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Advances in Agricultural Animal

Welfare Science and Practice 1st

Edition Joy Mench
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Advances in Agricultural Animal

Science and Practice


Joy A. Mench

Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and


A volume in the Advances in Farm Animal Welfare series

Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page


List of contributors


Introduction: Animal welfare science and its application

Part I: Advances in Animal Welfare Science

1. Cognition as a cause, consequence, and component of welfare


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Cognitive influences on welfare

1.3 Environmental effects on cognition

1.4 Cognitive aspects of welfare

1.5 Levels of analysis and future directions

1.6 Conclusions and implications


2. Genetics and genomics of animal welfare


2.1 Introduction

2.2 Behavior and welfare—defining the concepts

2.3 Resource allocation theory

2.4 Fundamental genetics

2.5 Behavior genetics—finding genes for behavior

2.6 Methodological problems in behavior genetics

2.7 From welfare to genes: top-down approaches

2.8 From genes to welfare: bottom-up approaches

2.9 Beyond genetics and genomics: epigenetics

2.10 Future perspectives

2.11 Conclusions and implications

Part II: Animal Welfare and Sustainability of
Animal Agriculture

3. Animal ethics: Probing the philosophical issues


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Mapping the terrain of animal philosophy

3.3 Philosophy of mind

3.4 Mainstream animal ethics

3.5 Additional currents in the mainstream

3.6 Pragmatist, nonideal, and interdisciplinary ethics

3.7 Conclusion: how philosophy can help


4. Animal welfare and environmental issues


4.1 Introduction

4.2 Environmental sustainability

4.3 Nexus of animal welfare and environmental sustainability

4.4 Conclusions and implications


5. Animal welfare and food safety in modern animal production


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Stress in farm animals and effects on the gastrointestinal tract

5.3 Effect of stress mediators on bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract

5.4 The impact of stress in farm animals on food safety risk

5.5 Conclusion and implications

Part III: Translating Science into Policy and Practice
6. Science in the real world—benefits for researchers and farmers

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Commercial-scale experimental studies

6.3 Taking advantage of variation—epidemiology

6.4 Automated monitoring of behavior

6.5 Conclusions and implications


7. Animal welfare: Translating science into practice


7.1 Introduction

7.2 The structure of animal welfare science

7.3 Translating science into practice and policy

7.4 Types of requirements in animal welfare standards

7.5 The science behind the standards

7.6 Objectives reflected in standards

7.7 Achieving “social validity”

7.8 Similar environments, different outcomes

7.9 Human factors in animal welfare

7.10 Conclusions and implications

8. Perspectives on the emerging role of US veterinarians in
education, policy, politics, and research

8.1 Introduction

8.2 The American Veterinary Medical Association and Veterinary Education in

Animal Welfare

8.3 Farm animal welfare legislation in the United States

8.4 Nonregulatory oversight of farm animal welfare

8.5 International welfare standards and the veterinarian’s role

8.6 Veterinary involvement in animal welfare research

8.7 Conclusions and implications

Part IV: Animal Welfare Standards: Are They
Globally Achievable?

9. The perspective of the World Organisation for Animal Health


9.1 Introduction

9.2 Animal welfare: World Organisation for Animal Health’s role and
involvement in a global context

9.3 The World Organisation for Animal Health animal welfare standards

9.4 Challenges and opportunities for the World Organisation for Animal Health
animal welfare standards implementation

9.5 Implementation tools

9.6 Some examples of successful implementation

9.7 Conclusions and implications



10. Perspective from Asia, Far East and Oceania, and the Middle East

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Implementing global animal welfare standards

10.3 Attitudes and drivers for change

10.4 Progress in implementing global animal welfare standards

10.5 Conclusion


11. Perspective from Latin America


11.1 Introduction

11.2 Animal production systems in Latin American countries and social

concerns regarding animal welfare

11.3 World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) animal welfare standards and
local regulations/standards, achievements, and future perspectives

