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Summary of the problems and options for solutions

No Problems Options Remarks

1. Existence of PVC pipe that 1.1 Pull out the PVC pipe by using fishing Need data on locations of PVC pipes. In case if the PVC pipe is
was used as stand pipe technique that is common practice in bent and broken, the fishing process becomes very difficult
piezometer drilling activities
1.2 Avoid the holes which have PVC pipe There is no data on location of PVC pipes. The available holes
inside without PVC pipe might not be enough to collect the data
2. Hole diameter that is bigger 2.1 Use packer set of bigger size There is possibility that the packer might be stuck inside the
than packer size hole. Need to rent another set of packer of a bigger size that
is quite expensive
2.2 Do slug test instead of packer test (1) Need much of water to carry out the test; (2) Cannot get
the data on a specific zone. The data is just enough to give an
idea about the average permeability level along the depth of
the hole
2.3 Use single packer (instead of double (1) Need much of water to carry out the test; (2) Cannot get
packer) at the upper part of the the data from a specific zone. The data is just enough to give
borehole. The packer should be sealed an idea about the average permeability level along the depth
at the casing. of the hole underneath the packer
3. Possibility to have another 3.1 Use the next metallurgical hole for The hole diameter might be of HQ size in order to get more
hole for packer test packer test sample weight. But this is too big for the existing packer set
(i.e., PQ and NQ sizes). Renting bigger size of packer set is
quite expensive.
3.2 Drilling new hole dedicated for packer Expensive

Based on the table above the proposed solution to the problem is as follow:

 Try to pull out the PVC pipe at the planned boreholes as much as possible by using fishing technique
 Do packer test at the planned boreholes
 Do slug test or packer test with single packer

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