.
A. carefully/quickly
B. carefully/quick
C. carefully/quickly
D. careful/quick
Exercise 5: Chọn từ phù hợp để điền vào chỗ trống
1. John held the plate ___________ . (careful / carefully)
2. Julia is a ___________ person. (careful / carefully)
3. I ran ___________ to the station. (quick / quickly)
4. The journey was ___________ . (quick / quickly)
5. You look ___________ . Didn't you sleep well? (tired / tiredly)
6. The baby rubbed her eyes ___________ . (tired / tiredly)
7. She sang ___________ . (happy / happily)
8. You sound ___________ . (happy / happily)
9. I speak English ___________ . (well / good)
10. Her English is ___________ . (well / good)
11. She cooks ___________ . (terrible / terribly)
12. He seems to be a ___________ cook. (terrible / terribly)
Ms. Lan Anh TOEIC

13. The music was ___________ . (beautiful / beautifully)

14. She plays the piano ___________ . (beautiful / beautifully)
15. That was a ___________ answer. (clever / cleverly)
16. She answered ___________ . (clever / cleverly)
Exercise 6: Chia dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc
1. Mina thinks she’d call it a ___________ image. (beauty)
2. My sister wore a ___________ shirt yesterday. (sleeve)
3. Her brother met a ___________ person in Canada. (home)
4. Jacky is the most ____________ boy im my class. (handsomeness)
5. It was so __________ in my daungter’s room. (disgust)
6. They had a __________ trip on holiday last week. (excite)
7. The waves are way too ________. (loft)
8. She is a ___________ little girl. (humor)
9. This film is so _________. (bore)
10. Binh is a _________ opponent to me. (danger)
11. Cuc is a __________ girl. (care)
12. His house seems quite _________ today. (tidily)
Exercise 7: Chọn đáp án trắc nghiệm với từ loại đúng (DANH ĐỘNG TÍNH TRẠNG):
1. John cannot make a _______ to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house
and a car.
a. decide
b. decision
c. decisive
d. decisively
2. She often drives very ________ so she rarely causes accident.
a. carefully
b. careful
c. caring
d. careless
3. All Sue’s friends and __________ came to her party.
a. relations
b. relatives
c. relationship
d. related
4. My father studies about life and structure of plants and animals. He is a ……….
a. biology
b. biologist
c. biological
d. biologically
5. She takes the …….. for running the household.
a. responsibility
b. responsible
c. responsibly
d. responsiveness.
6. We are a very close-nit family and very ….. of one another.
a. supporting
Ms. Lan Anh TOEIC

b. supportive
c. support
d. supporter
7. You are old enough to take _______ for what you have done.
a. responsible
b. responsibility
c. responsibly
d. irresponsible
8. He has been very interested in doing research on _______ since he was at high school.
a. biology
b. biological
c. biologist
d. biologically
9. Although they are twins, they have almost the same appearance but they are seldom in __.
a. agree
b. agreeable
c. agreement
d. agreeably
10. The more _______ and positive you look, the better you will feel.
a. confide
b. confident
c. confidently
d. confidence
11. My parents will have celebrated 30 years of _______ by next week.
a. marry
b. married
c. marriageable
d. marriage
12. London is home to people of many _______ cultures.
a. diverse
b. diversity
c. diversify
d. diversification
13. Some people are concerned with physical ______ when choosing a wife or husband.
a. attractive
b. attraction
c. attractiveness
d. attractively
14. Mrs. Pike was so angry that she made a _______ gesture at the driver.
a. rude
b. rudeness
c. rudely
d. rudest
15. She sent me a _______ letter thanking me for my invitation.
a. polite
b. politely
Ms. Lan Anh TOEIC

