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| === wrrrinc ANSWER SHEET RI ‘CAMBRIDGE /S320a IELTS eet Candidate Number? “sta rtittg pyomt 2000— ce Alta tei deat that, the propidion of students attend ug plunitny ~copyolled Sthools and, Comnuunitt Schools accounted eth lorqest porn if 2000, 200 and 700% iryai m wil Was 32% Tn mont, the vote op Sudlents attending Sporicilsr Ehoala ahd Gramma Schools was 11% curd 19°7o, respect |ly EXAMINER 2 NUMBER: (CANDIDATE NUMBER: EXAMINER 1 NUMBER... ee 1) c ite. i £ -— Fs \ r HH for Communitu cr heol L nial wos 5867, infaing he hi Dronartion in thie Geers -3- TASK 2 ol peg dame ae pial mare compel aor i A Alnone chidclyen that con hein then aphuve noals in they — futube Dictactar ibelieye that ehitidiela talvont +o! — OD? bate a to, cit _P —bulieve that sue both Views pave. ite own be nefite il : There, are came advantages that clviPdren snot “be tanaht +o Improve Reape tian: Fivstot allshs coin heép them +o rchve their qcals when -Achitdren woirtd have more: motivations e or she is in o competition with others toy les in css, chiddren -otternpt to get “Higher mark than other | Ethe other 7 y s wien Au WRITING ANSWER SHEET BRr S80 ELIS Bacon Candidate Number: Date:.. Module: acapemic [_] GENERAL TRAINING (Tickas appropriate) TASK: of Aha table , tm _c8 Y EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER‘....sn:nnn CANDIDATE NUMBER‘... EXAMINER | NUMBER... WRITING ANSWER SHEET UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE, ESOL Examinations Candidate Number: EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| EXAMINER 2 NUMBER‘. snonsneun sn CANDIDATE NUMBER... EXAMINER | NUMBER: EXAMINER'S USE ONLY UNDERLEANGTH | [NO.OF WORDS PENALTY OFFATORC ‘MEMORISED TULESmLE ‘UNDERLEANGTH | [NOOF WORDS PENALTY (OFF-TOPIC MEMORISED ILLES ———_—-_ EXAMINER'S USE ONLY WRITING ANSWER SHEET UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE CANDIDATE NUMBER... EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER... EXAMINER | NUMBER.... EXAMINER 1 TASK EXAMINER? TASK EXAMINER'S USE ONLY) sal Jee] en ed TUNDERLEANGTH [| [OOF WORDS PENALTY OFF-TOPIC (MEMORISED ILLEGIBLE ml Je) el TUNDERLEANGTH | __ [NO OF WORDS: PENALTY ‘OFF-TOPIC MEMORISED ILLEGIBLE, brains many mumon he ofors ang pert. —1sfio may fate CY __peopth EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| WRITING ANSWER SHEET 33 ROH IELTS UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE IELILS ESOL Examinations Candidate Number: Date: Module: acapemic [_| GENERALTRAINING [_] (Tickas appropriate) Task: fhe given rable llusteaips tlie per conlages af students fie attend soe ders gb echo! Th eon Sep ian as can be een thet, ao Gmtony aclnd th iqlist proportion ctudes yained im, this ts tle sows poi ¢ cy epecalist Schanls bene the lo peucca 5 La atages of students aiser ily Deni { 2 1aqcs__pfle OS. Meron, S eat ji wat Spectalied Sclu f ? we Howseney , hie percot aol, _stanel Lusbile Specialist arnan CANDIDATE NUMBER:. EXAMINER | NUMBER.... a | wy TASK 2 4 i ale dunk that cuildsea should be —sirmlaie dinar el comorivion while alias dvel belies chaldrey wnlap are toed 4 = nnmate nates ot) 1 to eo me : : Ty _gemsal, young prople an motets df ina sept wil bate seme “bentlis 69 hom thst, ahiey