11.4 Importance of international trade and product quality for achieving animal
welfare standards

11.5 Advances in providing scientific information to support local regulations

regarding AW

11.6 Education, capacity building, and technology transfer to put animal

welfare standards/regulations into practice

11.7 Conclusions and implications

Part V: Emerging Issues

12. Slaughter without stunning


12.1 Introduction

12.2 Scientific aspects of slaughter without stunning with respect to animal


12.3 Strategies to reduce the negative welfare impact of slaughter without

stunning (recommendations for good practices)

12.4 Further research areas

12.5 Conclusions and implications


13. Urban agriculture


13.1 Introduction: role of animals in early American cities

13.2 Importance for urban poor

13.3 Job of regulating: control, land-use, and welfare regulations

13.4 Animal control: protecting people from animals

13.5 Welfare: protecting animals from people

13.6 The current landscape of backyard regulations

13.7 Yes! in my backyard: modernizing urban livestock ordinances

13.8 Conclusion

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List of contributors
Catherine Brinkley, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA,
United States
Johann F. Coetzee, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS,
United States
Antoni Dalmau, IRTA, Animal Welfare Subprogram, Monells,
Leopoldo S. Escobar, World Organisation for Animal Health,
Paris, France
Becca Franks
Columbia University, New York, NY, United States
New York University, New York, NY, United States
David Fraser, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC,
Carmen S. Gallo
Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile
OIE Collaborating Center for Animal Welfare and Livestock
Production Systems, Chile–Uruguay–México, Valdivia, Chile
Donald E. Hoenig, One Health Veterinary Consulting, LLC
Belfast, Maine, United States
Warren H. Jara, Animal Welfare Program National Animal Health
Service, Heredia, Costa Rica
Per Jensen, IFM Biology, Linköping University, Linköping,
Jaqueline S. Kingsley, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA,
United States
Lucas J. Lara, Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, Brazil
David J. Mellor
International Animal Welfare Consultants, Ltd., Waikanae, New
Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Joy A. Mench, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA, United
Quaza N.H. Nizam, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based
Industry, Putrajaya, Malaysia
Sara E. Place, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United
Budimir Plavšić, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental
Protection, Veterinary Directorate, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Marcos H. Rostagno, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,
United States
Tamara G. Tadich
Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
OIE Collaborating Center for Animal Welfare and Livestock
Production Systems, Chile–Uruguay–México, Valdivia, Chile
Paul B. Thompson, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI,
United States
Peter M. Thornber, International Animal Welfare Consultants,
Ltd., Waikanae, New Zealand
Antonio Velarde, IRTA, Animal Welfare Subprogram, Monells,
Animal welfare began to emerge as a scientific discipline in the
1960s, and there is now a large body of published research
addressing a range of fundamental and applied topics. However, the
field is currently in a stage of transition, with an increasing emphasis
on translating the knowledge that has been gained into “real world”
improvements. This is necessitating new and ever more
sophisticated research approaches, including the collection of more
complex data with an increasing focus on solutions, the
development and use of new research methodologies and
technologies, and the integration of information across different
disciplines. It also requires enhancing communication and
collaboration among diverse stakeholders, as well as developing
science-based approaches for setting “best practice” standards and
onsite welfare assessments to help ensure public confidence.
The five books in this series provide overviews of key scientific
approaches to assessing and improving the welfare of farm animals
and address how that science can be translated into practice. The
books are not meant to provide a comprehensive overview, but
instead focus on selected “hot topics” and emerging issues for cattle,
pigs, poultry, and sheep (as well as the overarching issue of linking
animal welfare science and practice). Advances and challenges in
these areas are presented in each book in the form of an integrated
collection of focused review chapters written by top experts in the
field. The emphasis is not just on discussing problems, but on
identifying methods for mitigating those problems and the
knowledge gaps that remain to be filled.
Although the topics reviewed in the cattle, pig, poultry, and sheep
books are tailored to those most important for the particular species,
all of the books include an overview of production systems and
discussion of the most pressing animal welfare challenges and
important advances associated with those systems from the
perspectives of normal and abnormal behavior, animal health, and
pain management. Emphasis is placed on both management and
genetic approaches to improving welfare, as well as on emerging
scientific tools for investigating questions about the welfare of that
species. As relevant, the books also include reviews on human–
animal interactions and transport and/or slaughter. Finally, practical
tools for in situ (on the farm, during transport, or at the slaughter
facility) assessment of welfare are presented. The reviews in the
overview volume focus on animal welfare in the context of
agricultural sustainability, and also address how science can be
translated into practice taking into account ethical views, social
developments, and the emergence of global standards.
The topics covered by these books are highly relevant to
stakeholders interested in the current and future developments of
farm animal welfare policies, including farmers, food industry,
retailers, and policy makers as well as researchers and veterinary
practitioners. The editors hope that they serve not only to help
improve farm animal welfare but also to encourage discussion about
future directions and priorities in the field.
Joy Mench
Series Editor
shown that even when information is not actionable and cannot lead
to any net material benefit, animals will nevertheless work for the
opportunity to access such information. More explicitly, Hagen and
Broom (2004) ran a well-controlled study in which they found that
cows respond to learning with a physiological pattern that is
consistent with pleasure. One group of cows were provided with a
learning opportunity to receive food rewards. A yoked group of
cows received the same food rewards on the same schedule but
without the added learning component. The material outcomes in
both conditions were thus the same; the only difference was that the
experimental group of cows had a learning experience, whereas the
yoked control cows did not. The researchers found that the learning
group showed changes in heart rate variability and behavioral
activity, which could indicate an experience of pleasure. The yoked
control cows showed no such changes (Hagen and Broom, 2004).
More recent work has found that pigs also show evidence of
experiencing positive affect when learning (Zebunke et al., 2011) and
that goats will voluntarily interact with learning devices (Langbein
et al., 2009). These studies provide important evidence of the added
value of learning—that when the outcome is held constant, cognitive
activities such as learning are sought out and may even confer
benefits in the form of positive emotional experiences.
While still a relatively young body of research, cognitive
enrichment studies have now been conducted with a range of
species held in a range of conditions. These research programs are
working toward confirming the implication of previous learning
studies: that appropriate levels of cognitive stimulation are not only
rewarding, but can also lead to improvements in various markers of
welfare. Unsurprisingly, the majority of cognitive enrichment
research has thus far been conducted with primates (e.g., Ogura,
2012; Whitehouse et al., 2013), but new evidence has revealed that
pigs (Puppe et al., 2007; Zebunke et al., 2013) and goats (Oesterwind
et al., 2016) may also benefit from cognitive stimulation. And while
no studies have explicitly followed up on the rewarding properties
of learning in cattle, investigating how cognitive enrichment may
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Silver range. By Monogram Pictures Corporation. 6 reels. ©
14Oct46; L675. Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, formerly known
as Monogram Pictures Corporation (PWH); 20May74; R577415.

