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The Impact of Anti-LGBT Discrimination on the Psychological State and Social Perceptions of

Transgender Students

Macabuag, Lamond Francesco

Malic, Carlo Miguel
Matibag, Niña Christina
Medina, Yeshua Benedict
Ochoa, Noah Santino

1.0 INTRODUCTION prescribed for male students despite explanations

regarding her gender identity, resulting in her
1.1 Background of the Study transfer to another university (Society of
Any school should aim to be a comfortable and Transsexual Women of the Philippines, n.d.). In
accepting space to encourage the holistic learning 2011, a transgender student at the University of the
and growth of all its students. However, numerous Philippines Diliman was informed by her French
transgender students in the Philippines are barred professor of her unwillingness to use her preferred
from an uninterrupted learning experience by feminine pronouns due to her religious beliefs,
unacceptance, intolerance, and outright rejection causing the student to submit an appeal to the UP
from school administrations, educators, and fellow President for a new university policy protecting
students. Transgender students do not have their LGBT students, teachers, and staff that remained
pronouns and gender recognized by their educators unanswered during the duration of her stay in the
and other students, are actively prevented by institution. (Society of Transsexual Women of the
school authorities from dressing or expressing Philippines, n.d.). In June 2019, Tarlac State
themselves according to their gender identity and University refused to allow six transgender male
are dismissed based on their gender identity (Tang students from wearing the traditional male barong
& Poudel, 2018). Such discriminatory behavior tagalog as their graduation attire, prompting former
causes transgender students to suffer negative senator Lila De Lima to release a statement
effects to their psychological state such as less condemning the actions of the institution (Senate of
emotional control and lower self-esteem (Cornell the Philippines, 2019). In a similar occurrence in
Chronicle, 2019) as well as affects their social June 2022, four transgender women were
perceptions by influencing them to view society in disallowed from attending their senior high school
an unfavorable way (Drake, 2013) and by making graduation ceremony in dresses and with long hair,
them believe society holds them in low regard drawing much attention on social media sites (Licsi,
(Saxe, 2017). 2022). Likewise, in August of 2022, a transgender
male student was referred to by his former birth
There have been increasing numbers of reports of name during his graduation rites and was forced by
discrimination towards transgender students in school authorities to have his graduation pictures
recent years. In 2008, a transgender student at a digitally altered to remove the necktie he was
nursing school was accused of fraud by the Dean of wearing (Mangaluz, 2022).
her school and was asked to wear the uniform
There have been several foreign studies about experienced by LGBT youth from their parents,
discrimination against transgender people and the government officials, classmates, teachers, and the
LGBT community overall in foreign countries. public, as well as the lack of programs from
Pampati et al. (2018) contrasted cisgender and different government institutions that enable anti-
transgender students from seven Florida high LGBT discrimination to continue.
schools in terms of their perceptions and
experiences of their school climate. The study Despite the presence of these academic articles on
reports that transgender children felt less protected the experiences of LGBT students in the Philippines,
at school and had a more unfavorable assessment none so far have focused exclusively on transgender
of their learning environment. They were also more students or have attempted to document the
likely to experience bullying and not attend school adverse effects of discrimination on the victims. This
for more than three days in a month. research thus aimed to fill this gap in information by
Similarly, Hanson, et al. (2019) studied how LGBT studying the effects of discrimination on the
children in Californian high schools perceive their psychological state and social perceptions of
school climate and how those perceptions are transgender students in the Philippines.
related to their academic success and psychological
state. The study reports that LGBT students had few 1.2 Statement of the Problem
positive ideas on their school environment as they The following primary questions were addressed by
were often the target of verbal and physical abuse this research:
by their peers and were given less emotional and
academic support from teachers and counselors. 1. In what ways have high school level
They were also unlikely to receive high grade point transgender students experienced
averages and regularly showed signs of chronic discrimination while in their places of
sadness and suicidal tendencies. education?
2. How has the discrimination affected the
There are also some studies about discrimination psychological wellbeing of the participants?
against transgender people and the LGBT 3. How has the discrimination affected the
