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Shadows On The Lake

3 Dot Artifact
Soulsteel Direlance

A Lunar of the First Age sought to make a glorious wedding gift for their mate—a
Moonsilver Direlance that would be the work of years.

But the First Age ended with the death of the Lunar and their Solar Mate both, with the
incomplete weapon sunk to the bottom of a lake, an enduring yet malformed sign of their

In another life, an Abyssal awoke. In the completion of their duties, they were plagued
with visions of a distant lake, lit with moonlight. When at last they traveled to the scene
from their visions, a strange compulsion took them, and they dove to the very bottom.

They rose from the dark, silver-lined depths with the incomplete Direlance. Like this, it
would be of no use to them. But again, they felt compelled.

With the fires of the forge, they melted the Moonsilver down, and alloyed it with
Soulsteel. The ghosts of unrependent murders and vengeful widows were woven into its
form, creating a weapon that could change its form, just as its intended recipient had.
This weapon was Shadows On The Lake, a much belated wedding gift, now an Abyssal

Shadows On The Lake is resonant with Lunars and Abyssals. It possesses a single
Hearthstone socket in the center of its amorphous mass.

Someone who is attuned to Shadows On The Lake may use it as though it has the Archery
(Long) tag, and awakens Twilight Bafflement at no cost. It uses arrows as if it were a

Twilight Bafflement
Cost: 3i; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Decisive-only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
When the wielder deals damage with a decisive attack at Close range, she may
automatically Disengage after attacking. The roll for Disengage receives 1 automatic
non-charm success.

Hazy Shadow Conjuring

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
The wielder banishes Shadows On The Lake and its associated ammunition Elsewhere.
She can recall them to her hands by reflexively ending this Charm.
**Special:** You gain this Evocation for free if you already have a weapon storage
charm such as Banished Bow Arsenal.
**Resonant:** If this is done when Join Battle is rolled your first action in the combat
counts as if you had spent a turn aiming.

Both Eyes Reflected

Cost: 2m, 1i; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prequisite Charms: Twilight Bafflement
This Charm enhances a rush or disengage. If the Exalt succeeds, she also gains the
benefits of an aim action against contesting opponents.

Lake’s Cold Grip

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Dual
Duration: Instant
Prequisite Charms: Both Eyes Reflected
This charm enhances an attack that is benefiting from aim. If the wielder would deal
damage with a withering-attack, deal additional damage after soak is applied equal to the
higher of the wielder’s essence or 3. If the wielder would deal damage with a decisive-
attack, add the lower of 3 or Essence additional dice to the damage roll.

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