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Caro mio ben

Tommaso Giordani (1730-1806) - attributed to Giuseppe Giordani (1744-1798)

Caro mio ben, credimi almen,

['ka˘·Ro mi˘o bEn 'kre˘·di·mi al·'me˘n]
Dear, my beloved, believe-me at-least,
(My dearest love, believe me at least)

Senza di te languisce il cor.

['sEn·tsa di te laN·'gwiS·Se il kçr]
without (of) you languishes the heart
(that without you my heart suffers.)

Il tuo fedel sospira ognor.

[il tu˘o fe·'de˘l sos·'pi˘·Ra o¯·'¯or]
The your faithful-one sighs always.
(Your faithful lover constantly sighs;)

Cessa, crudel, tanto rigor!

['tSEs·sa kru·'dE˘l 'tan·to ri·'go˘r]
Cease, cruel-one, so-much severity.
(stop, cruel one, this torture.)

(Translations and IPA transcription © by Bard Suverkrop -

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