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Unit 01: “A good Peruvian Citizen”

Area : _______________________________________
Student : _______________________________________ grade: 3ro section: _______
Teacher : MR. QUEREVALU ROJAS CESAR RAÚL DATE: __/__/ 2024 List number: ____

Competencia Capacidad Desempeño

Lee y escribe diversos tipos de - Obtiene información del texto - Adecua el texto a la situación
texto en ingles como lengua escrito. comunicativa en cuanto a las
extranjera - Infiere e interpreta festividades de su comunidad.
información del texto escrito. - Identifica información
- Reflexiona y evalúa la forma explicita e irrelevante de las
festividades de su comunidad.
Propósito Evidencia Criterios de evaluación
- Escribe un párrafo referente a - Elabora una infografía sobre - Las oraciones mencionan las
la festividad de su Pais y/o como ser un buen ciudadano festividades de su comunidad.
comunidad - Se utiliza el Present Simple
para realizar oraciones.

Before Unscramble the words:


1. l l o m b a
2. t e r w a
3. n t p a i
4. d r e s s c y f a n
5. t s g i f
6. o r s c o l
7. s i c m u

1. Reading

In the coast of Perú the carnaval is very special, In the coast of Perú the carnaval is very
started at February and Continue all of the special,……………………………………………………………… and
mounth. Some neighboards in my community use ………………………………………. Some neighboards in my
ballons, special papers, water, Paint, gifts, Fancy community…………………………………………………………………
dress, music, to celebrate of the carnival.this ……………………………………………………………………………………
dance, play, and then the
Street look very full colors
the neighbords made group
one red and the other Green.
For the competition between
both they throw wáter, Paint
to win. It is the famous
carnival in the coast of Perú.

3. complete the word

Ba ___________________ 


Pa ___________________

mu ___________________ 

wa ___________________ 

6. write a paragraph about the vehicular 5. Answer from the Reading

traffic in your community
 Which country does celebrate the
____________________________________ -------------------------------------------
____________________________________  Which mouth of the year carnival
____________________________________ celebrate in Perú ?
____________________________________ --------------------------------------------
____________________________________  What thing does the peole use to
____________________________________ celebrate the carnival ?
 Would you like the carnivals?

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