c. politeness
d. impoliteness
16. He is unhappy because of his --------------.
a. deaf
b. deafen
c. deafness
d. deafened
17. His country has -------------- climate.
a. continent
b. continental
c. continence
d. continentally
18. She has a -------------- for pink.
a. prefer
b. preferential
c. preferentially
d. preference
19. Computers are -------------- used in schools and universities.
a. widely
b. wide
c. widen
d. width
20. I sometimes do not feel -------------- when I am at a party.
a. comfort
b. comfortable
c. comforted
d. comfortably
21. English is the language of --------------.
a. communicative
b. communication
c. communicate
d. communicatively
22. I have to do this job because I have no --------------.
a. choose
b. choice
c. choosing
d. Chosen
23. English is used by pilots to ask for landing -------------- in Cairo.
a. instruct
b. instructors
c. instructions
d. instructive
24. He did some odd jobs at home --------------.
a. disappointment
b. disappoint
c. disappointed
Ms. Lan Anh TOEIC

d. disappointedly
25. Don’t be afraid. This snake is --------------.
a. harm
b. harmful
c. harmless
d. unharmed
26. During his --------------, his family lived in the United State.
a. child
b. childhood
c. childish
d. childlike
27. Jack London wrote several -------------- novels on adventure.
a. interest
b. interestedly
c. interesting
d. interested
28. He failed the final exam because he didn’t make any -------------- for it.
a. prepare
b. preparation
c. preparing
d. Prepared
29. The custom was said to be a matter of --------------.
a. convenient
b. convenience
c. conveniently
d. convene
30. She is -------------- in her book.
a. absorbed
b. absorbent
c. absorptive
d. Absorb
31. As she is so -------------- with her present job, she has decided to leave.
a. satisfy
b. satisfied
c. satisfying
d. unsatisfied
Exercise 8: Chọn câu trắc nghiệm đúng:
1. Lonan Imports will work ------- with any 21. In addition to fine dining, the elegant
distributor to fulfill a customer request. Ipswich Inn provides every amenity -------
(A) directly for small or large business meetings.
(B) directs (A) necessity
(C) directed (B) necessitate
(D) directness (C) necessary
2. Products made by Izmir Vitamins are (D) necessarily
designed to promote ------- and well-being. 22. ------- of homegrown and organic fruits
(A) health and vegetables, as well as handmade crafts
Ms. Lan Anh TOEIC

(B) healthy and jewelry, are available for purchase at

(C) healthful the Springdale community market.
(D) healthfully (A) Varies
3. Jane Turngate was elected chairperson of (B) Variant
the board of directors at Stellman (C) Varieties
Corporation by a ------- margin. (D) Various
(A) narrow 23. Parking is prohibited in areas marked
(B) narrows for emergency use,' and drivers who park
(C) narrowly their vehicles in these zones are ------- to
(D) narrowness substantial fines.
4. Grove Canoes' prices may ------- vary (A) subject
depending on changes in the cost of raw (B) subjecting
materials. (C) subjection
(A) occasion (D) subjections
(B) occasions 24. After Massey Corporation acquired
(C) occasional Brawley Ltd, the ------- of its stock rose
(D) occasionally twenty percent.
5. Gyeong Designs recently changed its (A) valuable
marketing strategy to target hotel and (B) valuate
restaurant -------. (C) valued
(A) to own (D) value
(B) owned 25. Improvements in the manufacturing
(C) owners process resulted in greater ------- in the
(D) own production of wood furniture.
6. A 20 percent increase in revenue makes (A) consistency
this the ------- year yet for the Sorvine Hotel (B) consisting
Group. (C) consistently
(A) more profitable (D) consistent
(B) most profitable 26. In March, the Grand Symphony
(C) profiting Orchestra will present an ------ opera by
(D) profitably talented newcomer Maria Cruz.
7. At Hemdom Beds, our goal is to design (A) excite
------- furniture while maintaining comfort (B) excites ·
and function. (C) excited
(A) innovatively (D) exciting
(B) innovations 27. Mark Jarvela, a junior employee,
(C) innovates proposed an innovative project that has been
(D) innovative funded by one of the organization's
8. The well-known legal firm of Peterson, biggest-------.
Wong, and Lundgren, Inc., is ------- referred (A) sponsor
to as PWL. (B) sponsors
(A) common (C) sponsored
(B) commonness (D) sponsoring
(C) commonly 28. Dr. Sato has indicated that there may
(D) commonality soon be an ------- for an apprentice
9. Based on the------- number of advance technician in the chemical -production
Ms. Lan Anh TOEIC

ticket sales, we expect to see record laboratory.

