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I: Match the pictures with the emotions.

happy worried angry bored scared sad

III: Read the text.

1. Joseph has brothers and sisters. _______

2. He feels happy on weekends _______
3. He plays tennis. _______
I feel stressed
4. He likes to help his mother _______
5. He is from Guadalupe. _______

Hi, my name is Joseph Perez. I am 16 years old EXRCISE II: Anwer the questions about the text.
and I am from Pacasmayo. On weekends, I feel
stressed because I stay at home alone and I don´t 1. Where is Joseph from?
have any brothers or sisters to do something _______________________________________.
special. That´s why I feel stressed. I feel happy 2. How old is he?
when I do exercises, I help my mother and I play ________________________________________
soccer. I love these activities so I do these 3. Why does he feel stressed?
activities when I feel stressed or bored _______________________________________.
4. When does he feel stressed?
My school teacher says that when we feel a
negative emotion, it is important to control it
5. What activities does he do to control a negative
because it helps us to have a healthy and happy
life. What do you think? emotion?

EXRCISE III: Anwer the questions.

1. What do you do when you feel stressed?


2. Why is it important to control our emotions?


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