community overall in the Philippines. Thoreson social perceptions of the participants?
(2017) studied the situation of LGBT students in
Philippine secondary schools. The study 1.3 Significance the Study
documented the discrimination experienced by The following groups of people will benefit from
LGBT students from high schools in Luzon and this research:
Visayas from their teachers and fellow classmates
while inside and outside of school, as well as the Transgender Students. Transgender students may
religious and social stigma, abundance of use this research to affirm that the difficulties they
discriminatory policies, and lack of effective experience are not isolated cases that only they
regulations and information to prevent such events. face but are widespread occurrences that many
others witness. In addition, they would also greatly
Similarly, Custodio (2019) observed the broad benefit from the actions taken and changes
discrimination and violence-related experiences of implemented by educators, parents, and
LGBT youth across the Philippines. The study government officials after viewing this research.
detailed the discrimination most usually
Educators. Educators may become aware of the high school within the National Capital Region of
discrimination their LGBT students face while at the Philippines. They have been exposed to or have
school and the subsequent effects of those experienced anti-LGBT discrimination for a period of
experiences on the students’ overall welfare. This at least one year. This study will examine the
information may enable educators to formulate discrimination experienced by the participants while
appropriate ways to make their school a inside their schools. Thereafter, the effects of the
comfortable and effective learning environment discrimination on the psychological state of the
free of harm for all students, through personalized participants will be observed. This includes their
approaches and institutionalized policy changes. general emotional state as well as their self-esteem,
how they respond to their emotions, their cognitive
Parents. Parents of transgender students may gain ability, and their sleeping and eating patterns. The
a deeper understanding of the discrimination and effects of the discrimination on the psychological
other difficulties their children face. Through this, state of the participants were also observed. This
they may know to recognize signs of such difficulty includes how the participants believe society
and perform necessary actions that will safeguard regards them considering how they are
the wellbeing of their children. discriminated against by other people, as well as
their ideas on and willingness to participate in
Government Officials. Government officials may school activities and with other people.
realize the existence or severity of transgender
discrimination in schools as well as its serious This research does not consider the discrimination
effects on transgender students. They may identify experienced by other LGBT groups, such as lesbians,
this issue as one they need to give prompt attention gay people, or bisexuals. Neither does it analyze the
to as part of their mission to improve the status of experiences of transgender students in lower levels
life in their area through the introduction of of education, such as in elementary, or in higher
relevant laws and programs. levels of education, such as in college. It does not
consider the experiences of students studying
Academics. This research acts as an avenue for the outside the National Capital Region of the
researchers to enrich their knowledge on Philippines.
transgender issues in schools. Likewise, the As such, this research is only able to represent the
contents of this research may serve as a reference experiences of LGBT individuals who have the same
for other academics or researchers who intend to qualities as the participants but fails to recognize
expand their knowledge or conduct research on the the experiences of the broader LGBT community
same or a similar issue. who have different sexual orientations, are studying
in various levels, are living in other places, and are
1.4 Scope and Limitations experiencing different effects.
This study focuses on how anti-LGBT discrimination
affects the psychological state and social 1.5 Review of Related Literature
perceptions of transgender students in high school. Thoreson (2017) studied the distinct discriminatory
experiences of LGBT students inside Philippine high
The data for this study will be collected from schools in the Luzon and Visayas regions. While
transgender students who are currently enrolled in focusing on the experiences of all LGBT subgroups,
grades seven through twelve. They study in any this study also details the experiences of some
transgender students. One transgender woman Cornell Chronicle (2019), an initiative of the Cornell
stated that her classmates attempted to undress University, analyzed 300 academic articles to
her in public, and on a separate occasion locked her determine what scholarly research says about the
into a men’s restroom and sexually assaulted her. effects of discrimination on the health of LGBT
