2-a-PE and R-L2-Mar 8

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from previous session

highly expert in a subject

PROFESSIONAL Special knowledge license
Special skill what you do for life
Independent Economy/ wealth/money

standard of appropriate conduct A system of moral

Behavior norm principle

The state of being accountable

RESPONSIBILITY The state or being to blame for something
A power of attorney (POA) or letter of attorney is a written
authorization to represent or act on another's behalf in private
affairs, business, or some other legal matter. The person
authorizing the other to act is the principal, grantor, or donor (of
the power). The one authorized to act is the agent or, in some
common law jurisdictions, the attorney-in-fact.
Formerly, the term "power" referred to an instrument signed under seal while a
"letter" was an instrument under hand, meaning that it was simply signed by the
parties, but today a power of attorney need not be signed under seal. Some
jurisdictions require that powers of attorney be notarized or witnessed, but others
will enforce a power of attorney as long as it is signed by the grantor

Grantor : Pemberi kuasa

• Retained for representation
• Based on trust and honesty
• Hired for his/her expertise and ability to solve
problem (advise on laws)
• Respect and deliver Client’s decision
• Not to abuse the Justice System
• Established payment and fee schedule
• Confidentiality
• Update case progress
The undersigned, Robert Miller is the Director of PT. Warner Indonesia, address at Antam
Plaza, Tower B Level 15, Jl. TB . Simatupang, Jakarta Pusat, do hereby appoint the
following attorneys, either individually and/or jointly;

1. Wirawan Adnan, SH, MH

2. Sholeh Amin SH, MH

They are lawyers with the Law Firm of Sholeh,Adnan and Associates, Office at Graha
Pratama 18th Floor , Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia.

to be our true and lawful attorney, our legal counsel, to represent our company and the
undersigned, in matter relating with the application as foreign investment company and
relevant business license with Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).

Furthermore, we hereby give and grant the above attorney the full power and authority to;
(1) Write and speak on behalf of our company and the undersigned to BKPM or any the
officer in charge.
(2) Write or speak on behalf of our company to KSEI, BEI or any other institution or
relevant authority

In witness whereof, I on behalf of our company have hereunto sign this power of attorney in
Hongkong, on this day, Monday May 2nd, 2016
Article 1792 Letter of Mandate :
is an agreement, by which an individual assigns authority to another,
who accepts it, to perform an act on behalf of such mandator

1793 : Authority may be granted and deem acceptable with the issuance
of a formal deed , or under hand, in a letter, and may also be granted
verbally. The acceptance of authority may also be implied and may be
conceived from the implementation of authority by the authorized

1796: A mandate, granted in general disposal is only valid to the extend

to acts of management. A specific mandate shall be required for any
transfer of assets, place on mortgage, reconciliation or to perform any
other act which only owner can do.

1814 – The mandator may revoke the authority at his disposal and may
insist the mandatory to return the mandate given to him

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