Song of the Sierras. By Monogram Pictures Corporation. 6 reels. ©
11Oct46; L709. Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, formerly known
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Crazy with the heat. 1 reel. © 8Apr47; L1121. Walt Disney
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Mickey’s delayed date. 1 reel. © 24Apr47; L1372. Walt Disney
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Bootle Beetle. 1 reel. © 11Apr47; L1374. Walt Disney Productions
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Wide open spaces. 1 reel. © 24Apr47; L1375. Walt Disney
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Fun and fancy free. 6,771 feet. © 23Apr47; L1427. Walt Disney
Productions (PWH); 3May74; R577489.

The Space ship. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. (Jack
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Industries, Inc. (PWH); 31May74; R577558.

Millie’s daughter. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 7 reels. ©
20Mar47; L911. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 31May74;

King of the wild horses. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 7 reels.
© 27Mar47; L912. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
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The Lone hand Texan. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 6 reels.
© 6Mar47; L914. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
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Tunnels of treachery. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels.
(Jack Armstrong, chap. no. 6) © 13Mar47; L916. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 31May74; R577562.

Bride and gloom. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. ©
27Mar47; L919. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 31May74;
The Thirteenth hour. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 7 reels. ©
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The Good bad egg. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. ©
20Mar47; L928. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
31May74; R577565.