wall how a selon rie, dhe bnous’ abaut ut | this | onceniceric YL yplte tte and zn nid, thaldanrs te compcisien 9. felon caddy dine best te anbrece thm itt lest (| EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| WRITING ANSWER SHEET UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE ESOL Examinations [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER..... (CANDIDATE NUMBER:... EXAMINER | NUMBER: = EXAMINER'S USE ONLY WRITING ANSWER SHEET BI of S8She IELTS | Bue Module: ACADEMIC GENERAL TRAINING (Tickas appropriate) [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:...snsnnnennninnnn CANDIDATE NUMBER®..-.cscsesssnnnie EXAMINER | NUMBER‘ sso —0a_ Sti omuhaae d tee_20 Guna ged all she reach will & ane a she Gert idea 10 40, ho m fi -a_ubetal AQi0 toh adular 20 400k & aSeutr Dud och eruib? , 4 tnd? ot scnsetitian “ach, Shran shoudelnet 22 we ell fa a TW eih anions din cause Gye, decd@rt aod veale be ilfter| wt ie i rela clegs eee EXAMINER'S USE ONLY xawmen! Fra] [oc] [ux] foe sxanmven? [ra] [ec] [ox] ford aaa TUNDERLEANGTH | [NO OF WORDS PENALTY (OFF-TOPIC ‘MEMORISED TLEGINLE UNDEREEANGTH | | NOOF WORDS PENALTY (OFF-TOPIC MEMORISED ILLEGIBLE _ GQ) = 2)| gg sc | WRITING ANSWER SHEET S880 IELTS avast {casos Candidate Name... llgiyei..L Centre Name. Guilin. Module: acapemtc [_] tes paca cncfusion, tfirex_scPoots which < Speciabct CANDIDATE NUMBER. nsnsnesnno EXAMINER'S USE ONLY] EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:..... EXAMINER | NUMBER%...sonnessenenenen EXAMINER 1 TASK | EXAMINER? TASK [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| TUNDERLEANGTH | _[ NOOF WoRDS venaty |_| mae feral ‘OFF-TOPIC MEMORISED uecmuz |_| ‘TRDERLEANGTH | [ NOOF WORDS PENALTY maT Jee Be} SSaerome [senna | [raza —__—— So [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY) & WRITING ANSWER SHEET UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE ESOL Examinations [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY] EXAMINER 2 NUMBER... CANDIDATE NUMBER... EXAMINER | NUMBER... EXAMINER'S USE ONLY} 1, TrommcanaTa | [Noor wows] | reNacry Pease fra] Jee] [ex] br orF=TOrIC MEMORISED iieemur |_| Tomo poorwoms| [ema |} exgsaen 2 mal [ec] [ur bral ‘OFF-TOPIC MENORISED ecmuz || Ty of ppb licte aad pce len oy will be a apeod seek icloce too ———_ EXAMINER'S USE ONLY] 22)| iss sa | WRITING ANSWER SHEET | SSare IELTS BOL Eanes POSE Candidate Number: Date:.. [1] arickasappropriate) EXAMINER'S USE ONLY) EXAMINER 2 NUMBER: EXAMINER | NUMBER? 0-0 CANDIDATE NUMBER... EXAMINER TASK EXAMINER 2 TASK EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| TA cc bral TA cc LR bel ToenLANGTH | —_[NOOF WORDS] —| rant OnF-TORC ‘MEMORISED TLceGmLE ‘wabemizaNani | [Noor woRDs | | ~pananny orreToric wenousen [| muxeomee | —] —————— EXAMINER'S USE ONLY’ WRITING ANSWER SHEET UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE ESOL Examinations Candidate Number: Dates. (ickas appropriate) TASK1 We choct BEE ay fagila Atlnday Four Secmelany Sched "apr patios Tp patente gicst_dop 0 TS Volatany conto ld Code) wih 52 prieat, Anel ‘ the era di jadante rigs Geetalise coheals and Comunity sedvale ith 42 percent 1 oe tend: sp schools > Brapamav och Velde salle d ool call ill jo fotmn 2.000 te 2009. Pal pha Last