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48 chemrn du Bouray Tel : +33 (0) 4 78 56 30 32

38200 Villette de Vienne Fax : +"33 (0) 4 78 56 0B 82
certif c;ats@ i la rob i netterie, com


Certificate number : 3240492 Type : 3.1 Date : 2019-09-10

N/aterial type : 1.4307/AlSl 304L Heat number: Y150103-3

Designation : UNION JOINT EPDN/

Chemial Composition %
Heat C Sr N,4 n P S Ni UT tvto

irili n il 0 ll 0 C I t.l0 'r8 itO

Y1 50103-3 0.020 0,6 0.95 0.033 0.004 10.09 18.50

i\4ax 0 030 1.00 ?.|J0 0.0r15 0.030 13 00 20 00

lv4echanical Features
Yield strength Tensile Strength Elongation
lieat ak Hard ness lmpact Strength
t\/ rn m l\/mnl
illr-i :t0il s00 40 0 0

Y1 50103.3 350 613 58

\4ax 0 l1 tl 0 0

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IVichel BrLt
Chcmical analysis arrcl nrechanical characteristics are comlyino
,,vi1h the orq nal ol the Certrfrcale of Corrtrol of Products by lhe
Far:tory ( CCPU )which has executed arrd suppl ed the baslc
nrelal or the finished produtcts
r:erlificate drafted by rrteatrs of corlpLlter processinq is
applicable wrthout signature The charrges or- applrcatron for other
products are considered as falsification of docurlent and Iraud
and will be sublected to the applicable jurisdictton.

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