West of Dodge City. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 6 reels. ©
27Mar47; L930. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
31May74; R577566.

Cavern of chance. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. (Jack
Armstrong, chap. no. 7) © 20Mar47; L936. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 31May74; R577567.

The Secret room. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. (Jack
Armstrong, chap. no. 8) © 27Mar47; L954. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 31May74; R577568.

Fright night. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. ©
6Mar47; L959. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 31May74;

Wacky Quacky. By Screen Gems, Inc. 1 reel. © 20Mar47; L964.
Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 31May74; R577570.

Big house blues. By Screen Gems, Inc. 1 reel. © 6Mar47; L965.
Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 31May74; R577571.

Tennis wizards. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 1 reel. (The
World of sports) © 20Mar47; M1876. Columbia Pictures Industries,
Inc. (PWH); 31May74; R577572.

Community sing. Ser. 11, no. 7. By Columbia Pictures Corporation.
© 13Mar47; M1879. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
31May74; R577573.

Thrills of music. Ser. 1, no. 7. By Columbia Pictures Corporation.
© 27Mar47; M1893. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
31May74; R577574.

Holiday in Las Vegas. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 1 reel.
(Screen snapshots, ser. 26, no. 7) © 13Mar47; M1942. Columbia
Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 31May74; R577575.

Around the world in California. By Loew’s, Inc. 1 reel. © 8May47;
M2065. Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc. (PWH); 10May74; R577598.

The Bachelor’s daughters. By Andrew Stone Enterprises. 10 reels.
© 6Sep46; L655. Film Archives Company (PWH); 30May74;

Fun on a weekend. By Andrew Stone Enterprises, Inc. 10 reels. ©
14Mar47; L1001. Film Archives Company (PWH); 30May74;

Notorious. By RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. 10 reels. © 15Aug46; L557.
American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (PWH); 3Jun74; R578231.

Duel in the sun. By Vanguard Films, Inc. 15 reels. © 31Dec46;
L982. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (PWH); 3Jun74;

The Farmer’s daughter. By RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. 97 min. ©
25Mar47; L995. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (PWH);
3Jun74; R578233.

The Brothers. By General Film Distributors, Ltd. 8,070 ft. ©
19Mar47; L670. Rank Film Distributors, Ltd. (PWH); 7May74;

Snowbound. By Gainsborough Pictures, Ltd. 7,643 ft. © 17Apr47;
L671. Rank Film Distributors, Ltd. (PWH); 7May74; R578286.
Odd man out. By General Film Distributors, Ltd. 13 reels. ©
11Apr47; L1016. Rank Film Distributors, Ltd. (PWH); 7May74;

Great expectations. By General Film Distributors, Ltd. 13 reels. ©
11Apr47; L1017. Rank Film Distributors, Ltd. (PWH); 7May74;

Flying sportsman in Jamaica. By Vitaphone Corporation. 1 reel. ©
17May47; M2056. United Artists Television, Inc. (PWH); 30May74;

Tweetie pie. By the Vitaphone Corporation. 1 reel. © 21May47;
M2055. United Artists Television, Inc. (PWH); 30May74; R578350.

Harness racing. By Vitaphone Corporation. 1 reel. © 2May47;
M2053. United Artists Television, Inc. (PWH); 30May74; R578351.

The Two Mrs. Carrolls. By Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc. 11 reels.
© 24May47; L1020. United Artists Television, Inc. (PWH);
30May74; R578352.

Smoked hams. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. & Walter
Lantz Productions. 7 min. © 1Apr47; M2183. Universal Pictures &
Walter Lantz Productions (PWH); 5Jun74; R578358.
Let’s sing a college song. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 1
reel. © 1Apr47; M2182. Universal Pictures (PWH); 5Jun74;

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 42. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 29May47; M2171. Universal Pictures (PWH);
5Jun74; R578360.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 41. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 27May47; M2170. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 5Jun74; R578361.

Patio museum. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. ©
27May47; M2129. Universal Pictures (PWH); 5Jun74; R578362.

