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Open house
A clutch of Young designers
and architects are transforming
Jakarta, one project at a time.
BY Chiara Rimella
Photo graPhY Ma rtin lYe stlak e

Three metal fans hang low from the mitigate the heat. The fans above conjure
cement ceiling of Anjung Salihara, rotat- up the precious bteeze that rarely comes
ing slowly and silently.This cool and calm of its own accord in built-up Jakarta.
space is part of a huge cultural complex In such an oPPressive climate You'd
in Jakarta's southern suburbs. In a rare think the simple principles that define
exception for Indonesia's sweltering, Anjung Salihara would be at the heart
traffic-stifled capital, this building has of most developments here.Yet since the
been engineered to stay cool in a more days of Dutch colonialism the architec-
natural manner. tural style ofJakarta has been decidedly
"I love windows; when I design they're western. From the white-washed walls and
always the first thing I think about," says high pitched roofs of rTth-century
Studio Dasar's Danny lTicaksono, the mansions to *re boxy mega malls of today,
architect behind the Project. Jakarta's built environment is far removed
\(rhile admiring the reddish Indonesian from the tropical island it inhabits.
timber frames of Aniung Salihara's win- However, an increasing number of
dows he outlines the design of this curvy firms such as Studio Dasar, founded
concrete-and-timber training space for by \Ticaksono in zor4, are forging a
dancers and actors' Large windows face new identity for the city. "Clients
just people who
north to avoid the glaring sun, while no longer wealthy
exposed concrete floors and walls also been exposed to life abroad and
want to


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egre8y 8urpnlcur csseccns pug ol orprus
s.une14J q8no.rrp euo8 osle eAEq srarpo
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! eruospueq lsoru s<elre{e{ pue sEurplmq
IIEg Iryrlneeq dueru puFleq urru erp Jo
sdes eq.,(oouengur srq eEpop or tpcg:rp sr
lr.{1pcnaqtsav,,'orpnls s.urtBw ur peryott
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eos ot suetre4ef dlaq pue srooplno eS.
ol sseuuedo ue aloruo.rd su8rsap JeqEE
-pue->lEel Eurrozro] pu€ lueuac tslletrllc.
sr11 ',{tlc aql uI IEloArd lsour aqt Eurac
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Carolina when moNocLE meets her at I

Yqo, " coffee shop that is one of ths rru_
dio's latest interior-design pro1."t*-;6rr.

thing he always said is thatir"ilir.".o..
1!out;xnerjencing space.,, And it,s ;;sy
to see how that resonated: the caf6 interi"_
ors are clad almost entirely in Indonesian
sungkai wood and small delails such
as the
gridded panern of bricks on the
wals anJ
chunky ironwood tables create a relaxed
tropical ambience that is fauemoved.
from the chaos of the city,s streets.
working on interiors for years,
the pair recently venrured i.rto ,r"hit..j
ture but have catied, over much of the
a year as a student. A Nordic tour
same approach. ,,$Ze,re used to consider_ also
influenced them. ..Scandinavian architec_
ing the different activities th"t nrpp.., i,
ture focuses on the essential and on the
a- spacer" says Carolina. At
a beeigarden m_ateriality of texturesr,, says Carolina.
they have completed on one of the busi-
"Only we use the bricks ani ,"ooa oi
est.junctions in South Jakarta, a;avanese_
tropical country.,, "
style pointy roof shows Bitte,s dedication
to seeking inspiration close to home. But
Rafael Arsono and Margareta
the architectural traditions that inform
Miranti both studied and woried in
the Milan.before moving to Singapore anJ
work also come from further afield. On
returning to Jakarta to start their studio
the mood board inside their office there
RafaelMiranti in zor4. ..!7e think therels
are projects from Melbourne, Boston
London, the city where Caroli"" .p."i lI: to be designed here,,, says Miranti.
"There are plenty of opportunities.,, The



(w) 'ool surecuoo rreql dn 8ur
'eEeqoy qsnl f,q pe.reaoc gr -
-lB3S lJBlS Ol UorlBJausa l!\eu SItp JOJ AUrB
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s.]I sdErFed (seJluec crlEnbB puE srunrpEts
pcrdorr go >lreurllcg Iensr^ E Suroq JOJ SUOTSSIIUTUOJ SnOJeUeE Eurzuece.r srurg:
uErIr Jsrlro 'dogs>Forrr esnoq-u1 str aJnlJetqcJB eruBu-Erq s(BlJB>lBr qlrl(.eAF
ur tno sorJJeJ lr sluauruodxe qtt,r\ -BruJoJsuBJl aq IIe^r plnos lnortBl s.dtr3
sseurTpuer{l-oca pue .{1qrq1xeg srr erlt e^oJdrul puB r{lrl!\ tJauuoc o1 uorlBu
Surao.rd ur seJuEApE tBeJE Su.DIEtu
sI .,!\uE orpnts eJnlcelrgJJ€ BlJB{Er
-IurJelap e tnq d\ou JoJ uaa.$leq JBJ puE
:Suruas ueqrn uB ur peroldxaJepun .&\eJ eq ,{eru oseqt o>IrI suoEue^relul
sureuroJ ooqruBq (JEIncEureA 'eJnlEu r[rlh uop
aprs,{ntmoc ur pesn dlepra apt111 -3auuoJ B dn EuIAr8 tnowr^\,(cear.rd Em
's:a.troqs d,reaq
-tBeJcJo ,(e4\ trerus B oslB sr 1l lnq -JooJd
'eJnr3trqJJe zffipa pue fgrnolo, B ot auoJd sr letp alErrrIIJ prrunq E ur
(poo.r\uor puE )Fel sr esnoq aqrJo luo.g eqr ]E lood IIBrus aqr
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.seldrs crE)l8uns (nEqJOur sB rlcns (sJeqruu 8urpeqs aEerToJ >lrrrp er1l'frrc erp q uop
BTUJoJTIBO Jo slueuala s3urqruoJ srqt
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trueur splerd eJeg tseJolnBJ pcrdo.rr sv'nB(rH BlBruJed ur esnoq de.rols-aarqi
aql lpoo \ ol sauoJ 1r ueqa eJroqf,
E 6lca(ord IBBuaprser tsrg Jrer{t roJ esef
.royrpods s.rar€rsop uursauopul
apeur ,(ge.rn1e1g
erp sr s[LL'ouosJV sdBS ..3:o .r\oqs 01 lotr
yo lueruele u€ aonpoJlur ol s,{BrrIE
sr r{sEoJdde rno os f,uoBqc sr B}JDIBL,
'8uree.rg aq oslr uBc dou8alJo
{cBI B s8 qcns flrc e ur Sur4ros
salB IBuo[rpEJl
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8un(uv (z) nue.rryg auroc slurEJlsuoc eJarll!\ - .{.lB1I Ur U€q!
ule.re8rrl4i pue ouosry1au;rg (r) polqurn( aroru qcnru eq.(Blu crrqBJ uEgm
'lSaA{ arll InoJJ sluaurei3 earl€Jor3p
rpl slErJ3lBrrr Ff,ol pourquroJ sarmtuac rllZr
pue rIr9r ernJo ssruoloJ qJlno uag1il suot
ueadomg E uo >loot euB>lEI ur arnlJetrqcrv
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'srprs,{prnrs pue sJoor pedols daars ryrr16
asnoq ssaueaef 1euoplp"r;.r -
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