attendance levels at this year's festival in (A) open
Donegal. (B) opened
(A) overwhelm (C) openly
(B) overwhelms (D) opening
(C) overwhelming 29. Although Dr. Obetz is qualified in
(D) overwhelmingly several areas, nutritional health is one of
10. Tallis Engineering is awaiting ------- that her-------.
its new water tank designs meet legal (A) specials
specifications. (B) specializes
(A) verify (C) specialties
(8) verifies (D) specialists
(C) verified 30. The analyst's commentary in the
(D) verification progress report was sharply ------- of the
11. The clothing shop is ------- because it leadership team
sells quality uniforms at competitive prices. (A) critical
(A) successful (B) critic
(B) success (C) critically
(C) succeed (D) criticism
(D) successfully 31. Mr. Schweizer has worked under
13. If the person you are trying to reach my------- as an editorial assistant for the past
does not answer the telephone, please dial five years.
"O" to speak to the -------. (A) supervise
(A) operator (B) supervises
(B) operating (C) supervised ·
(C) operate (D) supervision
(D) operation 32. Unlike traditional book publishers, P-
14. An outside auditor will visit the factory Gram Books focuses ------- on producing
next week to determine whether or not ------ audio books that can be downloaded from
air-quality standards are being observed. the Internet.
(A) accept (A) exclusively
(8) accepting (B) exclusive
(C) acceptance (C) exclusives
(D) acceptable (D) exclusivity
15. In Mr. Brothet's performance review, the 33. Recent sales figures contrast ------- with
department supervisor wrote that he worked those prior to the launch of Lido Foods'
extremely ------- and always finished his aggressive advertising campaign.
assignments on time. (A) sharp
(A) diligently (B) sharper
(B) diligence (C) sharply
(C) diligent (D) sharpness
(D) most diligent 34. While offering similar vacation
16. Mclellan Associate's; the ------- of the packages, travel agencies may charge -------
two law firms, is presently advertising different prices.
several job openings for paralegals. (A) markedly
(A) largeness (B) marked
Ms. Lan Anh TOEIC

(B) larger (C) marks

(C) largely (D) marking
(D) large 35. Researchers at Gasnite Company have
17. Working so many hours of overtime to developed an improved method of -------
meet the deadline has left the design staff fuel from industrial waste materials.
feeling -------. (A) extraction
(A) exhaust (B) extracts
(B) exhausted (C) extracted
(C) exhausting (D) extracting
(D) exhaustive 36. Despite heavy competition from
18. The conference organizers were able to established carriers, Sopot Airlines has
remedy the ------- logistical problems quite managed to do more than just ------- in the
efficiently, and guests were impressed by narrow luxury niche
the creative solutions they found. (A) survived
(A) vary (B) survives
(B) various (C) survive
(C) variety (D) survivor
(D) variance 37 In order to keep prices -------, Kim's
19. A------- from Jensen-Colmes Bakery will begin making its brea~s and
Corporation will be happy to meet with cakes on the premises.
prospective job applicants at the Westbo Job (A) reasonable
Fair. (B) reasonably
(A) represent (C) reasoning
(B) representing (D) reason
(C) representative 38. Mi-Sun Park's artwork------- combines
(D) representation classical elements with modern materials
20. Candidates for positions at Pereira and techniques.
Consulting should answer the questions on (A) skill
the application form as------- as possible. (B) skilled
(A) accurate (C) skillful
(B) accuracy (D) skillfully
(C) accuracies 39. The --------- course on coaching is
(D) accurately taught by Lee Wallis of the Peyton Soccer
117. Crown Corporation has been the Club.
nation's ------- commercial supplier of fabric (A) introducer
dyes for (B) introduce
over 25 years. (C) introducing
(A) leads (D) introductory
(B) leader 40. Researchers at Firmatek Synthetics are
(C) to lead working on a new material that will be
(D) leading twice as ------- as ordinary concrete.
(A) durably
(B) durable
(C) durability
(D) durableness

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