mmunity ¢ cAve/e @ toes incre _w gaster pool gaster —fisen 2 perttimd eg jn 9000 0_Sb » t in 200g tha propotdions of pupil Aitanding, Your Cecen Mary Shoal Ty fe i Seckalse Choo! Granmay Cohort, Veluntang - Con Schsels » Gre EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:, EXAMINER 1 NUMBER...... ‘CANDIDATE NUMBER: ca w | EXAMINE 'S USE ONLY SRLEANGTH |__| NOOF WORDS Penaury | EXAMINER 1 col a — | sear | kd be] OFF-TOPIC MEMORISED meecmz |_| TNDERLEANGTH | _ [NOOF WORDS PENALTY | ExAMINER? wa Teel eee Eesane | Pron [tor H TASK1 il “ Be Cava sre us It Ser te cain aspols oy @ chide ee hod ein a cyt tin eine nerpl , anol cht, NE CLAN. 0, fox Sucee wwe) Sling | a pivad dul Th 20 pttition, a ged wth pep us. Herre tla ever, oxetive| AE POA A adenie Perper entree fa, be on h aly Lead ta elpch pheno ta deccley acl parted Chetlel be _tegcem=mre Tm rastor—thrasple etme Ep ani ch be than Compey by ini Hi A lop pardnt slat gp skill ae Dlbrsade GPeateng teed pe rade ity etl One fe ba pas ihe alr page EXAMINER'S USE ONLY WRITING ANSWER SHEET RI SSK ELIS Baa TASK: the dab clémentiascche oy cludend a: school _Juypas “ mar ocho] 0 Lund: P tcdacale ia oO tn 2ac4 Juhl a School attendane foal 0 bat ay cha Labial (on munity [2 Oxtrortly verte) but Gr it Grammer schools aie v litany ch Jraotllod sah chools cue Comm nit sched © unlori, - cpush oiled] ight in 2 Z thon _id-was +a Come clown wich other typec with 70% [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER: .........000 CANDIDATE NUMBER: EXAMINER | NUMBER...... TASK2 bo on onton ome ponply dlink wen or) fut ¢vathor than fu point op viowc, He Chil pots be EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| WRITING ANSWER SHEET UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE ee secs IELTS SOL Exitos ¢ EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER: CANDIDATE NUMBER®.... EXAMINER | NUMBER«... EXAMINER 1 TASK EXAMINER? TASK EXAMINER'S USE ONLY. cc LR ral TA cc LR eral UNDERLEANGTH | [NO.OF WORDS PENALTY (OFF-TOPIC MEMORISED ILLEGIBLE UNDERLEANGTH |__| NO OF WORDS PENALTY ‘OFF-TOPIC MEMORISED TLEGIMLE —_—_ EXAMINER'S USE ONLY, | S=== —_ AITING ANSWER SHEET Eke IELTS Bam Module: ACADEMIC GENERALTRAINING |_| (Tickas appropriate) ic Aichest the lowest prtanass Speci seal ‘ [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| EXAMINER 2 NUMBER‘... CANDIDATE NUMBER:.y.c0sesesenrnnan EXAMINER 1 NUMBER:..... ond pal O_-slgnigtiont drop: Grae Shor -opink Thy peeéi pereanda Ge ©f Cision yy ‘} n nity School cr 8 a qe {o_coneDuscion i perrentage of community chal ip 2009 warthe Tah : 2 Powe EXAMINER'S USE ONLY TRoenceavorw [ [Noor Woms| | —renanty exasmvert [ra] [oc] [ur] [eral ‘OFF-TORIC ‘MEMORISED TULEGIBLE TASK TRORTEANTH | [ROOF WORDS | | PaRACTY examen? [ra] [ec] [tr] bra ‘orrsTOMIC MEMORISED TLLEGMLE TASK Se /EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER | TASK2 EXAMINER 2 TASK2 EXAMINER'S USE ONLY . ‘UNDERLEANGTH | —_[NOOF WORDS PENALTY ta] Tec] [er] Joel ||“ oreerone [| wentonsen | — [eae Fe eee aero PENALTY ma] [ec] [ex ‘OFF-TOPIC MEMORISED TLC WRITING ANSWER SHEET set S$ Jomo Candidate Number: Date: GENERALTRAINING [_] (Tickasappropriate) CANDIDATE NUMBER: EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:... EXAMINER 1 