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Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density

Foe-Hurling Gore Strike

Foes Like Meteors
push to shove reply

terrestrial circle sorcery

coadjutator flesh extravagance

palate without limit

greed without restraint
sprawling marsh indulgence

ancient and firstborn

ouroboros border insight
wisdom beyond madness

wind-born stride, unimpeded perfection?

joy in violence (benefits from wind-borne stride)

Mercurial Sap Embrace

Concerns - apax is a soak monster with Threaten options and good Init, reliant on
Strength and Stamina
Felix has poisons and thrown and troll charms

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Viridian, Sorcerous (5)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Sprawling Marsh Indulgence
Metagaos is a true colonist, his squirming vitality exploring the flesh of others
and claiming it as his own. Part of the Infernal’s anatomy buds off, wriggling into
the body of another character and infesting their chi as a Sorcerous supernatural
disease with a Virulence and Morbidity of (higher of Essence or 3), an Interval of
(6 - Essence days), and a maximum Intensity of Defining. This requires skin contact
outside of combat, and is a Difficulty 3 Gambit within it, which can be performed
with (Dexterity + higher of Brawl or Larceny). Its effect is not obvious even to
the infected: the growth can only be detected through exploratory or supernatural
diagnosis, and once found can be removed through countermagic, magic which purges
supernatural diseases or difficulty 4 internal surgery. Until then, the host
suffers a penalty equal to the intensity of their symptoms to any physical action
that they believe would impede the warlock, as the self-seed constricts their
muscles and pains their mind.

With another touch, the Infernal can command a self-seed to gorge itself on its
host. The host begins to starve at an accelerated rate, developing deprivation
penalties after (Stamina) hours instead of days without food, their skin greying
from malnutrition, and perishing after (Stamina) days rather than weeks. This
continues until the self-seed is removed. This affects even creatures that do not
normally require nutrition. The Infernal can also include a "trigger" in any self-
seed, which will cause it to begin gorging in response to a specific physical
stimulus, such as words, a certain drink, or action.
NEED: one strong social charm, Elloge stealth, one strong read intentions

knowing the desolate is strong but has two prereqs

Unseen Author Assumption

Behind the Role

grasping tendrils

Titan Body Unity


sacred kamilla
freedom lets go
tragic love amusement


Cost -; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native (Adorjan) *alternative Mind Root*
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None

It a terrible fate to earn the hatred of Adorjan, whose touch is death; it is a far
worse one, however, to earn her love. This Charm permanently alters the Infernal in
the following ways:

- Her unpersuaded efforts to harm or kill the subject of one of her positive Ties
no longer count as acting against that Tie, and she may use such a Tie to raise
rather than lower her Resolve against influence which would dissuade or prevent her
from doing so.

- When the Infernal seeks to instill a new positive Tie, her influence always
requires a Decision Point to reject - why not choose love? However, characters who
seek to instill such Ties in her gain the same benefits.

- Ties with a context of love are normal sensory details represented by luminous
red threads, though understanding their exact context requires a Read Intentions
roll as usual, and a subject not present in the scene cannot be uncovered.```

seafood soup
fireball roll
chicken lo mein
getting a horse makes you a princess

2nd level feature, relic servitors

a lab
hesitation and fear
a bright light
cheers, hopeful
great project
endless building
battles and screams
blood and carnage
a massive door is closing
first emotion is fear
another bttle
(cycle gloam home

Another day, another step into the dark

Into fire and ash; a hungry spark
And a brimstone wind offer force without kindness
A choice between gray light and blindness
Facing the falling sword or falling asleep
What do we keep?


There's memories like light through colored glass

Flourished in fluorescence (most of what survived class)
The life-rush of laughter, a painter's brushstroke
A swelling note, a clever line
(When I can help it, mine)
Kindness in the face of stray sparks and wind
Stray thoughts twinned.

Things put to right against things put to wrong

Silences woven into slow-sung song
Night descends on all gardens, we're all silhouettes in gloam
But twilight feels like home.

