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Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material

(Religion 275)

Make up work for Lesson 7 and 8

Make sure you read the Class Preparation Material when answering this assignment. Kindly
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“The Savior took upon Himself our pains, sicknesses, and temptations so
He could succor us as we face the challenges of mortality.”
Why is it important to understand this aspect of the doctrine of the Savior’s Atonement?

Answer here:
There are many disappointments, heartbreaks, failures, and mental and physical issues in the
world. Furthermore, it is a necessary aspect of life to test our resilience. We have to accept that
we will not be able to avoid anything on our long journey to be with him. But realizing the
significance of the atonement is a way to help you get through all of this. Example. In the Garden
of Gethsemane, our Lord Jesus Christ went through every form of suffering that the world could
bring. If anyone knows what you're going through, it's Jesus Christ, because he has been there
before. No matter how big it is, he knows us, and he will never leave us alone. All he needs is for
us to turn to him and come to him, so that in his glory he may give us the strength to stand again.
He loves us unconditionally, as seen by the great sacrifice and suffering he endured on our
behalf. For this reason, I am confident that he would never put us in danger and that he genuinely
wants us to reach our full potential and return to God someday.

In what ways will the Savior help you as you strive to prepare to meet God?
Answer here:
We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to have access to the fullness of the gospel, which
includes information about the afterlife, the resurrection, and the possibility of becoming like
him in the future through diligent effort to follow God's plan. I can't imagine what life would be
like without this knowledge. And the reason I know this is because of Jesus Christ, who died,
rose from the dead, and remains alive today. And we resurrect just like him. You will also have a
greater appreciation for his sacrifice as we examine what he suffered for us. It demonstrates his
love for us; the suffering he endured required great love in order for him to be able to achieve it.
What can we do to express our gratitude, make an effort to be like him, and repent our
transgressions. His lifelong example will truly inspire me to strive for each day to improve. and
you'll become a great disciple when you put this into practice throughout your life.

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