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Week 11

In the article she states that white women often receive equality, and then it gets passed on to
other groups.

White women often forget that a movement that claims to be for all women must engage with the
obstacles of non-white women.

A solution she offers is to make sure the language used to reflect on feminist issues should
reflect an understanding how the issue’s impact varies for women in different socioeconomic

The myth of the “strong black woman” has made it so white women can tell themselves that its
okay to expect black women to wait to be equal, because white women supposedly need it more.
Black women are supposed to be “tougher” than white women because they are supposed to be
built to face abuse and ignorance.

The name of “strong”, it doesn’t empower them, it belittles them, it shoots them down.

In hospitals, black women don’t receive as strong medication as white women, because they are
expected to take pain more, because they are “stronger”

She states that there is nothing feminist about having so many resources at your fingertips and
still choosing to be ignorant.

White women’s tears and apologies do nothing after the event is done. Emmitt Till was
murdered, and she helped his murderers walk free, even if she states that she regretted it, she still
helped it happen and chose to watch it happen.

Sisterhood is the mutual relationship between equals.

The most realistic approach to solidarity is one that assumes that sometimes it simply isn’t your
turn to be the focus of the conversation.

When feminist rhetoric is rooted in biases like racism, ableism, transmisogyny, anti-Semitism,
and Islamophobia, it automatically works against marginalized women and against any concept
of solidarity. It’s not enough to know that other women with different experiences exist; you
must also understand that they have their own feminism formed by that experience.

Having just white women star in a show about feminism takes away from other women of color,
and their experience with feminism because it’s completely different. To truly represent the
struggle with feminism, we must represent all groups.

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