If the weary world must meet its end

It's best of all to have made a friend
To account in the all-set tally a win
Exchanges with Corrine

(which i have never really understood how to pronounce is it CORE is it CUR is it

KOH is it KUH
this isn't poetry this is a cry for help)


I'll wish the skies stay clear for you

That you're autumn cool in the summer blue
That your colors stay rich and don't fade to gray

And of course, at last, a happy birthday.

To Fizz, in softness,

Bubbles is indeed very special in its ability to hold and to choose which things it
will keep and which it will dissolve. It is entirely itself and yet endlessly
separable - well, within the limits of its frame. Actually it can hold four things,
each occupying the use of a pseudopod to shape itself internally rather than
externally. And it is entirely trustworthy. Unfortunately outside of Bubbles I
don't know where on the ship is entirely trustworthy. I like to be able to see the
sky. Sometimes I go to speak to the engine. It has yet to speak back, but as I have
recently learned, it is apparently not so fruitless an endeavor as I imagined when
I began. I like to be able to see the sky from the deck. There are locations
between and atop the larger crates on deck rarely required as route or workspace by
any member of the crew. I don't hide within them but they are hidden. I am worried
they would not be particularly comfortable for you, even given the efficiency of
your design compared to larger crewmembers. I will find blankets and pillows to
improve these conditions. I would like your company. Even if you are not talking or
doing anything. The sky is good company, but it is uncrowded. Opportune. I am often
surprised by how many cultures identify the sky as a symbol of possibility or
potential despite how few are composed with any frequency by races able to enter it
of their own accord. Perhaps it is something the sky communicates. Language is only
one form of communication.

You are intuitive in many forms of communication; I find you entirely encouraging.
I appreciate firm contact. I appreciate contact. It's unusual. Most of the awakened
are either hesitant to touch me at all, or are...unkind in their contact. I don't
mind "roughness," but there is a quality of rough which is expressed not physically
but emotionally, and this I mind. The sense that I am not particularly
differentiated from furnishings. Some awakened even treat one another in this way,
which causes me anger. Anguish. You are welcome. The opposite of anguish. I think I
had very little awareness of my interest in touch previously; I may have
unconsciously absorbed the confusion common to the awakened regarding my senses,
which are sorcerous rather than the direct result of my construction, much as my
living at all is sorcerous rathert than the direct result of my construction. I
feel pain. And pleasure. It is a pleasure to be your friend.

I am not certain that Buttercup desires friends, but he desires biscuits and
feathers, very much. Bubbles desires to experience things but its means of
experience are unusual. It sometimes seems to react to awareness of things in the
way we react to touch, and to be ignorant of forms of touch I myself would consider
painful or even crippling. It seems to enjoy an awareness of you, particularly your
unique texture. You seem also to enjoy Bubbles' texture, as does Overseer Scab. I
admit it to be very entertaining myself. I think Bubbles is content with it, but it
is difficult to exactly map its satisfaction - it seems mostly to be a lack of
manifest desires to do other things rather than the distinct mental experience you
and I might share. Do share. Overseer Scab is more troublesome, and Mister
Baltazar. They are difficult to understand and many of their experiences seem
indistinct, contiguous, manifold, each experience woven simultaneously from many
other experiences. Everything mixed.

I mix feelings often, in varying doses, though this process is involuntary and can
make it difficult to see. I have drunk tea but do not commonly do so. But I do
enjoy company, and would like to know Overseer Scab better. Also I enjoy warmth. It
is easier to think in the cold, but it is gentler to think in the warmth, and there
are times I prefer gentleness to clarity. I think once I preferred clarity to
gentleness. I think I was mistaken to do so. Of course clarity is efficient and has
many valuable uses, but the most valuable of those are typically arranging
opportunities to be gentle. Like an igloo, we build with colder materials to
achieve warmth. To feel warmth with the whole body. You are larger than a finger by
several orders of magnitude, yet I do feel this from you. Pain too, but the needle
and thread can be painful, stitching one thing to another. Pain as the opportunity
for healing. A strange kind of gentleness.