Another transgender woman stated that she had individuals. Of the 300 articles analyzed, 286
been subjected by her classmates to such a high reflected a connection between anti-LGBT
degree of verbal mocking that she had been forced discrimination to negative health conditions in LGBT
to transfer to another school. A transgender man individuals. One major finding was that anti-LGBT
relayed that his former relationship with a woman discrimination increases the likelihood of poor
had been scrutinized by his teachers and had even mental health conditions such as depression,
been used by school authorities as basis for him to anxiety, suicidal tendencies, PTSD, lessened
receive sanctions. This evidence presents instances emotional coping capability, internalized stigma,
of anti-LGBT discrimination in high schools lower self-esteem, and expectations of rejection.
specifically targeted towards transgender Other major findings focused on the effects of anti-
individuals. This contributes to the realness of LGBT discrimination on the physical health of
transgender discrimination in schools by individuals. This further establishes that
establishing its factuality and repeated occurrence discrimination experienced by LGBT students while
in Philippine high schools. in school have several real effects on their mental
and physical health that affect not only their
Wilson and Cariola (2019) assessed the themes and academic lives but also their personal lives.
contents of 97 articles to understand the mental
health challenges faced by LGBT youth. The results Drake (2013) studied how LGBT adults perceived
of the initial study were then used to determine society through a survey. This study specifically
which environments and factors would best focused on factors such as how well the LGBT
optimize the mental health of LGBT youth. One believes society accepts them and how friendly the
major finding indicated that LGBT youth were LGBT believes religions are towards them. The study
commonly exposed to factors such as details that while some LGBT individuals believe the
marginalization, isolation, rejection, and world is becoming more accepting towards non-
homophobic behavior. The subsequent finding heterosexual people, the majority still believes the
indicated that LGBT youth exposed to these factors world is not very accepting as they have
had high tendencies to exhibit symptoms of experienced discrimination in the form of slurs,
depression, self-harm, suicidal tendencies, and insensitive jokes, or rejection from peers. The study
dissatisfaction with their physical appearance. also shows how LGBT adults view most major
Other results suggest that community and family religious institutions as unfriendly toward them,
support optimize the mental health of LGBT youth. particularly since they have been made to feel
These findings signify that anti-LGBT discrimination unwelcome in a religious organization or place of
occurs in numerous ways and inflicts specific worship at least once or have been told by religious
negative effects on the psychological state of individuals that being LGBT is against their religious
victims. This also suggests the importance of or moral beliefs. This adds to the idea that LGBT
familial support in stabilizing the mental health of individuals are inclined to think of society in certain
LGBT youth. ways according to the manners in which other
people and institutions act toward them. When
they are treated negatively, they may feel negative rejection based on gender identity, victimization
towards others, but when they are treated based on gender identity, and non-affirmation or
positively, they may feel positive towards others. non-acknowledgement of gender identity—which
are some of the potential experiences of the
Taylor (2018) analyzed the relation of anti-LGBT participants—have effects on the psychological
discrimination and social support on the self- health of transgender individuals.
perception of LGBT students in the secondary level
using data from a previous study done in Ontario,
Canada. The results of the study detail that anti-
LGBT discrimination have significant negative
effects on the self-esteem of victims. Similarly,
sufficient social support from friends results in
higher self-esteem. This supports the idea that anti-
LGBT discrimination affects the ways in which LGBT
individuals perceive themselves, as well as suggests
that external support is helpful in maintaining the The ‘Components of Social Perception as Targets for
positive mindset of victims. In addition, it suggests Intervention’ model by Koenig, et al. (2009) depicts
that having social support is key in averting the the connection between facial emotion recognition,
negative effects of discrimination on victims. gesture interpretation, speech interpretation, joint
attention skill, and others to the societal
1.6 Theoretical Framework perceptions of an individual. This indicates
framework suggests that how an individual
understands the actions of other individuals around
them determines the ways they perceive society.
This theoretical framework thus suggests that the
ways in which transgender individuals understand
the discriminatory actions of other individuals and
institutions determines the ways they perceive
those individuals and institutions.