NUMBER... EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| EXAMINER | col Jun pr] Penn Poor wom PENALTY » TA ee ‘OFF=TOPIC -MEMORISED TLEGIRLE 'UNDERLEANOTH [ [NO OF WORDS PENALTY 2 swore? [wa] Teo] [ex] for] “mone tp ronommes-[[ rsome TASK 1 EXAMINER'S USE ONLY] Ge i 4 WRITING ANSWER SHEET SER IELTS Bat Module: ACADEMIC GENERALTRAINING [_] (Tickasappropriate) TASK: — lhe table illugteats the progations o¢ pupils attorhing four secondary subeol Mypes gern 20nd tego ail the share of_pupilealterore devoted steadily excopt gor Community Schioe cisen gma Ae te Site oY gars Nolet toned Sih Stet eit AL fo Aighest, followid by Gutman Schele ialict seo schools ot tbe third place cael munity aac these gar specialist shared the same per prope tinns wale fur bonne, ia Sth og \ 40%, EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| EXAMINER 2 NUMBER... ‘CANDIDATE NUMBER... EXAMINER | NUMBER: TASK2 Casale why Pay bas fe work oS ater toe Leeroy co-operate shillt make Horse (aN ‘ae WRITING ANSWER SHEET Sane IELTS Beene Candidate Number: Date: (ickas appropriate) ‘ : 5rd f tapidly 32°, at Sons gad 58% at 2009- and its als» become the cs ar Finally, ae table shows the “ inast popular hype}, Vu dupes . Abbot A4.2000, voluntary = contrellzd schools were thy “nuatt pol ar _hypes oof _ Soma): wore Phe _oct popular And in 2008, chmmnunisy Schomls_were the ost_Prspular types of dmeer stemndlary schools [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER‘... EXAMINER | NUMBER... CANDIDATE NUMBER..... -3- Uivg wi th him. berter_or not. ee [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY WRITING ANSWER SHEET BRITISH councL IELTS OQ xmmom ae Candidate Number:..0¥S.£.2.8 5986 Module: ACADEMIC GENERAL TRAINING (Tick as appropriate) TASK: Ae Acble cloroanelyios tho poreentane og Core ecanderd Schaal obionclance Presa S006, 800 Je Con ho scons valli) comyallod sehaal= wer? bo eau cooular ardnong 6 sclroole at th Te ing. rind | ihe open adh oc tro por spociniel s Je Anal Cor mooi ty sehecliin Veo como £1 Te 009, Volunlony. Condtod lols were wan 4h0_higuast eoxtdicin GO% Aplor give years obi baagh dad mrcontace F pupil hove aerensecl dq’! th 22% a0 position cp once ocbaals hove glayeck $ wNchane Ax Uno ond i Nioturion ss — contol Ang sGcbncl’ nigkost probactios ey 0 £ period” s, clonal arc) Ano sora) figud with 19% and Tm 008 Cormmuniisy school ficard_olaeqes pe I. 2 oct = +2, ore bool lec noc} to Croco dy oc! Of GD iqheed BHO wow ane por sponriltel goheals with, 210 [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY] EXAMINER 2 NUMBER... EXAMINER | NUMBER:... CANDIDATE NUMBER...... [EXAMINER | TASK EXAMINER 2 ‘TASK EXAMINER'S USE ONLY TA fed TA bed TTRDERLEANGTH | __[NOOF WORDS! PENALTY OFr=TorIC ‘MEMORISED ILLEGINLE UNDERLEANGTH[ [OOF WORDS PENALTY ‘OFF-TORIC ‘MEMORISED TLLEGILE sSads And Cos make nor -3- rEeeive vospect but eeuono won thor mood picionols erly. Aer oil ecoiwe Ora Adv hood, childvon avo dargint 4p eo: os SESS te eS MS es vig ane sega ae Qrormn oto an TT sident conn, lve ating Yack r—O9 EN cr pewetinor nlp rer pxncl no (aout dis bt Aho tonb 650 te Oe wie can afrowy Aho swouclcl Tn Conc luston Inver ho Gwe tanget ts co-mperaie vorthoy IMOEGAC _IpEcama wo ese pel ce clults cn Ake futue Thon can Rolo evom sone