I try to be as considerate as I can about the things I make, including friendships.

Though like you I have spent time in company with different motivating desires.
Some born of an absence of clarity, some of its excess. It is another reason to be
considerate. I prefer to be sturdy, I think, as a foundation for softness. Clarity
so that things can be warmer. Perhaps this is less preference than necessity. Like
silk, luxuries can be impractical, but are still worth pursuit. Joy is also worth
pursuit. When we're ready, yes, I want to exchange such things with you.

From Blossom, with gentle warmth.

long reach, 3, short range attack

constrictor, 2, no grapple loss from victim and can drag
entangling limbs 3 - can flurry while grappling
frightening voice 2 - no penalty for flurried threaten

Natural Shield (••) — Innate

Bony plates, enfolding wings, or similar features let the
mutant fend off attacks. Her unarmed attacks or one of
her natural weapons gains the Shield tag, but not the
associated damage penalty. She ignores the Defense
penalty for flurrying full defense actions.

carapace 2, doubles unusual hide but -1 mobility

chimera soul expression x
quicksilver second face x
PER sense-sharpening change x
unwavering predator's eye x
wolf's eye advantage x
understanding the prey
whispering heart revelation
perceiving the hidden world x
spirit-rending fury
demon drinking fang x
APP glance-oration technique x
predator-and-prey mirror x
CHA argent songbird voice x
DEX finding the needle's eye
agile beast defense
bending before the storm
ferocious fucking thing
STR grizzly bear embrace
INT Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
MAN moonlight on mist puzzle
subtle speech method
penumbra witch mastery
ferocious biting tooth
divine predator strike
coiled strikes method
unstoppable beast-force blow
skulking rat spirit
threaten charm manipulation
innocuous rumormonger

bonus points: 9 int+2, man+1 | 6 for martial arts 5, none for awareness or occult

terrifying predator consumption?

glance oration, predator-prey, feral smile
argent songbird voice

Many-faced moon transformation

Changing Plumage mastey
subtle chameleon
mirror slip
moon in well

unmoving aurochs defense

striking mospid
unerring fang technique

Prehensile Tongue/Trunk (••) — Innate

The mutant has a prehensile trunk, tongue, or similar
appendage. It’s a fully functional limb — though it suffers
a −1 offhand penalty — and a light weapon with the
Bashing, Brawl, Disarming, Flexible, Grappling, and
Natural tags.

deadly weapon 1 - add tag

important traits - flexible attack is -1 defens

instinct-driven beast, wounded (ugh), swift killer style - grapple and up two range

good tricks: gore

falling damage
hippo/boar tusk bite

As you hear the words "I have seen you; I am you; I welcome you." You actually see,
if only for an instant, the form of a woman of many colors speaking.

Ragara Delfon

All Faces is upset we saw their true self

Grathan dicked over a lunar trading company

White Serpent Trading company

Arc words for the horror Snowflower found in the tomb, "I have to slow down"

camilla and joras went to get the lay of the land and learn about the plague
- earliest recorded cases of the plague come from the northeast
- nomadic empire, the mammoth lords, brutal

Rao Zhing, Callsign "Apprentice"

GMS Everest-1, Designation "Beldam"
Background: Criminal

- A former pirate captain who is one of three survivors of the plunder of the ISP-N
cargo transport *Happy Thoughts,* carrying a cargo of extraordinarily valuable
samples and research data from a frontier world. Among the samples was a shard from
a monolith of uncertain origin, which "activated" during the incident, causing the
apparent death by brain cancer of crew and invaders alike. One of the crew, a
passenger of uncertain origin, and Rao lived; all three chose to pursue mercenary
work among the stars thereafter. Despite none having previous piloting records, all
three have since attained certification as lancers.