Bronco babes. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. ©
27May47; M2128. Universal Pictures (PWH); 5Jun74; R578363.

Let’s sing a western song. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 1
reel. © 27May47; M2127. Universal Pictures (PWH); 5Jun74;

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 40. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 22May47; M2106. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 5Jun74; R578365.
Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 39. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 20May47; M2105. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 5Jun74; R578366.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 38. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 15May47; M2104. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 5Jun74; R578367.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 37. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 13May47; M2103. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 5Jun74; R578368.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 36. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 8May47; M2102. Universal Pictures (PWH);
5Jun74; R578369.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 35. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 6May47; M2101. Universal Pictures (PWH);
5Jun74; R578370.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 34. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 1May47; M2100. Universal Pictures (PWH);
5Jun74; R578371.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 33. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 29Apr47; M2099. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 5Jun74; R578372.

Musical moments from Chopin. By Universal Pictures Company,
Inc. & Walter Lantz Productions. 1 reel. © 1Apr47; M2098. Universal
Pictures & Walter Lantz Productions (PWH); 5Jun74; R578373.

The Coo coo bird. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. & Walter
Lantz Productions. 1 reel. © 1Apr47; M2097. Universal Pictures &
Walter Lantz Productions (PWH); 5Jun74; R578374.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 32. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 24Apr47; M2062. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 5Jun74; R578375.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 31. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 22Apr47; M2061. Universal Pictures (PWH);
5Jun74; R578376.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 30. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 17Apr47; M2060. Universal Pictures (PWH);
5Jun74; R578377.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 29. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 15Apr47; M2059. Universal Pictures (PWH);
5Jun74; R578378.
Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 28. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 10Apr47; M2058. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 5Jun74; R578379.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 27. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 8Apr47; M2057. Universal Pictures (PWH);
5Jun74; R578380.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 26. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 3Apr47; M1998. Universal Pictures (PWH);
5Jun74; R578381.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 25. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 1Apr47; M1997. Universal Pictures (PWH);
5Jun74; R578382.

Welcome stranger. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 11 reels. ©
9May47; L1172. EMKA, division of Universal City Studios, Inc.
(PWH); 5Jun74; R578383.

Record party. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 2 reels. ©
27May47; L1048. Universal Pictures (PWH); 5Jun74; R578384.

Charlie Spivak and his orchestra. By Universal Pictures Company,
Inc. 2 reels. © 1Apr47; L1043. Universal Pictures (PWH); 5Jun74;

Charlie Barnet and his orchestra. By Universal Pictures Company,
Inc. 2 reels. © 1Apr47; L1042. Universal Pictures (PWH); 5Jun74;

Tommy Tucker and his orchestra. By Universal Pictures Company,
Inc. 2 reels. © 1Apr47; L1041. Universal Pictures (PWH); 5Jun74;

The Egg and I. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 12 reels. ©
1Apr47; L1040. Universal Pictures (PWH); 5Jun74; R578388.

Jitterumba. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 2 reels. ©
1Apr47; L1039. Universal Pictures (PWH); 5Jun74; R578389.

Calcutta. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 9 reels. © 30May47; L1026.
EMKA, division of Universal City Studios, Inc. (PWH); 5Jun74;

Desert fury. By Hal Wallis Productions, Inc. 10 reels. © 15May47;
L998. EMKA, division of Universal City Studios, Inc. (PWH);
5Jun74; R578391.

Imperfect lady. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 10 reels. © 6Mar47;
L984. EMKA, division of Universal City Studios, Inc. (PWH);
5Jun74; R578392.

Hard boiled Mahoney. By Monogram Pictures Corporation. 7 reels.
© 28Mar47; L939. Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, formerly
known as Monogram Pictures Corporation (PWH); 31May74;

Mister Hex. By Monogram Pictures Corporation. 7 reels. ©
7Dec46; L749. Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, formerly known
as Monogram Pictures Corporation (PWH); 31May74; R578396.

Paramount news. No. 76. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
21May47; M2110. Major News Library (PWH); 29May74; R578416.