The ‘Gender Minority Stress and Resilience’ model

1.7 Definition of Terms
by Streed et al. (2021) illustrates the connection of
Anti-LGBT Discrimination – The prejudicial and
distal stress factors, proximal stress factors, and
unfair treatment of one person or group of persons
resilience factors on the mental and physical health
towards the LGBT community based on their sexual
outcomes of transgender individuals. While this
orientation, expressed through words or actions
research did not observe the connection of
(American Psychological Association, 2019).
proximal stress factors and resilience factors to the
Gender expression – The ways in which an
mental and physical health effects of the
individual expresses or presents their gender
participants, this theoretical framework is still of
through body language, voice, name, and attire
use as it presents a direct connection between acts
(Ontario Human Rights Commission, n.d.).
of discrimination on mental health or psychological
state. It suggests that acts of discrimination such as
Gender identity – An individual’s self-identified Transsexual – An outdated term for ‘transgender,’
perception of their own gender as either male, only to be used for individuals who specify that they
female, both, or neither, which may be the same or prefer it (American Psychological Association, 2014)
different to the gender they were assigned at birth
(Ontario Human Rights Commission, n.d.).
Heterosexual – An individual who is exclusively
sexually or romantically attracted to individuals of 2.1 Research Design
the other gender. This research will follow a narrative research design
focused on documenting the experiences of the
High school – The department of any educational participants in a sequential order as well as
institution concerned with administering learning revealing deeper knowledge and viewpoints
for students in grades 7 through 12. regarding the issue (“LibGuides: Qualitative Study
Design: Narrative Inquiry,” n.d.). The narrative
LGBT – An acronym for ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and research design would allow for the effective
Transgender,’ the collective term used to refer to recording of the accounts of high-school level
the community of all non-heterosexual individuals. transgender students regarding the discrimination
they have experienced while in their places of
Non-heterosexual – An individual who is attracted education and the subsequent effects of those on
to individuals of the same gender, or members of their psychological state and societal perceptions.
the LGBT community. This would further allow for the identification of
themes and recurring patterns in the experiences of
Gender – Synonymous to sex, the classification of the participants, developing an extensive
individuals as male, female, both, and neither. understanding of the effects of the issue on the
participants as well as the issue as comprehended
Psychological state – The general mental and by the participants.
emotional condition of an individual.
2.2 Research Locale
Sexuality – An individual’s sexual orientation in The participants for this research will be sourced
relation to which gender they are attracted. from the high school department of educational
institutions, which comprises grade 7 through 12.
Social perceptions – An individual’s judgements or These high schools will be part of private schools,
opinions about society, including social standards which require the payment of tuition fees and are
and roles as well as themselves and other people. funded and operated by private organizations or
individuals. These schools will be in the National
Transgender – An individual whose gender identity Capital Region of the Republic of the Philippines,
or gender expression is not aligned with the gender composed of 16 highly urbanized cities acting as the
they were assigned at birth (American Psychological country’s political, economic, and educational
Association, 2014). center (Department of Trade and Industry, 2022).
2.3 Research Participants application such as Facebook Messenger or Zoom,
The participants of this research will be transgender or in-person in a private space.
individuals. These individuals are between thirteen The questions asked during the interview will follow
to eighteen years old and are currently enrolled in a semi-structured pattern in which a primary set of
any high school in any private school within the questions will be used as reference, but additional
National Capital Region of the Republic of the questions may be asked as appropriate. The primary
Philippines. These individuals must have faced anti- set of questions include the following:
LGBT discrimination within their places of education
for at least one year. 1. What forms of discrimination have you
In addition, if legal adults, these participants must experienced while in your place of
be able to give informed consent to their education?
participation in the research. If still minors, the 2. From whom did you experience the
participants must be able to provide the consent of discrimination?
their parents or guardians in addition to their own 3. How often did you experience the
consent. They must also be able to communicate discrimination?
proficiently using the English language during the 4. How has the discrimination affected your
interview. overall emotional state?
5. How has the discrimination affected your
2.4 Sampling Technique self-esteem?
As a result of the rarity of participants with the 6. How has the discrimination affected your
required characteristics, this research will sleeping patterns?
implement a combination of the purposive sampling 7. How has the discrimination affected your
method and the chain sampling method to eating habits?
maximize the total number of participants. 8. How has the discrimination affected your
The purposive sampling method entails the views on society?
deliberate selection of participants who meet the 9. How has the discrimination affected your
set requirements by the researchers. The chain willingness to engage with other people?
sampling method involves the referral of one or
more participants by another participant. A cellular phone will be used as a voice recorder
The researchers will initially identify qualifying during the interview. The Microsoft Word software
participants to engage in the research, then ask will then be used to create a transcript of the
those participants to secure the consent of anyone interview.
they know with the required qualifications to be
recommended to the researchers. 2.6 Data Gathering Procedure
The researchers will identify individuals with the
2.5 Research Instruments and Techniques necessary characteristics. A letter of invitation
This research will implement the in-depth interview detailing the purpose and nature of the research as
method where one of the researchers will well as affirming confidentiality and asking for
personally interview one participant. The location of consent will be sent to the individual through an
the interviews will be determined by the email or private online message. If the individual
convenience and preference of the participant, agrees to participate in the research and gives their
either virtually through an online communication consent as well as their parent’s or guardian’s
consent, if applicable, to do as such, one researcher
will coordinate with them to determine the date,
time, and location of the interview. On the agreed
period of the interview, the researcher will meet
with the participant at the agreed location. The
researcher will restate the purpose and nature of
the research and reaffirm the confidentiality of the
participant. Thereafter, the researcher will proceed
to obtain the consent of the participant to begin a
voice recording using a cellular phone for the
duration of the interview. The researcher will refer
to the primary set of questions but may ask relevant
follow-up questions as needed. Once the entire
interview is finished, the researcher will end the
voice recording and ask the participant to refer any
people they may know to also participate in the
research. Then, the researcher will express their
gratitude for the time and participation of the
participant and permit them to leave. Following
that, the researcher will use the voice recording as
reference to create a transcription of the entire
interview session without any additions or
subtractions. A copy of the transcript will be
provided to the participant for verification of its
content. This process will repeat until sufficient data
is obtained from enough participants.

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