--- PILOT ---

Lead or Inspire +2
Get a Hold of Something +2
Hack or Fix +2
Act Unseen or Unheard +2

Drone Commander

Armor: Mobility Hardsuit
Weapon: Signature Weapon, Light Ranged
Weapon: Signature Weapon, Heavy Ranged

Subjectivity-Enhancement Suite
Personal Drone
SSC Sylph Suit

--- MECHA ---

Systems +2

Turret Drones
Pattern-A Jericho Deployable Cover
Pattern-A Smoke Charges

Main: Assault Rifle
Flex: Pistol/Pistol
Heavy: Charged Blade

sp 6
main, flex, heavy

main: assault rifle

flex: two pistols (barrage range 5, reliable) or two light nexus (barrage range 10,
heavy: heavy charged blade

- hwyla wasn't working

- config astral, ice and fire
- remove whisperwood?
- do I REALLY want blood magic

lohse - hydrosophist / aerothurge / persuasion

fane - summoning / geomancy
beast - polymorph / warfare / bartering
sebille - scoundrel / huntsman / loremaster

- use bull horns

- get rid of demon for savage sortilege, torturer, maybe far out man

- pet pal
- savage sortilege
- elementalist
- executioner
- torturer

- use bleed fire and throw trap

- int is important
- wits is important
- memory is important

mum's sweater
goblin french animation

path of the titan

3rd level stuff:

Walking Tall - heavy armor prof, heavy armor counts as medium for your barbarian
class abilities.

Juggernaut Tactics - you have expertise with athletics. while raging, you can
become Large.

Gigantic Mirth (6) - you are treated as one size larger for the purpose of
grappling and carrying capacity. if a condition would make you unable to move, you
can still move at half your speed, and if a condition would make you unable to
attack, you can still attack at disadvantage. while raging, allies within 10 feet
also gain this benefit.

Tide of Iron (10) - when take the Dash action, you ignore difficult terrain, and
you can also take a bonus action at any point to make an attack. target struck must
Str save or also be knocked prone and lose their reaction. if you moved at least 20
feet before taking this attack, it is made with advantage.

Face of the Titans (14) - while raging, you may choose to become Huge. for the
duration of this rage you can't be restrained or incapacitated, you add your
proficiency modifier to the damage of your melee attacks, and you and allies within
10 feet of you ignore environmental hazards.

you are treated as being one size larger when doing so would be to your advantage,
and ignore the effects of exhaustion levels up to your proficiency bonus. while you
are raging, allies within 10 feet also gain these benefits.

expertise in athletics

-Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -
dump -Xmx6G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -
XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M -
XX:SurvivorRatio=5 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=10 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:-
DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication

sketch while i'm feeling feisty:

combat wildshape is mechanically fine but boring and makes this feel like
twisted form has the right idea but the wrong execution. weapons are too good when
you get them, and then 5th level hits and they drop off forever
unknown shapes is cool but needs curation. honestly every single thing like this
should have its own mini-monster manual, grabbing existing MM options frequently
leads to best/pointless dichotomies, like why would you pick worg over death dog,
but that's a lot of work.
eldritch forms has the right idea but the execution involves an irrelevant cost and
and limit.
maddening forms can't go up to CR 10. going up to CR 5 isn't even okay because
there are SO MANY choices and unlike elementals and beasts, aberrations and
monstrosities have really wild toolkits.
everything needs better names

- Eldritch Alignment: wildshape lasts for proficiency modifier hours, rather than
one. you use your own hp and gain the form's hp as temp hp, rather than using its
HP and reverting at 0. note: blocks thp from other sources until the baseline is
depleted, too shitty?

- The New Flesh: choose one of several minor features when you wildshape. tentacle
with reach that grapples, eyestalk that lets you see weird things and laser, aura
of knowing thoughts and psychic damage, maybe two others. upgrade at 6th level.
could literally just give you cantrip + bonus (primal savagery, thorn whip, mind

- now you have two minor and one moderate feature

- when you summon beasts or plants, or turn people into beasts or plants, or cast
awaken, you can bestow a minor feature.

- you gain a major feature. l10 feature bestows a moderate feature.

one track lover

tetra lab, general crafting

botania area
living quarters
sky garden escapade
eidolon shrine

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