Paramount news. No. 75. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
17May47; M2109. Major News Library (PWH); 29May74; R578417.

Dangerous venture. By Hopalong Cassidy Productions, Inc. 6 reels.
© 23May47; L1013. Grace Bradley Boyd, surviving trustee under the
Declaration of Trust by William L. Boyd and Grace Bradley Boyd
(PWH); 29May74; R578418.

Goofy golf. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 1 reel. (The World
of sports) © 24Apr47; M2091. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.
(PWH); 4Jun74; R578420.
Community sing. Ser. 11, no. 8. By Columbia Pictures Corporation.
1 reel. © 17Apr47; M1992. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.
(PWH); 4Jun74; R578421.

Screen snapshots. Ser. 26, no. 8. By Columbia Pictures
Corporation. 1 reel. © 10Apr47; M1944. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 4Jun74; R578422.

Law of the canyon. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 6 reels. ©
24Apr47; L1045. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 4Jun74;

The Grotto of greed. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels.
(Jack Armstrong, chap. no. 12) © 24Apr47; L1002. Columbia
Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 4Jun74; R578424.

Cosmic annihilator. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels.
(Jack Armstrong, chap. no. 11) © 17Apr47; L992. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 4Jun74; R578425.

Cupid goes nuts. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. ©
14Apr47; L978. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 4Jun74;

Battle of the warriors. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels.
(Jack Armstrong, chap. no. 10) © 10Apr47; L977. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 4Jun74; R578427.

Out West. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. © 24Apr47;
L958. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 4Jun74; R578428.

Human targets. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. (Jack
Armstrong, chap. no. 9) © 3Apr47; L957. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 4Jun74; R578429.

Two Jills and a Jack. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. ©
14Apr47; L946. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 4Jun74;

Bulldog Drummond at bay. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 7
reels. © 7Apr47; L910. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
4Jun74; R578431.

Mail dog. 1 reel. © 6May47; L1371. Walt Disney Productions
(PWH); 3Jun74; R578549.

Foul hunting. 1 reel. © 7May47; L1373. Walt Disney Productions
(PWH); 3Jun74; R578550.

The Big wash. 1 reel. © 21May47; L1422. Walt Disney Productions
(PWH); 3Jun74; R578551.

Dear murderer. By Gainsborough Pictures (1928), Ltd. © 5Jun47;
L411. Rank Film Distributors, Ltd. (PWH); 6Jun74; R578604.

A Lady surrenders. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 11 reels.
© 11Dec47 (in notice: 1946); L1980. Rank Film Distributors, Ltd.
(PWH); 6Jun74; R578605.

News of the day. Vol. 18, issue no. 268. By Hearst Metrotone
News, Inc. 1 reel. © 2May47; M2069. Hearst Metrotone News, a
division of the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 10Jun74; R578731.

News of the day. Vol. 18, issue no. 269. By Hearst Metrotone
News, Inc. 1 reel. © 7May47; M2121. Hearst Metrotone News, a
division of the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 10Jun74; R578732.

News of the day. Vol. 18, issue no. 270. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 9May47; M2122. Hearst Metrotone News, a division of
the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 10Jun74; R578733.

News of the day. Vol. 18, issue no. 271. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 14May47; M2123. Hearst Metrotone News, a division of
the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 10Jun74; R578734.
News of the day. Vol. 18, issue no. 272. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 16May47; M2124. Hearst Metrotone News, a division of
the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 10Jun74; R578735.

News of the day. Vol. 18, issue no. 273. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 21May47; M2125. Hearst Metrotone News, a division of
the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 10Jun74; R578736.

News of the day. Vol. 18, issue no. 274. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 23May47; M2126. Hearst Metrotone News, a division
of the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 10Jun74; R578737.

News of the day. Vol. 18, issue no. 275. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 28May47; M2203. Hearst Metrotone News, a division
of the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 10Jun74; R578738.

News of the day. Vol. 18, issue no. 276. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 30May47; M2204. Hearst Metrotone News, a division
of the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 10Jun74; R578739.