Arend diane ancl POaple Will roupoed 3 EXAMINER'S USE ONLY : D fd | WRITING ANSWER SHEET SSENe IELTS Bue Candidate Name:..:Did Liu uldag, Centre Name: Candidate Number. Module: ACADEMIC GENERAL TRAINING (Tickas appropriate) Vhowab [be proportson ot pupils *tsercleu fe Ryest ip A000) Cam, thy ho! Chowt a chunwatical gril , 3a% 2004 [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER‘.....ou CANDIDATE NUMBER‘...c0scsonsesenennnae EXAMINER | NUMBER:, EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| LUNDERLEANGTH | [NO OF WoRne PENALTY “a” Gel Tel Te] be Sa ee ear TASK 1 UNDERLEANGTH'| [Noor WoRDe PRALTY examiner? [ral Toc] [ur] fa ‘OFF-TOPIC MEMORISED Lec TASK 1 r : i sows thi ability 4 Self - 964 06 : will bo mond riciate ype tobine werk Mit Melia stents kecams contort and lath af communiaeden fave “o ¢ auction soperation Anny Ds Thtactts to cucent’ Lor cram ple, whi yorkie) with cue fit of prare maim Jo give am nota ls ie Pom meee —orl_clivicle work pre = Su ppri Ae cchoale Cmiecel = form at educetion ” Lom bingS bath empetihion ancl co- opera hon PeCooclsan 1 think combining +h. two far colucukan ocd ye woys fat ohilelren to tm prey Aibkity omel become more “usedul ciclults ip ihe feure Ln | ee EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| - @ &| === _waIvnc ANSWER SHEET ESOL Examinations e053; of 33 SRL IELTS ‘UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE ds ied yea lps a fee ea, Naluntond — comer ttt Js gud Commuvity sebsols bet iveen 1000 anf 9.009, Theme OM Sone infitmabions need io be Ke ates hit stood Lp Mtpond the main Sohn Vana ly (orm palious where vout. At 424 test inpitweton, meee” = w Schoo bod the hgh abe Uf aitgading aS 5246 old 4 wollest pote Dwar Speccalists Sbubls had ATP, At We second inpamotion, fa WE 1009 she gobes of ottmdana's Signy =tontulle the Es bas ban deans) pete Spccalelts Sab cud Cymax Cools ber SPewks Dermunity th Sclyels was ann ut te foun shusds Mes inowoted He gates 6 att Pading fgem 2005 4, W009 -Lass Yar vet heart, pout Sede Shiwdd rele’ wy stduek achwtits Wi thodowsz te lal, toes tapi willl EXAMINER'S USE ONLY! EXAMINER 2 NUMBER... EXAMINER | NUMBER:, 2 ere views Sestous fox APs a SEW oe O70 peat Le sebg Trove Sy Be Weak y odtnts J 5 will we ‘1 Bee Love fess Cow bapa ge wet Rere Eodrailey » They com vit fool He hove ond wolprth ct fo an't Ghoat Liw fo Lu bine dens bel ne teh rece Racial by 6 fos on is ee ety Bas = sag oan | " Dau Fee alt hyo pu eels ee de te as, Pad ve Iona! cust tose tet patos eee am 2th in Coe ba? et Least iets UE die lis Ie La Guate stelle. ins (edt meter piaccatan ays Om peer strc er imonmmccd gene Ses tho Can Conrdmo “bout soon (row, di rGMs. ths da ad be bh spol in i jh The ony bene it Has 0 v t for ene aT RL ye EXAMINER 1 TASK EXAMINER? TASK EXAMINER'S USE ONLY =e : < a fs OFFTOPIC ‘-MEMORISED TLLEGIBLE Sas [eweam ae Ea SS ee | S==S= WRITING ANSwer SHEET SBR ELIS Ba Candidate Number: Dates, GENERAL TRAINING (Tickas appropriate) TASK: CANDIDATE NUMBER:. EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| EXAMINER 2 NUMBER‘... EXAMINER | NUMBER... aan [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY WRITING ANSWER SHEET UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE ESOL Examinations Module: acapemic [_] GENERALTRAINING (Tickas appropriate) [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER... EXAMINER | NUMBER... CANDIDATE NUMBER...... EXAMINER 1 TASK EXAMINER? TASK EXAMINER'S USE ONLY cc bral TA cc LR bral UNDERLEANGTH | _ [NOOF WORDS PENALTY ‘OFF-TOPIC (MEMORISED ILLEGIBLE UNDERLEANGTH NO OF WORDS PENALTY OFF-TOPIC ‘MEMORISED ILLEGIBLE — EXAMINER'S USE ONLY] = Bi === WRITING ANSWER SHEET BRITI: SSH IELTS «Bares GENERAL TRAINING Candidate Number:. Date: (Tickas appropriate) CANDIDATE NUMBER®...- [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY! EXAMINER 2 NUMBER..... EXAMINER | NUMBER®:...00 EXAMINER 1 TASK EXAMINER 2 TASK EXAMINER'S USE ONLY} aT Jen] bd TNDERLEANGTH | [NO OF WORDS PENALTY ae (OFF-TOPIC MEMORISED TCLEGIRLE pel ([WxperLeancrar 'NOOF WORDS: PENALTY ta} jcc] |t8 [__orr-rorte MENORISED ILLEGIBLE I Gosh jnlint amd the farning Mem ot soph fowve _o_sucreshul For thimofd - ue to sucess’ Ful sRowld) fave tan fle more ond more EXAMINER'S USE ONLY | ee | igs c= WRITING ANSWER SHEET Ssene IELTS ett Candidate Number. Dates, Module: ACADEMIC GENERAL TRAINING (Tickas appropriate) 'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:.ssssnnsnenen EXAMINER | NUMBER: ‘CANDIDATE NUMBER: | EXAMINER'S USE ONLY | ee rusmax! cof ee] Be | oerrone | [oumonses | Passemar rms |e [ioe nan (aaa ec ewamens fray Tec] [ee] omronie [| ewonsen [| uxsomue WRITING ANSWER SHEET @ 33 BRITISH UNIVERSITY «/ CAMBRIDGE COUNCIL ESOL Examinations Candidate Num ; Module: acapemic[ ] GENERAL TRAINING [_] (Tickasappropriate) [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY. EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:. CANDIDATE NUMBER‘.onsnsnn EXAMINER 1 NUMBER‘... EXAMINER'S USE ONLY A pA | i e==—- | WRITING ANSWER SHEET e5 SseSuei IELTS Hoven PRE Candidate Namer..1tquiginu tidings, Candidate Number... Module: acapemic [_| (GENERAL TRAINING (ickas appropriate) frasks “The hort heli illuiterie the he a thot taok YF 2003 - S013 i JL thatthe changung ial baal fhe mat vith num ber of 4c 4n 200.4 B —bughoct A K Wires the numbers j—tncidents of burglary 2003 ty 9 4s de cused fp Ny 250i) fos Weer higher th cor_dtvpt and coh berg. Then it cel eengly + 44 EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:... EXAMINER | NUMBER:. CANDIDATE NUMBER... -3- TASK2 oe Ul a nd sport aly be achioved ip a person has —naduvall talent. Haseven . it's sometimes clarme d + hild corn be hot any Aduakt fv become a gaud spats person oy artist ‘To_oney, Opinion, Taqree with the 2 i vex iy 2. hich we Uke §9 make a sash Wo yuck us Ang Bard. upon — or__avtist uexuptal —_ EXAMINER'S USE ONLY fy\ soso | ig e---- WRITING ANSWER SHEET BI oe BBuH IELTS UNIVERSITY f CAMBRIDGE (Candidate Numbetinensnn [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:.. ‘CANDIDATE NUMBER: EXAMINER | NUMBER: | EXAMINER 1 TASK 1 EXAMINER 2 TASK EXAMINER'S USE ONLY ee ta] [ec orP-TORC ‘wenousen | | weecmer [Semen Proorwoms] [rare Ta] Jec] [eR] OnRTORC MENORISDD LLG @Q| sme 2)| gs sex WRITING ANSWER SHEET BR SR IELTS | Bacau Module: ACADEMIC GENERAL TRAINING (Tickas appropriate) 4 olf down ot A Hho fed He “gears ble wif Some oscillations Moreover, He birglary experienced on iacoase of abnut Fi Might te a — Seog oe ei [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| EXAMINER 2 NUMBER: ‘CANDIDATE NUMBER: EXAMINER ] NUMBER... TASK2 EXAMINER'S USE ONLY: WRITING ANSWER SHEET esa, IELTS lene [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:. CANDIDATE NUMBER: ...cssenensnuommen EXAMINER 1 NUMBER: eee EXAMINER'S USE ONLY &| S=== —_wRITING ANSWER SHEET aM Es Baa O GENERAL TRAINING (Tickas appropriate) Module: ACADEMIC TaSK1 ‘te chart chows the changes rat bet anne —cily eam L008 th — toieelue ‘There ave hungary Cac_th.eft Srucl bier ( fiom tho po >) —Qvasveadl Oy oral, ___ USE ONLY| EXAMINER 2 NUMBER... EXAMINER 1 NUMBER... CANDIDATE NUMBER:....rneonsnnnonnnie WRITING ANSWER SHEET UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE ouboud 5201 ui 3 Testes EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| EXAMINER 2 NUMBER: EXAMINER | NUMBER:, CANDIDATE NUMBER... eS ay EXAMINER'S USE ONLY WRITING ANSWER SHEET BI SSeS IELTS Boece MARIO Module: acapemic {_] GENERALTRAINING (Tickas appropriate) TASK. —the_chart tates the changes that took place in three different. sto dooy aff she dade eidy diffevent areas of Crime iva —Ta_i00 o, EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:. CANDIDATE NUMBER®.....0 ma Sue 3 sax WRITING ANSWER SHEET Module: ACADEMIC eott IELTS ote Gandidate Names lly It. raul, Centre Name O on ‘CANDIDATE NUMBER... [EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER... EXAMINER 1 NUMBER:. Salil tw a” certom ba by-ry ent 7 weld alee Ahat ann child cow be tomb Says t 1 L tis 4 a cb thy yew Meee think mon cou wes Nether] Ad of chidten cam ai at Tn f oN lols make Qoyore clean abut far Be we artis? Whtlis talent ar tis! oleh a petuses of Wilh but arly uf ty i Inet it a _fhat Gm a he tunght to le pecson_or lit beca EXAMINER'S USE ONLY _ \ =_ | == WRITING ANSWER SHEET UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE e SSesine, IELTS OU Ennio Candidate Number. GENERALTRAINING (Tickas appropriate) EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| EXAMINER 2 NUMBER? .nsssnnenrnnenenne EXAMINER I NUMBER‘....00cssnnss CANDIDATE NUMBER?...0n ———_—_———. EXAMINER'S USE ONLY WRITING ANSWER SHEET @ SSK ELIS YsEe Candidate Number: DateinnlaclithdeLd. \ (ickastppropriate) L Alert vin Abe nuidd Lo Bp Abe fea 1s od Snide Aorta Lip thd at a “ Abaph 0 ON 40 2006 aad. EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER?..0000 CANDIDATE NUMBER..... EXAMINER | NUMBER: -3- TASK2 educated a8 cuccuscul puopl flo wtvaseftar Su is Ad ucconfuk vn de jiutds which ty the @ so ina spalleco ty sear Guparlant flaw hate AakeuT _o There ay EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| Es = WRITING ANSWER SHEET UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE ESOL Examinations CANDIDATE NUMBER? EXAMINER'S USE ONLY| EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:. EXAMINER | NUMBER:.. a een SBR ELIS Basses Candidate Number: Date: WRITING ANSWER SHEET (Tickas appropriate) EXAMINER'S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER..... CANDIDATE NUMBER... FER] UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE EP ESOL Examinations Candidate Number: Dat (Tickas appropriate) EXAMINER'S USE ONLY! EXAMINER 2 NUMBER: CANDIDATE NUMBI EXAMINER | NUMBER... 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