Journey into space. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels.
(Jack Armstrong, chap. no. 14) © 8May47; L1022. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 11Jun74; R578896.

For the love of Rusty. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 7 reels.
© 1May47; L1030. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
11Jun74; R578897.

Retribution. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. (Jack
Armstrong, chap. no. 15) © 15May47; L1035. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 11Jun74; R578898.

Prairie raiders. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 6 reels. ©
29May47; L1037. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
11Jun74; R578899.

The Millerson case. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 8 reels. ©
29May47; L1049. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
11Jun74; R578900.

Training for trouble. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. ©
14May47; L1078. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
11Jun74; R578901.

Hold that lion! By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. ©
22May47; L1079. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
11Jun74; R578902.

The Vigilante rides again. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 3
reels. (The Vigilante, chap. no. 1) © 22May47; L1265. Columbia
Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 11Jun74; R578903.
Mystery of the white horses. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2
reels. (The Vigilante, chap. no. 2) © 29May47; L1266. Columbia
Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 11Jun74; R578904.

Screen snapshots. Ser. 26, no. 9. By Columbia Pictures
Corporation. 1 reel. © 1May47; M2031. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 11Jun74; R578905.

Thrills of music. Ser. 1, no. 8. By Columbia Pictures Corporation.
© 22May47; M2074. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
11Jun74; R578906.

Community sing. Ser. 11, no. 9. By Columbia Pictures Corporation.
© 22May47; M2160. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
11Jun74; R578907.

Grappling groaners. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 1 reel. ©
29May47; M2166. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
11Jun74; R578908.

Doctor Jekyll and Mister Mouse. By Loew’s, Inc. 1 reel. © 4Jun47;
L1038. Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc. (PWH); 10Jun74; R578942.

Living in a big way. By Loew’s, Inc. 11 reels. © 7Jun47; L1063.
Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc. (PWH); 10Jun74; R578943.
Fiesta. By Loew’s, Inc. 11 reels. © 11Jun47; L1099. Metro Goldwyn
Mayer, Inc. (PWH); 17Jun74; R578944.

On the shores of Nova Scotia. By Loew’s, Inc. 1 reel. © 11Jun47;
M2200. Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc. (PWH); 17Jun74; R578945.

Paramount news. No. 79. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
31May47; M2141. Major News Library (PWH); 17Jun74; R579136.

Paramount news. No. 80. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
4Jun47; M2142. Major News Library (PWH); 17Jun74; R579137.

Paramount news. No. 81. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
7Jun47; M2156. Major News Library (PWH); 17Jun74; R579138.

Paramount news. No. 82. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
11Jun47; M2157. Major News Library (PWH); 17Jun74; R579139.

Paramount news. No. 84. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
18Jun47; M2162. Major News Library (PWH); 20Jun74; R579724.

Paramount news. No. 83. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
14Jun47; M2161. Major News Library (PWH); 20Jun74; R579725.
Rainbow over the Rockies. By Monogram Pictures Corporation. 6
reels. © 11Nov46; L694. Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, formerly
known as Monogram Pictures Corporation (PWH); 24Jun74;

The Trap. By Monogram Pictures Corporation. 7 reels. ©
26Nov46; L728. Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, formerly known
as Monogram Pictures Corporation (PWH); 24Jun74; R579843.

Paramount news. No. 85. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
21Jun47; M2190. Major News Library (PWH); 25Jun74; R579895.

Paramount news. No. 86. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
25Jun47; M2191. Major News Library (PWH); 27Jun74; R579896.

Pet peeves. By Loew’s, Inc. 9 min. © 17Jun47; L1156. Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc. (PWH); 24Jun74; R579955.

Mighty Mouse in the Dead end cats. By TerryToons, Inc. 1 reel. ©
14Feb47; L953. Viacom International, Inc. (PWH); 8Jul74; R579967.

Heckle and Jeckle, the talking magpies, in McDougal’s Rest Farm.
By TerryToons, Inc. 1 reel. © 31Jan47; L970. Viacom International,
Inc. (PWH); 8Ju174; R579968.

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